WLE Performance vs WLS

We are finding that running our EJBs in WLE 5.1 is yeilding performance times that
are twice as slow as we get running the same EJBs in WLS 5.1.
Is there anyone out there who have delpoyed their EJBs in a WLE environment that
can provide some performance comparisons?

I would recommend that you move to the WLS EJB components. The WLE product will no
longer have EJB or Java Server support in the next release. Java client support will
still be in the next release of WLE.
Carl Lawstuen wrote:
We are finding that running our EJBs in WLE 5.1 is yeilding performance times that
are twice as slow as we get running the same EJBs in WLS 5.1.
Is there anyone out there who have delpoyed their EJBs in a WLE environment that
can provide some performance comparisons?

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              I post this on the clustering list since I'm interested in finding out the
              likelyhood of people using WLS as a web server (as well as servlet engine/EJB
              What do you prefer: WLS or Apache/IIS/NES with the plug-in?
              Do you prefer using a front-end cluster that serves static content and load
              balances dynamic requests to a back-end cluster of WLS instances?
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              What load balancer do you use if a cluster of WLS instances serves both static
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              The performance of WLS as a web-server may cause some people to prefer a front-
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              Frank Olsen

    The main reason that 5.1 is 25% slower than NES or Apache on serving static html
    is that NES/Apache do a lot of native I/O and caching ( their code base is C/C++).
    6.1 fixed that problem, BEA use native I/O to retrieve static html and img files,
    and caching them in memory. Benchmark data shows that they are in par with NES/Apache's
    performance. It's pretty safe for you to use 6.1 to host your static contents
    and use it as web container at the same time.
    My 2 cents.
    Jim Zhou.
    [email protected] (Morten Hindsholm) wrote:
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    /\/\orten Hindsholm

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    Kuala Lumpur

    I'd suggest posting this in the workshop newsgroup.
    -- Rob
    shree wrote:
    i am trying to run the workshop on my desktop with 300 MB ram and 333 MHz machine
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    Captura Software, Inc

    try using the ibm jvm 1.3, it handles linux threads better than sun jvm.
    "Stefan Hrafnkelsson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    We have a problem that seems to be similar. In our profiling the
    Application Server BEA Weblogic was taking most of the CPU time and
    further research showed that a simple call to an EJB (returned ritght
    away) from a web server to an application server took 4ms in CPU time
    of the Application Server (this means 250 calls/second for a 1GHz
    processor or 4.000.000 clock cycles per call).
    We are running WLS 6.1 on RedHat Linux 7.1 and feel we are getting
    much lower performance than 18 months ago when we were doing the
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    fine except this network call to EJB functions.
    Any suggestion?
    Stefan Hrafnkelsson
    [email protected] or [email protected]
    "Tamilselvan Ramasamy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:<[email protected]>...
    I used the OptmizeIt profile and found that the EJB home interface lookup
    from JNDI causing the performance problem.
    Over 70% time spent on the JNDI look ups for the home interface.
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    from the JNDI but i didn't think
    that this will be really this bad. I am trying to cache the homeinterfaces
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    a lot of code changes.
    Is there any hidden option in the server to make the JNDI notserailizing
    Captura Software, Inc
    "Bakul Mukherjee" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    The most likely culprit is that you are using call by value where you
    previously using call by reference in WLS 5.1. In WLS 6.1, you willonly
    receive call by reference if you are calling EJBs within the sameapplication
    (normally an EAR file.)
    If you're still seeing slow performance, you'll need to do some
    25-30x slower means that something is very wrong. I would start bydeterming
    where you are spending so much time. You could do this by profiling
    or even by inserting some timestamps in your code.
    If you can provide some more info, we'd be better able to help you
    -- Rob
    Tamilselvan Ramasamy wrote:
    We have converted our application from WLS 5.1 to WLS 6.1. There is
    code changes except the changes required for the deployment model in
    (WAR and EAR).
    And we put the WLS 6.1 for the performance testing using the Load
    found that
    the WLS 6.1 runs 25 to 30 times slower than the WLS 5.1. It is
    un-expectable and we are hosed.
    The application architecture used for the both weblogic server isthe
    JDBC + EJB + JSP/Servlet. All the EJBs are stateless session beans.
    OS: Windows 2000, with JDK 131. WebLogic 6.1 Server with SP 1
    Anybody have any idea, how the performance can be matched with the
    Captura Software, Inc

  • Web Application Performance Issue (WLS 12)

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    What operating system are you using?
    make sure you are trying a certificated configuration JDK and OS.
    Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations
    If using unix/Linux OS based you migh be hitting low entropy issue, you can add
    -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom to JAVA_OPTIONS and retest the issue
    Best Regards

  • Problem with start WLS

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    PS: I think that there are conflict problem between WLE classes and WLS

    Giuseppe -
    Are you using WLE 5.1? If no, I'd recommend you upgrade.
    WLE 5.1 includes examples of how to access EJBs on the T-Engine from the
    J-Engine, or WLS, and addresses some issues you may be encountering.
    Giuseppe Villanova wrote:
    I'm developing servlets that invoke ejb object under WLE.
    I include in classpath for starting WLS 4 jar in udataobj of WLE.
    When I try to start server there are problem and it doesn't start.
    What do I include to run a client of EJB?
    PS: I think that there are conflict problem between WLE classes and WLS

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    The only doc i can read on this subject is http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs70/perform/appb_tunetips.html and concerne wls 7.
    Which is the effect if I put this parameter at value 1 (with wls81 and native i/o)?

    CASE_ID_NUM: 642649
    PosixSocketReaders and how they work in WLS:
    WLS utilizes native code to perform socket handling, called the performance pack. Native code polls sockets on the OS layer if a new socket and data has to be processed, if a socket contains data that WLS is supposed to process it is picked up by Java threads from the WLS SocketReader thread queue. The SocketReader Java threads have the task of passing the socket and the contained raw message to an execute thread performing the application specific processing.
    The flow of a socket and data from the OS to WLS is as follows:
    OS TCP/IP Socket --> WLS native code (performance pack) polls for sockets --> Java SocketReader thread -- dispatch --> WLS Java execute thread (e.g. execute thread from default WLS execute queue)
    The number of SocketReader threads is per default set to 3 on Unix environments, this is generally a good default value. In some case and specific OS environments experience has shown that tuning the number of SocketReader threads is beneficial to get the maximum performance from WLS in dispatching a socket from the native layer to a WLS execute thread.
    The reason why tuning the SocketReaders can have an positive effect is based on two main factors:
    1. SocketReader threads have many Java synchronization blocks as they are working very concurrently on the native code layer. 2. A big number of sockets being opened to WLS
    In case the JVM and/or OS is not very good in handling synchronization locks point 1. is the limiting performance factor of Socketreaders as the JVM and OS are more busy handling Java synchronization locks than doing the actual dispatch work. For such a scenario experience with other customers has shown that using PosixSocketReaders=1 is beneficial
    On the other side if the JVM and OS handle synchronization locks very well it can be beneficial to increase the number of PosixSocketReaders threads and thus allow WLS to dispatch more socket data from the native layer to a WLS execute thread in parallel.
    As the performance of PosixSocketReaders very much depends on the OS / JVM and if the system/application is heavily socket/network related a good value for PosixSocketReaders has to be identified based on test runs. Generally the default value of 3 PosixSocketReaders is good for most applications and environments.

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              We recently migrated our JSPs from using WEB-INF/tags and @tagdir to using the @uri attribute (and move the .tags to META-INF/tags inside a jar). Now we are seeing up to 20 seconds additional load time on even the most simple of JSPs!
              I'ld like to enable some debug settings to see what exactly the server is doing during those 20 seconds, but i couldn't find the right debug category to enable amongst the myriad of available categories.
              Any thoughts ?

              Has anyone else noticed a severe performance decrease (WLS 9.2) when using .tag files inside a jar file versus .tag files in WEB-INF/tags ?
              We recently migrated our JSPs from using WEB-INF/tags and @tagdir to using the @uri attribute (and move the .tags to META-INF/tags inside a jar). Now we are seeing up to 20 seconds additional load time on even the most simple of JSPs!
              I'ld like to enable some debug settings to see what exactly the server is doing during those 20 seconds, but i couldn't find the right debug category to enable amongst the myriad of available categories.
              Any thoughts ?

  • Accessing WLS6.1sp4 from WLE5.1 with CORBA

    I am looking for a good example how to implement
    a CORBA service on WLS61sp4 based on a given IDL.
    I understand that the documents e-docs say this way
    is error prone, but in our project we have an IDL
    of a legacy application running on WLE (and to be
    be replaced with WLS for some other reasons) to start with.
    The clients will continue to run on WLE5.1
    Am I right, that I need a tie object as a startup
    class generated by m3idltojava? Can this object then
    call a stateless session bean or is there any "more
    direct way" to do this.
    Is WLE-Connector any help (as I understand it works
    the other way around providing a IIOP cx-pool to
    talk to WLE)?
    I would appreciate any pointers to good examples
    or tutorials,
    thanks for opinion,

    ok, point taken. So the wle_orb.jar in the WLS is not the
    wle orb? I see it is needed for WLEC...
    As our application basically is J2EE but also acting as
    a CORBA client for WLE so we will use WLEC. And as we need
    to operate as a server for WLE client we crank up a JDK
    ORB. Are there any known problems using JDK ORB with
    WLEC wle_orb.jar in the same application (classpath issues,
    interoperability etc.)?
    thanks very much for your help!!
    Andy Piper <[email protected]> wrote:
    "Sabine Bradshaw" <[email protected]> writes:
    as I got no answer so far I would like to ask another question.
    In the documentation example the tie object is created with a no argconstructor,
    however all the Tie objects that I created with m3idltojava requirea parameter,
    There is no WLE ORB in WLS so you should pick another ORB, the obvious
    candidate is the JDK orb. In that case you must use idlj.
    As I understand the tie object is a single instance. Seems like a bottleneckto
    me, because all other objects in WLS such as
    servlets and stateless session beans or thread pools. Also talkingback to WLE
    with the WLE connector gives a cx-pool.
    Any opinion on this??WLS is not even in the mix, the foreign ORB is. So yes its a
    bottleneck, but nothing to do with WLS. If this is a problem for you
    then you should use WLS 8.1 when it appears.

  • Glassfish vs weblogic

    hello everybody,
    i dont know if similar posts were posted before.. if so, i am sorry for your time. as a minor research project, i was assigned to search weblogic and glassfish and compare them according to the parameters such as prices, required minimum hardware configuration, maximum load and etc.
    is there anyone who can help me with this? maybe there is a specific site indicating these above mentioned parameters?
    another thing that i wonder is, since glassfish is free (i mean os) and weblogic is expensive (heard that it is $10.000 for each computer but not sure about that), why someone should choose wl over gf?
    i mean is there a really performace difference between these two that someone agrees to pay 10 times more? is the quality 10 times worse in gf?
    i have been searching for a comparison (in terms of price, performance and load capacity) of these two app-servers; however, i couldnt find nothing but the obsolete posts.
    if anyone can help me, it would be a great help to me.. thanks to all again,
    - ismet

    can i ask you 2 more questions..Sure, my pleasure.
    considering the price, performance and maximum load parameters, what is the threshold for you to select GF over WL?
    price always matters but then we have also to see the scalability and robustness of the product and its future. I have found the performance of WLS slightly better than GF, and same goes for the concurrent users. I have used both with more than 500-800 concurrent users and WLS performed slightly better and it was easier to manage, and load balancing just rocks.
    do you also know the maximum loads of the servers (i mean, how many total user can connect to each server at the same time?)
    There is no single limit when you implement load balancing and clustering. The more power and scalability you get, when you add more nodes.
    thanks again for your time,
    - ismet

  • ExecuteQueue -- ThreadCount parameter question

    To set the ThreadCount properly, the performance of WLS can be enhanced.
    To achieve this, A moderate amount of context switching and a high CPU
    utilization rate is practically ideal.
    My question is:
    1. How much utilization rate for a CPU is ideal?
    2. How to define a "MODERATE" amount of context switching?
    3. How to observe the context switching status on UNIX and WIN2000?
    Thanks in advance,

    Set the thread count to a reasonably low number. Load test.
    Increase the count to a reasonable extent. Load test.
    Did you get more throughput? Was the response time adversely affected? As
    long as you are getting more throughput and response time is not suffering
    badly, increase the thread count. When you go too far, you will get some
    level of diminishing returns.
    The other thing is that as exec threads increase, you need more and more
    "other" resources, such as memory and more importantly db connections.
    Cameron Purdy
    Tangosol, Inc.
    Clustering Weblogic? You're either using Coherence, or you should be!
    Download a Tangosol Coherence eval today at http://www.tangosol.com/
    "levi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3c6d3b7b$[email protected]..
    To set the ThreadCount properly, the performance of WLS can be enhanced.
    To achieve this, A moderate amount of context switching and a high CPU
    utilization rate is practically ideal.
    My question is:
    1. How much utilization rate for a CPU is ideal?
    2. How to define a "MODERATE" amount of context switching?
    3. How to observe the context switching status on UNIX and WIN2000?
    Thanks in advance,

  • EJB in WLS - CORBA and EJB on WLE

    I have a client who is looking to attach a C++ client to their WLE
    system, and, since
    they now have WLS and WLE thanks to v. 5.1, they want to start moving
    EJBs to the
    WLS platform. The issue is this.
    What if any are the issues regarding communicating between CORBA objects
    on WLE
    TO EJBs on WLS? I noticed that the illustrations always show the
    communication coming
    from the WLS side to the WLE side, but this client will be connected
    directly to the WLE
    platform, and wanting to access services on WLS.
    Any issues, directions to documentation, or other advice regarding this
    Thanks in advance,

    can anyone give code example for accessing WLS-EJB from WLE corba client.
    louc wrote:
    Interesting how things can be interpreted. What we need is direct input
    from engineering on this.
    In studying the only direct source of information we have... (the docs...
    and ass-u-me'ing that the docs are correct) it appears that we can have a
    CORBA object in WLE access a EJB in WLS through RMI/IIOP as long as the
    parameter passing is kept to primitive data types. Any attempt to use the
    'Object-by-Value' feature of CORBA 2.3 will result in a error because WLE
    5.1 does not support passing 'Object-by-Value' at this time.
    So to answer Maffy's question... yes a WLE CORBA client can access a WLS EJB
    service through RMI over IIOP.
    -- Lou Caraballo
    Sr. Systems Engineer
    BEA Systems Inc., Denver Telco Group
    719-332-0818 (cell)
    720-528-6073 (denver)
    Robert Patrick <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    The issue is that WLE does not yet support the RMI/IIOP standard (since itdoes not yet support
    Objects by Value) not that the RMI/IIOP support in WLS 5.1 (as of SP3)does not support
    bi-directional communication.
    Papaya Head wrote:
    so, you are saying bi-directional communication is not supported... can
    you tell me what
    rmi/iiop is for?
    Maffy Finnerty wrote:
    Okay, found a work around thanks to Deepak Sharma (THANK YOU,
    DEEPAK!!) in the BEA
    East office.
    What my customer is going to have to do for now - until, as Will Lyonspointed out, the
    communication is supported - is to build a Java "client" process onWLE that communicates
    with the
    RMI/EJB/Servlet process on WLS.
    Deepak suggested that the best way, since they are a CORBA shop tryingto move to Java,
    would be to have the C++ client talking to a CORBA/C++ object on WLEthat calls
    a CORBA/Java object on WLE that acts as a client to WLS and accessesthe services of the
    Java object on that server.
    Another option would be to have the CORBA/C++ object on WLE use theJNI API to call a Java
    on WLE that acts as a client to WLS and accesses the Java servicerunning there. There may
    be better
    performance from CORBA/C++ to CORBA/Java, though, so that was Deepak'sfirst choice.
    Papaya Head wrote:
    you can also find an example in the WLS5.1 docs that includes a code
    segment from C++
    client of the RMI-IIOP hello example.
    Will Lyons wrote:
    The example application with C++ CORBA objects calling EJBs on a
    Java Server refers
    to C++ CORBA objects on the WLE T-Engine calling EJBs on the WLET-Engine. That
    interoperability capability is supported, but it is not possibleto call the J-Engine
    from the T-Engine in WLE 5.1. The primary usage model assumed inWLE 5.1 is calling
    the WLE T-Engine from the J-Engine (or from WLS).
    Papaya Head wrote:
    my understanding of your question is: you want some feature that
    allows CORBA
    objects to talk to EJB objects on WLS.
    WLS5.1 has a new feature: RMI/IIOP, it's probably the featureyou want.
    before WLS5.1, CORBA components couldn't talk to EJB componentsdirectly, but you
    could make it happen by building a bridge from CORBA objects toEJB components on
    WLS. that's probably what the references you read are talkingabout...
    Maffy Finnerty wrote:
    We haven't even gotten that far yet, re: transactions. Right
    now the issue is
    having an
    in-house client (C++) connected to WLE but accessing services(EJBs) on WLS.
    No talk
    of transactions has occurred, yet.
    However, I just found some conflicting information. I found areference to
    building the
    simpapp application to connect C++ objects on a CORBA serverto EJBs on a Java
    which, if I'm reading it correctly, translates to WLE to WLS.However, I also
    found a
    reference to bidirectional interoperability that said that,for now, the
    T-Engine could not
    (WLE) could NOT invoke services on the J-Engine (WLS) but thatservices on the
    (WLE) could BE invoked from requesters on the J-Engine (WLS).So, color me
    Papaya Head wrote:
    the first question that comes to my mind is:
    can transaction run across components on WLE and components
    on WLS? I don't
    think it can...
    Maffy Finnerty wrote:
    I have a client who is looking to attach a C++ client to
    their WLE
    system, and, since
    they now have WLS and WLE thanks to v. 5.1, they want tostart moving
    EJBs to the
    WLS platform. The issue is this.
    What if any are the issues regarding communicating betweenCORBA objects
    on WLE
    TO EJBs on WLS? I noticed that the illustrations alwaysshow the
    communication coming
    from the WLS side to the WLE side, but this client will beconnected
    directly to the WLE
    platform, and wanting to access services on WLS.
    Any issues, directions to documentation, or other adviceregarding this
    Thanks in advance,

  • WLS Performance .. Socket Exception...

    Recently we encounter the problem when we press the "Refresh" button(Browser MS IE) so quickly then WLS shows the error message as below: (The scenario is calling an entity bean from JSP.)
    GMT+08:00 2000:<E> <HTTP>
    Connection failure
    java.net.SocketException: ReadFile on fd=916 failed with err=64
    at weblogic.socket.NTSocketMuxer.initiateIO(Native Method)
    Compiled Code)
    Compiled Code)
    Compiled Code)
    Compiled Code)
    Basicly it's not hurt for our application, but we
    usually need to convert the encoding of the string
    selected from Database in the EJB(it mean I need to
    convert the String because we need chinese). But if we
    press the "Refresh" button so quickly, the chinese is
    incorrect and appeared as "???????". And if we press
    the button later and slowly then the chinese is
    Can someone give me some clue about that ? Or is it related with the "Performance Pack" of WLS...?
    andrew :)
    PS :
    I use Window 2000, WLS 5.1 SP6 and both JDK 1.3 and JDK 1.2.2.

    Hi Srikant
    Thanks, below the get method of my Entity Bean
    public String getEname() {
    // SBgen: Get variable
    String empName = null;
    // 'ename' is the filed of the 'emp' table..., it's stored
    // as chinese in Oracle...
    empName = new String(new String(ename).getBytes("iso-8859-
    catch (Exception e){
         e.printStackTrace(); }          
    return empName;
    ----------------------------------------------------------------- I use the getByte('iso-8859-1') to convert the string select from database (Oracle 8.1.6, the string in the DB is stored as Chinese) because I need Chinese in web page. The tricky thing is that if I press the 'Refresh' button so quickly then the chinese is displayed as '???' in my web page. If I press the 'Refresh' button slowly then the Chinese is correct in web page(JSP).
    mmmmm...., I do really have no idea about that... Can someone give me some clue about that ? Thanks a lots...
    Srikant Subramaniam <[email protected]> wrote:
    This is a benign error msg ... the client closed the socket without telling the server! We've since turned off this error msg in subsequent service packs.
    Srikant, [email protected], http://weblogic.bea.com/, etc.
    AndrewWang wrote:
    Recently we encounter the problem when we press the "Refresh" button(Browser MS IE) so quickly then WLS shows the error message as below: (The scenario is calling an entity bean from JSP.)
    GMT+08:00 2000:<E> <HTTP>
    Connection failure
    java.net.SocketException: ReadFile on fd=916 failed with err=64
    at weblogic.socket.NTSocketMuxer.initiateIO(Native Method)
    Compiled Code)
    Compiled Code)
    Compiled Code)
    Compiled Code)
    Basicly it's not hurt for our application, but we
    usually need to convert the encoding of the string
    selected from Database in the EJB(it mean I need to
    convert the String because we need chinese). But if we
    press the "Refresh" button so quickly, the chinese is
    incorrect and appeared as "???????". And if we press
    the button later and slowly then the chinese is
    Can someone give me some clue about that ? Or is it related with the "Performance Pack" of WLS...?
    andrew :)
    PS :
    I use Window 2000, WLS 5.1 SP6 and both JDK 1.3 and JDK 1.2.2.
    Name: weblogic.log
    weblogic.log Type: Text Document (application/x-unknown-content-type-txtfile)
    Encoding: base64

  • Use Windows Performance Monitor on WLS 6.1 SP4?

    I wonder whether it's possible to use the Windows Performance Monitor to monitor WLS 6.1 SP4 performance counters.
    I would like this obviously to be able to save counters from WLS and Windows in one file for later analysis.
    If it's possible. What do I have to do to make it work? I have just installed WLS 6.1 incl SP4.

    John <[email protected]> wrote:
    I wonder whether it's possible to use the Windows Performance Monitor
    to monitor WLS 6.1 SP4 performance counters.No, not as far as I know. WLS performance counters cannot "talk" with the Win32
    performance monitoring APIs or native WMI. It's a technically difficult challenge
    to link these two components together (requiring knowledge of NT internals and
    such) .
    You may wish to contact a third-party vendor that provides J2EE black-box monitoring
    and collection software. Most allow for "offline" analysis, too.
    Brian J. Mitchell
    Systems Administrator, TRX
    email: [email protected]
    office: +1 404 327 7238
    mobile: +1 678 283 6530

  • Is it  possible to connect a servlet on WLS 6.1 to a server WLE 4.5?

    Hi all,
    Is it possible to connect a servlet java client on WLS 6.1 to a server CORBA
    on WLE 4.5?
    I have many problem, this connection doesn't!
    The configuration is ok! But when the client java call
    Tobj_Bootstrap bootstrap =                BootstrapFactory.getClientContext("mypool");
    the return is always null...
    in the config.xml I define
    <WLECConnectionPool MaximumPoolSize="5" MinimumPoolSize="2"
    Name="mypool" PrimaryAddresses="//host:1570"
    UserName="wrap" WLEDomain="wrap"/>
    ..the same code worked perfectly on the Web Logic Server 4.5...
    Please help me!!!
    Thank you very much!

    These 'warnings' are usually pop-unders from a web page you've visited (i.e. they stay behind the page you're viewing so you don't see them until later).
    They claim to have scanned your computer and found viruses: this is complete rubbish and a scam - aimed really at Windows users (the details given are often applicable only to windows).
    You don't have any viruses: there are no Mac viruses in the wild. There are trojans and malware, but in all cases you have to actually install them (usually they try to make you think you are installing something else) and you would have had to give your admin password to do so.
    You were right to stop the download. Never ever download or click any links on anything of this nature. Unless you have specific anti-virus software installed (which would identify itself in any warning) no warning of this nature can be genuine: it's an attempt to get you to install malware, some of which can be very nasty.

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