Will Iphones work in B country if i bought it from A country

I want to buy an Iphone from my country and bring it to another country to use it. The main question is wether iphone can be used in a different country.

If you planning on switching sims you would need to puchase an unlocked iPhone. Some carriers have sims that work in different countries but you would have to check with your carrier to see what they have available.

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    If I buy iPhone 6 without contract in Canada, will iPhone work in Europe, on Croatian network without unlocking or some other problems? Tnx

    A contract-free phone is not the same thing as an unlocked phone.
    If you purchase it through a carrier, it will very likely be locked to that carrier.
    In the US, Apple stores, and only Apple stores, sell unlocked phones. The same may hold true in Canada.
    Also keep in mind that warranty service will only be available in the country where you purchased the phone (Canada) and you will have to either send it to a friend/family member to get it repaired or make the trip yourself. Apple will not accept a shipment from outside the country of purchase.
    Finally, while an iPhone from one country will generally work anywhere in the world, you may find that you do not get 4G speeds/full compatibility with a network outside of the country of purchase.

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    Message was edited by: karo.pineda

    Thomas Miller6 wrote:
    At this moment, the iPhone can only be activated with a USA address and other criteria. It may be able to be used in other countries with roaming charges, which are outrageous.
    Not true. The iPhone works in ANY country and it can be activated EVERYWHERE.
    Of course ONLY if using methods which aren't officially supported or approved by Apple.
    Since I'm not permitted to give out details (do a Google search, use the words iPhone, unlock and hack but BEWARE of rogue sites trying to sell you an unlock!), a few hints:
    1. a software unlock is available but it works with FW 1.0.2 (latest) and it will be "gone" as soon as you update to a newer FW version
    2. the software unlock requires to activate the iPhone first and to change it to a "writeable" state. Both requires certain methods NOT approved or supported by Apple, one reason why your iPhone warranty may be affected too by doing this.
    3. software unlocking the iPhone requires basic computer skills and it works best using OSX but it works with Windows too.
    4. applying the software unlock incorrectly (not following the instructions step by step without ANY deviation), may brick your iPhone, putting it in a state where it can't be recovered anymore and you need to send it in to Apple. It doesn't happen too often but it has happened to a couple of people, so make sure you READ the instructions first, print them out and read them again before applying the software unlock.
    5. a point and shoot application isn't available yet for the software unlock but the current methods require very little skills since they're using a graphical interface instead of command line utilities.
    6. a point and click application may be available soon to allow a simple software unlock even for novice computer users.
    It is sad that Apple went the wrong way (in my opinion) to market the iPhone, selling it freely to anybody on this planet, not provider-locked, would have allowed even higher numbers of sold phones and people wouldn't get angry at the locked phone policy Apple started with AT&T.
    Another thing: there are already tons of third party appliations available for the iPhone, unfortunately the same thing here...NOT supported or approved by Apple. Some of these applications allow a free configuration of the "Springboard" of the iPhone, making it possible to have 30(!) icons on the screen, you can scroll them down very easy. There are many many other interesting applications like the WiFi stumbler or even an Apache webserver.
    The iPhone community is huge right now and I just hope that Apple understands that this community is only on their side if Apple really stays "neutral" like they promised in an interview. If Apple would start to fight the community, the outrage would be incredible.

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    There is no international contract for the iPhone at this time. If and when it becomes available, it will have a contract in your country just like the US version.
    No, you cannot buy an iPhone from the US at this time and use it there.

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    You're looking at this backward. The real questions are:
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    The answer to the first question is no, while the answer to the second is yes. Users of version 5 of NUTD or Contact will be able to update to NightHawk for $ 69.95 directly through Now Software.
    You will be able to synchronize using the existing Mac OS X 10.4 or later framework using iTunes via USB, or cross-grade from the Missing Sync for Palm OS to the soon to be released Missing Sync for iPhone, which includes a migration assistant specifically designed to move contact, event and task data from a Palm device to the iPhone, and extends support for call logging, SMS transfers and the synchronization of notes.

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    Hey 111wonderer,
    The iPhone does require Mac OS 10.4.10
    USB2 is required but the USB hardware is forward compatible from USB 1 to 2. The syncing will be much slower with USB 1 though.

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    The iPhone warranty is only valid in the original country of purchase. You would need to ship the phone to someone you know in Singapore. This would be at your expense. Your other option is to look for a local 3rd party repair shop but this will void your remaining warranty.
    Good luck.

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    D you have the Aluminum PB? that has USB 2 but I think you need to make sure the OS is 10.4.10 and latest version of iTunes.
    However if your PB is an early one with USB 1 then I think (from what I've researched) that it's a slim chance it will work.

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    Hello everyone,
    I've just installed iTunes on computer and as I did that I chose location as Lituania, although I'm in England.
    I also chose location as Lituania when registering for iTunes on iPad.
    The iPad is travelling and staying in Lituania, where all the purchased apps are going to be used.
    I want to, using computer, purchase and 'gift' apps for iPad (two separate Apple IDs).
    My question is this- Are the apps, that I can see on iTunes and going to buy on computer, "location- correct" and going to work on iPad when used in Lithuania?
    Thank you for your time!

    Ritute wrote:
    I would buy apps while in UK, using computer. Is that what you are saying I need to do?
    No... I am Not advising you to do anything...
    Ritute wrote:
    And then 'gift' it to iPad which will travel to another country.
    You do realise that anything Purchased with  ' UK Apple ID ' is Tied to that ID and Cannot be Transfered to any other Apple ID...

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    Domis.steam wrote:
    If its available to change language to Lithuanian?
    You can change the language to any available in the tech specs:
    There is a Lithuanian keyboard but no Lithuanian user interface.

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    Although this is far from any sort of official confirmation but as I understand it, once your 2 years is up you are completely free from any obligation of AT&T and the phone should still work as an iPod.

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    From footnote 1 on this page: http://www.apple.com/ipodtouch/ios4-software-update.html
    Not all features are compatible with all devices. For example, multitasking, custom wallpaper, and Bluetooth keyboard support are available only with iPhone 4, _iPhone 3GS_, and the third-generation iPod touch (32GB and 64GB models from late 2009).

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    If it is an officially unlocked iPhone, you can use any supported SIM.
    Follow these steps to upgrade: iOS 5: Updating your device to iOS 5

  • I have an elocity tablet pc with android 2.2. Will Firefox work on it? I cannot download anything from android market, but can from amazon.

    What more info do you need?

    The eLocity A7 tablet you have should technically work with the mobile Firefox.
    It has Android 2.2 and most importantly a ARMv7 type of cpu, a NVIDIA Tegra II T20 and it has 512MB RAM.
    mbrubeck who works on mobile Firefox has been recommending to try the Firefox 9 Beta's because it includes a new interface designed especially for Android tablets.
    Current mobile Firefox 9.0 Beta 4 for Android (will need to manually update):
    mobile Firefox 8.0 for Android:

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