Will Prores work well on my Quad PowerPC G5?

Hey all -
Will Prores 422 work well on my Quad PowerPC G5? Or will it bottleneck once my timeline starts filling up with the feature film I'm cutting?
Other data that may help:
A post house will be capturing all 24 hours of HDCAM tape and putting it onto an eSATA or firewire drive.
The producers and I are trying to decide between the Prores codec and the DVCPROHD codec.
We have a G5 PowerPC Mac (non-Intel) and we're currently running FCS1, but it's a NOT FOR RESALE version, so we can't upgrade and we'd have to purchase the full version of FCS2.
[I've been looking for the answer to this question for about an hour in the forums, but am not having any luck, so please forgive if it's a repeat.]
Thanks again in advance - these forums really rock!

I apologize most humbly in return for my barbs as well, Mike. I'm glad we could work it out.
I really get a better sense at the level of frustration the main posters here must have at the folks who cut costs at FCP's expense, and then take advantage of the vast amount of knowledge you guys all contribute here.
As a gleeful sidebar, one of the producers is walking into the Apple Store in Pasadena and purchasing Final Cut Pro Studio 2 this afternoon, so that I can start cutting in ProRes once the tapes are finished dig'ing on Tuesday. So long NOT FOR RESALE version and Hello paid version!
Based on the recommendations of the opinions here on this board, and of Mike at Plaster City Post, the producers have decided to give the Prores 422 a go on my Quad G5 PowerPc, and if it turns out to bottleneck, we'll re-compress to a lower-res and keep our Prores versions to conform from when we're done.

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