Wiki Arch Build System clarification

Reading the great info on the subject page at, I saw the reference,
PACKAGER="myname <[email protected]>
under "Showing all packages".
Should there be a closing quote on this line?
I would assume this is a typo but just wanted to bring it to someone's attention who has a wiki account.
I am not at the place where I want to install the ABS so I can't test myself.

That's a typo, already fixed.
BTW, this Wiki, like most wikis, can be modified by everyone.
Last edited by bohoomil (2012-02-28 14:33:21)

Similar Messages

  • VABS: Versioned Arch Build System & vpack helper

    What is it?
    vABS is an addition to ABS that has as main goal to keep different versions of the official PKGBUILDs. In ABS you have the latest versions of PKGBUILDs, while in vABS you also have old versions.
    What is it used for?
    vABS is very useful to downgrade packages. Sometimes it happens that a new package brings some bug and you want to return to the previous version until the bug is solved, but for that you need to have the old package in the local pacman cache or in the repositories, but its cache may have been deleted and the package may have come out of the archives. An alternative would be to edit the latest PKGBUILD available in ABS, which can be tricky because some files may not work with older versions, such as patches, etc. Another way would be to download the files via SVN, which is not so practical, although it works very well.
    How to use it?
    Its use is very simple. Access, choose your architecture, navigate to the directory that contains the desired version of your package and download the tgz file, which contains all the files you need to compile the package. Then just unpack the tarball and compile the package with makepkg, then install with pacman -U package.tar.xz.
    You can also use vpack, which is a vABS helper that makes the package building an even simpler process.
    vpack is available on AUR:
    PS: Git support was dropped due to space issues on GitHub. You should use vpack instead.
    Hope you like it, thanks.
    Last edited by estevao (2011-09-08 05:43:58)

    fsckd wrote:
    Useful project! Some questions,
    Any chances of including source material with the archives?
    Planning on pulling stuff from SVN and filling in your missing history?
    GSF1200S wrote:using Links to navigate to the arm for a package
    You can use pacman with ARM.
    Yeah, I guess I had been doing it the hard way. You can put the ARM server in there and just change the date back, or you can use the Downgrade script from the AUR which allows you to downgrade to multiple different versions of a package (using ARM and local cache)- Im sure you already know this, but I didnt vABS is awesome because you can use diff patches to fix things (especially useful with the kernel).
    Estevao: its not a huge deal, and if its going to be at all difficult to implement or any more than a few lines of code, forget it. I only suggested this to make diff patching easier and to have greater access to the source and PKGBUILD (which is already editable by vpack). However, this was also before I realized it listed the build directory plain as day- its just a matter of opening a file manager, then clicking a few folders until youre at the build directory. An example is the recent problem I had with my webcam- it required linux to be built with a patch run against it to disable USB autosuspend for my webcam (else id sound like a chipmunk). I was thinking of vpack launching a file manager for the sake of making the patching process easier- since from that file manager I can launch terminals to check md5sums of the source and patch file, run makepkg -s directly from the terminal, etc.
    Really, thinking more about it, I disagree with my earlier self- I dont think one downgrades enough to warrant complicating vpacks code. vpack is good enough
    Last edited by GSF1200S (2011-09-11 22:18:54)

  • Automated build server for Arch? (like the sourceforge build system)

    Has someone considered some kind of automated build system for Arch?
    Something that would work like this:
    - It'd have every library and dependency possible installed.
    - It'd intelligently read the makefiles produced to see what libraries they used and compare them against a lookup table to see what Arch dependencies they then required. Failing that, it could use ldd and a second lookup table that matched libraries to packages.
    - It'd attempt to figure out the target binary to run (again, from the makefiles produced), and then run it. If it worked, it'd be marked as usable. If it didn't work, it'd be marked as needing fixing.
    All of these points can fail, especially in the parsing of the makefiles; in each case, this would be noted by the system and user action could be taken.
    In operation, it wouldn't take away from users managing their own packages. It'd just provide a secure environment to build packages in, and attempt to automate some of the process. In the best cases, the system would theoretically be capable enough to download a package's sourcecode, ./configure it, make it, make a package out of it, get the package verified as usable, then update the repo with it.
    Note the verification step in the previous paragraph: I would never want this to be an automated system. Sure, it sound amazing on paper, and might even work for a little while, but sooner or later something would come crashing down and since repo management is quite a trust-based issue, everyone would freak out and they wouldn't want the build server anymore.
    Last edited by dav7 (2008-10-17 18:41:22)

    Who would have access to upload to such a build server? If it's the general public, then this is a security nightmare, as well as a growth curve nightmare. The monetary investment for a project like this would need to come from somewhere.
    And yeah, something like this has been considered, and a working proof-of-concept has been sitting around for years.;a=summary . What this kind of project really needs is someone with some distributed computing smarts and dedication (and time) to get it off the ground in a form that will survive past a proof-of-concept barebones implementation.
    One of the largest design challenges would be dependency resolution for batch upgrades. For instance, let's say we update libfoobar, which is depended upon by foo, bar, baz, and batman, the system needs to know that libfoobar needs to be built and installed in order to compile the rest of them against it.

  • /lib/modules/2.6.33-ARCH/build: no such file or directory catalyst

    i am trying to install catalyst on my laptop (more so the fans will work better than anything else at this stage) and i am following the wiki's guide to doing so but when i input makepkg --asroot it all appears to be going well until it gives the error
    /lib/modules/2.6.33-ARCH/build no such file or directory
    this is rather frustrating and i pray someone can give another fantastic response soon!
    thank you

    I have no idea how catalyst works (or doesn't ;P), but have you tried the [catalyst] repo:
    # ATI Catalyst proprietary drivers.
    Server =$arch

  • HOWTO: Repairing a headless Arch Linux system that fails to boot

    The scenario...
    I have a "headless" (no monitor or input peripherals) Arch Linux computer that is connected to a local network via a wireless adapter, and accessed from other computers via SSH.
    Earlier today I accidentally broke its kernel so it did not boot anymore.
    Idea: Temporarily connect a monitor to the computer, boot from a live CD (like the Arch Linux install CD), then chroot into the system and fix it.
    Problem: I didn't have a compatible monitor at hand.
    Idea: Log in to the live CD session from another computer via SSH.
    Problem: The live CD can't auto-configure the headless computer's wireless connection, and setting it up manually while working "blind" would be a major hassle. A direct LAN connection to the router wasn't available either.
    Idea: Connect directly with a laptop via an Ethernet cable, and then use SSH from the laptop => This solution worked for me!
    If you find yourself in a similar situation, you can follow this tutorial which describes the solution that worked for me in detail...
    You need:
    a copy of the Arch Linux install CD (I used the 2013-05-01 version)
    an Ethernet cable
    a keyboard (might be dispensable, with additional preparation)
    a functional Arch Linux laptop (or other computer within physical range)
    Step 1) Prepare the live CD...
    I used the plain Arch Linux install iso, burnt to CD.
    By creating a carefully customized version of the live CD using Archiso, you might be able to eliminate the need for steps 2 and 4 - however that's not covered in this tutorial.
    Step 2) Prepare the laptop...
    The laptop needs to be configured in such a way, that the live CD's attempt to automatically establish an Ethernet connection with it will succeed:
    a) IP address
    In my case, the Laptop's wireless adapter had an IP address in the range 192.168.1.*, connecting it to the local network and Internet via the central router
    The Ethernet connection between the laptop and the headless computer becomes a separate mini-network, for which I decided to use IP addresses in the range 192.168.0.* (note the different third number). Specifically, I set the IP address of my laptop's Ethernet card to You can do this by running the following as root (replace "eth0" with the name of your Ethernet interface):
    ip link set eth0 up
    ip addr add dev eth0
    b) IP forwarding (optional)
    While we're at it, we might as well enable IP forwarding, so that the live CD session on the headless computer will be able to directly use the laptop's outgoing Internet connection (which will make it much more convenient to install/upgrade packages during the repair session). To enable this, run the following as root (replace "eth0" and "wlan0" with the names of your laptop's Ethernet and wireless interfaces, respectively):
    iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
    iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface eth0 -j ACCEPT
    sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
    c) DHCP
    The live CD will assume there's a router on the other side of the Ethernet link, and ask for an IP address via DHCP. So all we need to do, is run a dhcp server on the Laptop that will answer this request. It's surprisingly easy: Just install the package dnsmasq, and put the following in the file /etc/dnsmasq.conf (again replacing "eth0" as appropriate):
    By setting the start & end values of dhcp-range to the same IP address, we enforce that this specific IP address will be used by the live CD on the headless computer.
    Then start the daemon by running the following as root:
    systemctl start dnsmasq.service
    Step 3) Connect everything and boot up the live CD...
    Connect the laptop and the headless computer via the Ethernet cable.
    Connect the external keyboard to the headless computer.
    Then put the Arch Linux install CD into the headless computer's drive, and boot. Wait a minute or so to give the CD time to load its boot menu (you should hear the CD drive spin up and settle down again). Then hit ENTER on the connected keyboard, to activate the default menu choice (which will boot straight to a live Arch Linux session with root privileges).
    You can check whether it booted up and successfully initialized the Ethernet connection, by ping'ing the IP address that was specified in step 2c) from the laptop:
    ping -c3
    Step 4) Start the SSH server...
    Unfortunately, the Arch Linux install CD doesn't automatically start its SSH server, and also it uses a randomized root password. To make SSH connections possible, you will have to use the connected keyboard to type in some stuff "blindly" (but it's simple enough):
    type "passwd" (without the quotes)
    type in a new password of your choice
    press ENTER
    type in the same password again
    press ENTER
    type "systemctl start sshd" (without the quotes)
    press ENTER
    Step 5) Connect from the laptop via SSH...
    Now you can open an SSH connection, by executing the following on the laptop (when it asks for the password, enter the one you chose in step 4):
    ssh [email protected]
    Step 6) Profit!
    Within this SSH shell on the laptop, you can now do whatever you would usually do to fix an Arch Linux system from a live CD.
    You'll probably want to chroot into your Arch root partition, which is very easy thanks to the arch-chroot tool that is included on the live CD (replace "/dev/sda3" with the name of the headless computer's root partition):
    mount /dev/sda3 /mnt
    arch-chroot /mnt
    If you set up IP forwarding as described in step 2b), then Internet access should magically work in this shell without any further configuration, so you can freely use pacman etc. inside the chroot.
    Last edited by sas (2013-07-26 22:17:03)

    It is definitely able to recognize the USB and DVDs as separate drives; it gives the option of booting from USB, and it gives the memory capacity of the USB drive I used as a live USB, and the memory used for the live CD.  But when it comes time to actually boot, something is going wrong.
    I would suspect it is a problem with the BIOS, if not for the fact that I had a similar issue on my previous system, which used a completely different motherboard.  If it is the same issue, it would either have to be a problem with the DVD drive (although I don't know why it would be against loading some live CDs but not others) or perhaps the way I created the live CDs.  Although, again, I don't understand why the Linux Mint 32-bit DVD would work fine, while both 64-bit DVDs would not.
    I will try using a different DVD drive to boot the DVDs, and if that does not work, I'll try creating a new Arch live CD to see if I can resolve the issue.  But if anyone has any ideas, it would still be greatly appreciated.

  • Arch Linux System Maintenance

    I have a few questions regarding maintenance of Arch Linux.
    I come from Gentoo where I typically execute the following:
    emerge --sync
    emerge -uDNv world
    emerge --depclean
    I suppose emerge --sync && emerge -uDNv world is equivalent to pacman -Syu. But as for emerge --depclean, I have not seen what command could be used to find stray/obsoleted dependencies and have them removed. Should I be using pacman -Rs <package_name> every time I want to delete a package?
    revdep-rebuild probably does not apply to Arch Linux as it is binary based.
    Additionally, I was wondering if there are more things I should do to ensure that my installation is healthy. Any help/tips would be appreciated.

    sitquietly wrote:
    John5788 wrote:
    I have a few questions regarding maintenance of Arch Linux.
    I come from Gentoo where I typically execute the following:
    emerge --sync
    emerge -uDNv world
    emerge --depclean
    .....revdep-rebuild probably does not apply to Arch Linux as it is binary based.....
    For most users Archlinux is not a pure binary distro in practice.  We need packages from AUR for a complete system.  On my Arch system today I see that that there are 182 binary packages available in abs/core, 1957 packages in abs/extra, and 2340 packages in abs/community; so there are a total of 4479 binary packages available in Archlinux.  By comparison my Gentoo system has 17348 packages available in portage, and more packages available in various overlays, and they are all updated properly by emerge -auDN @world.
    There are 41182 source-based packages available in my copy of Archlinux's AUR.  Unfortunately pacman -Syu does not know how to update AUR packages and they may be left with dangling references to libraries that got updated out from under them.
    AUR packages tend to get broken by updates.  So we do need something like revdep-rebuild but so far as I know we don't have any equivalent maintenance tool.  I use my own script for checking my system for AUR packages that need to be rebuilt: 
    # check all binaries in /usr/bin for any with "not found"
    # library links
    cd /usr/bin
    for file in $(find . -type f -executable -readable)
    ldd $file | grep "not found" >/dev/null && echo -n $file " links to an missing library " && \
    echo "(rebuild `pacman -Qq --owns $file`)"
    Good luck with your new Archlinux system.
    Thanks very much, I added that script to my system! I am half surprised that something like this doesn't exist natively in pacman.
    ewaller wrote:
    John5788 wrote:
    I come from Gentoo where I typically execute the following:
    emerge --sync
    emerge -uDNv world
    emerge --depclean
    <tear forms in ewaller's eye>I miss those commands </tear>
    Welcome from a fellow Gentoo refugee !  I miss that distribution sometimes, but I love Archlinux; mostly because it does not seem to suffer the sort of bit rot with age as does Gentoo.  I recall that subtle changes in use flags could come back to bite weeks later when you update something seemingly unrelated (especially +doc) Spend some time around here and you will find that housekeeping is really not an issue.  I do still build custom kernels and don't use initrd; one cannot completely break old habits
    Good to see some former Gentoo users here. I still use Gentoo as my desktop OS, but my new Ultrabook will have to use Arch Linux. I'd rather not kill the life of the SSD by constantly compiling packages (not to mention that the emerge times for installing something trivial could get stupid on a laptop). I've been doing as much reading as I can to get familiarized with Arch Linux and I am liking everything so far. It is a nice change to go to a binary distro that isn't Ubuntu.

  • [SOLVED] Cannot install skype on Arch x86_64 system

    Hello i am a newbie here and i am looking for you help ... here what i got after
    " sudo pacman -S skype"
    1st attempt
    sudo pacman -S skype
    resolving dependencies...
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-alsa-lib", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-e2fsprogs", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-fontconfig", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-freetype2", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-glib2", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-libxi", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-libxrandr", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-libxrender", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-libxss", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-libxv", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-openssl", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-pcre", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    :: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
    Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] y
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    there is nothing to do
    2nd attempt
    sudo pacman -S skype
    resolving dependencies...
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-alsa-lib", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-e2fsprogs", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-fontconfig", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-freetype2", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-glib2", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-libxi", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-libxrandr", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-libxrender", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-libxss", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-libxv", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-openssl", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    warning: cannot resolve "lib32-pcre", a dependency of "bin32-skype-staticqt"
    :: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
    Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] n
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: bin32-skype-staticqt: requires lib32-alsa-lib
    :: bin32-skype-staticqt: requires lib32-e2fsprogs
    :: bin32-skype-staticqt: requires lib32-fontconfig
    :: bin32-skype-staticqt: requires lib32-freetype2
    :: bin32-skype-staticqt: requires lib32-glib2
    :: bin32-skype-staticqt: requires lib32-libxi
    :: bin32-skype-staticqt: requires lib32-libxrandr
    :: bin32-skype-staticqt: requires lib32-libxrender
    :: bin32-skype-staticqt: requires lib32-libxss
    :: bin32-skype-staticqt: requires lib32-libxv
    :: bin32-skype-staticqt: requires lib32-openssl
    :: bin32-skype-staticqt: requires lib32-pcre
    Last edited by hael (2011-12-28 18:02:54)

    karol wrote:
    I don't know what the deal with bin32-skype-staticqt is - it's in the AUR [1], so pacman should be installing skype from multilib repo [2]. Have you enabled some unofficial repo with precompiled bin32-skype-staticqt?
    Post your pacman.conf.
    [2] … _64/skype/
    thank you Karol
    here the output of
    cat /etc/pacman.conf
    # /etc/pacman.conf
    # See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
    # The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
    # If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
    #RootDir = /
    #DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
    #CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    #LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
    HoldPkg = pacman glibc
    # If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
    SyncFirst = pacman
    #XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
    #XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - -f %u > %o
    #CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
    Architecture = auto
    # Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
    #IgnorePkg =
    #IgnoreGroup =
    #NoUpgrade =
    #NoExtract =
    # Misc options (all disabled by default)
    # - can be defined here or included from another file
    # - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
    # - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
    # - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
    # have identical names, regardless of version number
    # - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
    # - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
    # Repository entries are of the format:
    # [repo-name]
    # Server = ServerName
    # Include = IncludePath
    # The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
    # uncommented to enable the repo.
    # The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
    # repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
    # after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
    #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    # If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
    # enable the multilib repositories as required here.
    #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    #pacman -S gcc-multilib gcc-libs-multilib binutils-multilib libtool-multilib lib32-glibc
    # An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
    # tips on creating your own repositories.
    #Server = file:///home/custompkgs
    Server =$arch
    # AUR's most voted and many bin32-* and lib32-* packages.
    Server =$arch
    # Crapkit, dbus, hal, etc. stripped packages compatible with Arch Linux (from
    #Server =$arch
    # Kernel packages: generic i686 and x86_64, optimized P3, P4, K7, Atom,
    # Pentium-M, K8, Core2
    # nvidia-pf, squid3, arora-git, nvidia-utils-beta
    Server =$arch
    # Useful and beautiful plasmoids and themes for KDE4.
    Server =$arch
    # compiz-fusion-git
    Server =$arch
    # Nightly builds of some packages from the AUR.
    # Repo-Tracker:
    Server =$arch
    # Various and zengeist' AUR packages.
    Server =$arch
    # Precompiled boxee packages.
    Server =$arch
    # My AUR packages:
    Server =
    #Server =
    #Server =
    Last edited by hael (2011-12-28 17:12:36)

  • Arch Builds / HPC with AMD/ATi

    Hi all, I have some questions to ask and would value your input back.
    I am going to be building a new PC, specifically to aid in my graduate thesis work in computer science, so I need to upgrade from my measily Centreno Duo laptop (side note: its never run as well as it does on that its on Arch: you all have a convert now) so that I can approach GPGPU programming.  My initial idea was to just save for an i7-920 and some Nvida cards but money is tight (being a grad student and all).  However after seeing the most results from the most recent SuperComputing confrense I have seriously given thought to an AMD/ATi combo.  Now historically I've been a fan of AMD but not ATi, and when I got into it system building years ago ATi stunk building drivers for windows let alone linux.
    My serious question is those that are using ATi, are you noticing at least pretty linear increase in quality of driver release, or at least close.  I'm going to ignore the open source driver mostly because if I buy a 400$ graphics card for HPC and a lesser extent HD video processing, I want it to bloody work, not wait a year or two for half implimentation.  Please note that I do wish to see the open source drive be on par or better but right now, I'm trying to graduate in spring 2011 so timing is pretty critical.
    Any thoughts about the subject I would love to know since I'm at that point of system building where I need to select the parts that are dependent on each other a lot.
    also if this needs to be moved to another board please do so.

    Eh, I'm using Catalyst right now and it's not giving me any problems like it has in the past, but their support simply isn't even close to Nvidia's. Besides the fact than Nvidia's drivers always work better, Catalyst often takes a while to support new Kernels and new versions of Xorg (I'm still on Xorg 1.6.x). The open source drivers work fairly well if you want to mess with a bunch of git packages. I had it working good for a while, but then it stopped working so I just installed Catalyst. Go with Nvidia IMO, though AMD CPUs still rule ATI is getting better though, and aside from having to use the old Xorg, it's not giving me any problems right now.

  • Which OS to load first to re-build system on new HD

    I need to rebuild my iMac G5 system on a new HD and would welcome some advice.
    I have tried SuperDuper to clone the HD but the existing HD is too ill to play ball. I have managed to manually copy off the user files and iPhoto store etc.
    So the question is where to start re rebuilding? My options are:
    1 - start with original System disks (Panther) and then upgrade to Tiger and then upgrade iLife to '05 (original move from Panther to Tiger was very painful as mail got all in a twist)
    2 - load Tiger from retail disk that I bought and then load iLife'05 plus other apps that I bought (such as MS Office)
    What do you recommend?
    Will I lose many applications from the original build disks by going route 2 above or will the iLife load give me much of what is missing from the Tiger OS disk alone?
    I still have all the original software disks for all applications and all original Mac disks that came with iMac.
    Any other suggestions / easy way of preserving mail settings etc given that I can't use SuperDuper to do the full clone?

    Welcome to Discussions - If you still have Panther apps that you need, I would start with the original install disks. Otherwise, you can install Tiger and then use the [10.4.11|] update. You can then reinstall everything you have managed to save, including Office etc. iLife does come with Tiger, but not with Leopard I think. Tiger will give you all the apps you got with Panther, but if you can't clone or back up your current mail settings, I suspect you will have to recreate them. If you have an old clone, try using the data from that for Mail.

  • Virtualized Arch (VirtualBox) - System clock is wrong..,

    In my Arch Linux VM, my system clock is either 7 hours slow or 17 hours fast (can't tell the date on do I make Fluxbox display the date with the time?). This may be a problem with Arch but it most likely is a VirtualBox issue. How can I change the system clock on V-box (if that's the issue) or how can I fix Arch?
    This may be a timezone issue. I live in the US, but I set "Canada/Eastern" as the timezone. Shouldn't matter because I'm in the Eastern time zone but in the interest of full disclosure, I thought I'd mention it.
    EDIT: May or may not be important: I'm using Virtualbox OSE, not the proprietary edition.
    Last edited by sajro (2008-03-21 13:37:56)

    As far as i'm aware, clocks in virtual systems are always wrong. I don't think it's to do with arch (although changing UTC to localtime or vice versa in rc.conf might have some effect), more to do with the timing of the CPU or something being slightly off for virtual machines due to the virtual nature of the system.

  • TUZ 2.6.29 Logo replacement on the -ARCH build

    I've emailed one of the kernel developers.. maybe regarding this but I assume Tobias would need to be contacted.. so far unable top
    This is a short request to ask for the inclusion of the Replacement "TUZ" logo to be included in the 2.6.29-ARCH kernel build in replacement of the ARCH-LOGO … -logo.html
    I assume there is still time to build with the replacement image while it is in testing.
    Thank you
    Anyone else know who you ask?

    As elmer pointed out a bug report has been filed to get the logo replaced with this release, and no, you can't pick a different logo for each core. Bootup will show as many logos as the kernel detects cores and/or CPUs.

  • Your ideas for setting up an Arch-64 system with only OSS software?

    -oops, wrong place-
    Last edited by Bob-Hur (2007-12-28 14:30:34)

    If you just want to connect to Exchange server from internal environment, please make sure the user mailbox is moved to and hosted in Exchange of your new company.
    Then we can run the following command to check the autodiscover service which is used for Outlook connection from Exchange server:
    Get-ClientAccessServer | FL Identity,fqdn,*autodiscover*
    Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory | fl Identity,*auth*
    Get-ExchangeCertificate | fl
    If the client can’t connect to Exchange server, we can try to setup Exchange account in Outlook manually to have a try:
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Building system for friend with K8N Neo4 Platinum

    MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum
    AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Venice (ADA3200CGBOX)
    CT2KIT12864Z40B (2x1GB)
    eVGA 256-P2-N516 (7800GT)
    WD2500KS (250GB SATAII HDD)
    ATXA9N-SS/500 (Case)
    Aspire 120MM
    Aspire 80MM
    ND-3550A (DVD-RW)
    TG-480-U22 (PSU)
    Can anyone recommend BIOS and drivers I should preload to a CD?  I would rather not install from retail CDs only to download new ones.
    Are there any other concerns or things I should know of?

    Quote from: Kwea on 10-January-06, 23:21:38
    MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum
    AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Venice (ADA3200CGBOX)
    CT2KIT12864Z40B (2x1GB)
    eVGA 256-P2-N516 (7800GT)
    WD2500KS (250GB SATAII HDD)
    ATXA9N-SS/500 (Case)
    Aspire 120MM
    Aspire 80MM
    ND-3550A (DVD-RW)
    TG-480-U22 (PSU)
    Can anyone recommend BIOS and drivers I should preload to a CD?  I would rather not install from retail CDs only to download new ones.
    Are there any other concerns or things I should know of?
    You can use CD drivers (if needed to get connected to net) and update. because of the item on CD will be out dated
    I'am using V1.09 BIOS, Nforce 666, GFX 7772 works good for me

  • Linux-2.6.18-ARCH compile error: missing Makefile

    tried to compile custom kernel from provided sources and make generated following error:
    make bzImage
      CHK     include/linux/version.h
      CHK     include/linux/utsrelease.h
    scripts/ /usr/src/linux-2.6.18-ARCH/init/Makefile: No such file or directory
    make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/src/linux-2.6.18-ARCH/init/Makefile'.  Stop.
    make: *** [init] Error 2
    So I downloaded vanilla and this worked fine.
    I was wondering if make install script will use mainitcpio however this did not work either as script is looking at /dev/hda which is read-only installation device (cd/dvd)
    So I copied vmlinuz and and generated img file manually.

    There are no "provided sources" in Arch. /usr/src/linux-<kernel_version> contains only those elements of the compiled kernel that are required to build against, so getting the source from is the right thing to do.
    If you want to build a kernel package that uses mkinitcpio, like the official Arch kernels do, you need to create a PKGBUILD, or modify an existing one, and use ABS (Arch Build System). The wiki has all the details.

  • [SOLVED] AUR package not building for haskell-platform

    Unforunately I have a problem in which a package seems to not build for `haskell-json` on the AUR. The build terminates like so:
    Configuring json-0.7...
    Building json-0.7...
    Preprocessing library json-0.7...
    [1 of 7] Compiling Text.JSON.Types ( Text/JSON/Types.hs, dist/build/Text/JSON/Types.o )
    [2 of 7] Compiling Text.JSON.String ( Text/JSON/String.hs, dist/build/Text/JSON/String.o )
    [3 of 7] Compiling Text.JSON.ReadP ( Text/JSON/ReadP.hs, dist/build/Text/JSON/ReadP.o )
    [4 of 7] Compiling Text.JSON.Parsec ( Text/JSON/Parsec.hs, dist/build/Text/JSON/Parsec.o )
    [5 of 7] Compiling Text.JSON.Pretty ( Text/JSON/Pretty.hs, dist/build/Text/JSON/Pretty.o )
    [6 of 7] Compiling Text.JSON ( Text/JSON.hs, dist/build/Text/JSON.o )
    [7 of 7] Compiling Text.JSON.Generic ( Text/JSON/Generic.hs, dist/build/Text/JSON/Generic.o )
    Could not find module `Data.Text'
    Perhaps you haven't installed the "dyn" libraries for package `text-'?
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
    However, I can actually confirm that this *does* build when I do it with cabal itself. For some reason issuing an indirect build via arch build system causes failure. Here is the output from `ghc-pkg list text`:
    Any ideas as to what is going wrong would be much appreciated.
    Last edited by eazar001 (2014-01-10 22:41:23)

    karol wrote:Have you tried installing from the haskell unofficial repo? haskell-core has haskell-json 0.7-9. … skell-core
    Unfortunately, once I try to get `haskell-json` up and running it fails to complete because:
    xmonad: requires haskell-mtl=2.1.2-3
    Version incompatibility \=

Maybe you are looking for

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