Wicd-cli: how to specify wireless interface wlan0?

How do you specifiy the wireless interface in wicd-cli?
In wicd-gtk, you go to Preferences and type wlan0 in the Wireless interface field.
In wicd-curses, you press uppercase P for Preferences and type wlan0 in the Wireless Interface field.

This information is available in the Admin guide. Here is one:
Page 60 is the one you want here.
Here is another:
Page 118 is the one you want here.
The basic idea is to look on the admin tab and find log or server log sub tab.

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    wlp4s0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID:off/any
    Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=15dBm
    Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
    Encryption key: off
    Power Management: off
    wlp0s20u2 unassociated Nickname:"rtl_wifi"
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    Retry:of RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
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    Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
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    I'm assuming that this means that the latter two interfaces are the unused virtual interfaces. Does this tell you anything important?
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  • Wicd-cli Script

    Hi all,
    first time poster here. After making the switch from Ubuntu, I was faced with the uneasy task of configuring wireless networking for my stripped back Arch/ratpoison laptop via the command line (one of the prices to pay for a 30 MB of RAM build!), so I wrote this script to ease the pain of using wicd. I thought I'd share it here since this is my first bash script, I'm after ideas for expanding it's versatility in areas such as encrypted networks, more options etc etc (the sky/my stupidity is the limit). It's very primitive but it scans for wireless networks and then attempts to connect to one chosen by the user and then performs a ping to check it's connectivity.
    All comments appreciated, thanks!
    Best regards,
    #! /bin/bash
    # wlan.sh #
    # written by Chris Cummins #
    # Oct 20, 2011 #
    # wicd-cli wizard. #
    ROOT_UID=0 #$UID for root privileges.
    EXIT_NOTROOT=87 #Non-root exit error.
    EXIT_USER=10 #User ended exit.
    EXIT_PING=88 #Ping test faied exit error.
    if [ "$UID" -ne "$ROOT_UID" ]
    echo "Must be ran as root!"
    exit $EXIT_NOTROOT
    echo "Scanning for wireless networks..."
    sudo wicd-cli -y -S #Scan for available networks.
    sudo wicd-cli -y -l #Display available networks.
    #Prompt for network to connect to.
    echo "Enter network # to connect to (left column):"
    read network_id
    if [ "$network_id" == "exit" ] #Exit command.
    exit $EXIT_USER
    echo "Attempting connection to network #$network_id..."
    sudo wicd-cli -c -y --network $network_id #Connect to network.
    echo "Ping test:"
    ping -c 3 -W 10 www.google.com #Test connection.
    if [ $? == 0 ] #If passed test.
    echo "Connection successful."
    else #If failed test.
    echo "Ping test failed!"
    exit $EXIT_PING
    exit 0 #End script.

    I've noticed that this site's 'code' feature has messed around with my tabbed comments a bit, how does it handle them? It's written with tab space set to 4.

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    Perhaps this wiki page can help you. The wiki is your friend.

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    wlan0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:"Farfel"
    Mode:Managed Frequency:2.422 GHz Access Point: 00:1C:F0:B8:4A:3F
    Bit Rate=60 Mb/s Tx-Power=14 dBm
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    Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
    Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
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    Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :
    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported.
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    Hi All,
    I have the answer to my own question.
    (if anyone's interested)
    It can be done ! By disabling the radio interface via EEM configuration.
    thankfully I don't have to configure .tcl scripts.
    ......... here's my config .........
    event manager applet ENABLE-RADIO
    event timer cron name WeekdayStart cron-entry "00 8 * *"
    action 1.0 cli command "enable"
    action 1.1 cli command "configure term"
    action 1.2 cli command "interface Dot11Radio0"
    action 1.3 cli command "no shut"
    event manager applet DISABLE-RADIO
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    action 1.1 cli command "configure term"
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    Hi all,
               I need an interface code to make an interface between barcode printer with SAP B1. i got a scenario from the barcode people. that they are using EPL coding only for Barcode printer print, there they need to run this EPL code in Dos mode, for that .bat file is needed. hope you might got some idea that how a barcode printer is working. now how to make an interface of SAP B1 with Barcode printer.
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    I think what you may be more concerned about, rather than the printer "language" (ZPL, EPL, etc...) is the symbology that you require for barcodes. Like 3of9, code 128, etc.
    The standard B1 PLD will input a barcode image for whatever field you specify, but only in a couple of symbologies. The Advanced Layout Designer apparently supports a lot more. I have read that it may be requested from you partner, or if on 2007, it is part of the standard install.
    B1 should pass the bar code to the printer, where the printer's language will decode and print it out. Bypass the .bat file, bypass DOS, let B1 do it.
    Is your Epson printer supported under Windows?

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    When you create an instance of a COM object using COM Interop, it is the equivalent of calling CoCreateInstance with CLSCTX_ALL.
    (See COM Interop Part 1: C# Client Tutorial.)
    If you don't like the automatic behavior, then Create the object manually (PInvoke CoCreateInstance) and just marshal the interface pointer to get a runtime callable wrapper by specifying
    MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface) on the result.  (The DllImport signature provided at the pinvoke.net link above marshals it this way.)

  • How to write Wireless PC Card Driver?

    Hi, All,
    Can anyone help me to find out how to write wireless pc card device driver?
    Thanks !!

    There are [at least] two examples of PCMCIA dirvers in the DDK supplimentary suite. There is also an example of simple DLPI driver.
    All you have to do is to combine those examples to get the PCMCIA DLPI driver and fine tune it to match your particular hardware. Any bells ring?
    You will definitely need your card programming manual and/or software interface description for the last phase.
    If you do not have one, you might get some open source (say, Linux or FreeBSD) driver for your card and do some code analysis to reveal the information you'll need.
    Hope this helps...

  • Wireless interface

    How do I make a wireless interface from any comp to my HP L7650 through my wifi ? 

    Your printer does not have wireless interface and I can't find part/option for it. You can use the following option (given your wireless router has a spare LAN port):
    Please use the following guide to set it up:
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • How to specify -preview when launching via AppleScript

    I have an InDesign Server CS5.5.I have a shell script that waits for xml files to be placed into a certain directory on the server. When it sees a file in the folder it launches an applescript that controls InDesign Server. I need to know how to specify the -preview option for the InDesign Server binary so the files generated by the server will have previews when they are opened in InDesign client. The apple scripts look like this:
    tell application "InDesign Server"
         -- do some stuff
    end tell
    Where/how would I specify the -preview option. I see nothing referring to the -preview option in the Library for indesign.

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    1) in command line when you launch the executable, there's a preview option. I don't remember off hand the exact syntax.
    2) In the script itself (using Javascript syntax -- Applescript would be similar) app.serverSettings.imagePreview = true;

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    I  want to refer to the variable name in the script. When I used the following statement in the script file, I got an error when validating the statement below:
    //Increase Wage and Salary & Personnel Exp. by entered percentage
    [P_ACCT].[#CE0004020] = [P_ACCT].[CE0004020] * ( 1 + $WS_PERCT$ / 100)
    Syntax error:Reference Error: $WS_PERCT$  is not defined
    One of the how-to guides indicated that I should use the dollar sign before and after the variable name.
    Can someone explain how to specify a variable name in the script.

    Thanks, Pravin.
    I tried using the syntax with the # sign (as shown below) but when I validate the code I get an error. The message indicates there is an issue with $WS_PERCT$.
    Syntax error:Reference Error: $WS_PERCT$ is not defined
    P_ACCT].[#CE0004020] = [P_ACCT].[CE0004020] * ( 1 + $WS_PERCT$ / 100)
    Can you please advise if am missing something here in the code.
    Edited by: Sanjay Kumar on Sep 24, 2009 10:06 PM
    Edited by: Sanjay Kumar on Sep 24, 2009 10:08 PM

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    Is there a restriction on how many simultaneous wireless iPads can watch movies from one iTunes account or AppleTV generation 2 or later?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    I find it hard to believe that this information isn't clearly available somewhere, but it isn't and I don't think I've seen anyone here who is 100% sure. However, I believe you can have up to 10 associated devices, which include authorised computers (of which you can have up to 5), I suspect the Apple TV might become a temporary associated device while it's in use, but I'm not entirely sure myself.

  • How to specify  tablespace for a primary key inde in create table statement

    How to specify the tablespace for a primary key index in a create table statement?
    Does the following statement is right?
                ("ID" NUMBER(10,0) NOT NULL ENABLE,
                "IP_ADDRESS" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
                "EQUIPMENT_ID" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
                "PACKET_DT" DATE,
                "PACKET" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE),
                "PACKET_FORMAT" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
                 TABLESPACE "SBM_DATA";   Thank you
    Edited by: qkc on 09-Nov-2009 13:42

    As orafad indicated, you'll have to use the USING INDEX clause from the documentation, i.e.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      2              ("ID" NUMBER(10,0) NOT NULL ENABLE,
      3              "IP_ADDRESS" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
      4              "EQUIPMENT_ID" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
      5              "PACKET_DT" DATE,
      6              "PACKET" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE),
      7              "PACKET_FORMAT" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
    10               )
    11*              TABLESPACE "USERS"
    SQL> /
    Table created.Justin

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