Wildcard in Customization Parameters

What is the practice for using wildcards in customization parameters? Do you hande this in the SQL?
where (A.emp_id = :emp_id or :emp_id = '%')
Also, I would like to make some paramaters in the customization form mandatory as well. Is this possible?

You can use wild card chars liek "%". To can make parameters mandatory in wizard based reports. You check the value required
checkbox beside the bind variable.

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  • Acrobat Customizable Parameters

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    Are there any "Customizable Parameters" available for adobe pdf?
    1) Can the search results window text be made bigger (atleast twice the size)?
    2) Can the registry settings help in making the pdf reader tool bar buttons bigger in size so that a old person can recognize better ???
    Please let me know,
    Thanks a lot,

    Here are the available parameters http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_open_parameters.pdf
    I don't think there is what you want.

  • Multi Language Portlet Customization

    Hello ..
    Can any one tell me, if we can provide a multilanguage customization using the JPDK, meaning if user1 clicks the Customize link, change the portlet title from "Title" to "Title1" then press Ok, the Portlet title is changed to Title1.
    Now If he switched his language to ar -By using Set Language Portlet, and changed the Title to Title2 in arabic language for example,the Portlet title is changed to Title2 -in arabic. But if he comes back to the english language, the Portlet Title return to be Title1. In My opinion for this to happen, we need to save the user customizations in two different files for example: username.dat, username_ar.dat under the same preference path. Every Time Portal renderes the Customize page, it is rendered according to the current user language, and the values of the customization parameters also appears either in eng or arabic according to the current language. Can we do that using JPDK? How can we make profit of the method PortletReference.translateDefaultCustomizations?
    Please Advice

    Hoan - is your question what are the considerations when creating multiligual catalogs? If so, I can tell you that at other clients I have seen them use a single catalog for one or two languages. For the two langugages, such as Spanish/English, you can create a single catalog with both of them. Once you get to more than two languages, the catalog would get unweildy and is therefore not suggested.

  • Using a Wildcard in a parameter

    I have a report with a lastname parameter and a firstname parameter that will prompt user to enter last name and first name.
    The firstname field could have multiple characters such as "Mary Jane".  When I enter the firstname as such, CR could not find the record. It appears that the parameter does not take multiple characters as input.
    Can anyone share a sample on how to create a parameter for this scenario? Can we use a wildcard on the parameters that look something like this:
    Last Name Prompt: lastname
    First Name Prompt: firstname*
    Thanks in advance

    I found out that it's the way the data was entered into the database. Because there is more than 1 space between the 2 characters (ex: Mary   Jane), unless I  enter it exactly like that in the prompt, it won't be able to find the record.
    The challenge is I can not predict how the names look like in the database. Is there a way to use wildcard for a partial search such as Mary*  so that all instances of Mary will return?
    I was able to setup wildcard for the firstname field so that ALL records will return but this is not a viable solution as there could be too many rows.

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    is that a bug or am I doing soemthing wrong? Please help with this one.
    Thanks, Maike!!

    thanks for your reply - but I wasn't trying to save the record but really the search customization parameters e. g. like a date value to search for records for that certain date.
    And that does not seem to be saved - only the columns I want to display or by what field I want to order.
    Please let me know if that should work this way. Thanks, Maike.

  • How can I export a compressed mp4 file from iMovie (mavericks)?

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    I had just downloaded the new version of iMovie.
    I'm very amazed to see that the funcion "Export movie with QuickTime" is not available.
    I used this funcion to customize parameters of exported videos;
    How can now customize parameters? I have to use another external software to produce mp4 files???
    Thankyou for answers.

    If you use "Share" and choose 540P, 720P or 1080P it will be mp4, withH264 codec.  You just have to once figure out what spefic settings (for example bitrates) are used with the defaults from iMovie 13 (look-up the exported files with info in Quicktime), and wether they are ok with you.
    In the former version I already used automator to achieve some specfic settings for my web-video's, now I think I don't need that anymore.
    The only way around as far as I know is the usage of QTPro7 or compressor. Export as 1080P and open the file with one of those apps.

  • Crystal Reports and Portal..... PLEASE HELP !!!!!

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    Either the URL is malformed or the target server could be down (WWV-13054)
    The preference path does not exist: ORACLE.WEBVIEW.PARAMETERS.1757670568 (WWC-51000)
    The preference path does not exist: ORACLE.WEBVIEW.PARAMETERS.1757670568 (WWC-51000)
    I need to get this resolved ASAP any help would or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
    Also, if anyone has implemented Crystal Reports into an Oracle Portal portlet....would be extremely interested in talking to you. Thanks.

    Edit the url component created, and uncheck the option of showing the customization parameters in the porlet.
    Meaning that, the url component should be created with the maximum customization allowed is
    "Display name of the component" and not the url.

  • Output with line breaks seemingly randomly placed

    Hola -
    I've adapted Tyler Muth's RSS feed article (http://tylermuth.wordpress.com/2008/01/22/producing-rss-from-plsql/) for the most part successfully; however, my output has breaks in the lines at inappropriate places, often in the mddle of an XML element tag for example. The placement of the breaks varies if I change the values of l_idx, l_len, l_defrows, l_maxrows, and l_desclen, but the breaks persist. They're not reflected in the code below but I've added the utl_file.fflush to no good effect.
    Examples of broken output:
    prehistoric inventions that shaped us /</title>
    <pubDate>Thu, 04 Aug 2011 12:36:22
    <guid isPermaLink="fal
    It's a lot of data so I won't post it here, but here's the code & the table; any ideas as to where to start investigating will be greatly appreciated.
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE "RSSLOOP3" ( fund_in IN VARCHAR2, fund_in2 IN VARCHAR2 := 'XXX')
    -- customizable parameters
    l_title varchar2(255) := ' New Titles Since ' || to_char(sysdate - 90, 'MM/DD/YYYY');
    l_link varchar2(255) := 'replace this' || fund_in || '.rss';
    l_description varchar2(255) := 'This is a feed of changes to items ' || fund_in;
    l_language varchar2(255) := 'en-us';
    -- end customizable parameters
    l_version varchar2(10) := '2.0';
    l_clob clob;
    l_idx pls_integer := 1;
    l_len pls_integer := 255;
    l_defrows pls_integer := 100;
    l_maxrows pls_integer := 100;
    l_desclen pls_integer := 250;
    -- for output to file
    path VARCHAR2(30);
    filename VARCHAR2(30);
    path := '/http/live/screens/rss/';
    filename := fund_in || '.rss';
    fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(path, filename, 'w');
    for i in (
    select xmlelement( "rss",
    -- Begin XML Header Block
    xmlattributes( l_version as "version"),
    xmlelement( "channel",
    xmlforest( l_title as "title",
    l_link as "link",
    l_description as "description",
    l_language as "language"),
    -- End XML Header Block
    -- Begin List of Individual Articles or Items
    xmlelement( "item",
    xmlelement("title", x.title),
    xmlelement("link", x.link),
    xmlelement("description", convert(x.description, 'UTF8', 'AL32UTF8')),
    xmlelement("callnum", x.callnum),
    xmlelement("pubDate", to_char(x.updated_on,'Dy, DD Mon RRRR hh24:mi:ss')),
    xmlelement("guid", XMLATTRIBUTES('false' as "isPermaLink"),x.id||to_char(x.updated_on,'JHH24MISS'))
    -- End List of Individual Articles or Items
    ) as result
    from ( -- Actual Database Query that populates the list of Items
    select id,title,link,description,updated_on, callnum
    from drx_rss_feeds
    where (fund like fund_in||'%')
    and rownum < (l_maxrows+1)) x)
    l_clob := xmltype.extract(i.result,'/').getclobval;
    end loop; --i
    for i in 1..ceil(dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob)/l_len) loop
    l_idx := l_idx + l_len;
    end loop; --i
    end rssloop3;
    "ID" VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
    "LINK" VARCHAR2(1000 BYTE),

    Or have a look at the Oracle Documentation, for instance at the parameters for utl_file.fopen
    max_linesize Maximum number of characters for each line, including the
    newline character, for this file (minimum value 1, maximum
    value 32767). If unspecified, Oracle supplies a default value of
    1024.It wouldn't surprise me if your randomly placed line breaks are all 1023 characters a part.

  • Difficulty continuing past exception in a for loop while parsing XML

    Hola -
    I've got an issue where (in this case) Turkish characters cause XML parsing to fail; I'm trying to insert an exception here so that any given XML element which causes a problem will simply be skipped & I can figure out the issue later. But if I place it outside, as presented below, then the entire file does not get written rather than simply that element being skipped. My other attempts have resulted in compiler errors indicating I've misplaced it, such as:
    Error(61,6): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "EXCEPTION" when expecting one of the following: begin case declare end exit for goto if loop mod null pragma raise return select update while with <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> << close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge pipe
    Can I get this to drop processing of only the specific problem element & return to complete the entire file?
    Many thanks for any help here, greatly puzzled by this.
    create or replace
    -- customizable parameters
    l_title varchar2(255) := ' New Titles Since ' || to_char(sysdate - 90, 'MM/DD/YYYY');
    l_link varchar2(255) := 'replace' || fund_in || '.rss';
    l_description varchar2(255) := 'This is a feed of changes to items ' || fund_in;
    l_language varchar2(255) := 'en-us';
    -- end customizable parameters
    l_version varchar2(10) := '2.0';
    l_clob clob;
    l_idx pls_integer := 1;
    l_len pls_integer := 255;
    l_defrows pls_integer := 100;
    l_maxrows pls_integer := 100;
    l_desclen pls_integer := 250;
    -- for output to file
    -- fund := fund_in;
    for i in (
    select xmlelement( "rss",
    -- Begin XML Header Block
    xmlattributes( l_version as "version"),
    xmlelement( "channel",
    xmlforest( l_title as "title",
    l_link as "link",
    l_description as "description",
    l_language as "language"),
    -- End XML Header Block
    -- Begin List of Individual Articles or Items
    xmlelement( "item",
    WHEN x.title IS NOT NULL THEN xmlelement("title", x.title)
    ELSE xmlelement("title", substr(x.description,1,255))
    xmlelement("link", x.link),
    xmlelement("description", x.description || ' -- Call number: ' || x.callnum),
    xmlelement("callnum", x.callnum),
    xmlelement("pubDate", to_char(x.updated_on,'Dy, DD Mon RRRR hh24:mi:ss') || ' EST'),
    xmlelement("guid", XMLATTRIBUTES('false' as "isPermaLink"),x.id||to_char(x.updated_on,'JHH24MISS'))
    -- End List of Individual Articles or Items
    ) as result
    from ( -- Actual Database Query that populates the list of Items
    select id,title,link,description,updated_on, callnum
    from drx_rss_feeds
    where (fund like fund_in||'%')
    and rownum < (l_maxrows+1)) x)
    l_clob := xmltype.extract(i.result,'/').getclobval;
    end loop; --i
    WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace);
    -- for i in 1..ceil(dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob)/l_len) loop
    dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file(l_clob, '/iiidb/http/live/screens/rss/', fund_in || '.rss');
    -- l_idx := l_idx + l_len;
    -- end loop; --i
    end rssloopworks2;

    To clarify, I know the practice should be to separate out statements so that the next statement can execute; however, inside of the loop, I haven't been able to correctly accomplish this. When I try to add a block inside the loop over 'result' then the procedure compiles & runs, but I haven't gotten an error and there is not output.
    create or replace
    -- customizable parameters
    l_title varchar2(255) := ' New Titles Since ' || to_char(sysdate - 90, 'MM/DD/YYYY');
    l_link varchar2(255) := 'replace' || fund_in || '.rss';
    l_description varchar2(255) := 'This is a feed of changes to items ' || fund_in;
    l_language varchar2(255) := 'en-us';
    -- end customizable parameters
    l_version varchar2(10) := '2.0';
    l_clob clob;
    l_idx pls_integer := 1;
    l_len pls_integer := 255;
    l_defrows pls_integer := 100;
    l_maxrows pls_integer := 100;
    l_desclen pls_integer := 250;
    -- for output to file
    -- fund := fund_in;
    for i in (
    select xmlelement( "rss",
    -- Begin XML Header Block
    xmlattributes( l_version as "version"),
    xmlelement( "channel",
    xmlforest( l_title as "title",
    l_link as "link",
    l_description as "description",
    l_language as "language"),
    -- End XML Header Block
    -- Begin List of Individual Articles or Items
    xmlelement( "item",
    WHEN x.title IS NOT NULL THEN xmlelement("title", x.title)
    ELSE xmlelement("title", substr(x.description,1,255))
    xmlelement("link", x.link),
    xmlelement("description", x.description || ' -- Call number: ' || x.callnum),
    xmlelement("callnum", x.callnum),
    xmlelement("pubDate", to_char(x.updated_on,'Dy, DD Mon RRRR hh24:mi:ss') || ' EST'),
    xmlelement("guid", XMLATTRIBUTES('false' as "isPermaLink"),x.id||to_char(x.updated_on,'JHH24MISS'))
    -- End List of Individual Articles or Items
    ) as result
    from ( -- Actual Database Query that populates the list of Items
    select id,title,link,description,updated_on, callnum
    from drx_rss_feeds
    where (fund like fund_in||'%')
    and rownum < (l_maxrows+1)) x)
    l_clob := xmltype.extract(i.result,'/').getclobval;
    end loop; --i
    WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace);
    -- for i in 1..ceil(dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob)/l_len) loop
    dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file(l_clob, '/iiidb/http/live/screens/rss/', fund_in || '.rss');
    -- l_idx := l_idx + l_len;
    -- end loop; --i
    end rssloopworks2;

  • Diacritic screwing up XML parsing

    Hola -
    I've got a procedure which chews through some database input & produces RSS feeds (as taken from a Tyler Muth posting). It started bailing and I traced it down to a particular entry in the table which has a diacritic, which won't be uncommon for me - the name Çınlar seems to cause XML parsing to fail w/the ff. error:
    ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-06512: at "SUPERVISOR.RSSLOOP3", line 30
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    31011. 00000 - "XML parsing failed"
    *Cause:    XML parser returned an error while trying to parse the document.
    *Action:   Check if the document to be parsed is valid.
    Questions are: 1) Why would this be, the data is all coming from the same 10gr2 instance; 2) How can I avoid this? The code for the procedure is below, although I assume this is simply a character set/XML parsing issue I'm unfamiliar with. Many, many thanks for any assistance here. I stand perplexed! I know I can scrub the data with translate but I'm hoping there's a better solution, ideally one which allows me to keep all the diacritics in place.
    create or replace
    procedure rssloop3 ( fund_in IN VARCHAR2)
    -- customizable parameters
    l_title varchar2(255) := ' New Titles Since ' || to_char(sysdate - 90, 'MM/DD/YYYY');
    l_link varchar2(255) := 'replace this' || fund_in || '.rss';
    l_description varchar2(255) := 'This is a feed of changes to items ' || fund_in;
    l_language varchar2(255) := 'en-us';
    -- end customizable parameters
    l_version varchar2(10) := '2.0';
    l_clob clob;
    l_idx pls_integer := 1;
    l_len pls_integer := 255;
    l_defrows pls_integer := 100;
    l_maxrows pls_integer := 100;
    l_desclen pls_integer := 250;
    -- for output to file
    path VARCHAR2(30);
    filename VARCHAR2(30);
    path := '/iiidb/http/live/screens/rss/';
    filename := fund_in || '.rss';
    fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(path, filename, 'w');
    -- fund := fund_in;
    for i in (
    select xmlelement( "rss",
    -- Begin XML Header Block
    xmlattributes( l_version as "version"),
    xmlelement( "channel",
    xmlforest( l_title as "title",
    l_link as "link",
    l_description as "description",
    l_language as "language"),
    -- End XML Header Block
    -- Begin List of Individual Articles or Items
    xmlelement( "item",
    xmlelement("title", x.title),
    xmlelement("link", x.link),
    xmlelement("description", x.description),
    xmlelement("callnum", x.callnum),
    xmlelement("pubDate", to_char(x.updated_on,'Dy, DD Mon RRRR hh24:mi:ss')),
    xmlelement("guid", XMLATTRIBUTES('false' as "isPermaLink"),x.id||to_char(x.updated_on,'JHH24MISS'))
    -- End List of Individual Articles or Items
    ) as result
    from ( -- Actual Database Query that populates the list of Items
    select id,title,link,description,updated_on, callnum
    from drx_rss_feeds
    where (fund like fund_in||'%')
    and rownum < (l_maxrows+1)) x)
    l_clob := xmltype.extract(i.result,'/').getclobval;
    end loop; --i
    for i in 1..ceil(dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob)/l_len) loop
    l_idx := l_idx + l_len;
    end loop; --i
    end rssloop3;

    NLS is UTF8 btw.

  • APEX + BI Publisher: dynamic pdf filename.

    Hello gurus,
    i'm deploying my first apex application and I need to know if is possible to decide witch name will have the pdf output file.
    What I need is that the filename respect a particular syntax:
    I cannot find any customizable parameters in (report queries / report layouts ).
    Is it possible?
    Thank you very much in advance.

    In the Print Attributes tab of your Report Region you can specify a filename. If you leave this blank it is the name of your region. Maybe you can enter there: &USER.
    For the Date : If &USER. works, you should fill a hidden field with the date you want to use for your report and use a reference to that field as a Filename (like &DATE_FIELD. ).
    The solution above doesn't seem to work. Even if you use &USER. in the region title (that is shown on the page), the PDF page is created with &USER..PDF as the name....sorry!
    Edited by: Roel on Oct 16, 2008 12:31 PM

  • BI Favorites in KM, how does it work?

    Hi there,
    we were wondering how the BI Report Favorites in KM are being stored in NW2004s SP16. When viewing the properties of the newly created favorite, we see something like :
    So the com.sap.ip.bi.bex iView is being called, with as parameter a bookmark ID. Is this ID somewhere stored in a table in BI, together with the layout / customizations / parameters of the favorite, or is everthing stored portal side?
    There is a similar thread : [Bookmark and bookmark with data tables|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/message?messageID=321864], but not applicable for BI 7.0
    Thanks for the help,

    We were wondering mucht he same thing.  We want to link the URL to the query and export it to another application for consolidation with External Reporting tools into an "Enterprise Reporting Center" where users could find their reports, favorites and bookmarks regardless of the tool being accessed.
    Does anyone know how to get these?  Where is the data stored?

  • New to portal: Setting the column width in portal QBE report

    I'm trying to set different widths to different columns in the QBE report. One of the columns in the report contains long descriptive text. With the default column width the reports runs into many pages and user has to scroll a lot. I would like to set the column width for this column so that it does not wrap for every 2/3 words. In the customization tab, I'm setting the width type to "Char" and selecting the number of characters to be displayed in that coulmn. Percent/pixel width type also didn't help. Should I set the Header width also?. I'm not sure where to set this header column width.QBE report just ignores these customization parameters and displays the report in default format. Please let me know if you have any idea/solution to this problem.

    This is a bug and has been fixed 30984.

  • Set environment

    DB version: 11.2
    OS version:Aix
    I am trying to set env in .profle or oraenv. However, the session gets exit abruptly.
    Below is the .profile file.
    # Sun OS or HP-UX or AIX Enviropnment Settings:
    case `uname -s` in
    SunOS) export awk=/usr/xpg4/bin/awk
    export grep=/usr/xpg4/bin/grep
    export egrep=/usr/xpg4/bin/egrep
    export sed=/usr/xpg4/bin/sed
    export test=/usr/xpg4/bin/test
    export sendmail=/usr/lib/sendmail
    export EDITOR=/usr/xpg4/bin/vi
    export ORATAB=/var/opt/oracle/oratab
    HP-UX) export awk=/usr/bin/awk
    export grep=/usr/bin/grep
    export egrep=/usr/bin/egrep
    export sed=/usr/bin/sed
    export test=/usr/bin/test
    export sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail
    export EDITOR=/bin/vi
    export ORATAB=/etc/oratab
    AIX) export awk=/usr/bin/awk
    export grep=/usr/bin/grep
    export egrep=/usr/bin/egrep
    export sed=/usr/bin/sed
    export test=/usr/bin/test
    export sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail
    export EDITOR=/bin/vi
    export ORATAB=/etc/oratab
    # Check if oracle recieved UNIX mail
    if [ -s "$MAIL" ] # This is at Shell startup. In normal
    echo "$MAILMSG" # operation, the Shell checks
    fi # periodically.
    # Alter default paths
    export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/man:/usr/local/man
    export PATH
    # Establish UNIX prompt
    PS1=`hostname`':$LOGNAME->$PWD> '
    export PS1
    # Telnet customization parameters
    stty istrip
    stty erase ^h
    stty erase 
    stty cols 140
    # Terminal Type
    export TERM=vt220
    # SET default editor to VI ;; SET default security level to 022
    set -o vi
    umask 027
    # Paths for Batch Environments
    export APPS=/apps
    export APPBATCH=${APPS}/app_batch
    export DBBATCH=${APPS}/db_batch
    export COMMON=${DBBATCH}/common
    export GENERIC=${DBBATCH}/generic
    # Oracle Environment Settings (using first SID in oratab file)
    ORACLE_SID=`cat ${ORATAB} | egrep ':N|:Y' | grep -v \* | cut -f1 -d':'`
    export ORACLE_SID=`echo ${ORACLE_SID} | cut -f1 -d' '`
    if [ ${ORAENV_ASK:-0} = 0 ]
    export ORAENV_ASK=NO
    . oraenv
    # Paths for Oracle Environments
    export BACKUP=${DBBATCH}/${ORACLE_SID}/backup
    export RESTART=${DBBATCH}/${ORACLE_SID}/restart
    # SET aliases:
    alias dbp='ps -fu oracle | sort -k 1.48'
    alias ls='ls -lart'
    alias oh='cd ${ORACLE_HOME}'
    alias CRS01D='export ORACLE_SID=CRS01D; export ORAENV_ASK="NO";. oraenv;'
    # dfm () prints a format version of the df -k command using MB instead of KB
    dfm ()
    df -k | nawk '/Filesystem/ {printf "%25s %11s %11s %11s %7s\n", \
                                     "Filesystem","Total MB","Free MB","Used MB","%Used";}
    /\// {printf "%25s %11.1f %11.1f %11.1f %7s\n", \
                                     $1, $2/1024, $3/1024, ($2-$3)/1024, $4;}'
    # diskhog () prints a formatted list of the space used by each directory
    # It obtains this by using the total blocks (1 block = 512 bytes = 0.5 KB)
    # listed after each directory in the ls -lR command
    diskhog ()
    ls -lR ${1} | nawk '/total/ { printf "%7i MB %10i KB  %-40s\n", $2/2048, $2/2, dir }
    /:/ { dir = $1; } '
    echo ""
    echo "########################################################################"
    echo "# The following commands are now available: #"
    echo "########################################################################"
    echo "##### Directory Paths: ################################################"
    echo ""
    echo " Based on Oracle SID = ${ORACLE_SID}"
    echo ""
    echo " cd \${ORACLE_HOME} = cd ${ORACLE_HOME}"
    echo " cd \${APPBATCH} = cd ${APPBATCH}"
    echo " cd \${DBBATCH} = cd ${DBBATCH}"
    echo " cd \${COMMON} = cd ${COMMON}"
    echo " cd \${GENERIC} = cd ${GENERIC}"
    echo ""
    echo " cd \${BACKUP} = cd ${DBBATCH}/${ORACLE_SID}/backup"
    echo " cd \${RESTART} = cd ${DBBATCH}/${ORACLE_SID}/restart"
    echo " cd \${DATAGAURD} = cd ${DBBATCH}/${ORACLE_SID}/dataguard"
    echo ""
    echo " cd \${ARCHIVE} = cd /uB04/oraarchive/${ORACLE_SID}"
    echo " cd \${BACKUP_PATH} = cd /uB05/orabackup/${ORACLE_SID}"
    echo ""
    echo "##### Aliases: ########################################################"
    echo ""
    echo " ls = ls -lart"
    echo " oh (oracle home) = cd ${ORACLE_HOME}"
    echo ""
    echo "##### Functions: ######################################################"
    echo ""
    echo " dbp = listing of all oracle processes"
    echo " dfm = formatted version of df -k using MB"
    echo " diskhog = listing of directories and disk space usage"
    echo ""
    echo "########################################################################"
    echo ""
    Trying to enter this value...
    export ORACLE_SID
    export ORACLE_BASE
    export ORACLE_HOME
    #export ORAENV_ASK
    export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
    set -o vi
    echo "ORACLE env set for test"
    export EDITOR=vi
    stty erase ^?
    Let me know how to add entry in the .profile file or can i create seperate oraenv file in my home dir and add the above values.
    . oraenv

    dev01:/home/m01 (m01)$./oraenv
    ORACLE env set for 01D
    /u01/apps/oracle/product/11.2.0/bin/osh: Can't raise ulimit. The mode of /u01/apps/oracle/product/11.2.0/bin/osh should be 4711 and owned by root.
    dev01:/home/m01 (m01)$sqlplus /
    ksh: sqlplus: not found
    dev01:/home/m01 (m01)$ls -lart
    total 40
    drwxr-xr-x 33 bin bin 4096 Jul 18 15:29 ..
    drwxr-xr-x 2 m01 dba 256 Jul 21 11:59 .
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 m01 dba 480 Jul 21 12:01 oraenv
    -rw------- 1 m01 dba 153 Jul 21 12:01 .vi_history
    -rw------- 1 m01 dba 7608 Jul 21 12:03 .sh_history
    dev01:/home/m01 (m01)$cat oraenv
    # Oracle Environment Settings
    export ORACLE_SID
    export ORACLE_BASE
    export ORACLE_HOME
    export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
    export ORAENV_ASK=NO
    echo "ORACLE env set for 01D"
    export EDITOR=vi
    set -o vi
    stty erase ^?
    . oraenv
    dev01:/home/m01 (m01)$./oraenv
    ORACLE env set for 01D
    /u01/apps/oracle/product/11.2.0/bin/osh: Can't raise ulimit. The mode of /u01/apps/oracle/product/11.2.0/bin/osh should be 4711 and owned by root.
    I have already given you .profile file entries
    $uname -a
    AIX dev01 3 5 00C441B04C00
    Edited by: user548261 on Jul 21, 2011 9:07 AM
    Edited by: user548261 on Jul 21, 2011 9:09 AM

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