Wish to play zoo tycoon 2 but have osx 10.9

is it possible to download the snow leopard server onto my macbook pro retina so i can be able to play zoo tycoon 2.

See if this thread — or the Amazon link from that thread — helps.

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    Power Mac G5 1.8 SP (900 fsb)   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   160gb HD, 1gb RAM

    Where did you copy the game to?

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    Remote installation of an inappropriate system still results in an inappropriate system.  As others have indicated, Burton needs to find or replace his original disk and abandon any thoughts of using his son's iMac disk.
    Burton, note that you can call Apple customer service and request a new set of disks for a small shipping and handling fee.  You just need to have your machine handy to give them the serial number.

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    pass the music on your external hard drive to the computer then drag the to Itunes

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    You can authorise your account on your Mac's iTunes via the Store drop-down menu :

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    System Info on 13 is as follows:-
    Elements Organizer
    Core Version: 13.0 (20140831.m.62014)
    Language Version: 13.0 (20140831.m.62014)
    Current Catalog:
    Catalog Name: My Catalog
    Catalog Location: C:\Users\Master\Pictures\Adobe\PE13\My Catalog\
    Catalog Size: 46.2MB
    Catalog Cache Size: 657.4MB
    Operating System Name: Windows 8
    Operating System Version: 6.3
    System Architecture:
    Built-in Memory: 15.9GB
    Free Memory: 9.4GB
    Important Drivers / Plug-ins / Libraries:
    Microsoft DirectX Version: 9.0
    Apple QuickTime Version: Not installed
    Adobe Reader Version: Not installed
    Adobe Acrobat Version: Not installed
    CD and DVD drives:
    System Info on 11 is as follows:-
    Elements Organizer
    Core Version: 11.0 (20120923.r.32287)
    Language Version: 11.0 (20120923.r.32287)
    Current Catalog:
    Catalog Name: My Catalog
    Catalog Location: C:\Users\Master\Pictures\Adobe\PE11\My Catalog\
    Catalog Size: 44.8MB
    Catalog Cache Size: 550.5MB
    Operating System Name: Windows 8
    Operating System Version: 6.2
    System Architecture: Intel CPU Family:6 Model:12 Stepping:3 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP
    Built-in Memory: 15.9GB
    Free Memory: 9.8GB
    Important Drivers / Plug-ins / Libraries:
    Microsoft DirectX Version: 9.0
    Apple QuickTime Version: 7.75
    Adobe Reader Version: Not installed
    Adobe Acrobat Version: Not installed
    CD and DVD drives:

    Hi John,
    Sorry for the inconvenience  caused. This issue has been fixed in Elements 13.1. Please try updating your application to free 13.1 update.
    Let me know if you are still facing this issue.

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    Have a look at the FAQ post in the MP3 player forum, specifically the link "gapless playback".
    In short though all Creative players play with tiny gaps, so you can't achieve what you want to do. You'd have to rip the entire CD as one track.
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    Tigon's already got you covered here. But I'll chime in with some English localisation advice.
    There's a couple of ways to get through to the authorisation controls in the 11.0.x versions.
    The control is still in the Store menu, but first (if you're using iTunes versions 11.0.x) you might need to bring up the menu bar to see the Store menu.
    If you're using 11.0.x, click on the wee boxy icon up in the top-left corner of your iTunes to see the "Show Menu Bar" control, as per the following screenshot:
    Then you'll find the control in the Store menu:
    Alternatively, if you don't want to bring up the menu bar, it's still possible to get into the authorise controls via nested menus accessible from the wee boxy icon. Here's a screenshot of where to find them:

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    thank you for your help!!

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