Why is the security policy restricting the use of the camera on my phone?

I started off being able to use my camera. I encrypted the phone but then I decrypted the phone. Now I cannot use the camera on my Samsung Galaxy s5. Please help.

    Oh no GreatApe! I am sorry that you have been having issues with your camera! We want you to be able to snap away and take all the pictures you want! Are you getting an error? Let us know so that we can investigate further!
Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    Hello Vino,
    Some answers below :
    how does client gets certificate from CA. is there any mechanism used by AD to import the certificate automatically to all the clients ?
    You have templates in the certificate authority to user or machine certificate and you can apply these certificates to a group of machines or users using GPO in the Windows Server 2008.
    It can be automatically because the machine can get it using GPO from domain and after can authenticates using 802.1X using these certificates received from this policy.
    If you want a user certificate and get it manually you can access the CA too using the URL https://X.X.X.X/certsrv and request manually the user certificate using your domain credentials and install manually to authenticate using EAP-TLS with this user certificate.
    In the Cisco ISE Side it needs to have a local certificate from the same client CA or from another CA and the Cisco ISE needs to trust in the clients CA Issuer to accept the client certificate and allow this one to access the network.
    In the client side the same happens, the client needs to trust in the Issuer CA for the Cisco ISE certificate to validate ISE certificate and get access to the network.
    and more important is , which certificate will be installed on client machines. Do we need to create certificate first from CA and save in repository and later can be installed same to client machines .... Sorry it could be microsoft AD related question however i am pretty sure that since we as a wireless techie , need to know even client side configuration.
    If you have a Windows Server with GPO and a CA configured you can use some templates to apply automatically a machine certificate or user certificate to a group of machines or user, in the case of machines it can be get from the domain using GPO and in the case of user certificate it can be get manually or using GPO too.
    This is all about certificate installation . how about entire security policy which is used for EAP-TLS ?
    The EAP-TLS is the most secured method to use to authenticate devices in the network because you have certificates and you have trusted certificate authority that you trust and only devices who has certificates from these CAs will be allowed to access the network.
    Another method very secured is EAP-FAST with machine and user certificate that the ISE will validade both the machine and user certificate before allow this one to get access to the network.
    how will client wireless network adapter properties automatically configured with same SSID which is configured with EAP-TLS along with certificate validation ?
    You can apply it too using GPO in the Windows Server to a domain machine but when you have a machine that is not a domain machine you can use a user certificate to authenticate this one and need to install manually the user certificate in that machine to authenticate the user to wireless network and create SSID specifying the policy that is EAP-TLS.
    Remember that client machine needs to have the CA issuer for the Cisco ISE certificate to trust in the Cisco ISE and get access to the network and the opposite too (ISE needs to have the CA Issuer to trust in the client)
    I hope it helps.

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    Hey there Sparkly3gs,
    It sounds like your camera is not rotating as expected in the camera app. I want to recommend starting by quitting the running apps on the phone.
    iOS: Force an app to close
    Double-click the Home button.
    Swipe left or right until you have located the app you wish to close.
    Swipe the app up to close it.
    When you have done that restart the phone:
    iOS: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting
    If the issue persists, I would next backup your device to iTunes, and restore it:
    iOS: How to back up and restore your content
    I would suggest before restoring from your backup setup the device as new and make sure the camera functions as expected. Then restore from your backup and verify it still works.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

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    Hey there Claudia,
    It sounds like the audio from the receiver is low when you are talking on the phone. I found this article for you to help troubleshoot this issue named:
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    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

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    Check this it maybe the problem
    Settings > Messages > MMS Messaging > is it on?
    Hope that helps

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    Nang123 wrote: why is the camera so blurry
    Because something is wrong.  You need to troubleshoot to find what to fix,
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    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.9

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    1. Double-click the Home button to reveal Task Bar at bottom
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    The Good...
    I picked up a Sony Z1 Compact the other day, and am so far absolutely in love woth it. The speed and responsiveness are fantastic, the build quality rivals that of the iPhone, and the size is just perfection.
    The Bad...
    But... I am VERY dissappointed with the camera and its poor performance. 80% of the photos I take with my phone are while on a night out with friends, usually in bars or other more dimly lit places than broad daylight. In Auto mode, photos taken in the average pub lightning are unuseable,m and look so artifical as to completely destroy any detail in the faces of the people I snap. I have also experimented with manual settings, but still the quakity is just plain poor. In fact, mny Samsung Galaxy S III blows it out of the water in this regard, images in similar conditions are much superior.
    The Ugly...
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    The answer according to not only my observations, but the observations of many professional websites who reviewed the Z1 series, is seems to be that Sony are purposefully and inexplicably messing with the final images by forcing huge amounts of processing on them. This takes a natural image, messes with the colours and tone, and then proceeds to crush any detail.
    Here are some samples of what I mean, taken with Superior Auto:
    Sample 1: Z1 Compact
    A close-up portrait shot...
    Look at how artificial that image looks... it's like someone applied a strange kind of gaussian blur tool in photoshop.
    Sample 2 - Z1 Compact
    A group photo...
    Here again, in what was one of the better photos that I took, we see the find detail is very poor.. at full size it looks horrible pixellated, and the colours severely washed out. The blacks are also severely crushed.
    Sample 3 - Z1 Compact
    Here is a shot that should in theory be detailed and natural looking. A guy near a wall in better light, with the camera held perfectly still.
    Again, a horrible image... bad detail, visible artifacting, washed out colours.
    Sample 4 - Z1 Compact
    In addition, using the flash causes severe light pollution on the final image, so much so that the bottom half of the photo I take has a very noticeable purpley bluish haze on it.
    Look at the level of bleed entering the scene from the flash below the lens. And look at the dreadful overall image quality... the detail is simply shockingly bad. Like a camera phone from years ago.
    Samsung Galaxy S III Comparisons...
    And here we have some comparison photos with a Samsung SIII, also taken in a dimply lit pub:
    Sample 1 - Samsung Galaxy S III
    Look at the difference... detail is preserved, the image appears natural, and colour tones are reasonably natural. It's a great shot.
    Sample 2 - Samsung Galaxy S III
    Again, here we see that the photo is much cleaner... flash lights up the subjkects as well as can be expected considering the size and power, and the colours and detail are preserved, including in the surrounding environment where the coloured lights at the top are also visible.
    Sample 3 . Samsung Galaxy S III
    And finally, a close-up portrai-style shot...
    Again, not the easiest of conditions for a phont, but overall detail is good, the face is clearly visible, and the photo looks clean and detailed as you could hope for in the circumstances.
    Sorry Sony, but this level of imaging is just not acceptable on a premium device with such a high spec sensor in it. I have had better results fron devices that are 2-3 years old. Oh yes, and that's including the video camera mode which has no 24p or 60p options... come on Sony, there is a Snapdragon 800 SOC in this phone, use it.
     I really hope you are going to take a serious look at this and fix it.

    Wow thanks guys... it seems a LOT of people have noticed this issue. I also saw one guy with exactly the same problem as me with the flash http://www.android-hilfe.de/7156334-post40.html
    The question is: how on earth did none of the Sony designers see this issue? It seems to me that someone must have seen it, but too late in the design process, so they just kept it like this and are going to pretend ignorance.
    I just did the same test as inside-handy.de where I cover the flash completely and then take a picture, and the light bleeds very badly into the lens, so I guess my phone is badly affected.
    I do not expect such a badly designed camera and flash system on such a premium device, and we cannot be expected to live with such a fatal flaw in a phone which is marketed as a pure camera phone. 
    EDIT - It seems the press are now aware and will be following this up... hopefully Sony will make a response soon when they see the overwhelming evidence http://www.inside-handy.de/news/30330-led-erzeugt-farbiges-leuchten-auf-bildern-sony-xperia-z1-compa...

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    I'm not completely sure what iTunes Match is.
    Then you are probably not using it, since it is a paid service. iTunes Match will let you store your music in the cloud and will download it from the cloud to your devices. Since it downloads songs from the store rather than upload your song to the cloud, if the song is available from the store, sometimes the downloaded song may have a different cover. That is why was asking about iTunes Match.
    If your songs transferred incompletely by syncing with USB, I'd connect the iPhone again to iTunes and restore it to factory settings,  see this support article:   http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1414
    Then sync again.

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    Hey there Sparkly3gs,
    It sounds like your camera is not rotating as expected in the camera app. I want to recommend starting by quitting the running apps on the phone.
    iOS: Force an app to close
    Double-click the Home button.
    Swipe left or right until you have located the app you wish to close.
    Swipe the app up to close it.
    When you have done that restart the phone:
    iOS: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting
    If the issue persists, I would next backup your device to iTunes, and restore it:
    iOS: How to back up and restore your content
    I would suggest before restoring from your backup setup the device as new and make sure the camera functions as expected. Then restore from your backup and verify it still works.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

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    In the Device Manager, the camera is listed as Integrated Camera and has device status "Working properly". The driver provider is Vimicro and the driver version is 5.13.514.3.
    How can I get the camera working properly as a colour camera?

    Recieved my machine today to discover that I am having the same issue! I hope this is malfunctioning software. 

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    What are the settings in Settings/General/Date & Time?

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