Will upgrading my ram help overclock to even higher speeds?

Hi everybody.... here are my systems specs as of now
MSI 865PE NEO 2 (BIOS 1.9)
Intel P4 2.8C 800Mhz FSB @ 3.33Ghz 952Mhz FSB
Zalman CNPS7000-Cu / Arctic Silver Compound
4x256 Corsair TwinX 3200C2 @ 2-3-3-5-8
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb o/c to 400/360
HD1: SATA 36GB WD Raptor
HD2: WD 40GB ( ATA 133 )
Lite-On 52x Burner
Lite-On 16X DVD Drive
Antec True Power 550W
All wrapped up in a Thermaltake Xaser III V1000 Series Case (Black)
I am always looking to boost my system performance in any way I can... if I ugrade my ram from twinx 3200c2 to twinx 4000 will I be able to push it any more than I am now? Right now I run solid at 3.33Ghz... if I boost it to 3.36Ghz however my computer will eventually lock up and I am thinking its my ram holding me back.
I am still new to the overclocking side of the house but any advice would be appreciated. Thanks a lot  

If you Choose a RAM that is DDR-4000 you will never have to run it at anything but a 1:1 Ratio if you stay at 250 MHZ CPU Speed (or PBS) or Lower, and at 250 MHZ you are "Freakin Flyin"...In order for you to chang your Memory Ratio or Divider, as some Call it, is to Go into the BIOS on the "Frequency and Voltage" Page and Choose the DRAM Frquency Option, if you have a P-4 (C) Chip that Runs on a 200 MHZ Proc. Bus Speed(PBS) and your memory is DDR-400 then at default it is 1:1 as the Memory and the CPU are running Syncronous with each other, in order to Change the Memory frequency to a 5:4 Ratio all you have to do is to Choose 333 MHZ in the DRAM Frequency Sub-Menu... Or if you are Running your PBS Overclocked to 250 MHZ PBS, and you have PC-4000 (DDR-500) installed, then to run it at a 1:1 Ratio you would Choose 500 MHZ in the DRAM Frequency Sub-Menu........Understand? .............Sean REILLY875

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    Welcome to the    Discussions
    So we have DSL Modem <-> Base Station <-> Computer connected by Ethernet.
    Is the Modem Routing ?
    Is the Base Station set to "Share An IP" ?
    (i.e are there two DHCP servers on your LAN ?)
    Is Internet Sharing On in th G5s System Preferences > Sharing pane ?
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    Also check the Modem is not Blocking PINGS as this log shows no PING (But I am not sure it even got that far)
    7:45 PM Thursday; February 18, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • Will adding more Ram  help?

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    OS X Version 10.9.1
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    Any thoughts?

    When you have the problem, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.
    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above. Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first. Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough. It is never necessary or helpful to post more than about 100 lines. "The more, the better" is not the rule here.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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    You need to give more information for someone to help
    Some specific information that is needed...
    Brand/Model Computer (or Brand/Model Motherboard if self-built)
    How much system memory you have installed, such as 2Gig or ???
    Operating System version, such as Win7 64bit Pro... or whatevevr
    -including your security settings, such as are YOU the Administrator
    -and have you tried to RIGHT click the program Icon and then select
    -the Run as Administrator option (for Windows, not sure about Mac)
    Your Firewall settings and brand of anti-virus are you running
    Brand/Model graphics card, sush as ATI "xxxx" or nVidia "xxxx"
    -or the brand/model graphics chip if on the motherboard
    -and the exact driver version for the above graphics card/chip
    -and how much video memory you have on your graphics card
    Brand/Model sound card, or sound "chip" name on Motherboard
    -and the exact driver version for the above sound card/chip
    Size(s) and configuration of your hard drive(s)... example below
    -and how much FREE space is available on each drive (in Windows
    -you RIGHT click the drive letter while using Windows Explorer
    -and then select the Properties option to see used/free space)
    While in Properties, be sure you have drive indexing set OFF
    -for the drive, and for all directories, to improve performance
    My 3 hard drives are configured as... (WD = Western Digital)
    1 - 320G WD Win7 64bit Pro and all programs
    2 - 320G WD Win7 swap file and video projects
    3 - 1T WD all video files... read and write
    Some/Much of the above are available by going to the Windows
    Control Panel and then the Hardware option (Win7 option name)
    OR Control Panel--System--Hardware Tab--Device Manager for WinXP
    Plus Video-Specific Information http://forums.adobe.com/thread/459220?tstart=0
    And, finally, the EXACT type and size of file that is causing you problems
    -for pictures, that includes the camera used and the pixel dimensions
    Read Bill Hunt on a file type as WRAPPER http://forums.adobe.com/thread/440037?tstart=0
    What is a CODEC... a Primer http://forums.adobe.com/thread/546811?tstart=0
    What CODEC is INSIDE that file? http://forums.adobe.com/thread/440037?tstart=0
    For PC http://www.headbands.com/gspot/ or http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/en
    For Mac http://mediainfo.massanti.com/
    Read Bill Hunt on editing a VOB/MPG file http://forums.adobe.com/thread/464549?tstart=0
    Edit Vob http://premierepro.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ:How_do_I_import_VOB_files_/_edit_a_DVD%3F
    Read Hunt on Using MOD/TOD files http://forums.adobe.com/thread/699990?tstart=0
    Also, For Windows (not sure about Mac) This is aimed at Premiere Pro, but may help
    Work through all of the steps (ideas) listed at http://forums.adobe.com/thread/459220?tstart=0
    If your problem isn't fixed after you follow all of the steps, report back with ALL OF THE DETAILS asked for in the FINALLY section at the troubleshooting link

  • Will installing more RAM help my iMac run faster?

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    An Early 2006 Core Duo only supports 2GB of Ram. If you have a Late 2006 Core 2 Duo 20 or 24" it will take 4GB, but only recognize and use 3GB.

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    Cheers, Matt

    Hi Matt,
    There are numerous ways to improve the performance of your 2008 Mac Pro, and, as Grant has already advised you, "More RAM. A lot more" is an obvious primary course of action.
    I would suggest a total of 16GB as a minimum, and, personally, I use only Kingston RAM which I have found to be 100% reliable and trouble-free.
    Adding an SSD as a system boot drive is another obvious suggestion, because applications launch lightning-fast with one of these installed.
    Upgrading the graphics card to an HD 5770, if you have not already done so, is another option.
    There are other performance options such as a striped RAID 0 configuration, but I would suggest that you read Lloyd Chambers' "Upgrades:Know Your Priorities" 14 page review in his Mac Performance Guide (MPG) first:
    In case you are one of the few contributors to this Mac Pro forum who is not already aware of his MPG, this is the link to the main "Articles & Reviews" section:
    I use my system mainly for photo editing, digital imaging, and colour printing up to A2 size, and I have found Lloyd's MPG indispensible, and I would also recommend that anybody with an interest in photography should follow his Blog at:
    Message was edited by: Biltan-Wales

  • Should I upgrade my ram?

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    Upgrade your RAM as much as you can afford to. http://eshop.macsales.com/shop/memory/Apple_MacBook_MacBook_Pro/Upgrade/DDR3_Whi te
    From Wikipedia: Some memory can be stored in physical RAM chips while other memory is stored on a hard drive. This drastically increases the amount of memory available to programs. The operating system will place actively used memory in physical RAM, which is much faster than hard disks. When the amount of RAM is not sufficient to run all the current programs, it can result in a situation where the computer spends more time moving memory from RAM to disk and back than it does accomplishing tasks; this is known as thrashing.

  • HT1635 how should i will upgrade my macbook'13inch (late 2008)

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    so, how should i will upgrade the ram,nvida graphics and GHS
    please guide meh.
    Thank you

    You can upgrade the RAM and the disk but not the NVIDIA graphics processor.  I don’t know what a GHS is. 
    On my 2009 MacBook I upgraded the memory and disk and it did wonders for the boot time and responsiveness.  I found my $200 investment was well worth the money. 
    I expect you have 2 GB of memory so an 8 GB memory upgrade (~$100) will make a big difference.  You can also upgrade the disk to a small SSD or large hybrid SSHD for around $80 to $260.  Larger SSDs cost more.  Your choice.  The hybrid Seagate SSHD comes with an 8 GB SSD cache that provides SSD-like performance.  My storage needs were minimal so I opted for a 120 GB SSD but if I had needed 500 GB to 1 TB of capacity I would probably have chosen the SSHD.
    Order the parts from OWC (macsales.com) or Crucial.com.  They provide Mac-tested and warranted parts with excellent service.
    First confirm which model MacBook you have.  About this Mac > More Info…  Note the season and year.  Then click on System Report and note the Model Identifier.  For example, if it is a Late 2009 model it would be a MacBook 6,1.  A late 2008 model (non-aluminum) would be a 4,1.
    If it is a Late 2009 MacBook 6,1 it can hold up to 8 GB of RAM.  Apple originally supported 4 GB of RAM but OWC has tested and supports 8 GB.
    If it is a Late 2008 MacBook 4,1 it can hold up to 6 GB of RAM.  Apple originally supported 4 GB of RAM but OWC has tested and supports 6 GB.
    In these instances OWC supports larger RAM than Crucial so I would buy it form OWC.  8 GB for the 6,1 would cost you $105.  6 GB for the 4,1 would cost $125.
    The disk-bus speed for the Late 2009 MacBook is 3 Gbps, which is good for supporting SSDs and SSHDs.  Here are some example SSDs.  If your capacity needs are modest you may want to chose an SSD.  If you want the combination of 1 TB high capacity and SSD-like speed, choose the SSHD.
    http://www.crucial.com/store/listparts.aspx?model=MacBook%20(13-inch%2C%20Late%2 02009)
    Crucial M500 120 GB: $81
    Crucial M500 240 GB: $138
    Crucial M500 480 GB: $260
    http://www.crucial.com/store/modelpart.aspx?model=MacBook%20(13-inch,%20Late%202 009)&imodule=ST1000LM014
    Seagate 1 TB SSHD: $105
    For a $5 toolkit with the necessary screwdrivers I recommend http://eshop.macsales.com/item/OWC/TOOLKITMHD/
    For an enclosure to transfer the data Google “USB 3.0 enclosure”
    The Crucial and OWC sites have tutorials on installing the memory and disks.
    If you don’t want to do the upgrade yourself take it to an Apple Authorized Service Provider https://locate.apple.com/country.  An Apple store will not install non-Apple parts.

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    Just to clarify...
    If I were to purchase a "regular" MacBook Pro (non-"retina", DVD drive, FireWire port, etc.) and seek aftermarket options for...
    (1: replacing the main RAM with 16 gigabytes of RAM (I understand that the newest "regular" MBP is limited to a BTO option of only 8 GB.)
    (2: replacing the hard drive with a larger-capacity aftermarket Solid State Drive, preferably one with a capacity of either 768 gigabytes or 1 terabyte.
    Do such aftermarket options exist for the newest "regular" MacBook Pro? Can this model handle 16 GB of RAM? If there are aftermarket kits available, who installs them?

  • How to upgrade Tiger and install iLife without a hi-speed connection?

    I recently sold my 17" iMac G4 to an internet buyer who wants to edit movies. The last thing I did was reinstall Tiger, erasing all of my files to provide the buyer with a clean slate. First, I'm not sure whether this installation would include iLife and, if so, which version? I included with the computer a Tiger disc and iLife '06. The buyer loves the machine but writes that it tells her she can't install iLife '06 without upgrading her version Tiger, which requires a high-speed connection.
    Is she interpreting things correctly? Is there any way to download the Tiger upgrades if you don't have DSL or cable? If not, is there any way to install iLife '06 in lower (earlier) versions of Tiger?
    (Finally, might I have cause to breathe somewhat easier knowing that she has at least some version of iLife as a result of my installing the original Tiger?)
    Thanks for any tips that I might pass on to a truly grateful buyer and new Apple convert,

    If she has a friend, library, internet cafe with a BB connection, even a PC, she can get the Updates from apple>downloads without Software Update, then use a CD or memory stick to take to her computer.
    You could download all the updates, burn em to a CD/DVD and mail it to her!?

  • Aperture 3 keeps crashing on me, consistently. More frequently after using Burn tool or skin smoothing - and even more often when I feather. What can I do? I already upgraded my RAM. I'm at a loss!

    Aperture 3 keeps crashing on me, consistently. More frequently after using Burn tool or skin smoothing - and even more often when I feather. What can I do? I already upgraded my RAM. I'm at a loss!

    4) When my computer crashes, once it starts again, it says "repairing" ... but I am not familiar with reparing permissions -- can you explain how I might do that?
    If you are running OS X Lion, then you can restart your computer and then press and hold the 'Option' key immediately after you hear the start up 'gong' (usually heard when grey screen shows as it restarts).
    You should see at least two Disks to choose from. Choose 'Recovery Disk' and wait for it to load, then choose 'Disk Utility' option in the Utilities dialog.
    Once Disk Utility loads, do the following:
    1 - In the left hand pane, choose your system partition (usually called either 'Macintosh HD' or 'Macintosh SSD'). Note - don't choose the actual hard drive listed above the partition when using Disk Utility in OS X Lion as this doesn't offer options for repairing due to it including the Recovery Disk you have loaded in memory.
    2 - Click the 'First Aid' tab
    3 - Click the 'Repair Disk Permissions' button in lower portion of main pane and allow to complete. Ideally, you will get a final message in main pane saying Disk Permissions are repaired.
    4 - At lower right of same pane, click the 'Repair Disk' button and allow to complete. Ideally, you will get a final message indicating that Disk Repair is completed and all appears to be good.
    5 - Quit Disk Utility > Close Utilities dialog window > Click 'Restart' button (confirm as needed).
    You should boot straight into the system partition when complete.
    Note - any red text in the main pane text while running the repairs will be issues and you will need to follow the advice given or post back.
    If you are running Snow Leopard; then (as David mentions) boot from your first OS X reinstall disc and run the Disk Utility the same way; except you select the actual hard drive listed at top of left pane (not the partition below it). This is because Snow Leopard does not use a 'Recovery Disk' partition and repairs can be run on the HD or SSD itself.
    Hope that helps.

  • I am having a hard time with fcpx, it is running so slow.  i upgraded my ram to 12 and have cleaned up my computer to run faster and have changed all my files to proxy files but it is still running SO slow.  please help!

    I am having a hard time with my fcp x running so slow.  i can't even move my mouse without the time wheel coming on and staying up for at least 20 some seconds.  I have upgraded my ram to 12 and changed all my files to proxy files; also i cleaned the crap out of my computer removing all other media files I didn't need and it is still running the same.  Please help!  I have a deadline on my short film to be submitted and I can't finish it like this.  Oh also it ran fine in the beginning but and one day it just started doing this out of no where.  Anything will help!  Thanks

    In addition have you got FileVault switched on as that will kill performance.

  • I am having consistant problems w/ my mb pro freezing for 20-60 seconds while working in different programs and apps. i've upgraded my RAM to 8gigs and deleted over 60 gig of pics and videos to try to help, but nothing seems to work.

    I've now been having this problem for months. It just freezes up and either shows me the dumb color wheel or doesn't show me anything sometimes and i just cant do anything for about 20-60 seconds. i can't exposae or anything. Also while working on a power point presentation it froze 4 different times for good and i had to do a hard restart just to get it working again. i lost my work and had to keep starting over. it was so annoying. it seems most of the time it does it, it is while i'm in Excel, Outlook, or Powerpoint. so perhaps it has something to do with my microsoft office. but i have the newest version and all the updates and everything. and i believe its happened when doing other tasks too. So i just can't figure it out.
    A few Mac friends suggested i free up some space on my hard drive and upgrade my RAM. So i did. i put all my videos and photos on an external harddrive and deleted them all on my computer. i also upgraded to 8 gigs of RAM.
    And honestly i can't even tell a difference after doing both of these.
    HELP! PLEASE HELP! I'M ABOUT TO GO CRAZY. And having all the non Mac believers telling me it cause i have a Mac even drives me more nuts..

    Any of this help?
    it froze a few times over the last hour and half while browsing the internet.
    and also while working in excel it all of the sudden shut down excel and said. "Excel has encountered and problem and needs to shut down, you may lose the work you were on." or something like that. THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME TOO. Excel, outlook and powerpoint frequently just shut down on me out of now where. I've bolded and underlined when this happened.
    1/8/12 11:50:56 AM
    Software Update[4573]
    PackageKit: *** Missing bundle identifier: /Library/Receipts/PPD_Installer_RI3292E3L.pkg
    1/8/12 11:51:22 AM
    (com.apple.suhelperd[4575]) Exited with exit code: 2
    1/8/12 12:13:51 PM
    (com.apple.netauth.sysagent[4608]) Exited with exit code: 255
    1/8/12 12:17:37 PM
    (com.apple.netauth.sysagent[4616]) Exited with exit code: 255
    1/8/12 12:20:47 PM
    1/8/12 12:21:39 PM
    (com.apple.netauth.sysagent[4645]) Exited with exit code: 255
    1/8/12 12:26:25 PM
    colorbits: 24 alpha: 8 depth: 24 stencil: 0
    1/8/12 12:26:25 PM
    *** depth: 24 (req: 24)
    1/8/12 12:27:54 PM
    colorbits: 24 alpha: 8 depth: 24 stencil: 0
    1/8/12 12:27:54 PM
    *** depth: 24 (req: 24)
    1/8/12 1:00:43 PM
    ([0x0-0x1b01b].com.microsoft.Excel[210]) Exited: Killed
    1/8/12 1:03:51 PM
    Sun Jan  8 13:03:51 Jason-Streiffs-MacBook-Pro.local Microsoft Excel[4763] <Error>: CGBitmapContextCreate: invalid data bytes/row: should be at least 5760 for 8 integer bits/component, 3 components, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst.
    1/8/12 1:03:52 PM
    Sun Jan  8 13:03:52 Jason-Streiffs-MacBook-Pro.local Microsoft Excel[4763] <Error>: CGBitmapContextCreate: invalid data bytes/row: should be at least 5760 for 8 integer bits/component, 3 components, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst.

  • I need to upgrade my ram very urgent plz help !!!

    I have MacBook Pro 13 inch early 2011, i need to upgrade my ram, right now i am using 4gb ram, i searched on apple support it says max 8 gb ram and base 4gb , but if i install 8 + 8 = 16 gb ram will it work perfectly ?

    Yes it will work and is compatible with your make and model computer early 2011,13", 2.7 ghz,  i7 MacBook Pro I believe what Niel meant by this satement ~Yes, unless there's a problem with the specific modules you get; the computer supports 16GB.~  Was if the new modules eg 2x8 are in themselves a problem or defective. Hope this helps you somewhat

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