Windows 2000/Active Directory - Gateway on none domain controller

I have been trying to configure a Gateway to run on a non member server and have it point to a domain. All attempts to work of the remote machine have failed and wonder what I am doing wrong. Here is an out line of what I have done:
All machines are Windows 2003 running in VMWare instances.
Machine 1: Gateway machine. IDM is installed but not running. Server name = USTRSDLMS009VM1, member of the workgroup IDM
Machine 2: AD machine, Gateway installed. IDM is installed but not running. Server Name = USTRSDLMS009VM2. Domain Name =
Machine 3: IDM is installed and running. Servername = USTRSDLMS009VM3 member of the workgroup IDM
Basic Tests:
All machines can ping each other by both computer name and ip address.
Easy step first
Connect to IDM on Machine 3 (IDM server) configure the Windows 2000/Active Directory RA to point to the Gateway on Machine 2 (AD server). All works perfect. Server is identified with IP address.
Remote server test
Connect to IDM on Machine 3 (IDM server) configure the Windows 2000/Active Directory RA to point to the Gateway on Machine 2 (Gateway machine). This does not work. Configuration of Resource Parameters is as follows:
Host: Configured using both IP or ServerName
TCP Port: 9278
User: Administrator
container: cn=users,dc=idmtestad,dc=idmlab,dc=com
LDAP HostName, DomainName, IP or Servername of Server 1 (standalone gateway server). This is the setting that should allow me to use a remote machine. NOTE: I have done tons of tests and they all indicate that this field is not working.
I get the following error message when I try and connect:
Test connection failed for resource(s):
AD-VM2DirectConnect: Error opening object 'LDAP://cn=users,dc=idmtestad,dc=idmlab,dc=com': ADsOpenObject(): 0X8007054B: , , The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.
I have also tested connecting to the LDAP using an LDAP browser with the same credentials from the standalone gateway machine. Worked fine.
The following is the Gateway Trace log from the standalone gateway machine. I will post it as a seperate item in the thread (a little cleaner I think). But the basic error section is:
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,7352): buildBindOptions bind flag = 0x1
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,5182): Error opening object 'LDAP://cn=users,dc=idmtestad,dc=idmlab,dc=com': ADsOpenObject(): 0X8007054B: , , The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.

The GW Log file from the stand alone GW server.
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/logging/WSTrace.cpp,146): trace active, level: 4, file: c:\gwtrace\gwtrace.txt, maxSize: 3500 KB
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/logging/WSTrace.cpp,201): Trace file set to 'c:\gwtrace\gwtrace.txt'
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,116): Enter: reply
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,74): Enter: sendBuffer
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,88): Sending buffer:
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-16'?>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Response>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Result status='ok'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <ResultItem type='message' status='ok'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Message>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Text>Trace level set to 4</Text>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Message>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </ResultItem>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <ResultItem type='message' status='ok'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Message>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Text>Trace file maximum size set to 3500</Text>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Message>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </ResultItem>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <ResultItem type='message' status='ok'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Message>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Text>Trace file set to 'c:\gwtrace\gwtrace.txt'</Text>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Message>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </ResultItem>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Result>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Response>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/connect/RASecureConnection.cpp,110): SendPrivate: count: 1100 pad: 8
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,103): Exit: sendBuffer
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,124): Exit: reply
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,558): Exit: ProcessCommand
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,695): Exit: handleRequest
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/connect/client_handler.cpp,344): got 6564 bytes
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/connect/RASecureConnection.cpp,260): ReceivePrivate: count: 6542, 6560 wrapped up rawlength 6558
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/connect/RASecureConnection.cpp,269): Rightbefore decrypt:
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/connect/RASecureConnection.cpp,34): KEY:[e8 92 1c 9c 05 78 d7 a0 d3 62 32 f8 46 0a 0d 3d 64 05 6a bd fe a9 34 57 ]
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/connect/RAEncryptor.cpp,67): RAEncryptor::Decrypt3DES: input length (6552) moded to 819
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/connect/RASecureConnection.cpp,110): SendPrivate: count: 0 pad: 4
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,563): Enter: handleRequest
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,583): Received buffer:
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-16'?>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Request encrypted='true'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <cmd>test config</cmd>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Resource name='AD-VM2DirectConnect' class='com.waveset.adapter.ADSIResourceAdapter'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attributes>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='ADSI Search Page Size' type='string' value='1000'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Container' type='string' value='cn=users,dc=idmtestad,dc=idmlab,dc=com'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Create Home Directory' type='string' value='1'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Display Name Attribute' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Encryption Type' type='string' value='None'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Global Catalog Server' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Host' type='string' value=''/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Input Form' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='LDAP Hostname' type='string' value=''/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Log File Path' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Log Level' type='string' value='2'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Maximum Age Length' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Maximum Age Unit' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Maximum Archives' type='string' value='3'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Maximum Log File Size' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Object Class' type='string' value='User'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Poll Every' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Polling Start Date' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Polling Start Time' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Post-Poll Workflow' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Pre-Poll Workflow' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Proxy Administrator' type='string' value='Configurator'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Scheduling Interval' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Search Subdomains' type='boolean' value='false'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='TCP Port' type='string' value='9278'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='Update search filter' type='string' value='(objectCategory=person)'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='User Provides Password On Change' type='string' value='0'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='When reset, ignore past changes' type='string' value='1'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='activeSyncConfigMode' type='string' value='basic'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='activeSyncPostProcessForm' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='blockCount' type='string' value='100'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='confirmationRule' type='string' value='CONFIRMATION_RULE_NONE'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='connectionLimit' type='string' value='10'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='correlationRule' type='string' value='CORRELATION_RULE_NONE'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='createUnmatched' type='string' value='true'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='deleteRule' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='parameterizedInputForm' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='password' type='encrypted' value='H7fYWJq3kBs='/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='populateGlobal' type='string' value='false'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='processRule' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='resolveProcessRule' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='searchContext' type='string'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attribute>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='useInputForm' type='boolean' value='true'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Attribute name='user' type='string' value='Administrator'/>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Attributes>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Resource>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Request>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,632): command='test config'
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,463): Enter: ProcessCommand
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,2403): Enter: testConfiguration
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,2411): Enter: doCheck
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/Extension.cpp,34): Enter: getRequiredResAttrValue
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/Extension.cpp,44): Exit: getRequiredResAttrValue
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,5090): Enter: openObject - 2
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,4666): Enter: login(wstring**,EncyptedData**,wstring**,WavesetResult&)
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,4648): Enter: login(wstring**,EncyptedData**,wstring**,bool,HANDLE*,TOKEN_TYPE,WavesetResult&)
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/Extension.cpp,34): Enter: getRequiredResAttrValue
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/Extension.cpp,44): Exit: getRequiredResAttrValue
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/Extension.cpp,34): Enter: getRequiredResAttrValue
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/Extension.cpp,44): Exit: getRequiredResAttrValue
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,4659): Login: 1
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,4660): Exit: login(wstring**,EncyptedData**,wstring**,bool,HANDLE*,TOKEN_TYPE,WavesetResult&)
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,4669): Login: 1
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,4670): Exit: login(wstring**,EncyptedData**,wstring**,bool,HANDLE*,TOKEN_TYPE,WavesetResult&)
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,5104): ADsGetObject for LDAP://cn=users,dc=idmtestad,dc=idmlab,dc=com
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/connect/RAEncryptor.cpp,67): RAEncryptor::Decrypt3DES: input length (8) moded to 1
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,5118): ADsGetObject
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/Extension.cpp,73): Enter: getOptionalResAttrValue
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/Extension.cpp,77): Exit: getOptionalResAttrValue
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,7352): buildBindOptions bind flag = 0x1
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,5182): Error opening object 'LDAP://cn=users,dc=idmtestad,dc=idmlab,dc=com': ADsOpenObject(): 0X8007054B: , , The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,5190): Exit: openObject - 2
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,116): Enter: reply
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,74): Enter: sendBuffer
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,88): Sending buffer:
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-16'?>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Response>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Result status='error'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <ResultItem type='message' status='error'>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Message>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): <Text>Error opening object 'LDAP://cn=users,dc=idmtestad,dc=idmlab,dc=com': ADsOpenObject(): 0X8007054B: , , The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.&#xD;&#xA;</Text>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Message>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </ResultItem>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Result>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,66): </Response>
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/connect/RASecureConnection.cpp,110): SendPrivate: count: 810 pad: 2
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,103): Exit: sendBuffer
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,124): Exit: reply
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,2438): Exit: doCheck
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,2407): Exit: testConfiguration
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,558): Exit: ProcessCommand
02/28/2006 [2540] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,695): Exit: handleRequest

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    The DNS server has encountered a critical error from the Active Directory. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly. The extended error debug information (which may be empty) is "". The event data contains the error.
    Kindly advice how to resolve this issue.

    Could you check your servers hdd, nic and another services pls. Also this error (4015) occur  DC is not respond requests
    from the DNS Server. 
    Check your DNS functionality  (Dcdiag /test:DNS) and  refer these
    articles please.
    DNS Event Id: 4015, 4513 and 4514
    Event ID 4015 — DNS Server Active Directory Integration

  • Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Setup

    Currently trying to install Windows Azure Active Directory Sync tool for use with Office 365.
    After five attempts to install the Sync Tool, I finally had some luck, now I am configuring the Sync tool and have been given the following error "A constraint violation occurred"
    In looking at the event logs this is the information I get:
    System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: A constraint violation occurred. ---> System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException: A constraint violation occurred. at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges() at Microsoft.Online.DirSync.Common.DirectoryServicesAdapter.DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges()
    at Microsoft.Online.Coexistence.PS.Config.EnableMSOnlineRichCoexistence.GrantWritePropertyPermission(SecurityIdentifier securityIdentifier, String groupDn) at Microsoft.Online.Coexistence.PS.Config.MSOnlineRichCoexistenceBase.GrantPermission(Action`2 grantPermissionAction)
    at Microsoft.Online.Coexistence.PS.Config.EnableMSOnlineRichCoexistence.InternalBeginProcessing() at Microsoft.Online.Coexistence.PS.Config.MSOnlineConfigCmdlet.BeginProcessing() at System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet.DoBeginProcessing() at System.Management.Automation.CommandProcessorBase.DoBegin()
    --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PipelineBase.Invoke(IEnumerable input) at Microsoft.Online.DirSync.PowerShellAdapter.PowerShellCommand.ExecuteCommand(Command command, Boolean refreshPath)

    According to your description, it seems that you have installed Azure Active Directory Sync tool successfully, right? What configuration have you done when you got that error message?
    Firstly, I recommend you to check the event logs for more detailed information about this issue.
    In general, it is recommended to install the Directory Sync tool on a member server rather than a Domain Controller. If you installed Azure Active Directory Sync Tool on a Domain Controller, please uncheck “Start Configuration Wizard now”
    checkbox and then log off and log in again to configure the Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard. If you forget to follow the above process, the Configuration Wizard will return an error "Constraint Violation Error".
    Besides, please also check the permission of the system account. You can add it into the built-in Administrators group in your on-premise domain to see if the issue persists.
    More information:
    HowTo: Install the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool
    Best regards,

  • Monitoring Microsoft Windows 2008 Active Directory by a remoted Agent

    Oracle documentation (E14542-01) said that for remote Agent monitoring with default settings, Grid Control can monitor only the Active Directory associated with the primary domain controller.
    But for Microsoft Windows 2008 Active Directory primary domain doesn't exist anymore, can we use a remote Agent to monitor Microsoft Windows 2008 Active Directory ?

    Dominik wrote:
    Oracle documentation (E14542-01) said that for remote Agent monitoring with default settings, Grid Control can monitor only the Active Directory associated with the primary domain controller.
    But for Microsoft Windows 2008 Active Directory primary domain doesn't exist anymore, can we use a remote Agent to monitor Microsoft Windows 2008 Active Directory ?I think , you can monitor it . Please check :
    Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Certification Checker [ID 412431.1]
    How to Install the Microsoft Active Directory Plugin for Grid Control R2 [ID 359621.1]

  • Windows 2008 Active Directory network administration

    We have a Windows 2008 Active Directory Environment, how we want to allow our helpdesk team to do some of our AD administration without giving full blown domain admin permissions.
    What is the best way to do this?

    Any update?
    Just checking in to see if the suggestions were helpful. Please let us know if you would like further assistance.
    Best Regards,
    Andy Qi
    TechNet Subscriber Support
    If you are
    TechNet Subscription user and have any feedback
    on our support quality, please send your feedback here.
    Andy Qi
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange and EOP and "Windows Azure Active Directory Sync tool".

    Since we are using our on-premises Exchange server and Microsoft EOP only for spam filter, and
    we are not using the EOP created domain "" for anything.
    Technically speaking, do we require
    "Windows Azure Active Directory Sync tool" to be installed and synchronizing all our AD to the EOP!

    The Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool allows you to filter mail in EOP for nonexistent recipients.  This is a pretty useful antispam feature that you'll be forgoing if you choose not to deploy the tool.
    Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

  • Integrating SAP ECC 6.0 with Microsoft Windows 2003 Active Directory

    Hi Gurus,
    We are planning to integrate our SAP ECC 6.0 with Microsoft Windows 2003 Active directory.
    I have several questions on this:
    1. Can i authenticate all the users from SAP
    2. It is used only for user authentication or can it be also used for password authentication
        ie user can login using his windows password?
    3. While integration in SAP does a separate table or a field is created in database.
    4.If a employee leaves a company than in SAP is it possible to lock & deactivate the user automatically.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Mastek,
    You should be able to accomodate your needs with respect to integration of your AD accounts with SAP ECC ABAP. This can be done via LDAP connector configuration. The below has info on how to perfrom the configuration at a high level. You will have to integrate, and map certain user data. You may also want to do some LDAP Connector research:
    On the Java stack - you can also confugure UME to integrate/authenticate with AD:
    Hope this helps!

  • Connect to Windows Server Active Directory

    I have successfully connected windows comps to our windows server active directory, but when trying to connect from my Apple, I am told that username and password is incorrect even though I know I am using the correct one.
    I am a bit confused here, but could certainly use some help.

    You more than likely need to either disable the "Digitally Sign Communications" policy on your Windows Server or use a better SMB client than the one built into Mac OS X.
    Have a look a this page on Microsoft's website about digitally signed communications and where to disable the policy. While this page does not specifically reference Mac OS X, this still applies to your Mac OS X system using SMB. <>
    I suggest you instead look into a third party product called Dave from <>. It doesn't require that you lower your server's security to connect.
    Hope this helps! bill
    1 GHz Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

  • Snow Leopard and Windows 2003 Active Directory Binding Issues

    Ok I have a new imac 27" with snow leopard (completely patched).
    I am attempting to join it to an active directory domain.
    First the prequel:
    * I have opened full traffic to and from the machine and our domain controllers
    * I have enabled full logging on the firewall and there are no blocked packets
    * I have used wireshark to watch the traffic on the mac and there appear to be no anomalies (packets being sent out but not getting a response, dns requests that aren't answered, etc)
    * I have enabled full KDC logging on the domain controller in question and there are no errors in any of the event logs on either domain controller.
    * The domain admin account in question has Enterprise, Schema and Domain Admin rights
    * I have tried it both with and without an existing computer account and with every conceivable combination of caps and no caps on domain name, user and computer names.
    I am getting the following error at the very end of the process:
    "Unable to add server. Credential operation failed because an invalid parameter was provided (5102)"
    I enabled debugging on Directory Services and will post a log in a reply.
    Anyone have any ideas? I have been banging my head on this for a week with no luck.

    Here is the log with the Active Directory: entries grepped... the full log is far too large to reply to here, if you think you need it let me know and I can email it to you it is 548kb
    obviously machine names, usernames and ip addresses have been munged.
    2011-02-09 12:13:32 EST - T\[0x0000000100404000\] - Active Directory: copyNodeInfo called for /Active Directory
    2011-02-09 12:13:36 EST - T\[0x0000000100404000\] - Active Directory: copyNodeInfo called for /Active Directory
    2011-02-09 12:13:41 EST - T\[0x0000000100404000\] - Active Directory: copyNodeInfo called for /Active Directory
    2011-02-09 12:13:46 EST - T\[0x0000000100404000\] - Active Directory: copyNodeInfo called for /Active Directory
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Bind Step 1 - Searching for Forest/Domain information
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: subdomain.domain.tld - Start checking servers for site "any"
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Total Servers "any" LDAP - 2, Kerberos - 2, kPasswd - 2
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Adding Server - "dc3.subdomain.domain.tld"
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Adding Server - "dc1.subdomain.domain.tld"
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: subdomain.domain.tld - Finished checking servers for domain
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: DomainConfiguration reachabilityNotification - Node: subdomain.domain.tld - resolves - enabled
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Bind Step 2 - Finding nearest Domain controllers
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Bind Step 3 - Verifying credentials
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: subdomain.domain.tld - Start checking servers for site "any"
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Total Servers "any" LDAP - 2, Kerberos - 2, kPasswd - 2
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Adding Server - "dc3.subdomain.domain.tld"
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Adding Server - "dc1.subdomain.domain.tld"
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: subdomain.domain.tld - Finished checking servers for domain
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: DomainConfiguration reachabilityNotification - Node: subdomain.domain.tld - resolves - enabled
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: EstablishConnectionUsingReplica - Node subdomain.domain.tld - New connection requested
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: FindSuitableReplica - Node subdomain.domain.tld - Attempting Replica connect to dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: watchReachability watching socket = 21, ->
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: VerifiedServerConnection - Verified server connectivity - dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: CheckWithSelect - good socket to host dc3.subdomain.domain.tld. from poll and verified LDAP
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: FindSuitableReplica - Node subdomain.domain.tld - Established connection to dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: kadmEntry port is nil, will use default 464
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: populateKerberosToDomain - Bailing no domain cache for
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Password verify for [email protected] succeeded - cache MEMORY:vyvyIt4
    2011-02-09 12:13:47 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Switching active cache to MEMORY:vyvyIt4
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Secure BIND Session Success with server dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.:389 using cache MEMORY:vyvyIt4 user [email protected]
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Processing Site Search with found IP
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: No site name available
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: subdomain.domain.tld - Start checking servers for site "any"
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Total Servers "any" LDAP - 2, Kerberos - 2, kPasswd - 2
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Adding Server - "dc3.subdomain.domain.tld"
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Adding Server - "dc1.subdomain.domain.tld"
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: subdomain.domain.tld - Finished checking servers for domain
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Updating Mappings from inSchema.........
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Updated schema for node name subdomain.domain.tld
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Configuration naming context = cn=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=subdomain,DC=domain,DC=tld
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Top domain set as <cn=subdomain,cn=partitions,cn=configuration,dc=subdomain,dc=domain,dc=tld>
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Updating domain hierarchy cache
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Updating policies from domain subdomain.domain.tld
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Updated policies for node name subdomain.domain.tld
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Bind Step 4 - Searching for existing computer
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: EstablishConnectionUsingReplica - Node subdomain.domain.tld - New connection requested
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: watchReachability watching socket = 18, ->
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: VerifiedServerConnection - Verified server connectivity - dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: establishConnectionUsingReplica - Node subdomain.domain.tld - Previous replica = dc3.subdomain.domain.tld. responded
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: kadmEntry port is nil, will use default 464
    2011-02-09 12:13:48 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: populateKerberosToDomain - Bailing no domain cache for
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Password verify for [email protected] succeeded - cache MEMORY:zXpbfEi
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Switching active cache to MEMORY:zXpbfEi
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Secure BIND Session Success with server dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.:389 using cache MEMORY:zXpbfEi user [email protected]
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Doing Computer search for Ethernet address - 10:9a:dd:56:1b:1d
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Bind Step 4 - no mapping for Ethernet MAC address
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Doing DN search for account - machinename
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: stopWatching socket = 21, ->
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: LDAP connection closed - dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.:389 - cache MEMORY:vyvyIt4 user [email protected]
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Destroying cache name MEMORY:vyvyIt4 user [email protected]
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Closing All Connections
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: stopWatching socket = 18, ->
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: LDAP connection closed - dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.:389 - cache MEMORY:zXpbfEi user [email protected]
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Destroying cache name MEMORY:zXpbfEi user [email protected]
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Bind Step 5 - Bind/Join computer to domain
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: EstablishConnectionUsingReplica - Node subdomain.domain.tld - New connection requested
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: watchReachability watching socket = 18, ->
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: VerifiedServerConnection - Verified server connectivity - dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: establishConnectionUsingReplica - Node subdomain.domain.tld - Previous replica = dc3.subdomain.domain.tld. responded
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: kadmEntry port is nil, will use default 464
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: populateKerberosToDomain - Bailing no domain cache for
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Password verify for [email protected] succeeded - cache MEMORY:10xG6op
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Switching active cache to MEMORY:10xG6op
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Secure BIND Session Success with server dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.:389 using cache MEMORY:10xG6op user [email protected]
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Looking for existing Record of machinename
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Doing DN search for account - machinename
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: EstablishConnectionUsingReplica - Node subdomain.domain.tld - New connection requested
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: watchReachability watching socket = 21, ->
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: VerifiedServerConnection - Verified server connectivity - dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: establishConnectionUsingReplica - Node subdomain.domain.tld - Previous replica = dc3.subdomain.domain.tld. responded
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: kadmEntry port is nil, will use default 464
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: populateKerberosToDomain - Bailing no domain cache for
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Switching active cache to MEMORY:10xG6op
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Secure BIND Session Success with server dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.:389 using cache MEMORY:10xG6op user [email protected]
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: KerberosID Found for account CN=MACHINENAME,CN=Computers,DC=subdomain,DC=domain,DC=tld - MACHINENAME$
    2011-02-09 12:13:49 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Existing record found @ CN=MACHINENAME,CN=Computers,DC=subdomain,DC=domain,DC=tld with [email protected].
    2011-02-09 12:13:50 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Setting Computer Password FAILED for existing record......
    2011-02-09 12:13:50 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Computer password change date is 2011-02-04 18:21:01 -0500
    2011-02-09 12:13:50 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Schtldled computer password change every 1209600 seconds - starting 2011-02-09 12:13:50 -0500
    2011-02-09 12:13:50 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Closing All Connections
    2011-02-09 12:13:50 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: stopWatching socket = 21, ->
    2011-02-09 12:13:50 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: LDAP connection closed - dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.:389 - cache MEMORY:10xG6op user [email protected]
    2011-02-09 12:13:50 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: stopWatching socket = 18, ->
    2011-02-09 12:13:50 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: LDAP connection closed - dc3.subdomain.domain.tld.:389 - cache MEMORY:10xG6op user [email protected]
    2011-02-09 12:13:50 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: Destroying cache name MEMORY:10xG6op user [email protected]
    2011-02-09 12:13:50 EST - T\[0x00000001026AA000\] - Active Directory: Failed to changed computer password in Active Directory domain
    2011-02-09 12:13:50 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: copyNodeInfo called for /Active Directory
    2011-02-09 12:13:51 EST - T\[0x0000000102481000\] - Active Directory: copyNodeInfo called for /Active Directory
    Message was edited by: aelana

  • Windows Azure Active Directory MA - Maximum number of items that can be serialized or deserialized in an object graph is '500000'. Change the object graph or increase the MaxItemsInObjectGraph quota.

    Trying to use WAAD with FIM 2010 R2 SP1 (4.1.3496.0) and during export several objects cause a warning/info with:
    Maximum number of items that can be serialized or deserialized in an object graph is '500000'. Change the object graph or increase the MaxItemsInObjectGraph quota.
    I looked, this appears hard coded into the MA, anyone know what causes this? My best guess is something like a large group membership? Does anyone know what the limits around the WAAD MA are?
    Here is the indepth error logged during the failure:
    ProvisioningServiceAdapter::ExecuteWithRetry: Action: Export, Attempt: 0, Exception: Microsoft.Online.Coexistence.ProvisionRetryException: Unable to communicate with the Windows Azure Active Directory service. Tracking ID: e94e6020-8434-4aa7-9a29-b2edf7fe6b2e
    See the event log for more details. ---> System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: There was an error while trying to serialize parameter The InnerException message was 'Maximum number
    of items that can be serialized or deserialized in an object graph is '500000'. Change the object graph or increase the MaxItemsInObjectGraph quota. '.  Please see InnerException for more details. ---> System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException:
    Maximum number of items that can be serialized or deserialized in an object graph is '500000'. Change the object graph or increase the MaxItemsInObjectGraph quota.
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializerContext.IncrementItemCount(Int32 count)
       at WriteArrayOfstringToXml(XmlWriterDelegator , Object , XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext , CollectionDataContract )
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.CollectionDataContract.WriteXmlValue(XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj, XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext context)
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext.SerializeAndVerifyType(DataContract dataContract, XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj, Boolean verifyKnownType, RuntimeTypeHandle declaredTypeHandle, Type declaredType)
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext.SerializeWithXsiType(XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj, RuntimeTypeHandle objectTypeHandle, Type objectType, Int32 declaredTypeID, RuntimeTypeHandle declaredTypeHandle, Type
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext.InternalSerialize(XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj, Boolean isDeclaredType, Boolean writeXsiType, Int32 declaredTypeID, RuntimeTypeHandle declaredTypeHandle)
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext.InternalSerializeReference(XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj, Boolean isDeclaredType, Boolean writeXsiType, Int32 declaredTypeID, RuntimeTypeHandle declaredTypeHandle)
       at WriteSyncObjectGroupToXml(XmlWriterDelegator , Object , XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext , ClassDataContract )
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.ClassDataContract.WriteXmlValue(XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj, XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext context)
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext.SerializeAndVerifyType(DataContract dataContract, XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj, Boolean verifyKnownType, RuntimeTypeHandle declaredTypeHandle, Type declaredType)
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext.SerializeWithXsiType(XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj, RuntimeTypeHandle objectTypeHandle, Type objectType, Int32 declaredTypeID, RuntimeTypeHandle declaredTypeHandle, Type
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext.InternalSerialize(XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj, Boolean isDeclaredType, Boolean writeXsiType, Int32 declaredTypeID, RuntimeTypeHandle declaredTypeHandle)
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext.InternalSerializeReference(XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj, Boolean isDeclaredType, Boolean writeXsiType, Int32 declaredTypeID, RuntimeTypeHandle declaredTypeHandle)
       at WriteArrayOfSyncObjectToXml(XmlWriterDelegator , Object , XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext , CollectionDataContract )
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.CollectionDataContract.WriteXmlValue(XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, Object obj, XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext context)
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.InternalWriteObjectContent(XmlWriterDelegator writer, Object graph, DataContractResolver dataContractResolver)
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.InternalWriteObject(XmlWriterDelegator writer, Object graph, DataContractResolver dataContractResolver)
       at System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.WriteObjectHandleExceptions(XmlWriterDelegator writer, Object graph, DataContractResolver dataContractResolver)
       at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DataContractSerializerOperationFormatter.SerializeParameterPart(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, PartInfo part, Object graph)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    Server stack trace:
       at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DataContractSerializerOperationFormatter.SerializeParameterPart(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, PartInfo part, Object graph)
       at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DataContractSerializerOperationFormatter.SerializeParameter(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, PartInfo part, Object graph)
       at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DataContractSerializerOperationFormatter.SerializeParameters(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, PartInfo[] parts, Object[] parameters)
       at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DataContractSerializerOperationFormatter.SerializeBody(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, MessageVersion version, String action, MessageDescription messageDescription, Object returnValue, Object[] parameters, Boolean
       at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.OperationFormatter.OperationFormatterMessage.OperationFormatterBodyWriter.OnWriteBodyContents(XmlDictionaryWriter writer)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message.OnWriteMessage(XmlDictionaryWriter writer)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.BufferedMessageWriter.WriteMessage(Message message, BufferManager bufferManager, Int32 initialOffset, Int32 maxSizeQuota)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.BinaryMessageEncoderFactory.BinaryMessageEncoder.WriteMessage(Message message, Int32 maxMessageSize, BufferManager bufferManager, Int32 messageOffset)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpOutput.SerializeBufferedMessage(Message message)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpOutput.Send(TimeSpan timeout)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory`1.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelRequest.SendRequest(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)
    Exception rethrown at [0]:
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
       at Microsoft.Online.Coexistence.Schema.IProvisioningWebService.Provision(SyncObject[] syncObjects)
       at Microsoft.Online.Coexistence.ProvisionHelper.InvokeAwsAPI[T](Func`1 awsOperation, String opsLabel)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.Online.Coexistence.ProvisionHelper.CommunicationExceptionHandler(CommunicationException ex)
       at Microsoft.Online.Coexistence.ProvisionHelper.InvokeAwsAPI[T](Func`1 awsOperation, String opsLabel)
       at Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.Connector.ProvisioningServiceAdapter.<>c__DisplayClass1.<Export>b__0()
       at Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.Connector.ProvisioningServiceAdapter.ExecuteWithRetry(String actionName, Action action).

    Hi gdedshg,
    >>Maximum number of items that can be serialized or deserialized in an object graph is '65536'. Change the object graph or increase the MaxItemsInObjectGraph quota
    When meet the above exception, please try to do the following configuration:
    On the server side:
    Add the following to the server's config file:
    <behavior name="MyServiceBehavior">
    maxItemsInObjectGraph="2147483647" />
    And reference it in the service using the following code:
    On the client side:
    Add the following: 
    <behavior name="MyClientbehavior">
     And reference it in the endpoint using the following code:
    <endpoint address="serviceAddress"
    For more information, please try to refer to the following article: .
    Best Regards,
    Amy Peng
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Sun Directory Server as Primary Domain Controller.

    I've recently installed Sun Directory Server, Access Manager, and DSEE Identity Manager, on CentOS 5.2, with success, but my question is:
    Can I use this directory as a primary domain controller for my network, I want to know if it is possible to integrate this directory in the same way that Active Directory works, I mean connecting Windows computers to the DC with some kind of connector (because windows won't connect to another directory than AD natively). I know that there are some MSGina replacements, like pgina, but I'm looking for some serious solution, especially for computers running Windows Vista.
    Thanks in advance.

    thanks for your answer, but.. there is a way to configure the DSEE to be like a native 2000/2003 Active Directory?, I mean, connecting directly to the DSEE without using Samba, I know that is possible to use that solution, but you lose some functionality.
    I've been trying to do some research about the topic, like modifying the bind DNS to act like a AD DNS, and it works at a certain grade, windows xp detects the SVR records but when it tries to connect to the directory it fails giving me an error telling that the DC isn't available. It will be great to make such environment, Windows XP / Vista connected to DSEE without third party software.
    Any comment would be greatly appreciated.

  • OAM and MS Active Directory Integration on Non-Windows Server envrionment

    I will start by saying that I am dealing with a heterogeneous environment here where multiple systems are run by different levels of management. Our Oracle systems chose to go all *nix (Oracle Solaris and Red Hat Linux) and hence we do not have a single Windows Server in our Oracle services area and would really like to keep it that way as we prefer to keep a uniform platform across our Oracle servers.  However, the desktop side of our department has chosen to use Microsoft Active Directory and now we wish to integrate and perform authentication against it for our OAM protected sites.  We are in the initial setup phase but we have no desire to implement a critical server such as OAM on the Windows platform and would rather tie OAM running on a Red Hat Linux server to Active Directory.  We will also be using OID as we run Portal but do not want to use it as our authentication authority for Oracle Products (local policy is that Active Directory is the only valid credential authority on site as we are moving to true Single Sign On across our desktops and web applications).  I have a few questions.
    1. Can it be done natively or would we have to run the Windows version of OAM?
    2. If you must run OAM on Windows to use AD for authentication, Is there some way to setup the Windows version of OAM as sort of an interface for our main OAM server running on Red Hat Linux to do the AD Auth?
    3. Can it be done using some sort of an interface such as Oracle Virtual Directory to interface with the LDAP interface to MS Active Directory?

    Hi David,
    Answers in-line
    1. Can it be done natively or would we have to run the Windows version of OAM?
    You can run all of the OAM Servers on *nix, and simply point to AD as an OAM data source on the machine:port that AD is running on. There is no need for the OAM components to be on Windows.
    2. If you must run OAM on Windows to use AD for authentication, Is there some way to setup the Windows version of OAM as sort of an interface for our main OAM server running on Red Hat Linux to do the AD Auth
    As above, this is not necessary.
    3. Can it be done using some sort of an interface such as Oracle Virtual Directory to interface with the LDAP interface to MS Active Directory?
    Yes, this is entirely possible. Even though it is not necessary in your situation, it often provides more flexibility to front-end the user store with OVD, for example when adding/renaming Windows domains, or specifying specific branches for users and so on.

  • Unable to login @ login window with Active Directory User

    I successfully bound my test machine to Active Directory and can search using dscl and id. I can also su to my active directory user account an authenticate perfectly. All search bases are correct and everything else looks fine.
    When I attempt to login from the login window as an AD user, the window shakes. Clicking under Mac OS X shows that "Network Accounts Available". Looks like the CLI tool "dirt" is now gone as well, although insecure it would possibly show something here.
    Anyone else having issues after binding to AD? I bound using the Directory Utility gui... I have not tried using my leopard bind script yet.

    I have pretty well the same problem. The machine was already bound to AD prior to upgrade. After could not login on with my account (jball). Can log on with other accounts from the same domain (we only have one AD domain). Can also su to jball in a terminal session. Can't access network resources with jball when I try to connect to a windows server through the finder, instantly comes up with bad username or password, doesn't even think about it.
    I have removed any copies of the home folder under either /Users or /Domain as I have had problems with that before. Have repaired permissions and unbind and bind the machine to AD. Have been at this all day now and no closer. Get these error messages in console:
    31/08/09 4:49:27 PM SecurityAgent[666] Could not get the user record for 'jball@domainname' from Directory Services
    31/08/09 4:49:27 PM SecurityAgent[666] User info context values set for jball@domainname
    31/08/09 4:49:27 PM SecurityAgent[666] unknown-user (jball@domainname) login attempt PASSED for auditing

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