Will converting to Mobile home folder overwrite existing home folders?

Hi I have a client who uses entourage 2004 and the users databases (10Gb typical) are stored on the server in their home folders. I was thinking of switching them to mobile home folders so they had a cached copy on their local Mac to improve performance.
Will turning on mobile home folders overwrite any existing data?

Hi I have a client who uses entourage 2004 and the users databases (10Gb typical) are stored on the server in their home folders. I was thinking of switching them to mobile home folders so they had a cached copy on their local Mac to improve performance.
Will turning on mobile home folders overwrite any existing data?

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  • My home folder (not my home library folder) seems to be invisible to the Finder

    I can see it by listing the /Users directory in the Terminal, but in the Finder, when I drill down from the Masintosh HD level, I can see all the other users home directories, but not my own ... which still appears in the sidebar.  Checking volume structure via Disk Utility and DiskWarrior uncover no problems. 
    Additional tidbits …
    When I use the hierarchical pulldown in the Finder toolbar, my home directory is greyed out … this does not occur when performing this action from any of the other home directories.
    Also, when I do  "ls -fla" from the Users directory in Terminal, my directory has an @ suffix, which is supposed to indicate a symbolic link, but this is not the case … at least I have not attempted to relocate my home directory elsewhere.
    When I select the home folder icon in the sidebar, and do a Get Info (command-i), the directory name is similarly greyed out.  Nothing else looks anomalous, and everything "appears" to be working OK.
    What's wrong here?

    Dave Lentz wrote:
    I can see it by listing the /Users directory in the Terminal, but in the Finder, when I drill down from the Masintosh HD level, I can see all the other users home directories, but not my own ... which still appears in the sidebar.  Checking volume structure via Disk Utility and DiskWarrior uncover no problems. 
    Additional tidbits …
    When I use the hierarchical pulldown in the Finder toolbar, my home directory is greyed out … this does not occur when performing this action from any of the other home directories.
    Also, when I do  "ls -fla" from the Users directory in Terminal, my directory has an @ suffix, which is supposed to indicate a symbolic link, but this is not the case … at least I have not attempted to relocate my home directory elsewhere.
    When I select the home folder icon in the sidebar, and do a Get Info (command-i), the directory name is similarly greyed out.  Nothing else looks anomalous, and everything "appears" to be working OK.
    What's wrong here?

  • Change Network Home Folder to Local Home Folders

    Hello and Thanks in advance for your help.
    I created a mac network in our school this year. This is used for a video editing lab of 14 iMac's. I used a Mac Xserver with Server 10.5.7 on it and my clients are also 10.5.7. I upgraded my server hard drives to three 1TB hard drives in RAID 0 array. I created my users and decided to use true network homes so the students could use any mac in the lab at any given time. The Server has two Gigabit connections to it. This setup works great until you get more than 5 users at one time importing and editing videos. I believe the servers Hard Drives could not keep up with the data streams for multiple users and video editing.
    What is the easiest way to switch the students network home folders to local home folders on the iMacs? I tried it with a dummy account that I've been using from the beginning but when I try to change the mobility preferences in WGM to create a mobile account at login and use default syncing I get 2 different error messages.
    Either error while saving 14006 Or Error while saving 14084
    Sometimes an error about DSutil.cp line 712 comes up as well.
    Is it possible to have the students current Network Home folders sync to a local iMac and then switch them to use local home folders only? I'm trying to keep the students from losing the last few weeks of work.
    Should I try to use the create mobile account on the actual iMac instead of in WGM on the server?
    Thanks again,

    Thanks for the info Tony.
    Just for other people who are looking for answers to this problem I'll give my specifics.
    14 iMac workstations
    1 XServe server upgraded w/ 3 1TB WD Caviar Black drives RAID 0
    All networked using 1 Cisco Gigabit switch
    1 GB to each iMac
    (2) 1 GB connections to the Server
    The original true network home folders worked out okay for Final Cut Pro users. About 6 could work at the same time, capturing and editing their work. For iMovie HD only about 3 could use it at the same time.
    I could not get iMovie '09 v 8.0.5 to import to the network homes. Something about video library errors if I remember correctly. So I went back and they have been using iMovie HD with no problems.
    There was a lot of dropped frames and time wasted on importing with time code brakes.
    This is where I decided to create mobile accounts for each student on a specific computer set by the teacher. As stated about it will take about 3 minutes per GB of data to copy from the server to the local computer. Near the end of the student list (about 70) it would copy the data fairly quickly and then would sit at 100% for about 7+ minutes before It would finally complete and log off.
    The login sync still only takes about 1 full minute and the logout usually takes 1 minute but can sometimes take up to 3 depending on how much capturing they have done.
    After about 2 full weeks of use, this solution still seems very viable. There have been no complaints about dropped frames or lag while capturing. There is also no lag while using iMovie HD (which was very problematic before) during editing and playback. This is still great because at the end of the day they still have a mobile account and can access their data from any mac, besides the one they have a mobile account setup on. Also, if something happens to the server they can still login to the computer with their mobile account and still accomplish work and when the server is back up it will automatically sync on the next login.
    I'm not sure if it was the network or hard drive speed causing the lag. My server will only hold 3 SATA drives and they had to be configured for 1.5 instead of 3.0. The RAID was also setup w/ apple software and was not a hardware card.

  • Convert a Mobile (PHD) account to a local one...

    I currently retired my Snow Leopard Server in a small home office.  There are currently three client computers.  On each of them, the user accounts are all mobile or PHD.  I would like to simply convert them to become the local one on each user's respective computer.  Is there an easy way to do this?

    Try this.
    Delete user from local machine with the option of (do not delete user home folder).
    Rename user home folder to original home folder name in the terminal. (You will see the folder but it will be called olduseraccount (Deleted) and you can not change the name in finder.
    In terminal change the directory to the user folder cd /Users
    sudo mv oldaccountname\ \(Deleted\) oldaccountname
    Create new user with original short name, you will see an option to use the existing home folder. Click use and you can then log out of the local admin and then log into the account.
    You may have to log out and back in if you do not at first have the ability to make a new folder to the desktop.

  • Convert Managed Mobile Account?

    We are starting the final implementation year of a 1:1 student device rollout in my school district. I know that at the end of this next school year we are going to be offering the departing 8th graders the option to purchase their MacBook. Due to that, I am starting to look into what it will take to remove everything district related from the device. One major stumbling block I have run into is how to convert their user account. I know I can uninstall the Kanaka plugin, and that uninstall seems to go fine. However, the account is still listed as "Managed, Mobile" in the Users & Groups" System Preferences pane. So, how can I go about changing this account to a "regular" account so that they can keep all of their data and settings?

    tmusa Wrote in message:
    > We are starting the final implementation year of a 1:1 student device
    > rollout in my school district. I know that at the end of this next
    > school year we are going to be offering the departing 8th graders the
    > option to purchase their MacBook. Due to that, I am starting to look
    > into what it will take to remove everything district related from the
    > device. One major stumbling block I have run into is how to convert
    > their user account. I know I can uninstall the Kanaka plugin, and that
    > uninstall seems to go fine. However, the account is still listed as
    > "Managed, Mobile" in the Users & Groups" System Preferences pane. So,
    > how can I go about changing this account to a "regular" account so that
    > they can keep all of their data and settings?
    Have you found https://discussions.apple.com/message/22402295 ? In
    particular the fifth reply:
    1) delete user from local machine (do not delete user home folder)
    2) rename user home folder to original short name
    3) create new user with original short name, you will see an
    option to use the existing home folder, all permissions will be
    updated automatically
    Simon Flood
    Novell Knowledge Partner

  • [SOLVED] Mystic home folder inside home folder.

    for some time now I observe the repeated creation of a mystic home folder inside my home folder. E.g. if my user name is user, the folder /home/user/home/user/ is created (supposedly at booting time). I use arch linux with gdm and xmonad started from a .xsession file.
    Do you have any ideas or suggestions about logs that I could provide?
    Last edited by fazky (2013-10-10 14:50:48)

    @SolarBoyMatt: Yes, it appears along with everything else and it is empty (sorry, I forgot to post this ...). I am not convinced that it is created at boot time, but if I delete it, it appears again after I reboot the laptop.
    @jasonwryan: No, it is not a symlink. The folder is empty. The only shell initialization file that I changed from the default ones is ~/.bashrc
    # ~/.bashrc
    export PATH
    export ALTERNATE_EDITOR=emacs EDITOR=emacsclient VISUAL=emacsclient
    # for sudo bash completion
    complete -cf sudo
    # Bash completion
    if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
    . /etc/bash_completion
    # Test for an interactive shell. There is no need to set anything
    # past this point for scp and rcp, and it's important to refrain from
    # outputting anything in those cases.
    if [[ $- != *i* ]] ; then
    # Shell is non-interactive. Be done now!
    # Bash won't get SIGWINCH if another process is in the foreground.
    # Enable checkwinsize so that bash will check the terminal size when
    # it regains control. #65623
    # http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/bash/FAQ (E11)
    shopt -s checkwinsize
    # Enable history appending instead of overwriting. #139609
    shopt -s histappend
    # Change the window title of X terminals
    case ${TERM} in
    PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"'
    PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033_${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/$HOME/~}\033\\"'
    # Set colorful PS1 only on colorful terminals.
    # dircolors --print-database uses its own built-in database
    # instead of using /etc/DIR_COLORS. Try to use the external file
    # first to take advantage of user additions. Use internal bash
    # globbing instead of external grep binary.
    safe_term=${TERM//[^[:alnum:]]/?} # sanitize TERM
    [[ -f ~/.dir_colors ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(<~/.dir_colors)"
    [[ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(</etc/DIR_COLORS)"
    [[ -z ${match_lhs} ]] \
    && type -P dircolors >/dev/null \
    && match_lhs=$(dircolors --print-database)
    [[ $'\n'${match_lhs} == *$'\n'"TERM "${safe_term}* ]] && use_color=true
    if ${use_color} ; then
    # Enable colors for ls, etc. Prefer ~/.dir_colors #64489
    if type -P dircolors >/dev/null ; then
    if [[ -f ~/.dir_colors ]] ; then
    eval $(dircolors -b ~/.dir_colors)
    elif [[ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]] ; then
    eval $(dircolors -b /etc/DIR_COLORS)
    if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
    PS1='\[\033[01;31m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\] \W \$\[\033[00m\] '
    PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w \$\[\033[00m\] '
    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    alias grep='grep --colour=auto'
    if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
    # show root@ when we do not have colors
    PS1='\u@\h \W \$ '
    PS1='\u@\h \w \$ '
    # Try to keep environment pollution down, EPA loves us.
    unset use_color safe_term match_lhs
    #add color to man pages
    export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m' # begin blinking
    export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;38;5;74m' # begin bold
    export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m' # end mode
    export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m' # end standout-mode
    export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[38;5;246m' # begin standout-mode - info box
    export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m' # end underline
    export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[04;38;5;146m' # begin underline
    There doesn't seem to be anything suspicious in here.
    @drcouzelis: No, the user-dirs file looks fine.
    @Trilby: This is my fstab file, there doesn't seem to be an error:
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0
    # /dev/sda4
    UUID=6770128b-c26d-4474-b369-68b1802e1222 / ext4 rw,relatime 0 1
    # /dev/sda3
    UUID=aec81631-a927-40af-8a5d-85ca27e5dc35 /boot ext4 rw,relatime,stripe=4 0 2
    # /dev/sda2
    UUID=1D04-16EA /boot/efi vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro 0 2
    # /dev/sda5
    UUID=743ec024-dfe0-4b1f-a10d-7ecaf026bc85 /var ext4 rw,relatime 0 2
    # /dev/sda6
    UUID=b28a3641-1ae4-4545-8919-aab6c6781057 /home ext4 rw,relatime 0 2
    Regarding the journalctl boot log: This is quite an extensive document but I can post it, if you want to. Maybe only some parts of it are interesting?
    Thanks for all your suggestions,

  • Since I have two computers I've made Dropbox my home folder, backup?

    I have made DropBox my home folder, instead of two folders and copying things in it. It makes it easier to access it from multiple computers and I don't have to remember what I've put in dropbox and not.
    I know that DropBox has accidentally deleted files before, therefore I am not only using Time Machine, I am using Chronosync and it backs up the DropBox folder to a hard drive. Yet, it does not backup deletions because I turned that off. Meaning, if dropbox deletes something, it will not delete it on the synced drive, even if I have synced 100's times and and didn't notice the deleted file.
    Is this the best idea? Or how are you guys doing it? I know some people don't make dropbox their home folder because they are scared something could get deleted but this seems to solve that.
    I'm wondering if anyone has had any troubles doing this. Also, I backup on exfat, so I was able to plug it into a PC and see my entire DropBox home folder, with no permissions to open it.

    hello again,
    i didn't really dare to delete the blue home folders before, just in case everything went wrong, but now i think i have so little space that i can't afford to lose 2.25gb!
    one thing that slightly worries me is the fact that the 'proper' library folder (in the home icon) is 2.09gb, whereas the 'wrong' one (from the blue folder forenamesurname) is 2.24gb - this is the one i would be deleting. just seems odd to delete a larger file than the one i presume i'm using.
    "Move everything you want to keep out of the blue folders, and then place both of the folders on your desktop. If everything works properly after a few days, delete both folders. If you are asked for your administrator password at any point or if either folder is copied instead of moved when dragged, don't delete that folder."
    by 'everything you want to keep', does this include the library folder? 'cause there doesn't seem to be much else, and i'm not sure if deleting the library folder would ruin all my preferences.
    i've put both of the folders on the desktop, it didn't ask for the admin password or try to copy them, so i guess that's good news. what kind of things should i be looking out for to act differently?
    are the folders not in use now that they are on the desktop?
    also if i put them in the trash will they have no effect? i.e. the same as permanently deleting them, so i could put them in the trash as a test.
    cheers, stephen.

  • Leopard can't find home folder

    I moved my home folder, using Apple's instructions, to an external drive.
    It is located on a partition on a western digital my book studio 500GB. There is nothing else on that on that partition.
    I turn off my iMac last night and came back to it this afternoon. When I booted it up, and entered my password, it loaded what seemed to be, a version of Leopard that you would see when you reinstall the system. It had the standard background and dock icons etc. However, the home folder had only 3 items, Desktop, Library and one other folder I can't remember.
    I did a bit of investigating and found out the home folder with 3 sub folders, was in fact on the main HD.
    I opened a finder window of the Home partition, cmd clicked on the top of the window to show the path, and instead of being "My Imac>Home>" it was "My Imac>Volumes>Home"
    The level: Volumes was in a lighter font, I presume indicating it is a hidden "folder".
    I went into system preferences>accounts, unlocked it and right clicked on my account, into advanced options (this is the way I told it originally where the new home folder was) and saw that in had the home folder in /Volumes/Home 1/Alex
    Alex is the name of my home folder.
    I hit choose, and relocated my home folder, but this time instead of Home 1, it had Home 2.
    I restarted and when I entered my password it brought up an error.
    *You are unable to log into the user account "Alex" at this time.*
    *Logging into the account failed because an error occurred*
    I tried a few times but no joy.
    I inserted the install disk and repair permissions and the actual disk of both Macintosh HD and Home. I also repaired the entire HD that Home is located on. It said all drives were fine.
    After restarting it logged on but to the same state as before. I re-did all the steps and tried again. Back in circles. Except repairing the disks didn't work this time.
    I hooked it up by target disk mode to my MBP and created the necessary folders to simulate a home folder (leaving the library folder as it was) but this didn't help.
    My best diagnoses is that the iMac thinks there is a volume called Home 1 (or 2 or whatever) and that is where the Home folder should be. But in fact it is just on the drive Home.
    Anyone have any ideas how I can fix this?
    I tried ringing Apple support, but aside from telling me that you can't move the home folder, or tell system preferences where it is, and leave me on hold for ages while he sees if my iMac is within its 90 day phone support, they did nothing. Oh and it took 15 minutes before he understood I wasn't having trouble resetting the password. They should really have a few levels of support, noobs, the average joe and guys who know what they are talking about to a pretty good extent (i.e. me)
    I'm not great with terminal but have used it a bit with very clear instructions, so go for any suggestions and I'll have a shot

    Ye I did that but no joy, different password still doesn't work.
    Without trying to sound ungrateful at all (your very helpful ) and also to save your own time replying, I am pretty well aquatinted with OS X and stuff like resetting the password, I find, is pretty straight forward Again, your input is greatly appreciated and most stuff with troubleshooting is fine (root user, passwords, DU, Install disks etc) terminal and the very obscure or unused utilities may not be as familiar but are still OK Hope I didn't offend you
    So really my biggest task now is to get into the system and change the Home folder location, something I can't do via target disk mode etc.

  • How to replace home folder after yosemite erase-reinstall?

    Hi, I did an erase-reinstall and then simply copied my backed-up home folder (administrator's home folder) back into the new home folder but this has not worked well. Can anyone tell me the correct procedure of how to restore the home folder. I have a Time Machine back-up from a previous online Yosemite install (not an erase-install) as well as a regular back-up on a separate drive. Can I fix this up (i.e. remove the whole current home folder and replace it properly) without doing another erase-install of yosemite? Many thanks, Barak

    baltwo, out of interest, I just found this at:  http://www.theinstructional.com/guides/how-to-re-run-the-os-x-setup-assistant
    How to Re-Run the OS X Setup Assistant
    Under certain circumstances, it can be advantageous to re-run the Setup Assistant. Using some command-line trickery, we can do just this without having to erase and reinstall OS X...

  • Users on Win7 Clients intermittently loose connection to home folder

    My environment consists of 2003/2008R2 DCs, Win7 client machines, and a 2008R2 file server which holds the shared folder for users' home folders. DFL/FFL is 2003.
    Sometimes I have this strange occurence where users loose connection to certain folders in their home folder. They can connect to other shared folders on the same file server just fine, but can not connect to their home folder. The home folder is
    connected to a user specific folder, under a shared folder (\\fileserver\users$\username). This is defined in the user object in AD. All other network drives are connected through GPO preferences .
    Three folders have been redirected to the users' home folder; My Documents, Desktop and Favorites through GPO. And I think this is what might be causing the issue. As all GPO redirected folders are automatically made available offline.
    The problem occurs for different users each time, and the problem can only be fixed by restarting the client machine.
    Anyone ever experienced this issue?

    First thing, i would ensure system is running with latest patches,service packs, firmware,bios and drivers. Verify antivirus software, may be this can be the culprit which is locking the file during scan. Disconnect the drive & reconnect it back for
    one of the user. Ensure DNS is correctly defined in the NIC.
    If nothing works, try to use wireshark or netmon to capture the packet to find out where exactly the drop happening can be due to high latency, packet drop etc.
    You can try one more thing, if possible have a fresh system & see if it happens on that system too.
    Awinish Vishwakarma - MVP
    My Blog: awinish.wordpress.com
    Disclaimer This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties/guarantees and confers no rights.

  • [SOLVED] Add a user that will use a home folder that already exists.

    I have been reading the add user information but am still unsure the proper way to do this.  I would like to create a user in arch that has all the super user, wheel, etc. permissions.  I would like this user to the home folder that already exists and was created on my Ubuntu partition.  Basically I have a dual boot between Ubuntu and Arch and want a user to share the home folder named "J" and not have any permission problems. 
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,
    Last edited by zippymorocco (2012-11-21 04:15:03)

    Yeah, as I said above I didn't think the username part was necessary.  But the uid and gid are how the system keep track of file owndership.  So that is the important part.  One of the first things I had to learn about stuff when moveing from osx to linux is that the two use very different uids and gids for their systems.  So while I was still dual booting, I would always use 501 as my uid so that I could easily share files.  That way I could keep default file permissions in my home (or /Users in osx) folders.

  • Mobile Account and Active Directory home folder

    We install a XServe server (Mac OS X 10.6.3). We join it to Active Directory for authentification and Open Directory for policy. I read the magic triangle on the web.
    I mount a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X 10.6. I join it to AD and after to OD. When I configure an account to be mobile, the home folder configure in AD stop to mount automatically. If the account is not mobile the home folder mount correctly.
    Somebody has an idea of waht happen?

    Hello, sifeduc, and welcome to the AppleBoards,
    This really seems like a Directory Services question and is probably best suited to this board: http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=1353
    That being said are you talking about Portable Home Directories? If so PHDs should be created on the server first and on the client second. If you have a client account you want to sync to the OD you need to delete the client account - *but leave it in place* - create a server account and then use the local account which will then sync to the server. The steps for this are a little more complicated than that but not much.
    Good Luck,

  • Problem syncing Mobile account home folder

    I'm trying to get mobile accounts working correctly so that i can support users (including myself) having laptops and iMacs with files all in sync. My initial tests seem to go well, but when I started moving the first user account over (mine) I noticed a number of errors appear. Here is an example of what I'm currently working on (I've trimmed it down to just before the error message):
    Client ~/Library/Logs/FileSyncAgent/FileSyncAgent-verbose.log:
    <Logout> 1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.357] <OK> network: MODIFY "Library/Preferences/com.apple.recentitems.plist" {(Priority=1, EXECUTING)}
    <Logout> 1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.387] <OK> network: MODIFY "Library/Preferences/com.apple.systemuiserver.plist" {(Priority=1, EXECUTING)}
    <Logout> 1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.417] <OK> network: MODIFY "Library/Preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist" {(Priority=1, EXECUTING)}
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] EXCEPTION: \[data writeToFile:'/Volumes/Users/synctest/.FileSync/PHD-R-wO-0oQq9MqC-synctest.FileS yncHistory' options:0 error:&error] (Cocoa error 512) <-\[SStoreFileOperator_FS writeFileData:] (StoreFileOperator-FS.m:1091): "(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=512 UserInfo=0x102fdd8c0 "The file “PHD-R-wO-0oQq9MqC-synctest.FileSyncHistory” couldn’t be saved in the folder “.FileSync”." Underlying Error=(Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=35 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Resource temporarily unavailable"))">
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] USERINFO: {
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] NSFilePath = "/Volumes/Users/synctest/.FileSync/PHD-R-wO-0oQq9MqC-synctest.FileSyncHistory";
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=35 \"The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. Resource temporarily unavailable\"";
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] }
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] BACKTRACE: {
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] ? | 0x1000bc73c
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] ? | 0x1000b9eec
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] ? | 0x100066a00
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] ? | 0x100065fe6
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] ? | 0x1000c8f1a
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] ? | 0x7fff800cbe8d
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] ? | 0x7fff820a3456
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] ? | 0x7fff820a3309
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.435] }
    <Logout> 1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.544] -\[SStore(protected) cleanupTree]: PHD-L-iI.arrVC0G4-synctest: required 0.0 seconds to execute
    <Logout> 1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.557] Store "PHD-L-iI.arrVC0G4-synctest" finished syncing with root version PHD-L-iI.arrVC0G4-synctest1276714848PHD-R-wO-0oQq9MqC-synctest1276714849\[]
    <Logout> 1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.558] -\[SStore_FS deleteStateTreeTurdFile] (Store-FS.m:481): unlink('/Users/synctest/.FileSync/store.filesyncstatetree.statetree_dirty')
    <Logout> 1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:57.737] Store "PHD-R-wO-0oQq9MqC-synctest" finished syncing with root version PHD-L-iI.arrVC0G4-synctest1276714848PHD-R-wO-0oQq9MqC-synctest1276714849\[]
    <Logout> 1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.041] Compress/upload of "/Volumes/Users/synctest/.FileSync/Store-FS-PHD-network-home.filesyncstatetree. bz2" took 1.30 seconds
    <Logout> 1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.041] -\[SStore_FS deleteStateTreeTurdFile] (Store-FS.m:481): unlink('/Volumes/Users/synctest/.FileSync/Store-FS-PHD-network-home.filesyncsta tetree.bz2.statetree_dirty')
    <Logout> 1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.043] 1-pass sync of "HomeSync_Mirror" took 4.75 seconds
    <Logout> 0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.374] Finished sync of "HomeSync_Mirror".
    1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.914] -\[MainObj shutdownAgent]
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] EXCEPTION: User Cancelled <_incomingIPC (ipc.m:210): "'((userCanceledErr))' error -128">
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] USERINFO: {
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] NSLocalizedDescription = "User Cancelled";
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] }
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] BACKTRACE: {
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] ? | 0x10000e2a8
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] ? | 0x7fff82d74af1
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] ? | 0x7fff82d0f171
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] ? | 0x7fff82d0d84f
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] ? | 0x1000049d9
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] ? | 0x7fff820a3456
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] ? | 0x7fff820a3309
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] }
    1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.949] _incomingIPC: caught exception _incomingIPC (ipc.m:210): "'((userCanceledErr))' error -128"
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:23:00.669] Bye (PID:2246)
    Server ~/Library/Logs/FileSync-server/FileSync-server-verbose.log:
    1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:54.616] PHD-R-wO-0oQq9MqC-synctest Scanning flagged directory "Library/"
    1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:54.625] PHD-R-wO-0oQq9MqC-synctest Scanning flagged directory "Library/Preferences/"
    1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:54.644] PHD-R-wO-0oQq9MqC-synctest Scanning flagged directory "Library/Preferences/ByHost/"
    1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:54.665] Store "PHD-R-wO-0oQq9MqC-synctest" finished prepareForSync with root version PHD-L-iI.arrVC0G4-synctest1276714845PHD-R-wO-0oQq9MqC-synctest1276714849\[]
    1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:54.671] -\[SStore_FS deleteStateTreeTurdFile] (Store-FS.m:481): unlink('/Users/synctest/.FileSync/Store-FS-PHD-network-home.filesyncstatetree.s tatetree_dirty')
    1:: \[10/06/16 15:22:56.113] -\[SPeer_FS zip] (Peer-FS.m:361): unlink('/Users/synctest/.FileSync/Store-FS-PHD-network-home.filesyncstatetree')
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] EXCEPTION: Unknown error 2002 <-\[SNetworkReachabilityMonitor init] (NetworkReachabilityMonitor.m:72): "(Error Domain=com.apple.SystemConfiguration Code=2002 UserInfo=0x100243d20 "The operation couldn<E2><80><99>t be completed. (com.apple.SystemConfiguration error 2002 - Configuration daemon not (no longer) available)")">
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] USERINFO: {
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] NSDescription = "Configuration daemon not (no longer) available";
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] }
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] BACKTRACE: {
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x100014831
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x100014688
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x7fff82ffb535
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x7fff8300963e
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x7fff83001eaa
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x7fff82ffa1ba
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x1000036c3
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x10007f4e0
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x2
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] }
    0:: \[10/06/16 15:22:59.705] Bye (PID:9460)
    Now I've not done much with OS X programming, but I've done quite a bit of Unix systems work. The client appears to be getting an EAGAIN error (essentially that the syscall didn't complete, but not that it failed). Ideally, it should try again, and perhaps there is something I can set that will have it do a couple of retry attempts before giving up?
    However, the error on the server side is the likely culprit. I don't know what the error message regarding com.apple.SystemConfiguration means, but my googling for hints implies that it is some sort of error connecting over the network. To try and debug that, I had both machines connected to the same switch with firewalls turned off and the error continues. The previous lines imply that it is trying to delete a file that it created from the local disk. What bothers me about that is that in the WGM I set the home directory to be "afp://servername/Users" and it shows that it should be either "afp://servername/Users/synctest" or "/Network/Servers/servername/Users/synctest" but the server is accessing the home folder directly, so why an issue with network reachability?
    Can anyone offer any hints as to what I should be looking for? I had hoped that PHDs would solve the whole multiple computer issue, but they don't seem to be working reliably for me. Since I get this issue consistently I'm guessing that there is something misconfigured on my end.

    I've done the deletion of those folders a number of times, with no luck.
    The most recent attempt to get this to work was:
    1. Delete ~/.FileSync and ~/Library/FileSync from the server machine.
    2. With a brand-new install of OS X on a laptop, create a local administrator, join the server, then login as the user account that wants a mobile account
    3. Look at logs
    I still get an exception on the server
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] EXCEPTION: Unknown error 2002 <-\[SNetworkReachabilityMonitor init\] (NetworkReachabilityMonitor.m:72): "(Error Domain=com.apple.SystemConfiguration Code=2002 UserInfo=0x10027adc0 "The operation couldn<E2><80><99>t be completed. (com.apple.SystemConfiguration error 2002 - Configuration daemon not (no longer) available)")">
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] USERINFO: {
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] NSDescription = "Configuration daemon not (no longer) available";
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] }
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] BACKTRACE: {
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x100014831
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x100014688
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x7fff82ffb535
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x7fff8300963e
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x7fff83001eaa
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x7fff82ffa1ba
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x1000036c3
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x10007f4e0
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] ?<C2><A0>|<C2><A0>0x2
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.791\] }
    0:: \[10/07/31 13:39:47.792\] Bye (PID:38660)
    as well as the corresponding error on the client.
    I'm quite frustrated with the whole situation at this point. I'm sure some folks have gotten it to work, but since it has exceptions like this silently, it slowly corrupts the data in an account. I still want to get it to work, but am skeptical that it will.
    Message was edited by: Benjamin Kuperman

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