

hello i am proud to tell you that you have french lol geneologic branch, i am from laval quebec we are the only despelteau family in quebec and canada
grand grand fathers was arthur despelteau 1904 you have link for is life at motel mon repos
my grand father was a cops a quebec surete quebec guy despelteau 76
my father was gm at the surete quebec denis despelteau 56
me i got 2 brother eric and francois i no they have some despelteau in florida but not that much
i no to that some of the despelteau was split by the english in 1840 more of them die in the procedure i got a old picture of women name despelteau late 1800 she was really well dress sign that the family was rich but i dont no much please tell me what you no about despelteau
sylvain despelteau 27
contact me on my email your email is no good

Similar Messages

  • Issues with sessionId and persistent cookie in WL6.1

              I am using WL6.1 and I discovered the following from a brief experiment using a
              JSP which sets persistent cookies. The results are the same when I use IE browser
              or the HDML emulator.
              The name of the weblogic session cookie (weblogic.xml) is "_ses".
              Steps below. The server logs are included:
              1. Delete the persistent cookies relevant to the server.
              2. Access the jsp. SessionId is generated, say 12345.
              3. Close browser. My_Cookie1=blah is saved on client.
              4. Access server again. The cookie My_Cookie1=blah sent
              5. The server sets the SessionId to Cookie1=blah. The sessionId is set from the
              persistent cookie. Also, the String after the first underscore is the sessionId.
              When I change the name of the weblogic session cookie (weblogic.xml) to something
              without an underscore, such as "JSESSIONID" or "someCookieName", and repeat the
              steps, the sessionId is not attempted to be read from the persistent cookie.
              Why is this so?
              test.jsp: Hit
              session id (O8tS4HMN3KSYK!1003180768699)
              ctr: null
              --------- HTTP REQUEST HEADERS BEGIN -------------
              DEVSNIFF-header(1): Accept=image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
              application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/vnd.ms-excel, app
              lication/msword, */*
              DEVSNIFF-header(2): Accept-Language=en-us
              DEVSNIFF-header(3): Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate
              DEVSNIFF-header(4): User-Agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT
              DEVSNIFF-header(5): Host=nk
              DEVSNIFF-header(6): Connection=Keep-Alive
              --------- HTTP REQUEST HEADERS END -------------
              test.jsp: Hit
              session id (Cookie1=59631091!1003180798903)
              ctr: null
              --------- HTTP REQUEST HEADERS BEGIN -------------
              DEVSNIFF-header(1): Accept=image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
              application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/vnd.ms-excel, app
              lication/msword, */*
              DEVSNIFF-header(2): Accept-Language=en-us
              DEVSNIFF-header(3): Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate
              DEVSNIFF-header(4): User-Agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT
              DEVSNIFF-header(5): Host=nk
              DEVSNIFF-header(6): Connection=Keep-Alive
              DEVSNIFF-header(7): Cookie=My_Cookie1=59631091
              --------- HTTP REQUEST HEADERS END -------------
              test.jsp: Hit
              session id (O8tZKVgE4LuPo!1003182377496)
              ctr: null
              --------- HTTP REQUEST HEADERS BEGIN -------------
              DEVSNIFF-header(1): Accept=image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
              application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/vnd.ms-excel, app
              lication/msword, */*
              DEVSNIFF-header(2): Accept-Language=en-us
              DEVSNIFF-header(3): Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate
              DEVSNIFF-header(4): User-Agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT
              DEVSNIFF-header(5): Host=nk
              DEVSNIFF-header(6): Connection=Keep-Alive
              --------- HTTP REQUEST HEADERS END -------------
              test.jsp: Hit
              session id (O8tZRy1Wq3o9T!1003182407901)
              ctr: null
              --------- HTTP REQUEST HEADERS BEGIN -------------
              DEVSNIFF-header(1): Accept=image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
              application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/vnd.ms-excel, app
              lication/msword, */*
              DEVSNIFF-header(2): Accept-Language=en-us
              DEVSNIFF-header(3): Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate
              DEVSNIFF-header(4): User-Agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT
              DEVSNIFF-header(5): Host=nk
              DEVSNIFF-header(6): Connection=Keep-Alive
              DEVSNIFF-header(7): Cookie=My_Cookie1=88575204
              --------- HTTP REQUEST HEADERS END -------------

    Issue 1 is a know "feature" with Macs using an optical output.
    Issue 2 is still unresolved. Why can't Front Row act as a video jukebox just as well as it can for audio.
    Issue 3 is still unresolved. If I select a libray that has both audio and video files, Front Row will only play the audio and not the video. Seems like it should be smart enough to "switch" to play that video.
    Issue 4 seems to be resolved. I run visualizer all the time now and my TV does not switch out of 1080i any more.
    Issue 5 seems to be resolved. I think the trick is that the TV show name has to be filled in for the system to recognize it as a TV show. Guess Apple didn't orginally figure people would add TV shows not purchsed through the iTunes store.
    Issue 6 was realted to using files that are copy protected. But why iTunes XML file can't just keep the name that I want in it's directory rather than the name that is embedded in the file is still a mystery to me.

  • Installation problem of WL6.0SP1 on solaris

    When I install WL6.0SP1 on Sun Solaris, it gives such message:
    weblogic600sp1_sol.bin Preparing to install...
    Error: failed /tmp/install.dir.16036/Solaris/resource/jre/jre/lib/sparc/client/libjvm.so,
    because ld.so.1: /tmp/install.dir.16036/Solaris/resource/jre/jre/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/java:
    fatal: libCrun.so.1: open failed: No such file or directory
    My classpath is set as:
    Does any one know what is wrong with it?

    You probably need Solaris patches. I had this problem to installing on Solaris
    7. GO to Sun's web site to look for pathces relating to C runtime libs.
    "Yingwei" <[email protected]> wrote:
    When I install WL6.0SP1 on Sun Solaris, it gives such message:
    weblogic600sp1_sol.bin Preparing to install...
    Error: failed /tmp/install.dir.16036/Solaris/resource/jre/jre/lib/sparc/client/libjvm.so,
    because ld.so.1: /tmp/install.dir.16036/Solaris/resource/jre/jre/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/java:
    fatal: libCrun.so.1: open failed: No such file or directory
    My classpath is set as:
    Does any one know what is wrong with it?

  • WL6.1 + IIS, request.getInputStream is not working. Please help.

    I'm running IIS + WL 6.1 and in my servlet code, when I use request.getInputStream(),
    it has nothing in the input stream
    for e.x.
    InputStream istream = request.getInputStream();
    BufferedInputStream buf = new BufferedInputStream(istream);
    byte[] b = new byte[1024];
    buf.available is not greater than zero.
    But when I tried with just WL6.1, everything is fine.
    I'm using forward path to forward my request.
    Please help.

    Too much code to review in depth.
    Couple of things that jumped out at me
    1 - request.sendRedirect sent at the end. You should do any request forward/redirects as soon as possible in the jsp - before your response gets committed. It is illegal to forward/redirect after a response has been committed. That might explain the errors.
    2 - As a suggestion, view source on the page, and save the file as html. Or use the functionality to "save a webpage" to your local computer. Try loading that HTML page in all the browsers. That should help you diagnose is it the HTML code, or is it the JSP side of things that is broken.
    hope this helps,

  • Error while migrating from wl 5.1 to wl6.1

    I have an application running on WL5.1. When I convert this application to run on
    WL6.1 sp2, I get the
    following error when I try to access an entity bean from an servlet.
    <Apr 30, 2002 4:47:44 PM PDT> <Error> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6184715,myapp,/myapp)]
    Error loading servlet: 'process'
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/engr/app/approval/ApprovalHome
    a class upon which this class depends wasn't found
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.prepareServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:600)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.getServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:368)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:242)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:200)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(WebAppServletContext.java:2495)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(ServletRequestImpl.java:2204)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:139)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)
    The code works fine on WL 5.1
    Does anyone know why this happens. The console shows that EJBs are deployed

    Just deploy your web component and ejb's in a single ear.
    Jai Vas <[email protected]> wrote:
    I have an application running on WL5.1. When I convert this application to run on
    WL6.1 sp2, I get the
    following error when I try to access an entity bean from an servlet.
    <Apr 30, 2002 4:47:44 PM PDT> <Error> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6184715,myapp,/myapp)]
    Error loading servlet: 'process'
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/engr/app/approval/ApprovalHome
    a class upon which this class depends wasn't found
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.prepareServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:600)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.getServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:368)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:242)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:200)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(WebAppServletContext.java:2495)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(ServletRequestImpl.java:2204)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:139)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)
    The code works fine on WL 5.1
    Does anyone know why this happens. The console shows that EJBs are deployed

  • Best Practice for SSL in Apache/WL6.0SP1 configuration?

    What is the best practice for eanbling SSL in an Apache/WL6.0SP1
    Is it:
    Browser to Apache: HTTPS
    Apache to WL: HTTP
    Browser to Apache: HTTPS
    Apache to WL: HTTPS
    The first approach seems more efficient (assuming that Apache and WL are
    both in a secure datacenter), but in that case, how does WL know that the
    browser requested HTTPS to begin with?

    A getScheme should return HTTPS if the client is using HTTPS or HTTP if it
    is using HTTP.
    The option for the plug-in to use HTTP or HTTPS when connecting to Weblogic
    is up to you but regardless the scheme of the client will be passed to
    "Alain" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    How should we have the plug-in tell wls the client is using https?
    Should we have the plugin talk to wls in HTTP or HTTPS?
    "Jong Lee" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3b673bab$[email protected]..
    The apache plugin tells wls the client is using https and also pass on
    cert if any.
    "Alain" <[email protected]> wrote:
    What is the best practice for eanbling SSL in an Apache/WL6.0SP1
    Is it:
    Browser to Apache: HTTPS
    Apache to WL: HTTP
    Browser to Apache: HTTPS
    Apache to WL: HTTPS
    The first approach seems more efficient (assuming that Apache and WL
    both in a secure datacenter), but in that case, how does WL know that
    browser requested HTTPS to begin with?

  • Problems starting Managed Server on WL6.0 Solaris

    I installed a WL6.0 on Solaris 8. Everythings works fine.
    I careated a Domain and an additional Server wich is located at a
    different machine. As is start this managed server on the other machine
    it complains with the following error message:
    <Aug 30, 2001 12:41:18 PM CEST> <Info> <Security> <Getting boot password
    from user.>
    Enter password to boot WebLogic server:weblogic
    Starting WebLogic Server ....
    Connecting to http://sol23:7001...
    The WebLogic Server did not start up properly.
    Exception raised:
    weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException: paros not
    weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException: paros not
    at weblogic.management.Admin.initialize(Admin.java:287)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(T3Srvr.java:317)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:169)
    at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35)
    Reason: Fatal initialization exception
    In the access-Log of the Admin-Server the following line appears
    my IP - - [30/Aug/2001:12:41:13 +0200] "GET
    /wl_management_internal2/Bootstrap HTTP/1.0" 404 0
    So my question: Where does this "wl_management_internal2" Application
    come from?
    Do I have to install some special things when I start an Admin-Server?
    Falko Zurell . Webmaster
    Pixelpark AG . http://www.pixelpark.com
    Rotherstrasse 8 . 10245 Berlin . Germany
    phone: + 49 30 5058 - 1963 . fax: -1600

    Hi Falko,
    This is not a problem. when you want to add a new managed server to the
    admin server, you need to use weblogic console to create that server in the
    admin server first, then start the managed server with that name to connect
    to the admin server. That is like you have to let the admin server know
    there is such a server, then let it join to the Admin server. you can do
    that by using the admin console, from left panel, click on Servers -->
    "Create a new server" and name it to be "paros", specify the port and IP.
    and hit "create". then start the managed server.
    "Falko Zurell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I installed a WL6.0 on Solaris 8. Everythings works fine.
    I careated a Domain and an additional Server wich is located at a
    different machine. As is start this managed server on the other machine
    it complains with the following error message:
    <Aug 30, 2001 12:41:18 PM CEST> <Info> <Security> <Getting boot password
    from user.>
    Enter password to boot WebLogic server:weblogic
    Starting WebLogic Server ....
    Connecting to http://sol23:7001...
    The WebLogic Server did not start up properly.
    Exception raised:
    weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException: paros not
    weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException: paros not
    at weblogic.management.Admin.initialize(Admin.java:287)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(T3Srvr.java:317)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:169)
    at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35)
    Reason: Fatal initialization exception
    In the access-Log of the Admin-Server the following line appears
    my IP - - [30/Aug/2001:12:41:13 +0200] "GET
    /wl_management_internal2/Bootstrap HTTP/1.0" 404 0
    So my question: Where does this "wl_management_internal2" Application
    come from?
    Do I have to install some special things when I start an Admin-Server?
    Falko Zurell . Webmaster
    Pixelpark AG . http://www.pixelpark.com
    Rotherstrasse 8 . 10245 Berlin . Germany
    phone: + 49 30 5058 - 1963 . fax: -1600

  • WL6.1 SP3 and JNDINameReplicated

    What happened to the promised JNDINameReplicated feature for WebLogic 6.1 SP3?
              When I manually enter it into config.xml I get this error on starting up
              the cluster Admin Server:
              Exception raised:
              weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException: Unknown attribute JNDI
              NameReplicated for FailedMessagesQueue, type JMSQueue
              I see the attribute WL7.0 dtd for config.xml si I'm pretty sure I'm using it
              right, but here is the snippet of relevant config.xml
              <JMSServer Name="JIRJMSCluster01" Store="JIRJDBCStore01" Targets="jircluster
              <JMSQueue JNDIName="/jir/queues/hub/failedmessages" Name="FailedM
              essagesQueue" JNDINameReplicated="false"/>
              <JMSQueue ErrorDestination="FailedMessagesQueue"
              Name="DefaultBrokerQueue" RedeliveryLimit="2" JNDINameReplicated="fa
              <JMSQueue ErrorDestination="FailedMessagesQueue"
              Name="BillingNotification" RedeliveryLimit="4" JNDINameReplicated="f
              <JMSTopic JNDIName="/jir/queues/hub/notify" Name="NotificationTop
              I am on a Sun Solaris 8. I used the patch to upgrade WL6.1 SP2 to WL6.1 SP3

              There is a CSR patch available on 6.1 sp2 for this if you dont already have it.
              It works great.
              "Stephen Felts" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >This feature is available in 7.0 but was not back ported to 6.1.
              >"Jirawat Uttayaya" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              >news:[email protected]...
              >> What happened to the promised JNDINameReplicated feature for WebLogic
              >> When I manually enter it into config.xml I get this error on starting
              >> the cluster Admin Server:
              >> Exception raised:
              >> weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException: Unknown
              >attribute JNDI
              >> NameReplicated for FailedMessagesQueue, type JMSQueue
              >> I see the attribute WL7.0 dtd for config.xml si I'm pretty sure I'm using
              >> right, but here is the snippet of relevant config.xml
              >> <JMSServer Name="JIRJMSCluster01" Store="JIRJDBCStore01"
              >> 01">
              >> <JMSQueue JNDIName="/jir/queues/hub/failedmessages" Name="FailedM
              >> essagesQueue" JNDINameReplicated="false"/>
              >> <JMSQueue ErrorDestination="FailedMessagesQueue"
              >> JNDIName="/jir/queues/brokers/default"
              >> Name="DefaultBrokerQueue" RedeliveryLimit="2"
              >> lse"/>
              >> <JMSQueue ErrorDestination="FailedMessagesQueue"
              >> JNDIName="/jir/queues/hub/billingnotify"
              >> Name="BillingNotification" RedeliveryLimit="4"
              >> alse"/>
              >> <JMSTopic JNDIName="/jir/queues/hub/notify" Name="NotificationTop
              >> ic"/>
              >> </JMSServer>
              >> I am on a Sun Solaris 8. I used the patch to upgrade WL6.1 SP2 to WL6.1
              >> Jirawat

  • Accessing a file residing on WL6.1 via the web app using URL

    I am trying to retrieve an xml file from within a java controller bean which has been
    instantiated within a session bean. Under wl5.1 I just created a URL with the path
    to the file, but in wl6.1 it doesn't find file. I have created a resource-ref in
    the web.xml and a reference-descriptor in the weblogic.xml. I still can't find the
    file. Can anybody provide an example on the deployment descriptor elements needed
    to accomplish this.

    The program looks into my System32 direcetory for the files.This suggests that you are using a filepath relative to the current working directory, and that you are assuming you know what that directory is. Look into the getRealPath() method of ServletContext.

  • Ejb wl5.1 client talking to ejb wl6.1 server?

    I have a session ejb running in wl 5.1 that must act as a client of a wl6.1
    ejb (wl 6.1 running on another host). Since the RMI layer is incompatible
    between 5.1 and 6.1 I must jump through some hoops to get this to work. I've
    considered packaging the wl6.1 classes together with the 6.1 client classes
    in a separate jar, along with a helper class to use a separate classloader
    to load classes from that jar (in the hopes of keeping the common rmi
    classes in a separate namespace). Does this sound like the best approach?
    Has anyone else faced this problem? What other solutions are there?
    Thanks. - Miles

    You can use direct socket communication (custom impl) or URLs to do
    web-service style integration.
    Cameron Purdy
    Tangosol, Inc.
    Clustering Weblogic? You're either using Coherence, or you should be!
    Download a Tangosol Coherence eval today at http://www.tangosol.com/
    "Miles Krivoshia" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    I have a session ejb running in wl 5.1 that must act as a client of awl6.1
    ejb (wl 6.1 running on another host). Since the RMI layer is incompatible
    between 5.1 and 6.1 I must jump through some hoops to get this to work.I've
    considered packaging the wl6.1 classes together with the 6.1 clientclasses
    in a separate jar, along with a helper class to use a separate classloader
    to load classes from that jar (in the hopes of keeping the common rmi
    classes in a separate namespace). Does this sound like the best approach?
    Has anyone else faced this problem? What other solutions are there?
    Thanks. - Miles

  • WL6.1 RDBMSrealm not working

    Platform: Windows & HPUX
    Weblogic: WL6.1 sp1
    JDK 1.3.x
    When we upgraded from WL6.0 to WL6.1sp1, the security does not work like
    it did with WL6.0.
    I have implement a RDBMSrealm where authorization / ACLs are retrived and
    Authentication is done through LDAP.
    Any user who successfully authenticates and authorized to use any page, in
    our case the inital page, are able to view and access any other page(JSPs)
    ignoring other security contraints specified in the Web XML.
    In the example above, ALL_USERS and ADMIN are authorized to load index.jsp
    and login.jsp, they should not however be able to load Product.jsp but are
    able to. The second security constraint is ignored or is it looking
    somewhere else for the ACL other than the custom RDBMSrealm that I
    This all worked flawlessly in WL6.0 and still does.
    Jerrie Pineda

    Hello Jerrie,
    1. Try adding the following tags in your web.xml file :
    <!-- Declare all the roles used in <auth-constraint> above -->
    2. Check that your mapping is right in the weblogic.xml file as :
    I hope this helps.
    Developer Relations Engineer
    BEA Support
    <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message news: [email protected]...
    Platform: Windows & HPUX
    Weblogic: WL6.1 sp1
    JDK 1.3.x
    When we upgraded from WL6.0 to WL6.1sp1, the security does not work like it did with WL6.0.
    I have implement a RDBMSrealm where authorization / ACLs are retrived and Authentication is done through LDAP.
    Any user who successfully authenticates and authorized to use any page, in our case the inital page, are able to view and access any other page(JSPs) ignoring other security contraints specified in the Web XML.
    In the example above, ALL_USERS and ADMIN are authorized to load index.jsp and login.jsp, they should not however be able to load Product.jsp but are able to. The second security constraint is ignored or is it looking somewhere else for the ACL other than the custom RDBMSrealm that I created.
    This all worked flawlessly in WL6.0 and still does.
    Jerrie Pineda

  • SecurityException starting WL6

    I changed the password for user 'system' via the console, shut down the
    server and now when I restart the server, I get a:
    Exception raised: java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication for user
    system denied in realm weblogic
    Subsequently, the server will not start. How can I get my server running

    this is a known issue with beasvc.exe
    you may want to contact support and ask for latest beasvc.exe to
    get rid of this problem.
    Roman Heinz wrote:
    JRockit 3.1.5
    Our systems runs fine with JRockit when run from command line.
    It fails to start with beasvc.exe with the famous:
    The WL_cms service is starting.
    The WL_cms service could not be started.
    The service did not report an error.
    More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3534.
    Interestingly, the cmdLine from the registry works, if I start it in
    directory '[....]\wlserver6.0\'
    Any clues?

  • How can I get the directory.xml file for WL6.0?

    I have installed the ALBPM Enterprise WL6.01 and started it in my server.But I get the error message when I login.
    directory configuration runtime fails to initilize with
    How can I get the XML file?

    aaa, ok i misunderstood your first post, i thought you are talking about unable to use the directory.xml from your application.
    Ok, well the directory.xml file that ALBPM uses is allways in /albpm6.0/j2eewl/conf/directory.xml if we are not talking about Standalone. And when you start your albpm server it picks up the directory.xml file from there. But it picks him up only when you start it...so if you made any changes to it, you have to restart the server.
    You should check the instalation folder of your ALBPM.
    If you want to change the user/pass in the directory.xml change it in that folder and restart ALBPM.
    If you don't know how to enter new password you have to use this sintax:
    Because if you open the xml file you have only <encrypted> tags, and you can't change those.
    I don't know what the xml file is doing in that tomcat folder though...maybe it get's copied to that location when you start the albpm WL
    Hope this helps
    Edited by Lex_ at 12/13/2007 10:27 PM

  • Wl6.0 clustering error

              I have two weblogic servers on different m/cs in a cluster.When the request is going
              to one server it is showing the following error.What could be the reason?
              weblogic.cluster.replication.NotFoundException: Lost 2 updates of -525890432560839199
              at weblogic.rmi.internal.AbstractOutboundRequest.sendReceive(AbstractOutboundRequest.java:90)
              at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager_WLStub.update(ReplicationManager_WLStub.java:316)
              at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager.updateSecondary(ReplicationManager.java:426)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionData.sync(ReplicatedSessionData.java:398)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionContext.sync(ReplicatedSessionContext.java:147)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.syncSession(ServletRequestImpl.java:1526)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(WebAppServletContext.java:1310)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(ServletRequestImpl.java:1622)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:137)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)
              --------------- nested within: ------------------
              weblogic.utils.NestedError: Could not find secondary on remote server - with nested
              [weblogic.cluster.replication.NotFoundException: Lost 2 updates of -525890432560839199]
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionData.sync(ReplicatedSessionData.java:405)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionContext.sync(ReplicatedSessionContext.java:147)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.syncSession(ServletRequestImpl.java:1526)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(WebAppServletContext.java:1310)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(ServletRequestImpl.java:1622)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:137)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)

              Hi Patrizia,
              I have been in touch with bea supoort since last two weeks. They are trying to
              find out the reason for this error.
              I have posted this question long back but nobody gave me answer.
              I think nobody has done clustering successfully on wl6.0sp1.
              If I find the reason I will let you know.
              Patrizia MB <[email protected]> wrote:
              >Hi Venkat,
              >I've just enabled In memory session replicaton and I've encountered EXACTLY
              >your problem which repeat whenever I
              >invoke my servlet. I've two WLS6SP1 instances running in cluster.
              >Have you understood why Weblogic throws those kind of exceptions?
              >I've looked up in other newsgroups (weblogic.developer.interest.clustering.in-memory-replication)
              >and the problem
              >seems very frequent... what is wrong in our cluster configuration???
              >Venkat wrote:
              >> Hi,
              >> I have two weblogic servers on different m/cs in a cluster.When the
              >request is going
              >> to one server it is showing the following error.What could be the reason?
              >> weblogic.cluster.replication.NotFoundException: Lost 2 updates of -525890432560839199
              >> at weblogic.rmi.internal.AbstractOutboundRequest.sendReceive(AbstractOutboundRequest.java:90)
              >> at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager_WLStub.update(ReplicationManager_WLStub.java:316)
              >> at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager.updateSecondary(ReplicationManager.java:426)
              >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionData.sync(ReplicatedSessionData.java:398)
              >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionContext.sync(ReplicatedSessionContext.java:147)
              >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.syncSession(ServletRequestImpl.java:1526)
              >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(WebAppServletContext.java:1310)
              >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(ServletRequestImpl.java:1622)
              >> at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:137)
              >> at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)
              >> --------------- nested within: ------------------
              >> weblogic.utils.NestedError: Could not find secondary on remote server
              >- with nested
              >> exception:
              >> [weblogic.cluster.replication.NotFoundException: Lost 2 updates of
              >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionData.sync(ReplicatedSessionData.java:405)
              >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionContext.sync(ReplicatedSessionContext.java:147)
              >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.syncSession(ServletRequestImpl.java:1526)
              >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(WebAppServletContext.java:1310)
              >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(ServletRequestImpl.java:1622)
              >> at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:137)
              >> at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)
              >> >
              >> Thanks
              >> Venkat

  • Struts ApplicationResource & WL6.1 EAR

    Hi All,
    Using Struts 1.02 and WL6.1SP3, we are running into a problem where a jsp using
    struts tags cannot find any key in the ApplicationResource.properties file. The
    properties file is located in WEB-INF/classes in a WAR, which is part of an EAR.
    I have deployed before using Struts under WL6.1 as a WAR only, and did not have
    a problem.
    The error that I am getting is "Cannot find message resources under key".
    Has anyone else experienced this? Many thanks.
    - Rich

    Unless classloading order recommended by the Servlet spec is used : "..It
    is recommended also that the application class loader be implemented so that
    classes and resources packaged within the WAR are loaded in preference to
    classes and resources residing in container-wide library JARs..."
    It appears that PreferWebInfClasses="true" in WebAppComponent enables this
    classloading order in WebLogic.
    David Shiffman <[email protected]> wrote:
    Classes in a parent class loader always have precedence over the classes found
    in a child classloader.
    "M. van Leeuwen" <lemval@kabel-*-foon.nl> wrote:
    Thanks Leon,
    "Leon van Zantvoort" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:3c1a01a8$[email protected]:
    This behaviour is caused by weblogic's classloader hierarchy.
    EJB-jar-files in a EAR-file are loaded by an ejb-classloader, WAR-files
    are loaded by a war-classloader. The ejb-classloader is the parent
    classloader of the war-classloader. Therefor, classes in the WAR-file
    can access classes in the EJB-jar-file.
    If a class is located in both files, the class from the EJB-jar-fileis
    always loaded, because the war-classloader delegates the loading toits
    parent classloader. So it first tries to find the class using the ejb-cl and if that fails
    uses the (child cl) war-cl. Is this the J2EE way to go or just BEA's
    (it could be done the other way around)?
    I suspect this has to do with a possible EJBclient jar in the WAR file
    is now ignored, since it finds the EJB classes in the (preferred) EAR

  • How do I set System properties within WL6.0?

    I am setting WL6.0 up to have a startup class, but this class needs to
    read system properties which have not yet been set. How do I set these
    up within weblogic? I was able to get the startup class set up, but it
    needs these system properties to continue.

    Correct on all points. The one advantage of doing this in java is that you can more easily do more
    complex things like accessing configuration information from a remote data store (like a database).
    Dimitri Rakitine wrote:
    These are not needed if you simply replace java ...lots of options... weblogic.Server with
    java ...lots of options... startmyWLS in the script which starts WebLogic, but, on the other
    hand, this solution is no different from simply adding -DmyProperty=myValue to the startup script
    (I think that the ultimate goal is the ability to deploy(and redeploy!) components,
    without any mods to the particular vendor's startup scripts of anything of that nature).
    Kumar Allamraju <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thanks to robert for a quick workaround..
    I tried to start the WLS with the following piece of code and actually i need to set
    some additional properties
    for successful server startup.
    Here it is
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class startmyWLS
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    props.put("myProperty", "myValue");
    props.put("bea.home", "E:\\bea");
    props.put("weblogic.Domain", "mydomain");
    props.put("weblogic.Name", "myserver");
    Make sure you run this from E:\bea\wlserver6.0., as it tries to read config.xml
    config\[your-domain-name] from this
    Robert Patrick wrote:
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class StartMyWebLogicServer
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    props.put("myProperty", "myValue")
    gmo wrote:
    That won't work since it has to be 'outside' of the code. It's a service, and
    services are started when weblogic is started up, not when I call a bean.
    And it has to be dynamic, since the properties will vary on evry installation.
    Robert Patrick wrote:
    You can also use System.setProperty() or a combination of
    System.getProperties() followed by a System.setProperties()...
    gmo wrote:
    They are not normal system properties. I'm using some open source code, and
    it requires settings to be system properties, but they are specific to the
    application, which means that they are not already in the system
    properties. I know how to get them, and after some more research, you can
    set them on the command line when starting up weblogic. However, is this
    the best way to set system properties?
    Robert Patrick wrote:
    What "system properties" are you trying to find?
    gmo wrote:
    I am setting WL6.0 up to have a startup class, but this class needs to
    read system properties which have not yet been set. How do I set these
    up within weblogic? I was able to get the startup class set up, but it
    needs these system properties to continue.

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