Wiki Pages Table of contests

Is there an easy way (add a web part maybe) to add a wiki page table of contents in SharePoint 2013.
I want the table of contents to be located at the top of the screen and references headings in the page below.
Granted you can add a table of contents but this only references actual pages and not content in the pages.
Any help would be much appreciated

Hi All,
Just thought I'd let you know I have had a go at implementing the ToC described in the link above.  I downloaded the sample code as opposed to working the chunks of code into a copy of my EnterpriseWiki.aspx page and the only issue I had was that
on my new page layout there are no page styles for Heading 2.
To fix this I reverted back to the Basic Page layout and formatted some text as "Heading 2 Alternate" and then changed the page layout back to my customised layout with the ToC.  This didn't immediately fix the issue; I had
to click on Edit Source to find what style had been applied to the heading, in my case it was "ms-rteElement-H2B". I then went into the new layout ASPX in SharePoint Designer and changed:
$(".ms-bodyareacell h2").each(function(){
I saved the page and the ToC was populated.  Still needs a bit of work, I think I'll try working the ToC into a copy of my existing EnterpriseWiki.aspx to preserve the available styles.
If any of that was to vague give me a shout and I'll try explain in more detail, bearing in mind I'm learning this as I go along.
I have also found an article,, that uses the above code but takes it one step further to do a multi level ToC.
Maybe I'll be brave and jump straight in to this one instead!

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    <table id="sortable_advanced_table" width="100%" class="banded_table">
    <th width="110">**Code**</th><th>**Title**</th><th width="30">**AAA **</th><th width="30">**BBB**</th><th width="30">**CCC**</th>
    Then switch to Rich Text Editor, where the table looks fine (medium "Code" column, large "Title" column, and narrow columns for "AAA', "BBB", and "CCC". However, once I publish, the "Code"column takes about 40% of the total width, and the remaining columns divide the remaining space about equally.
    If it helps, this seems to be the relevant HTML code after it is published:
    <div class="beeki-body" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px">
    <style> #advanced-table0 table{ width:100%;} #advanced-table0 tr.yui-dt-odd td , #advanced-table0 tr.yui-dt-odd td.yui-dt-asc, #advanced-table0 tr.yui-dt-odd td.yui-dt-desc { background-color:#EDF5FF; }</style><div id="advanced-table0"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    WikiPage.renderAdvancedTable({"width":"100%","headingDefinitions":[{"key":"heading0","width":110,"label":"<strong class=\"bki-strong\">Code<\/strong>","sortable":false,"formatter":"formatTableCellString"},{"key":"heading1","label":"<strong class=\"bki-strong\">Title<\/strong>","sortable":false,"formatter":"formatTableCellString"},{"key":"heading2","width":30,"label":"<strong class=\"bki-strong\">AAA <\/strong>","sortable":false,"formatter":"formatTableCellString"},{"key":"heading3","width":30,"label":"<strong class=\"bki-strong\">BBB<\/strong>","sortable":false,"formatter":"formatTableCellString"},{"key":"heading4","width":30,"label":"<strong class=\"bki-strong\">CCC<\/strong>","sortable":false,"formatter":"formatTableCellString"}],"tableData":[{"heading0":"","heading2":"","heading3":"","heading4":"","heading1":""},{"heading0":"","heading2":"","heading3":"","heading4":"","heading1":""},{"heading0":"","heading2":"","heading3":"","heading4":"","heading1":""}],"responseSchema":{"fields":[{"key":"heading0","parser":"YAHOO.util.DataSource.parseString"},"heading0-style",{"key":"heading1","parser":"YAHOO.util.DataSource.parseString"},"heading1-style",{"key":"heading2","parser":"YAHOO.util.DataSource.parseString"},"heading2-style",{"key":"heading3","parser":"YAHOO.util.DataSource.parseString"},"heading3-style",{"key":"heading4","parser":"YAHOO.util.DataSource.parseString"},"heading4-style","style","align","valign","height"]},"id":"advanced-table0"});
    <p class="bki-p"></p></div>
    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. If I mis-posted this question, I apologize...

    Hi Jochen,
    There have been a number of Enhancement Requests to add Wiki pages to Outlook/OBEO. That said, we don't have current plans to make team wiki's available (and editable) through Outlook/ OBEO.

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    Thank you for your reply Inderjeet.<o:p></o:p>
    Actual problem is with wiki page custom templates, we have created some custom templates and they work fine, please refer below link for implementation
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    <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderPageTitle" runat="server">
    <SharePoint:ListFormPageTitle runat="server"/>
    <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea" runat="server">
    <span class="die">
    <SharePoint:ListProperty Property="LinkTitle" runat="server" id="ID_LinkTitle"/>
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    <img src="/_layouts/15/images/blank.gif?rev=23" width='1' height='1' alt="" />
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    <SharePoint:UIVersionedContent UIVersion="4" runat="server">
    <div style="padding-left:5px">
    <table class="ms-core-tableNoSpace" id="onetIDListForm">
    <WebPartPages:WebPartZone runat="server" FrameType="None" ID="Main" Title="loc:Main"><ZoneTemplate>
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    </InsertParameters><DeleteParameters><WebPartPages:DataFormParameter ParameterKey="ListItemId" PropertyName="ParameterValues" DefaultValue="0" Name="ListItemId"></WebPartPages:DataFormParameter><WebPartPages:DataFormParameter ParameterKey="weburl" PropertyName="ParameterValues" DefaultValue="http://sharepointdev:12341/sites/wiki1" Name="weburl"></WebPartPages:DataFormParameter><WebPartPages:DataFormParameter ParameterKey="ListID" PropertyName="ParameterValues" DefaultValue="{6A6ECE84-4D39-48E2-BD6A-C20B2AC6355B}" Name="ListID"></WebPartPages:DataFormParameter>
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    <td width="190px" valign="top" class="ms-formlabel">
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    <nobr>Title (Display In Search)</nobr>
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    <td width="190px" valign="top" class="ms-formlabel">
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    <nobr>Standard<span class="ms-formvalidation"> *</span>
    <td width="400px" valign="top" class="ms-formbody">
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    <td width="190px" valign="top" class="ms-formlabel">
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    <nobr>Document Type<span class="ms-formvalidation"> *</span>
    <td width="400px" valign="top" class="ms-formbody">
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    <td width="190px" valign="top" class="ms-formlabel">
    <H3 class="ms-standardheader">
    <nobr>Departments<span class="ms-formvalidation"> *</span>
    <td width="400px" valign="top" class="ms-formbody">
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    <td width="190px" valign="top" class="ms-formlabel">
    <H3 class="ms-standardheader">
    <nobr>Hide physical URLs from search</nobr>
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    <td width="190px" valign="top" class="ms-formlabel">
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    <nobr>Page Content</nobr>
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    var elm = document.getElementById(&quot;idAttachmentsTable&quot;);
    if (elm == null || elm.rows.length == 0)
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    <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderTitleAreaSeparator" runat="server"/>
    so from the above  markup  the name field is not part of the edit form,, i think this is because the Name is part of the Document content type and not part of the enterprisewiki content type .. so is there a way to add the name field to the edit
    form ?.
    second question, the edit form will show all the content type fields such as ; standard, document type, department , title (display in search), etc   so what is the best way to remove these fields from the custom edit form ?

    Hello John,
    This can only be done by adding VBScript to the form. It would basically be:
    Sub Item_Open() 
    Item.GetInspector.SetCurrentFormPage "P.2"
    End Sub
    ... where "P.2" would be what you named the page you want to display first.

  • Anyone having problems editing text on wiki pages in Workspace?

    I have had some serious issues when editing text on new wiki pages in my new Beehive workspace. First when I tried creating bulleted lists (with several or more items), after publishing the lists the text would all get tossed to the bottom of the page after publishing. Then I gingerly recreated the bulleted lists by running all the text together, then pressing Enter at the start of teach list item. This worked with some effort. But then when I tried editing my lists to update the information, the cursor would inadvertently jump to another place in the page, select some text, then my next keystroke would delete it. Even then, once I recreated all the information on the page, when published some of the text did not show up in the published version (it was still there in the editor).
    When I recreated the text and lists in Word files, then copied and pasted it into new wiki pages on workspace, the formatting transferred OK. But editing still creates problems. The Undo button will clearly cause problems, so I stopped using that, but I still am having serious editing issues. Any help appreciated.

    I just started using the Wiki pages and what I need at the time are some sortable tables (only limited need for bullets at the time). I am having an incredibly frustrating time using the "advanced" tables. I use both the Rich Text Editor and Wiki Markup screens to do this. The interface is incredibly buggy! As you metioned, you can get things just so in the WYSIWYG editing tool and it is completely messed up when published. In my case just switching between Rich Text Editor and Wiki Markup (without doing anything) messes things up! And if you want sortable columns, you had better not make them links, as the columns sort on the invisible URLs...
    I can only hope that the engine under the hood of this product is more reliable. I certainly expected more from Oracle...

  • [SOLVED] Wiki page for GPT disks and booting arch using UEFI

    Hi guys, I am new to archlinux. I installed archlinux x86_64 just yesterday and I like its customisability. I also like arch wiki. Nowhere else have I seen such extensive documentation, especially about things like HAL, UDEV etc. with proper instructions. Thanks to all archers.
    I have installed Archlinux x86_64 in my Dell India Studio 1537 laptop along with Windows 7 Professional x64. Both the OSes boot in UEFI-GPT setup (my UEFI is EDK DUET UEFI64 firmware booting from USB). I boot Archlinux using my own compiled grub2-bzr compiled for both BIOS and UEFI-x64. I have a 1 MB BIOS Boot Partition as required by grub2 for BIOS-GPT booting. My Archlinux system can boot both from bios and from uefi, while Windows can boot only using UEFI.
    The official Archlinux installation guide talks about only MBR (or msdos disklabel) partitions and booting from BIOS based systems. With 2TB drives becoming common place and UEFI being implemented (search for Phoenix SecureCore Tiano's 1 second POST operation), I think a proper wiki page describing differences between MBR and GPT, why GPT is better, how to setup arch to boot from GPT. Another page describing steps to setup arch to boot from UEFI (either as a separate page or as an extension of GRUB2 wiki page) is also needed.
    Some details regarding Pure GPT (not a Hybrid GPT/MBR setup) and/or UEFI setups :-
    Partitioning tools -
    GNU Parted for filesystem related tasks
    GPT fdisk tool - , ,  pacman -S gdisk (in extra repo) - for non-filesystem related tasks
    util-linux-ng fdisk does not support GPT disks
    Bootloader - GRUB2 - vanilla grub-legacy does not support GPT and does not support UEFI (Fedora's patched grub-legacy does support both GPT and UEFI) and syslinux does not support GPT (I may be wrong here - seems a gptmbr of syslinux does help in booting from gpt but not sure).
    For GRUB2 - Need BIOS Boot Partition to embed GRUB2's core.img in GPT disks - size about 1 MB max - no filesystem
    In GPT fdisk partition type code - EF02
    In GNU Parted or GParted - bios_grub flag on
    For UEFI-GPT booting this special partition is not needed as no embedding takes place. This is needed only in case of BIOS-GPT booting.
    Incase of custom kernel configuration - enable CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION for GPT support
                                                                        CONFIG_EFI for UEFI support (for UEFI even above option required)
                                                                        CONFIG_EFI_VARS for UEFI Runtime Variables support (optional)
    Note: Although GPT is part of UEFI specification, a UEFI system is not needed to boot from/use GPT. BIOS based GPT booting is possible with GRUB2 or Fedora's patched grub-legacy (but not vanilla grub-legacy provided by archlinux). It is also possible to boot Linux in UEFI-MBR setup (again using grub2) but I have not tried it.
    Even without UEFI and less than 2TB harddrives, GPT based partitioning has many advantages - secondary GPT header and Partition table, CRC32 checksums. Unique Disk GUID and Filesystem-independent Unique Partition GUIDs, multiple primary partitions (default is 128 partitions, but it can be changed). The only problamatic OS is Windows which does not allow GPT booing unless one has UEFI based system. It allows only UEFI-GPT or BIOS-MBR setups. In linux it just depends on how the bootloader is configured - not a problem with grub2.
    I also propose that incase of Auto-prepare Hard Drive, the installer default to GPT for "archlinux only" installs ( ie no dual-boot or triple-boot etc.).
    I did not use the official archlinux iso but used archboot 2010.04 R3 as it gave an option of installing to GPT and also provided GRUB2 during bootloader install. I have never edited any wiki page before, thats why I request some one else to start a wiki page with the information given above.
    I don't know whether this is the right place, but any Windows (Vista or 7 x64 versions) and Linux dual-boot user who has UEFI-based system with GPT partitioning and wants to get rid of Hybrid MBR setup (to boot Windows) can follow this post … hp/t186440 (outside this forum) - this link describes the way to make Windows boot natively in UEFI-GPT setup. After doing this one can install arch using GRUB2 compiled for UEFI x86_64, and Windows will also see
    Last edited by skodabenz (2011-01-30 19:32:48)

    Welcome to arch, skodabenz! Offering documentation on third post - all thumbs up
    You could start the wiki page in your user-space with what you have, and then invite others to join working on it. Just register a wiki account, navigate to the page you want to start, for example:
    and click on "edit this page".
    As noted in the other thread, arch's legacy grub is patched for gpt support. I don't know about UEFI, but you can always open a bug report asking for the patches from fedora to be included.
    edit: the page from Rod Smith is a great resource. I was absolutely terrified at first by all this screwed up GPT/MBR stuff when I tried triple-booting Arch, Win and OS x, but he really does a great job explaining what it is all about.
    Last edited by hokasch (2010-05-21 15:44:08)

  • Software Raid and Kernel Panic (from wiki page) [SOLVED]

    I am trying to setup a RAID 5 array using the instructions on the wiki: … AID_or_LVM
    I get through the instructions (have actually done it several times now) and get the following error:
    io scheduler deadline registered
    io scheduler cfq registered
    FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
    RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 8192K size 1024 blocksize
    loop: loaded (max 8 devices)
    mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
    NET: Registered protocol family 2
    IP route cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
    TCP establised hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9,3145728 bytes)
    input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard on isa0060/serio0
    TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 786432 bytes)
    TCP: Hash tables configured (established 262144 bind 65536)
    TCP reno registered
    TCP bic registered
    NET: Registered protocol family 1
    NET: Registered protocol family 10
    Disabled Privacy Extensions on device c03f6580(lo)
    IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
    NET: Registered protocol family 17
    Starting balanced_irq
    Using IPI Shortcut mode
    VFS: Cannot open root device "md0" or unknown-block(0,0)
    Please append a correct "root=" boot option
    Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
    The grub menu.lst
    root (hd0,0)
    kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/md0 ro
    I setup three partitions on IDE drives
    /dev/md0 - root (8 GB / drive)
    /dev/md1 - boot (100 MB / drive)
    /dev/md2 - swap (1 GB / drive)
    I have three drives for the area with three partitions on each:
    hda1 - boot
    hda2 - swap
    hda3 - root
    I did skip the LVM step in the wiki pages.
    none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
    none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /mnt/cd iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /mnt/dvd udf ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    /dev/fd0 /mnt/fl vfat user,noauto 0 0
    /dev/md0 / reiserfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/md2 swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/md1 /boot reiserfs defaults 0 0
    RAID_ROOT_DEVICES="/dev/hda3 /dev/hdb3 /dev/hdc3"
    The system is a dual PIII using the arch ISO 7.1 release.
    Any thoughts on what is wrong with my setup?  Or something I can try.  I'm game for just about anything in my test environment to try and get it working.

    After the basketball games where over tonight I had a thought (and a little research).  The install iso I was using was a pre-release of 0.7.1.  When I downloaded the real mccoy and did a fresh install following the instructions on the wiki, all worked flawlessly!

  • ExtractReferences flag ignored in WikiPageUpdater when updating a wiki page

    Hi All,
    I'm using REST to update a wiki page. The update works successfully, changing the page based on the upload. However, the wiki links remain blank, even though they are in the wiki data correctly. If I manual edit the page and then publish it, the links are successfully put in.
    When calling update, I set the extractReferences tag to true, but this doesn't have any effect.
    Does anyone know what additional stages I need to do to get the links added to the wiki page.

    Hello Omar.
    At this time you cannot retrospectively add a table based column to an IRR once you have created the IRR.
    You will have to delete the IRR and recreate it i n order for your new column to appear.
    It is for this reason that we typically construct report regions using the 'Classic' report format until the users have confirmed the content is correct. Then we convert it to an IRR.
    Kind regards
    Simon Gadd

  • Wiki Pages VS Site Pages

    I am in the process of creating a brown bag presentation for a group of SharePoint 2013 basic users. 
    How can I explain the difference between Wiki Pages VS Site Pages? 
    What is the difference? 

    Site Pages is a concept where complete or partial page is stored within content database and then actual page is parsed at runtime and delivered to end-users.
    Wiki pages are actually site pages only.
    The difference is that it is designed to add free-form text & rich content including text, tables, links, images, as well as SharePoint lists and web parts anywhere on the page without any needs for web part zones like in web part pages or field controls
    like in publishing pages.
    Please follow this link
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves your problem.
    Amit Kotha

  • Bullets which include links will prevent correct copy/paste content from word document to wiki page.

    I have a word document around 20 pages which contains the following sentence (a bullet with two links):-
    Now if I remove this sentence then copy/paste the 20 pages from word to wiki page they will be pasted correctly inside the wiki page , where all the pages, bullets, etc will be mapped correctly inside the wiki page as HTML tables, bullets ,etc.
    But the problem if I kept the above sentence then the whole 20 pages will be pasted as plain text inside the wiki page.
    So can anyone advice on this ?and how I can overcome it ?

    Hi John,
    You can try this (1) Save as Word Doc as single file web page (2) Open that file in normal text editor(notepad or so) and copy all (3) Goto Wiki page edit source and paste all (4) Save it
    Let us know how it goes.
    please 'Propose as answer' if it help you, also de-mark it if it didn't. Thank you!
    the result will be as follow, not sure if this is a valid approach can you adivce ?:-

  • HELP!! just finished a 20pages report and when trying to create the table of contest I lost EVERYTHING... there is nothing left of my work. WHY????

    HELP!! just finished a 20pages report and when trying to create the table of contest I lost EVERYTHING... there is nothing left of my work. WHY????

    Hi Peter,
    Yes I'am in 5.2, I did mention it right after.
    This is wonderful Peter, great advice. I got to have my latest version before I created my table of contents.
    In Pages > Menu > File > Revert
    and see what you get.
    Thank you so much!!
    Have a wonderful day

  • SharePoint Foundation 2013 - Wiki Page Template

    Hi there,
    is there a way to have templates for Wiki pages with SharePoint 2013 Foundation? We have a specific layout and want to have it on every new wiki page.
    Thank you!

    pls check this
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you

  • Suggestion for a new wiki page

    Hy, i'm trying different types o wallpapers setter and i found no wiki page on arch wiki.
    And i think that a wiki page about setting up wallpaper will be a lot of usefull for people like me, that aren't using a complete enviroment.
    But before i create it i'm reading the wiki rules and i'm asking you if its a good idea.
    i Also have a list of options and things to write.
    Wath do you think about it?
    Last edited by henriqueleng (2014-04-11 22:57:38)

    jasonwryan wrote:Rather than a separate page, add them here: … tilities_2
    Thank you for the suggestion, i will do it.

  • SharePoint 2013 RTE Custom Styles lost on Team Site Wiki Page after you select a control in the editor

    I have a weird issue in that I have custom RTE styles working fine in publishing pages, but in the team site wiki page, when you first go into edit mode you see your styles, but if you highlight some text, select say the font drop down to expand it and then
    select it again to contract it (i.e. without selecting a font), all of a sudden all of the custom styles are lost and everything reverts back to the default RTE styles.
    In my master page I am running the following script to force my styles to be loaded.
    function() {
    varid = $(this).attr("RteRedirect"),
             editSettings = $(
    "#"+ id);
    if(editSettings.length > 0 &&
    editSettings[0].PrefixStyleSheet != 'custom-rte')
    'PrefixStyleSheet'] =
    'StyleSheet'] =
    See below screenshots (note Heading 2 is orange).
    After you collapse the font menu, you see that the orange H2 has disappeared, and selecting the font drop down again now shows all of the default SharePoint RTE styles.
    I haven't been able to capture the Event that is being called using the debugger. Any ideas how to fix this?
    Alan Coulter.

    For this issue, I'm trying to involve someone familiar with this topic to further look at it.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Qiao Wei
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem with adding a second Categories field to my Enterprise Wiki Page template

    I wanted to add a second category field beside the default wiki category. So I did the following steps:-
    Inside my enterprise wiki site collection, I added a new Site Column, named “customer” with a managed metadata type.
    Then I added the site column to the “Enterprise Wiki Page” content type.
    After that using the SharePoint Designer , I added the new “Customer ” column to my EnterpriseWiki.aspx page layout.
    The result was that I got a new category field , but I am facing these two problems:-
    When selecting items for the new metadata column, the items are not clickable, unlike the default Wiki Category field, which allow users to click on the terms , as follow:-
    The new category column was not displayed inside the Tree View , same as for the default Wiki category, as follow:-
    So can anyone advice how I can solve these two problems ? Thanks

    The Visio Web Part displays Visio diagrams that are located in SharePoint.  Once you log out it won't have access to your desktop anymore.  Instead you should upload the Visio document to a SharePoint library and then reference it from
    there.  It would be nice if it was integrated into a single process, but I suspect its not something MS thought enough people would do to spend the time writing the extra code to integrate it.  So at least for now its a two step process.
    Paul Stork SharePoint Server MVP
    Principal Architect: Blue Chip Consulting Group
    Twitter: Follow @pstork
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves your problem.
    so to add a visio diagram , we need to do the following:-
    1. upload the visio to SP.
    2. add a web part.
    3. Browse for the Visio drawing.
    by defualt there is no way to directly upload a new Visio diagram...

Maybe you are looking for


    I can not find the INSERT DATE function to add a DATE to the footer of a NUMBER spreadsheet.  How do I do that? 

  • Default storage location for transfer posting

    Hi Gurus, In transfer posting using mvt type 311,i want to make the storage location defaulted by a particular storage location. In other words system should not allow transfer posting if i use other storage location. Is this possible? Regards, Kumar

  • Itouch4 app store icon disappeared. How do I get it back?

    My itouch4 appstore icon has disappeared.  How do I get it back?

  • Problem in scripts!!!!!!!!!!! please help...

    Hello Friends, I have an issue in script. Can anyone suggest me what does this mean in a script. &WIPRT-COPY_TEXT& Is this a text symbol ? Actually the value comes form the program and gets printed in the script Output. But if i need to translate the

  • Can't delete old layers

    I've been using Dreamweaver for years now, usually just simple stuff. But I've just started using CSS in my latest site and I've noticed that EVERY layer I've ever drawn on a page is retained as a 'style' in the code. It doesn't matter whether I dele