Windows mouse for mac?

Can any type of mouse work on the mac?

When I got my first MacBook Pro, I used a Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer Bluetooth with that system for almost a year, until the Magic Mouse was released.  I still have that Microsoft Mouse, as well as that Magic Mouse.  I even use the Magic Mouse with my current MBP.

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    It sounds like QuickKeys is what you're looking for.
    However, you might also want to look at what it is you're trying to do, rather than how you're doing it. For example, to choose a menu item, screen recorders might track the mouse moving from point A to point B, clicking, dragging down and then releasing once the desired menu item is highlighted. In contrast, AppleScript lets you do this with something like 'click menu item "Blah" of menu "Blah"' which is much more direct, faster (doesn't need to worry about tracking the mouse), and doesn't interrupt the user's workflow (this can even happen while the target app is in the background and you're working on something else).
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    When you say, "windows office for mac", its a contradicion in terms that makes a clear answer a litle more complicated. Either you are wanting to buy Microsoft office for Windows, or Microsoft Office for Mac.
    For the Mac, you would use "Microsoft Office for Mac", unless you intend to install Windows on that Mac, and run it using Bootcamp or a virtual machine product like Parallels or Fusion.
    To your question of installing the software. Yes, you can buy an external DVD drive, but it is not necessary. Here are your other options.
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    Apple mice have always been awful; I only ever liked the +ADB Mouse II+.
    I'm very happy with my Microsoft Intellimouse Optical six years on. The five buttons work really well with Dashboard, Exposé (and Spaces) and worked just as well back in OS9. The cable is also a decent length. I've also got a wireless version (1000) in grey/white with just three buttons, although the transceiver is quite chunky.
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    Hi mate,
    As of yet, this appears to be an unresolved issue, but as this is a user to user forum only for Nokia products and services, you will need to contact Microsoft directly.
    You can do this by the link below:

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    Here is the wikipedia article on aMSN. The article also includes a link to the aMSN website. It is a multi-platform messenger application that interoperates with Microsoft Messenger.

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    My computer keeps telling me it doesn't have
    an aplication to open the software that came with
    this thing.
    Do you have it running, in which case the lack of the ability to run any associated Windows software probably doesn't matter?
    As far as I can tell, the setup wizard for this device is Windows only, but it is possible to configure it manually via a web browser, such as Safari. However, if you want the Apple Discussion Forum members to help you with this you will need to supply the Forum with quite a lot of information. Maybe someone who actually has one of these routers can assist better.
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    I download, lets say, an article from the internet,
    or a movie, or other items. 90% of the time I'm
    unable to open the files. Am I missing aplications
    that should be purchased separately? I apreciate any
    input from the experts. Thank you.
    Well, for a start, can you give some examples of the things that you can't open? Precise examples, preferably a URL to the thing in question. At the very least, tell us what the Windows extension (the .xxx at the end of a file name) is.
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    You need a boot loader and that's what BootCamp establishes.

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    A few quick internet searches wll provide you with references to answer your question.
    Is it possible?  Yes, if you have the right tools and knowledge.
    Is it supported? Not by Apple or Microsoft, and possibly not by anyone else.
    Is it easy? It might be, or it might not work at all depending on your specific conditions.
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    Websites: you probably will NEED to run Windows in a VM just to check out how it looks and that it works in Windows anyway.
    And no one can really answer, though you are locked into Mac software that supports 10.6.
    So run both. Run each off its own partition, and run Windows concurrently in a VM.

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    Hi and welcome to Discussions,
    while it is not possible to simply 'covert' a Windows program so that it runs in Mac OSX, you might wanna have a look at Crossover for Mac which lets you run certain Windows programs on a Mac without the need to install Windows.
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    thank you!

    Thanks for the message and info.
    Before I install Flip4Mac, I should probably uninstall the Windows Media Player for OS X first, correct? In my application folder, I have an icon marked "uninstallflash_playerosx.dmg". (I also have "installflash_player_9_ubbeta.dmg" in the applications folder as well.) Are these connected to the Windows Media installer, or are they something else? I don't know what they are or what they do.
    Something is also definitely wrong with my chat functions--which relates to flash player, I think? In downloading interactive software or chat room functions from websites, I get the image of the recycled coffee cup---but that's it. Nothing starts, nothing works. I have 'enable java' 'enable javascript' and 'enable plug-ins' all checked under preferences in Safari.I have both java 1.4.2 and java 1.3.1 settings (with 1.4.2 as the default I guess, but am not positive).
    Are the Windows Media and flash and chat functions related? Is there something else I should be doing to activate chat or interactive functions?
    Thanks again!

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    Welcome to the discussions!
    How exactly did you install Windows Media Player for Mac? Or, you mean Flip4Mac? If you installed the first, it should be in your Applications folder. You can trash it, run Spotlight, find all relevant files and delete them from there.You can also find the application shortcut, Ctrl-click and from the dropdown menu, choose "Get Info". In the pane that will arise, look for permissions, make sure it's "read and write"-just to verify you haven't inadvertedly change privileges. ( Same goes for all applications, it's not specific to something ).
    But, are you sure about the cause of your trouble? Go to Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility > Repair permissions as a first step and make sure your Software is updated from System Preferences > Software Update. Also ( if you have Flip4Mac ), look up it's window pane at System Preferences and look if this also needs updating.

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