Win2k --- XP Pro uprgrade. OMG help!!!

I have been running win2k on this setup for the last 6 months without any (major) problems.
Yesterday decided to upgrade it to XP pro. Since I have tons of stuff on my HDD I didn’t want a fresh install so I just clicked the  Upgrade option. It went fine with no hiccups but…XP will only load correctly until  “Applying personal settings” then I get a BSOD every time. 
It will only start in safe mode.
I didn’t add any hardware so i know it’s not an Hardware problem.
I have tried to reinstall but same happens.
I have disabled all USB, LAN, Audio etc and removed drivers for those.
Also removed drivers for 6800GT, unplugged all other drives like IDE HDD, CD-RW, DVD.
So even with just the mobo and 1 Sata HDD I still get the BSOD while loading personal settings. 
Any ideas? I would h8 to loose all my data and I cant think of anything else to try.   
Tanx in advance.

Thank you all for the replies.
I do have a backup or 2 in another drive, but it will be win2k backup.
I guess I could recover most of my data if I reinstall win2k.
But just the thought of reinstalling all the rest… will take me weeks to get it all in.   
I will try your suggestions first thing when I get home. If that doesn’t help I think I have no choice but to install win2k on another drive just so I can do a restore and maybe I can import files and settings to a fresh XP installation then.   

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      +-Spelling:Check Spelling
      +-Spelling:Edit Dictionary
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    All rights reserved.
    NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
    in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement
    accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other
    than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it
    requires the prior written permission of Adobe.
    /******************************   Hide Menus    ************************************/
    //Hide the default Help menu
    var langkey = app.language;
    if (langkey == "FRA")     
      app.addMenuItem({ cName: "Aide d'Adobe Acrobat Pro XI", cParent: "Help", cExec: "fTDocs2()", nPos: 0});
      app.addMenuItem({ cName: "Adobe Acrobat XI Pro Help", cParent: "Help", cExec: "fTDocs1()", nPos: 0});
    // if (langkey == "ENU") {
    //  app.addMenuItem({ cName: "Adobe Acrobat XI Pro Help", cParent: "Help", cExec: "fTDocs1()", nPos: 0});
    /********************************    Functions     *********************************************/
    function fTDocs1()
        {app.openDoc("/C/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 11.0/Acrobat/Help/acrobat_reference_EN.pdf");};
    function fTDocs2()
        {app.openDoc("/C/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 11.0/Acrobat/Help/acrobat_reference_FR.pdf");};
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