Windows Public / Private JRE

Does anyone have any suggestions about linking between the public and private JRE's. I am on a windows platform and my sdk is in installed at C:\j2sdk1.4.2 and I have a JAVA_HOME variable set this directory. Most of my apps: Tomcat, Cocoon, etc. require the JAVA_HOME variable to run, the run scripts tack on the \jre\bin\java to execute the private JRE included with the SDK.
I also run several apps via Java Webstart which I could only get to work under the public JRE installed at C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_01. Now, even though my path is set for the Private JRE anytime I invoke the java command, the public JRE is executed.
My problem is I do not want to maintain two copies of the \ext directory, nor do I want to worry about trying to debug code not knowing which JRE was invoked.
Is there a simple way without breaking existing scripts to use a single JRE with the SDK and Web Start?

IIRC this is just registry database stuff.
Not recommended for regedit novices.
Be sure to first use regedit to export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment to a .reg file for safe keeping, so you can roll back.
### CAUTION Munging about in the registry can seriously mess up windows... ###
File: UsePrivJRE.reg
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.4]

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  • Want to change Public, private and vip address on RAC 10g R2 windows 2003

    The network section told us the configuration of the network who support our cluster will have to change all ip address.
    We are looking for a complet document who give all the step by step instructions how to make this change.
    We have to change the Public, private and VIP at the same time of our 3 nodes cluster.
    We know the OCRCFG will be impact. So we will take backup of it first.
    Can someone are able to indicate us how to procede to execute this task.

    i check the Note:283684.1 you give me, but it didn't give all the answers to my problem.
    I finally found a recipe to make the job. I would like to tell you it's not supported be Oracle, but it work very well
    Don't forget to take a good backup of the ocrcfg and vote disk before you start.
    Here we go:
    Stop all Oracle service on all nodes before the change of the address, the low format of the ocrcfg and vote disk
    change the address in the file host in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc with the new address
    change the ip address in the window network definition connection with the new address
    ocopy \\.\ocrcfg d:\backup\ocrcfg.dmp
    ocopy \\.\votedsk1 d:\backup\votedsk1.dmp
    rem go to directory of the cluster binary crs\bin
    cd /D D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs/bin
    rem Format raw ocrcfg and vote disk
    LogPartFormat.exe \\.\ocrcfg /q
    LogPartFormat.exe \\.\votedsk1 /q
    rem Run in prompt mode the cluster setup
    rem crssetup.exe config -nn %s_nodenumberlist% -pn %s_privatenamelist% -ch %ORA_CRS_HOME% -oh %s_OracleHome% -c %s_clustername% -l "%s_languageid%" -q %s_votedisklist% -g %s_usergroup%
    rem example for 2 node
    crssetup.exe config -nn host_name_node_1 ,1,host_name_node_2,2 -pn host_name_node_1-priv,1,host_name_node_2-priv,2 -ch D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs -oh D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs -c crs_lab -l "CANADIAN FRENCH_CANADA.WE8MSWIN1252"; -q "\\.\votedsk1"
    rem ensures that all nodes are configured with the same port for the ONS
    racgons.exe add_config host_name_node_1:6200 host_name_node_2:6200
    rem oifcfg to direct components to use specific network interfaces
    oifcfg.exe setif -global "Public"/ "Prive"/
    rem to rebuild the vip address vipca in wondow componant and make the incription in the cluster (in prompt mode or online)
    rem at the same time it will create the gsd and ons service
    vipca.bat -silent -nodelist "host_name_node_1,host_name_node_2" -nodevips "host_name_node_1/host_name_node_1-vip/,host_name_node_2/host_name_node_2-vip/";
    rem vipca
    rem check the state of the crs services (inscription)
    crs_stat -t
    rem now make the registration of the listener in the cluster.
    rem important don't use the prompt command below, it will give you a crs-0223 error at the startup service
    Rem to solve this problem use netca on line
    rem crs_register ora.host_name_node_1.LISTENER_host_name_node_1.lsnr -dir D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs\crs\profile
    rem crs_register ora.host_name_node_2.LISTENER_host_name_node_2.lsnr -dir D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs\crs\profile
    rem srvctl start nodeapps -n host_name_node_1
    ren srvctl start nodeapps -n host_name_node_2
    rem check the state of the crs services (inscription)
    crs_stat -t
    rem start oracle object service and cluster volume before registering and accessing to asm services
    sc \\host_name_node_1 start ”Oracle Object Service”
    sc \\host_name_node_1 start OracleClusterVolumeService
    sc \\host_name_node_2 start ”Oracle Object Service”
    sc \\host_name_node_2 start OracleClusterVolumeService
    rem go the the rdbms directory to make the registration of asm and the database
    set ORACLE_HOME=D:\Oracle\Ora10g\rdbms
    rem add the service asm in the cluster in my case asm1 and asm2 for my 2 nodes
    srvctl add asm -n host_name_node_1 -i +ASM1 -o %ORACLE_HOME%
    srvctl add asm -n host_name_node_2 -i +ASM2 -o %ORACLE_HOME%
    rem start the asm service on each node
    srvctl start asm -n host_name_node_1
    srvctl start asm -n host_name_node_2
    rem check the state of the crs services (inscription)
    crs_stat -t
    rem go to the bin directory of rdbms directory to make the registration of the database
    cd /D D:\Logiciels\Oracle\Ora10g\rdbms/bin
    rem register the database (in my case labotary lab) and the to database service (lab1 and lab2) of each node
    srvctl add database -d lab -o %ORACLE_HOME%
    srvctl add instance -d lab -i lab1 -n host_name_node_1
    srvctl add instance -d lab -i lab2 -n host_name_node_2
    rem finally start the database
    srvctl start database -d lab
    rem go to directory of the cluster binary crs\bin
    rem all the services
    cd /D D:\Logiciels\Oracle\Ora10g\crs/bin
    rem you can go in the database with sqlplus and check all your components
    crs_stat -t
    I hope this will help someone who are in the same situation
    Edited by: ron_berube on 2008-12-12 09:21
    Edited by: ron_berube on 2008-12-12 10:08
    Edited by: ron_berube on 2008-12-13 08:25
    Edited by: ron_berube on 2008-12-18 10:49

  • How to make JWS use custom, private JRE distributed through SMS

    In our company, we would like to introduce JWS to deploy Java clients. Currently, we us software management system (SMS) to push the java clients to the workplaces. With JWS, we hope to streamline this process.
    The challenge is the following:
    For security reasons, our workplaces may only have one public JRE. Public = known by the system and used by e.g. the web-browser to run applets. The JRE that we need to run JWS applications is custom (we needed to add / replace some libraries to support SSO, ORB etc), and needs to be installed privatly, e.g. no entry in the windows registry etc. From what I understand, this could be achieved by specifiying an product version in the JNLP file plus a href attribute that specifies where the product can be found (<j2se version="..." href="..."/>). We would prefer though to distribute the JRE via the SMS rather than via a webserver in order to keep the network load small.
    My questions are the following:
    - Is it possible to instruct JWS, or configure the JNLP file in a way to force the usage of a JRE that is laying in a particular path on the local file system? (Have the SMS distributed through the SMS?)
    - If not - so if we cannot use a SMS for distributing the JRE - how can the JRE be retrieved? From what I understand, a servlet needs to be listening at the "href" location?
    - Is there a way around the servlet? We hoped to be able to use a plain HTTP server to keep cost low, so if there is a way around needing a servlet to serve the JRE that would be great.
    - If not - what logic should the servlet implement? Is there a reference implementation? Is there a new mime-type needed?
    Many thanks in advance,
    Edited by: 852297 on 14-Apr-2011 02:46

    Did you also place a deployment.config file , to point to your file?
    In the, specify the location of your custom jre:
    deployment.javaws.jre.0.osarch=x86The above properties tag your custom jre, as been downloaded from - This location doesnt have to exist.
    In your .jnlp file, specify this download location in the jre tag.

  • Public/private keys

    How to create a private/public keys?

    Hi Fred,
    Following are the steps required are to create a Public/Private Keys:
    1. Load the security provider (if not configured in $JAVAHOME/jre/lib/security/
    2. Obtain a handle to a secure random number generator.
    3. Obtain a handle to KeyPairGenerator for a specific public key algorithm.
    4. Generate the public/private key pair
    5. Extract the public and private keys
    The following example shows how to generate public and private keys using the KeyPairGenerator and KeyPair interfaces using JCSI's security provider.
    // Load JCSI's JCA security provider
    // Seed random number generator using the default seeding
    // "SHA1PRNG" = SHA1 Pseudo-random number generator
    SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
    // Initialise KeyPairGenerator to create 1024-bit RSA keys.
    // PK Algorithm = "RSA", Security Provider = "DSTC" (Wedgetail)
    KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA", "DSTC");
    keyGen.initialize(1024, random);
    // Generate RSA pulic/private key pair
    KeyPair keyPair = keyGen.genKeyPair();
    // Extract public and private keys
    PrivateKey privKey = keyPair.getPrivate();
    PublicKey pubKey = keyPair.getPublic();
    Hope this will help you.
    Techncial Support Engineer.

  • Should I install a private JRE with my application.

    I confused on the need for the java_home environment variable. Is this used just for java applications or by the JVM too. The latter would seem a problem.
    For example, I want to install an application that uses JRE 1.5 or greater. If an older application is later installs an older JRE and modifies the java_home variable to match (on a users machine), my application will not run. Therefore, should I just install my own JRE in a private folder and use that instead or will that be affected by the changed java_home variable?
    This seems worse than MS's "DLL Hell"?
    Thanks in advance

    AFAIK, Java itself (java.exe, etc) does not reference any "javahome" type environment variable. I ran Java programs without that environment variable for quite a while.
    Realize that effective with Java version 5u6 (1.5.0_06) there are restrictions imposed on applets concerning which Java version will run them. See this document:
    For Java applications, you can completely control what version Java is used for execution by specifying a full path to the java.exe program of the version you want used. If you want to use a Java version other than whatever one the user has installed as the default version (on Windows and Solaris), you should provide a private JRE for the application.

  • How to force web start to use a specific private JRE without searching reg

    I am trying to make webstart start using a private JRE independent of what JREs are installed on the System. I am installing a private JRE in the users home directory, eg
    C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\APP\jreThen starting webstart by calling:
    C:\Documents...APP\jre\bin\javaws.exe http://....jnlpThe problem is javaws.exe always scans the regsitry in builds its own list of installed JREs.
    I have tried to solve this by setting USER_JPI_PROFILE env var with my own custom cache location and building a custom "" file with just my private JRE in it, but web start always searchs the registry and find and uses a system JRE over mine.
    Any Ideas?
    Thanks, Jasper

    Did you also place a deployment.config file , to point to your file?
    In the, specify the location of your custom jre:
    deployment.javaws.jre.0.osarch=x86The above properties tag your custom jre, as been downloaded from - This location doesnt have to exist.
    In your .jnlp file, specify this download location in the jre tag.

  • App Controller and Clouds connect to or configure public/private clouds

      i was wondering what kinds of clouds private/public can App Controller can connect to or configure and where can i find the list of the public/private clouds that it supports.

    App Controller can connect to the following clouds:
    System Center Virtual Machine Manager
    Windows Azure
    Hosting service providers
    I don't have a list of the Hosting service providers that have a compatible cloud, although I know a couple have previously posted to this forum. The service provider needs to be running System Center and in particular
    Service Provider Foundation.
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Error while creating folder inside the Public & Private Folders

    Dear Gurus,
    I am trying to create a new folder under Public & Private folder. But system is giving the error as " Please enter complete document key. Rollback was unsuccessful; the document is not assigtned to the folder."
    But system is creating the folder outside the Public & Private folder.Created folder is visible only in the serach result. I am not able to delete the folder also from the serach result.
    Request your inputs on how can I solve this issue
    Damodar Pai

    Dear Gurus,
    Problem got solved. There is one more table DOST which is linked to DRAW & DRAT. We deleted the vales of DOST & tried. It is wokring now.
    Thanks for your precious inputs.
    Damodar Pai
    Edited by: damspai on Aug 25, 2009 9:37 AM

  • Is a Public/Private Key Pair possible in SAP?

    I have a web service that I would like to run as part of a nightly script. I currently use username/password authentication, but it is not acceptable to have them hard coded, due to Sarbanes-Oxley rules. SAP's site claims to support authentication with x.509 certificates, but is unclear on the implementation details. How could I go about setting up and using a public/private key pair in SAP?

    Not really a portal question, and maybe you'll get a better result in a security forum...
    However, briefly, yes, the AS Java supports X509 certificates as an authentication mechansm. You need to use Visual Admin to generate a server side certificate, then you need the client side to register its own X509 certificate and then in the Java user admin you need to associate the client certificate with a known user. Now when the client executes the web service call it can pass the certificate and the AS Java will back translate the certificate to a real username.

  • Can someone help me in understanding Public ,Private ,VIP&SCAN for RAC11gr2

    Can someone help me in understanding Public ,Private ,VIP&SCAN for RAC11gr2 as i am new to RAC 11gr2 installtion process

    user12085983 wrote:
    Can someone help me in understanding Public ,Private ,VIP&SCAN for RAC11gr2 as i am new to RAC 11gr2 installtion processThe public IP address is assigned dynamically using dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP), or defined statically in a domain name system (DNS) or in a hosts file. It uses the public interface (the interface with access available to clients).
    Oracle Clusterware uses interfaces marked as private for internode communication.
    The virtual IP (VIP) address is registered in the grid naming service (GNS), or the DNS. Select an address for your VIP that meets the following requirements:
    * The IP address and host name are currently unused (it can be registered in a DNS, but should not be accessible by a ping command)
    * The VIP is on the same subnet as your public interface
    Oracle Database 11g release 2 clients connect to the database using single client access names (SCANs). The SCAN and its associated IP addresses provide a stable name for clients to use for connections, independent of the nodes that make up the cluster. SCAN addresses, virtual IP addresses, and public IP addresses must all be on the same subnet.
    The SCAN is a VIP name, similar to the names used for VIP addresses, such as node1-vip. However, unlike a VIP, the SCAN is associated with the entire cluster, rather than an individual node, and associated with multiple IP addresses, not just one address.

  • Direct Archival of Document Files in Public/Private Folder

    Dear Experts,
    If I create documents using Tcode CV01n or with the customized upload progam, I can see the files in SAY Easy Doc Mgmt only in serach results.
    I have to copy the files from search result & give the link in my folder which I have created under Public/Private Folder. If I copy & paste the document file in private/public folder from the serach result, system is creating one more document number internally for the same document file.
    To avoid this, How Can I automatically archive the document files directly in my folder which I have created under Public/Private Folder
    Thanks for your inputs
    Damodar Pai

    When u create files using CV01n or any other method in SAP the DIR is created but it is not a part of any Document structure.
    But when u create it using EDMS u are creating the document in the public / private folder under som specific folder of ur choice. these folders are nothing but Document structures.
    If u want the files created using CV01n to appear in any specific folder then u have to assign it to that specific structure using CV12.

  • Distribute Java jar application in Optical Disk with private JRE

    I am trying to ship my Jar application using DVDs and need the user just to run an exe and launch the program. So I have written a batch file which runs the jar using the private JRE shipped in the same DVD.
    Now when I run the batch file from the DVD it takes over one minute to launch the application because JRE is in the DVD as well.
    When I copy the JRE in hard disk and use that in my batch file to lauch the program it runs fast. However I wouldn't the path where the user copies the JRE in his hard disk. How would I detect the same in my batch file ?
    Even Launch4J takes same time as batch file.
    If I anyway have to ship JRE and ask the user install first ,how does batch file know the installed jre location if JAVA_HOME is not set. it would start using the jre in DVD and slow down. Anyway to make sure JAVA home is set to begin with ? May be 1st time if Java home is not set it copies to jre to C drive and then next time onwards it launches using the same Java home? What do you suggest
    [cross post |]
    Note I am using JDK8 , which is only developer preview now am I allowed to ship it in my DVD ?

    I wouldn't do that. Even if it is allowed, which I doubt, you're shipping unfinished and potentially dangerous software. I would also stick to the runtime only if I were you.I know, Sorry I meant shipping JRE only not JDK.
    My answer to your main question is: yep, its a tough problem and you're not going to crack it without special measures. One such special measure is to generate an installer using one of the many installer generators you can >find with Google.Yes I thought about installers but it would copy my jar and resource files to hard disk which I don't want to avoid piracy. Is there any way to access the rest of the files from DVD directly ?
    PS. My DVD vendor promisssed that he would burn them such a way that whole thing can't be copied to hard disk or imaged, I am yet to verify this.

  • Oracle Database RAC 11gR2 : Role of Public,Private,Virtual, and SCAN IPs.

    Hi Experts,
    1. Can you please let me know why do we need configure below IP addresses for RAC setup and what is the role that each one plays ?
    - Public
    - Private
    - Virtual
    2. What is the relationship between SCAN IP and Virtual IPs ?

    859875 wrote:
    Hi Experts,
    1. Can you please let me know why do we need configure below IP addresses for RAC setup and what is the role that each one plays ?
    - PublicConfigured before installation for each node, and resolvable to that node before installation.
    Allow communication/configuration of Virtual/SCAN between the nodes of the cluster. Without Public Interface/IP the Clusterware don't start.
    The Virtual/SCAN will work as alias IP on Public Interface over Public Network.
    - Private or InterconnectConfigured before installation, but on a separate, private network, with its own subnet, that is not resolvable except by other cluster member nodes
    Clusterware uses the interconnect for cluster synchronization (network heartbeat) and daemon communication between the the clustered nodes.
    RAC uses the interconnect for cache fusion (UDP) and inter-process communication (TCP).
    Cache Fusion is the remote memory mapping of Oracle buffers, shared between the caches of participating nodes in the cluster.
    - VirtualConfigured before installation for each node, but not currently in use. On the same subnet as all other public IP addresses, VIP addresses, and SCAN addresses.
    The goal is application availability. If add or remove nodes it's necessary make config your client adding/removing VIP (with SCAN it's not necessary)
    When a node fails, the VIP associated with it is automatically failed over to some other node.
    Without using VIPs or FAN, clients connected to a node that died will often wait for a TCP timeout period (which can be up to 10 min) before getting an error.
    As a result, you don't really have a good HA solution without using VIPs and FAN. The easiest way to use FAN is to use an integrated client with Fast Connection Failover (FCF) such as JDBC, OCI, or ODP.NET.
    -SCANThree Static IP addresses configured on the domain name server (DNS) before installation so that the three IP addresses are associated with the name provided as the SCAN, and all three addresses are returned in random order by the DNS to the requestor
    Configured before installation in the DNS to resolve to addresses that are not currently in use. On the same subnet as all other public IP addresses, VIP addresses, and SCAN addresses
    The goal is application availability before clients establish communication with RAC and make the Cluster-Wide totally transparent.
    SCAN IP is a new "layer" network (oracle) with high availability that allows you to change the characteristics of your cluster (i.e add/remove nodes) without the need to make configuration changes in their clients "Grid concept".
    2. What is the relationship between SCAN IP and Virtual IPs ?SCAN IP is used to receive new connection requests and redirects to the VIP IP.
    The Virtual IP establishes and allow failover of the connections after connection being established.
    When the client requests a connection, Oracle Client 11gR2 find for IPs available for this host-scan and create a list of all SCAN IP the first connection attempt on RAC is using one of SCAN IPs avaliable.
    The SCAN Listener will receive this connection and re-direct to one of avaliable nodes using LOCAL_LISTENER from this point the the connection is established using Virtual IP (VIP).
    All SCAN/VIP must be resolved by DNS.
    The client knows that there is only the SCAN Hostname, which is configured in the connection string.
    Once the connection is requested Oracle Clusterware redirects the connection to one of the VIP hostname which must be resolved by DNS.
    Levi Pereira

  • Deleted the public/private keys installed by iPCU & untrusted the certs

    it's early in the morning and i couldn't quite figure what was going on
    - new public and private keys "appeared" in keychain
    - a certificate was installed almost as soon as a plugged
    an iphone in while running iPhone Config Util (iPCU i now
    From the console:
    Tue Jun 30 02:39:45 unknown mcmobiletunnel[363] <Warning>: added object <NSCFType: 0x1073d0> to keychain as iPCUHost-D3FA2B23-E0D0-4C42-A48B-DFXXXXXXXX-HostCert success 1 error 0
    What it looks like is on connecting the iPhone "phoned home" and snagged a certificate and public and private keys to install on my MacBook Pro.
    I deleted these not realizing who iPCUHost was (an earlier cert was marked as untrusted on a pass trhough my certs earlier).
    OK: so *how* do i recreate the public/private keys? the Certificates in Keychain?
    Tried: downloading and re-installing iPCU
    Tried: Time Machine to earlier version if iPCU & using Software update to Update.
    This is where things look unhappy in the iPCU console:
    Tue Jun 30 03:42:36 unknown mcmobiletunnel[432] <Warning>: received request 4: (\n RequestType\n), keys {\n RequestType = GetProfileList;\n}
    Tue Jun 30 03:42:36 unknown mcmobiletunnel[432] <Warning>: processing request 4: ((\n RequestType\n))
    Tue Jun 30 03:42:36 unknown mcmobiletunnel[432] <Warning>: sending reply {\n OrderedIdentifiers = (\n );\n ProfileManifest = {\n };\n ProfileMetadata = {\n };\n Status = Acknowledged;\n}
    Tue Jun 30 03:42:36 unknown mcmobiletunnel[432] <Error>: receive_message: Could not receive size of message: 0 Operation not permitted
    Tue Jun 30 03:42:36 unknown mcmobiletunnel[432] <Warning>: received request 4: (null), keys (null)
    Tue Jun 30 03:42:36 unknown mcmobiletunnel[432] <Error>: main: Could not receive request from host.
    Tue Jun 30 03:48:21 unknown /usr/libexec/notification_proxy[426] <Error>: Could not receive size of message
    Tue Jun 30 03:48:21 unknown /usr/libexec/notification_proxy[426] <Error>: Could not receive message
    Tue Jun 30 03:51:02 unknown mcmobiletunnel[446] <Warning>: received request 4: (\n RequestType\n), keys {\n RequestType = GetProfileList;\n}
    Tue Jun 30 03:51:02 unknown mcmobiletunnel[446] <Warning>: processing request 4: ((\n RequestType\n))
    Tue Jun 30 03:51:02 unknown mcmobiletunnel[446] <Warning>: sending reply {\n OrderedIdentifiers = (\n );\n ProfileManifest = {\n };\n ProfileMetadata = {\n };\n Status = Acknowledged;\n}
    Tue Jun 30 03:51:02 unknown mcmobiletunnel[446] <Error>: receive_message: Could not receive size of message: 0 Operation not permitted
    Tue Jun 30 03:51:02 unknown mcmobiletunnel[446] <Warning>: received request 4: (null), keys (null)
    Tue Jun 30 03:51:02 unknown mcmobiletunnel[446] <Error>: main: Could not receive request from host.

    I'm in the same situation here. While trying out the iPCU, I noticed my test devices were showing up with a certificate of "iPCUHost...". I was hoping to replace this default cert with one from our own CA, and in the process of messing around I tried deleting all of those certs from my Keychain. They deleted just fine, and after a sync the cert also disappeared from the connected iPhone. Unfortunately, there is no obvious way to replace that cert and as of now, I cannot install any profile to the device that has had the cert removed. If I select the device and click "Install" on a profile, nothing happens... no errors, no console messages, it just does nothing.
    I'm not quite sure how to replace the missing cert, and in particular how to replace it with one of our own rather than the default. Surely we don't have to actually develop a web service just to install certs... (see page 21 of the Enterprise Deployment Guide)

  • Windows cannot find \jre\NT\1.5.0\bin\java

    I searched google and found many documents and also tried 1-2 option posted on web but didn't succeed so last solution posting here.
    Trying unsupported installation R12(12.1.1) on Windows 7-Professional 64-Bit.
    System check succeeded without any trouble but with 33% installation, it gives above error(*windows cannot find \jre\NT\1.5.0\bin\java* ) and installation comes out.
    The StartCD came with jre\NT\1.6.0\bin\java directory so i tried to rename the folder with 1.5.0 ( reference and also changed in Rapidwizard.cmd .
    but now it doesn't throw any error but after 33% complete, it just exists without too much of information.
    The log too had only this info after system check messages
    RW-50010: Error: - script has returned an error:   2
    I got following DVDs
    and then i tried to create stage area from startCD but it failed as it was asking for a DVD which i didn't have because i tried every DVD i have.
    So i manually created directories in stage area(StageR12).
    Appreciate your response.

    user10569054 wrote:
    I searched google and found many documents and also tried 1-2 option posted on web but didn't succeed so last solution posting here.
    Trying unsupported installation R12(12.1.1) on Windows 7-Professional 64-Bit.would suggest to go through this thread
    How to install Oracle EBS R12 on Windows 7 (32-bit)?
    I got following DVDs
    and then i tried to create stage area from startCD but it failed as it was asking for a DVD which i didn't have because i tried every DVD i have.
    So i manually created directories in stage area(StageR12).Refer earlier thread on similar topic
    Stage creation for R12

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    Hello, I must realize a search-help in a WebDynpro-Component which looks like the F4-help in the transaction KSB1 for field KAGRU. In the report RKAEP000 it looks like this. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR koagr.   PERFORM f4_groups USING   

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    I recently upgraded from an iPhone 3gs to a 4. I used the 4 for three months before I synced it to my iTunes. (I just used iCloud for contacts...etc). When I plugged in my new phone it synced to the settings from my 3gs. How do I get all of my photos


    Hi Bw Experts, I have a Problem , I.e. How to add Two filelds i.e. reorderpoint and maximum stock level in Standard data source 0MAT_PLANT_ATTR for Master data 0MAT_PLANT. If Extract structure doesn’t contain these fields then I Can go for Data sourc

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