Why upgrading to latest BW plugin version?

Our BW plugin is pretty outdated. I am looking for good arguments to convince my client to do an upgrade to the latest version. We don't encounter any problems or errors during loads so I find it very hard to explain why we need it. I know one of the reasons is that you can expect a performance increase on the extraction, I also know that some changes took place in the Logistics Cockpit.
We are using SAP BW 3.0 and R/3 4.6C with one of the first plug in versions
Can you please help me to find other good arguments?
Thanks in advance,

Can I ask if they paid extra to be supported by SAP or they are not being supported by SAP at all?  Also which version of BW are they on?  are they planning any upgrade in the near future for it?  I think I last used 2001_2_46C in 2002 and have not compare it with new ones plugins recently.
I think there were additional extractors or functionality for PCA, added functionality for CO-PA, etc. and pretty sure there are new stuff for logistics modules you are using too but don't know it off the top of my head.  Best bet is to look at help.sap.com for the version you are on and to see if you have something you are interested in but not available in your version.
Hope this helps and feel free to assign points if you found it useful.

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    I'd like to better explain the decision not to provide ActiveX controls for DAQmx. My intention is not to de-legitimize your concern or downplay the pain/inconvenience this caused you.
    The decision not to provide ActiveX controls would be more accurately summarized as a cost/benefit decision.
    DAQmx is an entirely different API. The choice not to support mx with ActiveX controls was not a matter of dropping support from an implementation perspective (I understand that from a product-offering perspective, it is dropping support). Rather, the choice not to support mx with ActiveX controls was a matter of not designing and implementing an entire new set of controls.
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    We developed the type library for mx because we did understand that some customers would want or need to use mx boards in existing VB6 systems. While this is not an ideal solution, we hoped that it would be good enough. I am sorry that it doesn't meet your needs.
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    Firefox is customizable and you can put the appearance back to what you were used to.
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    * http://dmcritchie.mvps.org/firefox/firefox-problems.htm#fx4interface
    There is a lot more beyond those first 10 steps listed, if you want to make Firefox more functional.
    <br><small>Please mark "Solved" one answer that will best help others with a similar problem -- hope this was it.</small>

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    Geoff the kiwi wrote:
    Simon G E Garrett wrote:
    DdeGannes wrote:
    PS CS5 is compatible with ACR 6.x which is the equivalent of LR 3.x. You cannot update PS CS5 to a later version of ACR
    If you are using LR 4.x it is the equivalent of ACR 7.x and LR 5.x is the equivalent of ACR 8.x, so if you are using either of these Lightroom versions then you will get the warning dialog.
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    Yes, it's really important to use the "render using Lightroom" option.  (If ever you don't see that option, it may be because you've suppressed the warning, so go to "Edit..." menu, Preferences, General tab and click "Reset all warning dialogs".)
    "Render using Lightroom" is the only way to edit in older versions of PS from Lightroom without corrupting Lightroom edits.  You can't update ACR in older versions of PS - Adobe abandons support of products the very second it introduces a successor product.
    The only problem with "Render using Lightroom" is that it creates a tif before running Photoshop, rather than only when you save in Photoshop, which means Photoshop is slightly slower to open (and leaves you with a tif you don't need if you don't save in Photoshop).
    Of course, Adobe's answer to your problem is to subscribe to Photoshop CC...
    Simon, CS6 ACR is upgradeable for new cameras  so saying Adobe abandons support is not accurate just your perception. No one is forcing anyone to buy anything new just like you can run your car for as long as you like without being required to update..
    Quite right, I was rather glib there.  However CS6 is the only superceded version of Photoshop that still has any support AFAIK.  And CS6 is still available for purchase, if you look hard, so arguably it's not quite superceded.
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    Personally I would regard 5 years support as reasonable, which would mean that CS5 should get new camera support until 2015. (And I don't regard use of the DNG convertor as adequate new camera support.)

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    If you don't need the old versions, the better course of action is to remove them, just like any other program that you don't use.
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    !MESSAGE Errors occurred during the build.
    !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core 4 75 2012-01-30 13:38:39.578
    !MESSAGE Errors running builder 'Faceted Project Validation Builder' on project 'NTCSCacheCore'.
    !STACK 0
    at oracle.eclipse.tools.weblogic.WlsRuntimeUtil.getWlsRuntimeComponent(WlsRuntimeUtil.java:92)
    at oracle.eclipse.tools.weblogic.internal.validation.WlsRuntimeValidator.validate(WlsRuntimeValidator.java:45)
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    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner.run(SafeRunner.java:42)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:199)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:239)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager$1.run(BuildManager.java:292)
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner.run(SafeRunner.java:42)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:295)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuildLoop(BuildManager.java:351)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.build(BuildManager.java:374)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.AutoBuildJob.doBuild(AutoBuildJob.java:143)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.AutoBuildJob.run(AutoBuildJob.java:241)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54)
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Version 10.0 of runtime component type com.bea.weblogic has not been defined.
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.util.internal.Versionable.getVersion(Versionable.java:80)
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.runtime.internal.RuntimeComponentType.getVersion(RuntimeComponentType.java:1)
    at oracle.eclipse.tools.weblogic.server.WebLogicServerRuntimeComponentType.<clinit>(WebLogicServerRuntimeComponentType.java:19)
    ... 15 more
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    org.eclipse.sapphire.java.jdt ( "Sapphire Java Developer Tools Support (Incubation)"
    org.eclipse.sapphire.modeling.xml ( "Sapphire XML Support (Incubation)"
    org.eclipse.sapphire.osgi ( "Sapphire OSGi Support (Incubation)"
    org.eclipse.sapphire.platform ( "Sapphire Eclipse Platform Support (Incubation)"
    org.eclipse.sapphire.ui ( "Sapphire User Interface (Incubation)"
    org.eclipse.sapphire.ui.swt.graphiti ( "Sapphire Graphiti Renderer (Incubation)"
    org.eclipse.sapphire.ui.swt.xml.editor ( "Sapphire XML Editor Support (Incubation)"
    org.eclipse.tm.terminal (3.1.1.R33x_v201106281309-4007S44yaw312218292641) "Target Management Terminal Widget"
    org.eclipse.tm.terminal.ssh (2.1.0.v201103142315-30-7w312212153266) "Target Management Terminal SSH Connector"
    org.eclipse.tm.terminal.telnet (2.1.0.v201103142315-30-7w312213121A22) "Target Management Terminal Telnet Connector"
    org.eclipse.tm.terminal.view (2.2.0.v201103142315-31-7w312214253426) "Target Management Terminal View"
    org.eclipse.wst.common.fproj (3.3.0.v201102150115-377DF8s7355397B4B9B) "Eclipse Faceted Project Framework"
    org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.feature (1.3.1.v201108102009-7F78FXRFBBoPbXRPcHfz-uy) "Eclipse JavaScript Development Tools"
    org.eclipse.wst.web_ui.feature (3.3.1.v201107072200-7O7IFhREMiB5vNoYqf01XHTvUndyz-yx-9kUyXXL) "Eclipse Web Developer Tools"
    org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature (3.3.1.v201108102009-7H7EFZ3DxumTlaI6nheRdHo2p1KaDIL1Uz-S3PL) "Eclipse XML Editors and Tools"
    org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.feature (2.0.0.v201103310043-7A7J-CcNBGOCUIWFYMf) "Eclipse XPath 2 Developers Tools"
    org.eclipse.wst.xsl.feature (1.3.1.v201109012200-7T7YFRTFIqUoIrvbEtBlSIJXGZNg) "Eclipse XSL Developer Tools"
    org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.feature (1.6.12) "Subversion Client Adapter"
    org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.javahl.feature (1.6.17) "Subversion JavaHL"
    org.tigris.subversion.subclipse (1.6.18) "SVN Team Provider Core"
    org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.graph.feature (1.0.9) "Subversion Revision Graph"
    org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.mylyn (3.0.0) "Subclipse Integration for Mylyn 3.x"
    *** Plug-in Registry:
    com.collabnet.subversion.merge (2.2.4) "CollabNet Subversion Merge Client" [Active]
    com.ibm.icu (4.4.2.v20110208) "International Components for Unicode for Java (ICU4J)" [Active]
    com.jcraft.jsch (0.1.41.v201101211617) "JSch" [Resolved]
    com.springsource.javax.jms (1.1.0) "Java Messaging System API" [Resolved]
    com.sun.syndication (0.9.0.v200803061811) "Rss and atOM utilitiEs (ROME)" [Resolved]
    java_cup.runtime (0.10.0.v201005080400) "Java Cup" [Resolved]
    javax.activation (1.1.0.v201105071233) "Apache Geronimo Activation Plug-in" [Resolved]
    javax.jws (2.0.0.v201005080400) "Web Services Metadata" [Resolved]
    javax.mail (1.4.0.v201005080615) "Javax Mail Plug-in" [Resolved]
    javax.persistence (2.0.3.v201010191057) "Java Persistence API 2.0" [Resolved]
    javax.servlet (2.5.0.v201103041518) "Servlet API Bundle" [Resolved]
    javax.servlet.jsp (2.0.0.v201101211617) "Java Server Pages API Bundle" [Resolved]
    javax.transaction (1.1.1.v201105210645) "geronimo Javax Transaction API 1.1.1 spec" [Resolved]
    javax.wsdl (1.5.1.v201012040544) "WSDL4J" [Resolved]
    javax.wsdl (1.6.2.v201012040545) "WSDL4J" [Resolved]
    javax.xml (1.3.4.v201005080400) "JAXP XML" [Resolved]
    javax.xml.bind (2.1.9.v201005080401) "XML Binding for Java" [Resolved]
    javax.xml.rpc (1.1.0.v201005080400) "JAX-RPC" [Resolved]
    javax.xml.soap (1.2.0.v201005080501) "SAAJ" [Resolved]
    javax.xml.stream (1.0.1.v201004272200) "Java XML Streaming API" [Resolved]
    javax.xml.ws (2.1.0.v200902101523) "Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)" [Resolved]
    net.sourceforge.lpg.lpgjavaruntime (1.1.0.v201004271650) "SourceForge LPG" [Resolved]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.application.common.services ( "Oracle Application Tools Common Services" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.common ( "Oracle Common Tools" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.common.doc ( "Oracle Enterprise Tools for Eclipse Documentation" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.common.services ( "Oracle Common Services" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.common.services.ui ( "Oracle Common Services UI" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.common.templating ( "File Templates Plugin" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.common.ui ( "Oracle Common Tools UI" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.common.upgrade ( "Oracle Upgrade Framework" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.doc.javaee5 ( "Java EE 5 Documentation" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.doc.javaee6 ( "Java EE 6 Documentation" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.envcheck ( "Oracle Eclipse Tools Environment Checker" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.glassfish ( "Oracle GlassFish Server Tools" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.sapphire.modeling.legacy ( "Oracle Sapphire Modeling Framework (Legacy)" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.sapphire.ui.legacy ( "Oracle Sapphire Framework UI (Legacy)" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.weblogic ( "Oracle WebLogic Server Tools" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.common.services ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools Common Services" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.doc ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools Documentation" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.html ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools HTML" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.html.ui ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools HTML UI" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.javawebapp ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools Java Web App" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.jsf ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools JSF" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.jsf.ui ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools JSF UI" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.jsp ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools JSP" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.jsp.ui ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools JSP UI" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.jstl ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools JSTL" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.jstl.ui ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools JSTL UI" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.struts ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools Apache Struts" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.struts.ui ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools Apache Struts UI" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.trinidad ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools Apache Trinidad" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.trinidad.ui ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools Apache Trinidad UI" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.ui ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools UI" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.xml.edit.ui ( "Oracle XML Editing" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.xml.model ( "Oracle XML TLEI Model" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.xmlbeans.library.v21 ( "Apache XMLBeans v2.1" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.xmlbeans.library.v22 ( "Apache XMLBeans v2.2" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.xmlbeans.library.v23 ( "Apache XMLBeans v2.3" [Starting]
    org.apache.ant (1.8.2.v20110505-1300) "Apache Ant" [Resolved]
    org.apache.axis (1.4.0.v201005080400) "Apache Web Services" [Resolved]
    org.apache.bcel (5.2.0.v201005080400) "Apache BCEL" [Resolved]
    org.apache.commons.codec (1.3.0.v201101211617) "Apache Commons Codec Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.apache.commons.collections (3.2.0.v201005080500) "Apache Commons Collections" [Resolved]
    org.apache.commons.discovery (0.2.0.v201004190315) "Jakarta-Commons Discovery" [Resolved]
    org.apache.commons.el (1.0.0.v201101211617) "Apache Commons JSP 2.0 Expression Language Interpreter" [Resolved]
    org.apache.commons.httpclient (3.1.0.v201012070820) "Apache Commons Httpclient" [Resolved]
    org.apache.commons.lang (2.1.0.v201005080500) "Apache Jakarta Commons L

    could you let us know what version of OEPE you were running prior to the upgrade along with the Eclipse version ? Also was the previous installation a full OEPE install or was it installed via the update site ?

  • Why upgrade to 10/8 version of solaris 10?

    I have solaris 10, 5/8 version, why would I upgrade to the latest 10/08 version?
    Any substantial improvements?

    For me the main reason was the all the zfs fixes. (from zfs version 4 to version 10)
    This system is currently running ZFS pool version 10.
    The following versions are supported:
    1 Initial ZFS version
    2 Ditto blocks (replicated metadata)
    3 Hot spares and double parity RAID-Z
    4 zpool history
    5 Compression using the gzip algorithm
    6 bootfs pool property
    7 Separate intent log devices
    8 Delegated administration
    9 refquota and refreservation properties
    10 Cache devices

  • I'm using windows 8 on my pc, and i have just downloaded the latest version of itunes, after i upgraded the latest version of itunes, it can't detect my iphone, but my windows/my pc does. Anyone knows how to solve this problem?

    I'm using windows 8 on my pc, and i have just downloaded the latest version of itunes, after i upgraded the latest version of itunes, it can't detect my iphone, but my windows/my pc does. Anyone knows how to solve this problem?

    Hi jstutsman,
    If you are having issues with your iPod nano not being recognized in iTunes after a recent update, you may find the steps and links listed in the following article helpful:
    iPod not appearing in iTunes - Apple Support
    - Brenden

  • Why is the latest up grade preventing me from going on the internet. I have tried automatic upgrade twice and I have both times had to restore my settings to the previous session to get on the internet.

    Why is the latest upgrade of Firefox preventing me from getting on the internet. I have tried to upgrade twice and both times I have gotten "Can not display this page please try again later" I have tried to open several different pages. Both times I had to restore my computer to previous settings to get on the internet.

    Hi Skydiver119
    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my problem.
    Yes the purchases were made though my apple id.
    I have looked at a few other questions on this topic and I have read that the app data is stored in the backup file but the apps themselves need to be synced back onto the ipad. Someome has mentioned right clicking on sync my ipad but I don't know where to find that to right click on!! Lol.
    Again, I really appreciate your time and if by any chance you know where I can 'right click' I would really appreciate you letting me know as I can't get my ipad to sync with my pc at all, although it is being picked up in itunes and it has backed up to itunes okay. GGrrr. Maybe I have something wrong in the settings which is not making them compatible?

  • I downloaded the latest camera raw version, 8.2, but my DNG convetor still only reflects 7.1, why won't my DNG convetor update to 8.2?

    I downloaded the latest camera raw version, 8.2, but my DNG convetor still only reflects 7.1, why won't my DNG convetor update to 8.2?

    dng converter and cr are two different programs.
    while they both do the same thing, the dng converter is a stand-alone app that does not install into another adobe program and cr installs into another adobe app like photoshop, lightroom etc.
    and the latest version (as of 6/25/14) is cr 8.5.
    download the dng converter is you have an app that's to old to accept cr 8.2 (or cr 8.5).
    mac, Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Macintosh : Adobe DNG Converter 8.5
    win, Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Windows : Adobe DNG Converter 8.5

  • Hello, can't get my mac to upgrade to latest versions of quicktime, itunes or any other os

    Hello, can't get my mac to upgrade to latest versions of quicktime, itunes or any other os

    The latest OS that you can run is 10.5.8. That is as far as Power Mac machines can go.
    The latest Quicktime, iTunes, etc., must be both OS X 10.5.8 AND Power Mac (PPC) compatible.
    This is the last OS update for your machine:
    iTunes 10.6.3 requires OS X 10.5.8 and is the last update for iTunes on a PPC machine:

  • Just upgraded to latest version of iTunes now get blank window in iTunes Store. Am on iMAC.

    Just upgraded to latest iTunes version now iTunes Store is just blank window. How can I get iTunes Store to show up?

    It is working now. I no longer get the message about the item not being available in the US and I can access the store.

  • Have been going into and out of Firefox since 1530GMT without problems but message on main screen has change to normal one from stating "Upgrade to latest version" and I'm puzzled how that can have happened ?

    This is a follow up to my message sent around 1529GMT where very time I started Firefox, it would show the message "Upgrade to latest version. So I did - every day for last four days - but the Upgrade message would still be there. Suddenly, today from 1600-ish GMT the problem has disappeared. Has someone changed something somewhere ?

    this is total bullshit. so frustrated with this nonsense.

  • I have an old iMac version 10. 4.11 and I have the iPhone 3GS which I cannot upgrade the latest applications I want to buy the iPhone 4S but I need to back up all the information on my iMac and move it to a different computer contacts songs etc which is t

    I have an old iMac version 10. 4.11 and I have the iPhone 3GS which I cannot upgrade the latest applications I want to buy the iPhone 4S but I need to back up all the information on my iMac and move it to a different computer contacts songs etc which is the easiest way to do this

    I tried upgrading to leopard, even bought the software and brought it home but it wouldn't let me. So i went back to apple, gave them the specifications of the machine and been told my machine is simply too old for leopard. This is incredible to me because it really isn't THAT old (i think just a little over 6 years maybe) and yet i'm left out on the curb when it comes to using newer apple products. I understand technology moves on but the mindset that i am supposed to dump a perfectly working machine after a couple of years or face not being able to use any other apple product is counter to what thought apple was about.

Maybe you are looking for