Why won't Siri say my name? She just writes it.

When I tell Siri what to call me, it appears in text form in her answer, but she does not say it all the time. She speaks everything except the name I told her to call me, eventhough it's showing up on her written answer. She says it from time to time, but I want to get her to say it everytime she speaks to me or anwers a question. Ideas?

Siri is a BETA.
Not sure if anyone has any answers for this - not yet anyway.

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    did you change your name in contacts? that's where siri gets your name from.

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    I have the same issue.  So frustrating!  I think I found a fix. It's not perfect but it works to get Siri, google maps and phone calls working all at the same time which are the most important things to me. After you start the car, go to settings on uconnect. Scroll down to the bluetooth settings. There are 2 tabs here. 1 for voice and 1 for audio. I'm doing this from memory so someone call it out if I have that wrong. Each will say "connected" in red once your iphone automatically pairs to uconnect. In the audio tab, press on the name of your phone. This will disconnect only the audio portion and leave the voice portion connected. You can now use Siri through your car speakers! Calls will still work too. Google maps will also give directions.
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    go to settings>general>siri >toggle it off and then on
    then try
    if problem continues
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. DONT CONNECT YOUR DEVICE TO A COMPUTER.

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    At this time there is no "solution." You'll simply have to wait the 90 days to re-enable iTunes Match.
    For now here is my suggestion. In your User Account, in OS X, sign out of whatever iTunes Store account you are signed in with. Then sign in with your store account and leave it at that. Now sign out of your OS X User Account, sign into your wife's OS X User Account and sign into the iTunes Store with her Apple ID (if necessary sign out of the account first).
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    Did you already try to reset the phone by holding the sleep and home button for about 10 sec, until the Apple logo comes back again? You will not lose data by resetting, but it can cure some glitches after installing new software or apps.

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    LouG wrote:
    If I say, "good morning Siri"....the response on the phone screen is "good morning to you too Lou".  But the response she gives in audio is "good morning to you too".  (Lou is my name).
    And it would likely say the same thing if anyone else talked to Siri on your device.

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    Ok... Seems like it should  be something that it should be able to do..
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    yes ZEO5520 it would have helped in the situation but when traveling (especially international) it's not always condusive to pack all electronics and haul them around. this is not about syncing to a pc. good suggestion but not always the case.
    my point is, in this day in age with technology, we should get more of a detailed message other than "there's not enough space"
    I was more or less complaining because I had 12 gigs free on my ipad yet the TV series I wanted to download was 13.7gigs had I know that I could have freed up a couple more gigs (ie delete things I don't really use anymore and extra apps) to accomedate the video or have itunes download what it can until more space becomes available. I ended up doing a large house cleaning and freed up almost 19gigs of space on my ipad after the show downloaded I still have 5+ gigs free. had I known how much space was required I could have planned better
    if itunes can auto sync new shows in a current season it should be smart enough to say "I can only download 2 shows until more space is available"

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    Strange. sign in again and see if you are still him. I'd
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    watch that.

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    The address book is the iPhone 5 address book. Why am I getting this error and what can i do to get siri to start learning relationships?
    Thank you

    I use exchange and no settings have been changed. Also siri forgets who I am once every two weeks or so and she will only remember my wife's association. Further, in the last two weeks if I asked her to email someone. She will initiate a telephone call. If is say "NO" she initiates a sms and a multitude of other intermittent problems.
    I have performed a master reset and reloaded from a back up before the trouple started and the problem still exists.  The problem is on the Siri side and not in my phone as they also show there ugly face on my I pad 4 synced with the cloud for contact info.
    Perhaps Siri is aware that I got an Samsung Note 10.1 for Christmas.  It is about the right timing.
    P's. Have you tried location reminders?  That fix does not work either.

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