Why Wont AbBlock work anymore?

I just installed Snow Leopard, (I KNOW, Im running behind) and I cannot get AdBlock to work on here. I had it before, I honestly thinks its the best thing since Microwave Pizza. Seriously, All kidding aside, Im sick of my web pages Spewing Ads at me, Can someone help me get it working?
Im Running, MAC OS X 10.6.8. I would prefer not to install Mavericks, I happy with my system the way it is.
If I cannot use AdBlock, is there an Equal?
Thank you!!!!!

After I downloaded it I went to open it, my Mac would not open it, it in stead asked my which Application I'd like to use to open it but it only highlighted ones that didnt work. Does that make Sense?
Here is a pic, maybe that helps. Im sorry for the late reply. I'd like to reinstall AdBlock again, because I've used it for so ling now I really dont wanna try anything else. Again, if this helps, I just installed new Ram, SSD and Snow Leopard. If I must install Mavericks to get Adblock working I will I just didnt want to. This is my Writing and Photo editing Computer, I dont do a lot of Apps or Surfing on it so I just wanted to stay basic.

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    Hey lilmissindian!
    I have an article for you here that will help you troubleshoot this issue:
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    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

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    Failing To Compile 2009 - CurrentDate()
    /* Importing */
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import acm.graphics.*;
    import acm.program.*;
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         Scanner Clarinet_Request = new Scanner(System.in);
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         String yodawg;
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              System.out.println(" Saxxes");
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         if (/* String? */username == "yes" || "Yes" || "YES"){
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              GOval oval = new GOval(150, 50 + 50 / PHI, 100, 100 / PHI);
    /** Constant representing the golden ratio */
         public static final double PHI = 1.618;
    /* Standard Java entry point */
    /* This method can be eliminated in most Java environments */
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         // public static void
         Ok, sorry if the titles not good enough but i am a php programmer between begginer and intermediate but who wants to know java so i can say write a applet or something that can run from the desktop directly, also i wanted to lean OO and it in php confuses me infinately so i decided in the context of knowing nothing i might pick it up better thus java.
    So most of what im doing is confusing to me so i just tried to type some code (Well the first 20 maybe lines i compiled and tested but after that i couldnt test so i just ran with it. Today i tried to compile and poof, nothing.
    Any clues what im doing wrong and what i should do instead?
    BTW this stuff feels weird, i feel like to take imput it should have a html form or something. I dunno.
    also i dont even seem to have these acm packages im trying to import, any clue why?

    jman888 wrote:
    Ok, sorry if the titles not good enough but i am a php programmer between begginer and intermediate but who wants to know java so i can say write a applet or something that can run from the desktop directly, also i wanted to lean OO and it in php confuses me infinately so i decided in the context of knowing nothing i might pick it up better thus java. Ok?
    So most of what im doing is confusing to me so i just tried to type some code (Well the first 20 maybe lines i compiled and tested but after that i couldnt test so i just ran with it. Today i tried to compile and poof, nothing.I assume you got a compile time error, if so next time you post a question incorporate this piece of information.
    Any clues what im doing wrong and what i should do instead?I can take a stab at your code.
    BTW this stuff feels weird, i feel like to take imput it should have a html form or something. I dunno.One step at a time
    String yodawg;
    yodawg ="I heard you like saxaphones  ";This is not an error but plain weird IMHO, if you are declaring a variable then initializing it, you might as well do it all on one line.
    if (/* String? */username == "yes" || "Yes" || "YES"){
      testingthiscrap LeroyJenkins = new testingthiscrap
    }This code will not compile and should produce one of possible many compiler errors. The condition inside the if statement requires each condition to be independent of one another. e.g. (username == "yes" || username = "Yes" || username == "YES").
    This also represents one of the most common errors presented to new comers. Equivalence of Objects such as Strings are compared using a method .equals() and not the term "==". The latter actually compares two Strings by the address stored in memory.
    class runBy convention all Class names begin with a capital letter
    Also it appears that the class run contains main method and an inner class in which itself contains a main method. I will conclude right here that you are biting off far more then you can chew. Start with the basics, e.g. Google for Java tutorials and start from "hello world" then make your way from there. Tackle one problem at a time and learn the concepts of the tutorial which will hopefully stay with you, as these fundamental concepts will be your foundation to development using the Java language.
    Edited by: Melanie_Green, apparently CODE tags don't like me tonight

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      Windows XP   dumb itunes...

    Well, what it does do is load yet it doesn't show up in anywhere but the [task manager(TM)]. Since, i open the TM
    and i see all my processes itunes is one of them and then i try to end the process and it wont work. the only thing i can to to close the process of itunes in the TM is turn off or reset my comp.
    i've seen that symptom before.
    a preliminary question aimed at narrowing in on possible culprits: by any chance, do you have Norton Internet Security 2005 installed on that PC?

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    Why reward points?(Quoted from Discussions Terms of Use.)
    The reward system helps to increase community participation. When a community member gives you (or another member) a reward for providing helpful advice or a solution to their question, your accumulated points will increase your status level within the community.
    Members may reward you with 5 points if they deem that your reply is helpful and 10 points if you post a solution to their issue. Likewise, when you mark a reply as Helpful or Solved in your own created topic, you will be awarding the respondent with the same point values.

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    1. Your apps will go off the phone because it is putting a clean install of the software on.  You will be able to sync them back over after along with music etc.
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    Follow the instructions in this support document. http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1212
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    Please help1  It is hours old out of the box.

    The update didn't apply properly. That image is telling you to connect to a computer using micro usb and restore via iTunes. Unfortunately there is no way around that.

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    Are you sure that you're getting to the code that sets the text? If so then try this: Add these 3 lines right after the setText call:
    That will force an immediate repaint on the label.

Maybe you are looking for