Windows XP and Java

If I install Windows XP over my Windows 98 will my dos be taken off the system? And if so how would I run my Zava apps from a dos prompt?

If I install Windows XP over my Windows 98 will my dos
be taken off the system? And if so how would I run my
Zava apps from a dos prompt?
ThanksI mean, how would I run my Java apps! not Zava apps

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  • Windows XP and java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Console

    Our company is currently using a web page to launch a java applet that redirect the user to an application server to demo our product. This has been and still is working fine for all Windows version until XP. And depending on which version of XP, sometimes it will work and sometime it won't. The link to the web site to launch the applet is if you wish to test it.
    It should take you to a screen asking for a security code which we would provide to our customers. If you get this far it is working.
    Any suggestion would be helpful.
    DP Grose
    Below is the error message we get on some of the Windows XP versions :
    Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.4.2
    Using JRE version 1.4.2 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    User home directory = C:\Documents and Settings\Don
    Proxy Configuration: No proxy
    c: clear console window
    f: finalize objects on finalization queue
    g: garbage collect
    h: display this help message
    l: dump classloader list
    m: print memory usage
    o: trigger logging
    p: reload proxy configuration
    q: hide console
    r: reload policy configuration
    s: dump system properties
    t: dump thread list
    v: dump thread stack
    x: clear classloader cache
    0-5: set trace level to <n>
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Console
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
    at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)

    Your first option we are currently looking at but have not tested it yet. We would prefer the end user not to have to do this, but they may have to in the end.
    Your second option seems the best route to go and we may be able to get the source code from our vendor. Once this is compiled under 1.4.2 will it still be compatable with the older version of MS JVM or will our users need to download the current Java plugin? Since this the way that Java is proceeding this will most likely work for everyone.

  • Windows 7 and java sometimes start or sometimes not

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    This problem is independ java version but only appears on windows7....
    What can be a problem?

    user8672998 wrote:
    See your self if you have win7I do.
    The laptop I'm typing this on is an older Toshiba laptop that started with MS Windows Vista and now is running Win7 Enterprise.
    The issue doesn't appear here. Ever.
    Although I rarely use I.E., the JVM always starts when needed.
    I more commonly use Mozilla's Firefox browser.
    This computer initially had Firefox 3.x installed to it, but it recently had that upgraded to Firefox 7.x

  • Windows messages and Java

    Hi there,
    I'm currently converting a C++ application into Java.
    My main problem is that the C++ application uses windows messages to communicate between functions.
    For the C++ users it uses SendMessage() and PostMessage() methods to do this.
    My main question is, is there a equivalent in Java to do this, so sending and retrieving windows messages in Java.
    Thanks in advance....

    Sorry, you're confusing me (not that it's hard to do).
    You're throwing out "application", "server", and "client" in such a way that it's hard for me to understand exactly what you're doing.
    When you say "server", it makes me think of a Java app that is started and stays up, listening on a particular port for a particular protocol. Other machines on the network are the "clients" in this case. They agree to send messages using the agreed-upon protocol to the "server" listening on that port.
    "send and catch messages between programs" doesn't sound like they're running in the same JVM. These sound like networked objects.
    You can use Java's RMI to set up distributed objects that use RMI-IIOP as the default protocol.
    Is that what you want?

  • Windows Vista and Java

    A contact of mine is trying to learn java programming and has started with the Herbert Schildt book Java A Beginners Guide.
    His OS is Windows Vista onto which he has installed NetBeans and Eclipse.
    He has asked me for help but even though I am a programmer I only use Linux so am not sure that my Vista skills are adequate other than fixing his PATH environment.
    His Java version is:-
    java version "1.6.0_18"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_18-b07)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 16.0-b13, mixed mode, sharing)
    His 1st program is:-
    /* This demonstrates a variable.
    call this file
    Class Example2 {
    public static void main(String args[ ]) {
    int var1; // this declares a variable
    int var2; // this declares another variable
    var1 = 1024 // this assigns 1024 to variable 1
    System.out.println("var1 contains" + var1);
    var2 = var1 / 2;
    System.out.println("var2 contains var1 / 2: ");
    javac Example2
    error: Class names, 'Example2', are only accepted if annotation processing
    is explicitly requested
    How does he fix this?
    BTW The above compiles and runs fine on my Ubuntu system....Smile
    Alf Stockton

    straygrey wrote:
    Class Example2 {
    Are you sure that's an upper-case C? If it is, then it's wrong.
    javac Example2
    error: Class names, 'Example2', are only accepted if annotation processing
    is explicitly requested"javac" expects file names, "java" expects class names.
    How does he fix this?
    BTW The above compiles and runs fine on my Ubuntu system....SmileWith which command?

  • Windows 7 and Java

    I have been testing my applications I have written in java since Windows 7 RC's had first started being released.
    Finally after installing the retail ultimate edition... the results from Java GUI related stuff is still as it was since Windows 7's first release.
    Resizing of JFrame's gives a serious flicker on GUI especially when using substance look and feel, (black background beneath the standard gui)
    For example, resizing net beans in xp is perfect, but resizing it in Windows 7 gives a black background and an extremely slow repaint.
    I hope this gets resolved soon... is there anything being done or some sort of work around?

    nb supported Vista on "",
    1/ be sure that's win7 is service pack for Vista, nothing else, vista core 6.0 and win7 core 6.01,
    2/ xp and vista is strict only 32-b,
    3/ have you win7 - 32-b, or 64-b
    4/ JVM 6 for 32-b or 64-b ""
    5/ check if is JDK and SDK correctly instaled, (JDK 6)
    6/ nb correctly runs on win2003 64-b(xp core) or win2008 64-b (vista core), JVM 6, JDK 6, JDK 5,
    7/ instal that's on xp mode
    ... kopik

  • Windows xp and java.exe problem

    Hello all..
    I tried to execute have a batch file consisting a jar file and classes in windows xp platform. I used j2sdk1.4.0_03. All my classes are stored in : C:\MyDocument\Softwares\classes directory
    and the jar files are in: C:\MyDocument\Softwares.
    I wrote the following commands in the batch file:
    java -classpath C:\MyDocument\Softwares\classes;
    C:\MyDocument\Softwares\jexcelapi.jar mainClass
    When I lauched that batch file, a message came out:
    java.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    Could you tell me where the problem is and why? Do I need windows xp patch to eliminate the problem? And where can I find that patch?
    Thanx for any suggestions...

    Thanks for your comments. I have tried to reinstall the J2SDK, but then another error message appeared:
    Error occured during the initialization of VM
    I've checked my Path and it's set as following:
    and my classpath setting:
    When I tried to execute the java command in any directory (inclusively in C:\MyDocument\Softwares) I always got that message. The only directory where I was able to run the command is in C:\j2sdk1.4.0_03\bin;
    Before I did the reinstallation, I never had such a problem.
    Have any hits? Thanks in advance..

  • Synchronized between Windows File and Java

    Hi' could anyone help me..i have problem like this :
    i have folder named javatutorial in my C:\ , i try rename that folder name into myjavatutorial and read the new name (both operation rename and read using my java program)
    this is my code :
    File x = new File("C:\\javatutorial");
    x.renameTo(new File("C:\\myjavatutorial"));
    System.out.println(x.getName());why java always print the old folder name?
    if i see it in windows explorer the folder name already change. Why Java cannot synchronized between the new name and the old name? what i want java can print the new folder to implement this?
    i hope my question easy to understand...
    thanks a lot...

    public myProgram()
    File x = new File("C:\\javatutorial");
    x.renameTo(new File("C:\\myjavatutorial"));
    File[] file = x.listFiles();
    for (int i = 0; i < file.length; i++)
    if between x and C:\javatutorial have the same path, it will print :
    C:\javatutorial\bNo it won't because it won't compile.
    This will:import;
    public class RenameEg {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
            File x = new File("C:\\javatutorial");
            x.renameTo(new File("C:\\myjavatutorial"));
            File[] file = x.listFiles();
            for (int i = 0; i < file.length; i++) {          
    }With the following outputC:\>dir javatutorial
    Volume in drive C is IBM_PRELOAD
    Volume Serial Number is 400B-A170
    Directory of C:\javatutorial
    28/09/2006  07:06 p.m.    <DIR>          .
    28/09/2006  07:06 p.m.    <DIR>          ..
    28/09/2006  07:06 p.m.    <DIR>          a
    28/09/2006  07:06 p.m.    <DIR>          b
                   0 File(s)              0 bytes
                   4 Dir(s)   6,705,012,736 bytes free
    C:\>javac -cp .
    C:\>java -cp . RenameEg
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
            at RenameEg.main(
    C:\>dir javatutorial
    Volume in drive C is IBM_PRELOAD
    Volume Serial Number is 400B-A170
    Directory of C:\
    File Not FoundYou get the null pointer exception because listFiles() returns null. It
    returns null becuse the folder had its name changed.
    To list the files of the renamed folder, you will have to create a new File
    based on the new (changed) name.

  • Windows xp and Java SDK

    I just got a new computer with Windows XP on it and I installed Java SDK on it. I can compile my programs but I can't run them i get this:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: hate
    even though there is a .class file. I was wondering if anybody have the same problem?

    Do a "echo %CLASSPATH%" at the DOS prompt...You should see the directory in which you installed Java...
    CLASSPATH=c:\j2sdk1.4.1;.; where (".") = the current directory.
    Your JVM cannot find the class file because you have not set the CLASSPATH enviroment variable. Your PATH enviroment variable sounds like it is ok because your OS(Windows, etc) is able to find the java, javac, jar, etc commmands.
    Hope this helps.

  • Windows locale and Java

    i have a problem with NumberFormats and languages on a Windows system:
    i want to have (for example) English GUI texts (i made some GUI forms using the IntelliJ GUI designer),
    but i want to have the NumberFormat from the Windows locale (for example German/Swiss format).
    The switching between the text languages works well, but i have to use -Duser.language for that purpose since only
    then the GUI designer is able to use the correct gui_de or file.
    The problem now is that Locale Default  = Locale.getDefault(); does not return the language from the Windows settings,
    but the language from the -Duser.language setting which i gave the VM. Ok, its logical.
    But i need the "initial" language from the Windows locale (the one its been before the -Duser.language overwrites the language)...

    The switching between the text languages works well, but i have to use -Duser.language for that purpose since only
    then the GUI designer is able to use the correct gui_de or file.due to-Duser.language you will not get the correct Default Locale.
    For workaround u can try below solution
    Sync. your System Locale setting with -Duser.language and it is logically true.
    If your System Locale is en_US
    then your VM optional argument should be -Duser.language=en
    if your System Locale is fr_FR
    then your VM optional argument should be -Duser.language=fr
    I think it will be solve your problem.

  • Windows look and feel instead, in

    Hi all, I am learning swing and I am trying to modify the source from
    My idea is to add the line
    JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); in the constructor, but it doesn't work
    and I don't understand why.
    Could somebody please help me?
    Kindest regards,
    public InternalFrameDemo() {
    //Make the big window be indented 50 pixels from each edge
    //of the screen.
    int inset = 50;
    Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    setBounds(inset, inset,
    screenSize.width - inset*2,
    screenSize.height - inset*2);
    //FDoesn't work
    //Set up the GUI.
    desktop = new JDesktopPane(); //a specialized layered pane
    createFrame(); //create first "window"
    //Make dragging a little faster but perhaps uglier.

    Uh I think you're mistaken. Whenever in doubt or something doesn't work as expected, check the javadocs. The link to the javadocs can usually be found really easily by typing "java 6 classname". In this case:
    If you want to set the Windows look & feel as your thread title suggests, this was not the method you were looking for as the javadocs will tell you. That method controls if a frame is decorated or not (as the name suggests), which it is by default. Setting it to true will not change anything.
    So what then? You type into Google "java swing windows look and feel". Without quotes of course.

  • Data transfer B/W parent windonw and child window with out java script

    hi ,
    i am using h:outputLink Tag to open child window , i am unable to pass parent window text box value to child window with out java script , Here i am using two different backing beans for parent and child windows . Plz help me .

    Hi -- I pass details between pages regularly. The following has worked for me:
    ApplicationFactory factory = (ApplicationFactory) FactoryFinder.getFactory(FactoryFinder.APPLICATION_FACTORY);
    ValueBinding binding = factory.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{beanName}");
    BeanName beanProperty = (BeanName) binding.getValue(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
    ... then set the you can set the values. Can't recall if I need to use SaveStates for the items. Probably if you use request scope beans.

  • Java class to connect Windows server and excecuting bat file

    Hi All,
    Could some please provide or let me know how to connect windows server and executing bat file in windows box.
    All i have in hand to connect is Host name,Username and Password.
    Basically i am SOA guys and facing difficult in building class to do.
    I want to use Java code in my integration project in order to achieve the above case.
    I am using Linux OS. And i want to run Java code in Linux Box and to connect to Windows server
    Thanks in advanace
    Edited by: Tarak on Aug 8, 2012 4:08 PM
    Edited by: Tarak on Aug 11, 2012 9:08 PM

    I'm afraid few if any of us are going to know anything more about connecting to Windows Server than you do. All I can suggest is to check if its client interface is publicly documented and try reverse engineering it from that.

  • How to create windows users and groups from Java

    Can any one please tell me, which Package/API will helps to create windows users and groups from Java.

    You can't do it with pure Java, and it's not in the core API. You'd have to write a native function to do it, using whatever API Windows provides, and then call it with JNI. Or look for a third party native-based Java library that already does that.

  • Start and Stop a Windows Service From Java

    Is there any way to start and stop a Windows service from Java? The only post I found on it ( had a link to one of the many aps that allow Java programs to be services, which is not what I am interested in doing.
    I am attempting to get data from performance counters from the Windows Performance Monitor into a Java ap without using JNI. I can get the data from C++ or a .net language pretty easily and was going to create a service that would listen for socket requests and feed back the data. However, I'd like to start and stop that service when my java code starts and stops. Is this possible? Would it make more sense to just use a .exe and Runtime.exec()?

    If it's only to start or stop a service then you could use the net command without any need for JNI.import*;
    public class MsWinSvc {
        static final String CMD_START = "cmd /c net start \"";
        static final String CMD_STOP = "cmd /c net stop \"";
        public static int startService(String serviceName) throws Exception {
            return execCmd(CMD_START + serviceName + "\"");
        public static int stopService(String serviceName) throws Exception {
            return execCmd(CMD_STOP + serviceName + "\"");
        static int execCmd(String cmdLine) throws Exception {
            Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdLine);
            StreamPumper outPumper = new StreamPumper(process.getInputStream(), System.out);
            StreamPumper errPumper = new StreamPumper(process.getErrorStream(), System.err);
            return process.exitValue();
        static class StreamPumper extends Thread {       
            private InputStream is;
            private PrintStream os;
            public StreamPumper(InputStream is, PrintStream os) {
       = is;
                this.os = os;
            public void run() {
                try {
                    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
                    String line;
                    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
                catch (Exception e) {

Maybe you are looking for