WLST: setting user attributes

Hi !
I am very new to WLST. I managed to create new users and groups using WLST.
But how do I set attributes of user using WLST? Like displayname for instance.
Edited by: 900089 on Nov 30, 2011 11:58 PM

I was able to set this with the following:
setUserAttributeValue -> Void : String(userName),String(userAttributeName),Object(newValue)
No return value. My actual command looked like this:
cmo.setUserAttributeValue('BatMan','displayname','Bruce Wayne') where 'BatMan' is the 'userName' 'displayname' is the attribute you want to change, and 'Bruce Wayne' is the new value you want to assign to the attribute. After executing this I checked in the console and value was present.
The attribute can be found at the following:
'serverConfig:/SecurityConfiguration/dstDev11/Realms/myrealm/AuthenticationProviders/DefaultAuthenticator' replacing 'dstDev11' with your bean name.

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    Set s = new HashSet();
    Map roleMap = new HashMap();
    String userRoleKey = "nsRole";
    The AMIdentity type is USER. The environment is Linux and I have amclientsdk.jar in my classpath. When I run the above piece of code then I get the following exception:
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    at com.sun.identity.idm.plugins.ldapv3.LDAPv3Bundle.<clinit>(LDAPv3Bundle.java:56)
    ... 13 more
    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated !

    Thanks for a response Aaron !
    Probelm is I am not even able to set nsroledn attribute using amIdentity's store() method. I am able to set other attributes using store() but not these role related attributes.

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    This spec does not specify any methods to set user attributes. So,
    you'll have to use vendor specific APIs to set user attributes. In the
    case of WLP, you can use the p13n user profile APIs.
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    <set name='user.global.attr1'>
    <null/> or <s></s>
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    This sounds like a question for forum: Sun Java System Identity Manager
    But anyways... the "Attributes" tab is a collection of all the unreferenced attributes of all the resources assigned, it has some special behaviors.
    You should have been able to change fname, lname, email of User B as User A (UserA is assigned AdminRole with Org & Capabilities assigned as described, without Top assigned). If not, something basic is not wired between User A and the AdminRole. Possibly it's the version in use?? But, if attempted against Oracle Waveset 8.1.1, this should be functionally straightforward to get working...
    The Attributes Tab would only have attributes listed if there were roles or resources assigned with attributes the admin was able to see "in-scope". A resource with attributes (e.g. LDAP resource with a groups attribute) must be scoped for the administrators in the AdminRole to see/manage them per assigned capabilities.
    In the example, a resource with attribute "country" scoped into Top:Economy would allow UserA to edit UserB, update the "Attributes" Tab "country" attribute.
    Edited by: gregoatwaveset on Oct 13, 2010 8:09 PM

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    Do you have any suggention on how I can solve this task?
    Best Regards, Steffen. 

    ADMT is like a one time migrating tool to create the users in the new domain, but I can't see that it will support user attribute
    I am not sure about the schedule task and if it is available to use in this scenario or not. You have two different security boundaries, so it is not easy as setting up a scheduled task to sync data. Even if it is possible, it would be very hard to established.
    For selected users you have to define what to sync and what not to sync and etc.
    I believe on of the things you can do is to use FIM 2010 in order to have a synchronized directory. That is the best thing you can do AFAIK.
    Sync Users between domains with Forefront 2010
    Mahdi Tehrani   |  
    Please click on Propose As Answer or
    to mark this post as
    and helpful for other people.
    This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • OIF11g - Help on sending user attributes in HTTP header

    Hello, I have a OIF11g setup configured for both IdP and SP. Upon successfull authentication against LDAP, I need to end some user attributes on the HTTP header to the SP application. I do no have OAM in my setup, so there is no option of Webgate or Policy Manager to do that. As far as I read the config doc, I'm in the impression that we need to write a custom authentication engine to accept user credentials and code to authenticate against LDAP and also add attributes to the response header.
    Before I go down that path, just wanted to confirm if anybody has done this with OIF?

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  • All the steps involved in creating user attributes

    where is it documented on how to create user attributes that are stored in the ldap?
    I created a jspprovider channel, and I can get data out of the user attributes in the samplecontent.jsp by:
    JSPProvider p = (JSPProvider)pageContext.getAttribute("JSPProvider");
    SSOTokenManager mgr = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
    SSOToken token = mgr.createSSOToken(request);
    AMStoreConnection dpc = new AMStoreConnection(token);
    String name = token.getPrincipal().getName();
    AMUser user = dpc.getUser(name);
    Map attMap = user.getAttributes();
    Collection valueCollection = attMap.values();
    Iterator valueIterator = valueCollection.iterator();
    int iSize = attMap.size();
    Set attKeySet = attMap.keySet();
    Iterator keyIterator = attKeySet.iterator();
    and then iterate through to display them all.
    I then tried to store a value using the sampledoedit.jsp file:
    JSPProvider p = (JSPProvider)pageContext.getAttribute("JSPProvider");
    SSOTokenManager mgr = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
    SSOToken token = mgr.createSSOToken(request);
    AMStoreConnection dpc = new AMStoreConnection(token);
    String name = token.getPrincipal().getName();
    AMUser user = dpc.getUser(name);
    String aname = request.getParameter("attributeName");
    Object aval = request.getParameter("attributeValue");
    HashMap attMap = new HashMap();
    For whatever reason, I get an error, and in the debug I just get couldn't set attributes.
    Then, when I try to retreive the list of attributes, the new name/value pair is created, but the value is blank.....
    Any ideas? Or a link on a step by step process on how to create user attributes?

    BTW, here is the error I get in the debug log:
    01/06/2005 12:43:47:232 PM AST: Thread[service-j2ee,5,main]
    ERROR: DesktopServlet.handleException()
    com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderException: JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=doedit.jsp, com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderException: JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=sampledoedit.jsp, com.iplanet.am.sdk.AMException: Unable to set attribute(s) com.sun.portal.desktop.taglib.DesktopTaglibException: JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=sampledoedit.jsp,
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(JSPProvider.java:880)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(JSPProvider.java:777)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processEdit(JSPProvider.java:673)
    at com.sun.portal.desktop.DesktopServlet.doGetPost(DesktopServlet.java:644)
    at com.sun.portal.desktop.DesktopServlet.service(DesktopServlet.java:320)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:908)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletService(StandardWrapperValve.java:771)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:322)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:212)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:209)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(NSAPIProcessor.java:161)
    at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(WebContainer.java:586)
    com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderException: JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=sampledoedit.jsp, com.iplanet.am.sdk.AMException: Unable to set attribute(s) com.sun.portal.desktop.taglib.DesktopTaglibException: JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=sampledoedit.jsp,
    at com.sun.portal.desktop.taglib.provider.ProcessEditTag.doStartTag(ProcessEditTag.java:28)
    at jsps.etc._opt._SUNWps._desktop._AnyWarePortal_en_CA._JSPEditContainer._html._doedit_jsp._jspService(_doedit_jsp.java:193)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.jasper3.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:119)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:908)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:182)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(JSPProvider.java:863)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(JSPProvider.java:777)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processEdit(JSPProvider.java:673)
    at com.sun.portal.desktop.DesktopServlet.doGetPost(DesktopServlet.java:644)
    at com.sun.portal.desktop.DesktopServlet.service(DesktopServlet.java:320)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:908)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletService(StandardWrapperValve.java:771)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:322)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:212)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:209)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(NSAPIProcessor.java:161)
    at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(WebContainer.java:586)
    com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderException: JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=sampledoedit.jsp, com.iplanet.am.sdk.AMException: Unable to set attribute(s)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(JSPProvider.java:880)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(JSPProvider.java:777)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processEdit(JSPProvider.java:673)
    at com.sun.portal.desktop.taglib.provider.ProcessEditTag.doStartTag(ProcessEditTag.java:26)
    at jsps.etc._opt._SUNWps._desktop._AnyWarePortal_en_CA._JSPEditContainer._html._doedit_jsp._jspService(_doedit_jsp.java:193)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.jasper3.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:119)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:908)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:182)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(JSPProvider.java:863)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(JSPProvider.java:777)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processEdit(JSPProvider.java:673)
    at com.sun.portal.desktop.DesktopServlet.doGetPost(DesktopServlet.java:644)
    at com.sun.portal.desktop.DesktopServlet.service(DesktopServlet.java:320)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:908)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletService(StandardWrapperValve.java:771)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:322)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:212)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:209)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(NSAPIProcessor.java:161)
    at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(WebContainer.java:586)
    com.iplanet.am.sdk.AMException: Unable to set attribute(s)
    at com.iplanet.am.sdk.AMDirectoryManager.processInternalException(AMDirectoryManager.java:247)
    at com.iplanet.am.sdk.AMDirectoryManager.setAttributes(AMDirectoryManager.java:2151)
    at com.iplanet.am.sdk.AMCacheManager.setAttributes(AMCacheManager.java:867)
    at com.iplanet.am.sdk.AMObjectImpl.store(AMObjectImpl.java:1573)
    at jsps.etc._opt._SUNWps._desktop._AnyWarePortal_en_CA._WebFolders._html._sampledoedit_jsp._jspService(_sampledoedit_jsp.java:118)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.jasper3.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:119)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:908)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:182)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(JSPProvider.java:863)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(JSPProvider.java:777)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processEdit(JSPProvider.java:673)
    at com.sun.portal.desktop.taglib.provider.ProcessEditTag.doStartTag(ProcessEditTag.java:26)
    at jsps.etc._opt._SUNWps._desktop._AnyWarePortal_en_CA._JSPEditContainer._html._doedit_jsp._jspService(_doedit_jsp.java:193)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.jasper3.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:119)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:908)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:182)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(JSPProvider.java:863)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(JSPProvider.java:777)
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processEdit(JSPProvider.java:673)
    at com.sun.portal.desktop.DesktopServlet.doGetPost(DesktopServlet.java:644)
    at com.sun.portal.desktop.DesktopServlet.service(DesktopServlet.java:320)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:908)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletService(StandardWrapperValve.java:771)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:322)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:212)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:209)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(NSAPIProcessor.java:161)
    at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(WebContainer.java:586)

  • Accessing user attributes from a pipeline component

    I'm using WLCS & WLPS 3.1. I use webflow and I have implemented the page
    transition myself to work with the portal. Everything is working fine.
    I'm planning to implement a complex step of a business process as a pipeline
    component. For various reasons, this PC will be implemented as an EJB. To
    perform its job, this PC needs to get information about the user that is
    currently logged in. More specifically, it needs to lookup custom attributes
    from the user profile (i.e. user property set).
    So my question is : is this possible directly from the PC, or do I have to
    populate the pipeline session with required information in the input
    Thank you for your advice

    Hello Ture,
    Thanks for both posts.
    "Ture Hoefner" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    ... To perform its job, this PC needs to get information about the userthat
    currently logged in. More specifically, it needs to lookup customattributes
    from the user profile (i.e. user property set).
    So my question is : is this possible directly from the PC, or do I haveto
    populate the pipeline session with required information in the input
    processor?Hello Nicolas,
    I have not tried this myself. I think that the disconnect between the
    pipeline session and the portal session is probably the fact that theattributes
    in the portal session have their keys "fixed up" by prepending the portal
    request URI. This is made possible by the
    com.beasys.commerce.foundation.flow.jsp.DefaultDestinationDeterminer,which the
    PortalDestinationDeterminer extends. It puts a "TRAFFIC.URI" attributeinto the
    each request that goes through the FlowManagerServlet for the portal. Inthe
    Acme exampleportal, the "SERVICEMANAGER.USER" attribute is put into theportal
    HttpSession as "exampleportal.SERVICEMANAGER.USER".
    If you want to get to the cached profile from your portal from yourpipeline
    component (PC) then you would have to know that the name is "fixed up" tobe
    "exampleportal.CACHED_PROFILE". There are probably several different waysyou
    could get the "TRAFFIC.URI" information to your PC.
    Ture Hoefner
    BEA Systems, Inc.
    2590 Pearl St.
    Suite 110
    Boulder, CO 80302

  • Javascript to JSP question...Can javascript function set session attributes

    i have a web app that, on one of its pages, displays "tabbed pane" as an image map at the top (a la amazon.com). my problem is this: each "logical" page contains separate forms that all use the same javabean. in other words, imagine that the tabs represent an account maintenance web ui for an on-line record store. the first tab might be labeled "General," the second "Contact info," the third "Shipping Info." Each uses the same account bean and displays portions of its properties relevant to the tab at hand. what i want to do is allow a user to enter the account maintenance ui, update info on the first tab, click on tab two and have the request with the changes sent to a processing jsp. yet, since each "tab" is actually a separate URL to another page, how do i get the updated info on the first tabe without adding some sort of "SAVE" button on each tab. ive considered using javascript, but dont know how to get the request params out of the first tab whn i click on another tab. is it possible to include an "onClick" function in each URL that "grabs" the updated form fields off the preceeding tab? can a javacript function set session attributes in jsp?

    hello there,
    wow, you've created one big mammy-jammy tool.
    first, javascript cannot access, set values to the session, without having to post to another JSP. javascript is great for manipulating objects, layers, form values, etc.
    you have 2 issues [if i understand correctly]:
    1) you need to able to save user info for a specific tab without having to reloading the page.
    ---you can create a form for EACH of your tabs and POST all the information to a hidden IFRAME or LAYER for NN4. that hidden IFRAME / LAYER will load a JSP page which with all the parameters you posted to it. or you can build a FRAMESET and target that document["frame-name"].src with that same JSP.
    2) handling when the SAVE INFO action should happen: hence some javascript event handler: onMouseOver, onClick, etc
    ---i don't know the dynamics of your tabs, but if store which tab was clicked on last, then if the user clicks on some other tab, javascript can submit that FORM to a JSP [see condition above]
    you have an interesting tool. can i see?
    i hope i wasn't too confusing, but your problem is sooo interesting. =)

  • Setting property attribute values for multiple selected objects.

    Is there an easy way to set the attribute property values for more that one selected Table Operator Attribute (column) at a time. For example the target table has over 100 columns but I only want to INSERT/UPDATE 10 of those columns. The generated MERGE, INSERT and UPDATE statements will perform DML on all of the columns in the target table, setting the 90 columns with no mapping set to NULL. This is due to the Loading Properties 'Load Column when Updating Row' and 'Load Column when Inserting Row' both default to Yes. I would like to select multiple Attributes in the Table Operator and change the 'Load Column when Updating Row' and 'Load Column when Inserting Row' to No. This is similar to what you were able to do in Oracle Forms 9.0 Designer select multiple Items in a Block and change the properties en-masse.

    Using OMB scripting to set attribute properties in a data mapping sort of defeats the purpose of utilizing a graphical user interface to define and set properties for a data mapping? Surely the GUI data mapping tool was created to get away from writing scripts and scripting would also require that you know the name of the data mapping, table operator and the set of attribute names for which you have to write one line of script to set each property value, i.e. 90 lines to set 90 attribute values.

  • How do I get and set column attributes in a table or a treetable with Java?

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    Thanks in advance,

    this use case would be a perfect example for using seeded MDS customization. Instead of checking what users are allowed to see or not upon rendering time, you have a customization class and thus the framework doing this for you.
    In this paper and sample, specific users see different layouts. It also contains a customization class that shows how this can leverage ADF Security

  • OIM 11g: UDF disappears from User Attributes page

    I was modifying a user defined attribute using the User Attributes configuration page. All I did was change its category to move it to another section of the user profile page. The last remaining field in the category 'disappeared'. It just went from the list of fields in the category. The field still exists on the USR object and still contains all the values. But it's gone from the UI.
    I exported the /file/User.xml from MDS and sure enough the missing attribute is not present in the User.xml file. It is there for the mapping to the back end column, and in another element. But the element that describes the field proper is not there. I've since added the attribute element back in manually and re-imported the metadata using the weblogic environment manager, but the field still does not appear.
    So, my question is does anybody know where else OIM stores the attribute details? Is it in the DB somewhere and merely mirrored in the MDS? What do I need to do to restore the field? (I can't add it in because it says it already exists.)

    I was unable to see the UDF's I had created on the user form until I set up a policy for them. Please check the policy around the UDF's.
    I am hoping this can help you.
    From Oracle documentation:
    User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager
    11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
    User-defined fields (UDFs) can be added by creating a policy and
    adding attributes in the self service user management
    administration policy in Oracle Identity Administration. To add
    the User defined attributes for view or modification under the
    Attributes tab, these UDFs need to be added to the modify user
    data set for self-service. Also, a custom policy needs to be created
    under self service user management to grant permission to view
    and/or modify these attributes.
    For details on authorization policies, refer "Creating and Managing
    Authorization Policies" on page 15-2.

  • Using VM level application constant to set the attributes on the interview screen

    Hi All,
    We have a Performed By as one of the interview question which should be defaulted with the user id of the person who launched the OPA session (through web determinations).
    There is a user-id application constant which is available at the VM layer. Is there a way to set the Performed By question on the interview screen with this user-id by modifying the VM templates?
    Please help.

    I tried with that code, its giving compile error for this: Can you please let me know what I am missing here:
    PreSeedValues.java:44: isUnknown(com.oracle.determinations.engine.EntityInstance
    ) in com.oracle.determinations.engine.Attribute cannot be applied to ()
                    boolean userIdKnown = (! performedBy.isUnknown()) && (! performe
    dBy.isUncertain() );
    Because an attribute exists for an entity, it can have different values across different instances, so, when you try to get the value (or check its know/unknown state) you need to pass in the entity instance. In you case the global entity instance: performedBy.isUnknown(ruleSessionGlobal) and performedBy.isUncertain(ruleSessionGlobal)
    Also, one more thing, we have around 50 different screens and each screen has this performed by attribute with different name. Now to set this in code, it would not be a good idea to write 50 lines for different performed by attributes. Can we have something like getting the screen name for the current screen in user context and user that as a prefix for the attrubute name. e.g. RA0084_Sheet_Performed_By in this RA0084_Sheet will be the interview screen name.
    It sounds like you want to set the user id when each screen is submitted. The OnInvestigationStartedEvent will only fire once, when the investigation starts. If you want to set an attribute when a screen is submitted, you probably want to use something like a OnValidateScreenEventHandler which is fired when a screen is submitted and has the screen details in the event.
    See Events and Event Handlers in Oracle Policy Automation Developer's Guide

  • How to use SQL import to set the attribute value based on another?

    Hello all,
    I want to set an attribute of a dimension based on another attribute (if matches). Let's say I have a dimension PRODUCT. And I have defined two user defined attributes MANAGER and ISVISIBLE.
    Now within a PERMIT_READ program I want to set the ISIVISIBLE to true where the MANAGER Value is selected from a table.
    Something like
    <define a cursor c1 to select all the Manager values>
    sql import c1 into -
    Obviously the above is not correct. But I am stuck as to how this can be done? Can some one on this forum please help me with correct syntax/ approach please?
    Thanks a lot.
    This statement assigns true to the isvisible attribute for every gc_dim_bu dimension (selected as part of cursor c1).
    If I want to change the above so that the attribute value gets assigned based on another attribute for the dimension (say a flag). i.e.
    Set the isvisible to true where attribute flag has a certain value. How do I code this in OLAP DML?

    There are a number of ways to do this. If you want to use an attribute that has been defined within AWM as an attribute of Product then simply using the mapping tool to populate the attribute as part of the normal dimension load procedure.
    Alternatively you could create an attribute at the DML level, and assuming you are not using surrogate keys, you can then define a cursor to read the relational table to populate your attribute. Something like this:
    sql declare MKT_BASKET cursor for -
    from PRODUCT_DIM
    if SQLCODE ne 0
    then goto ERROR
    sql open MY_CURSOR
    sql close MY_CURSOR
    sql cleanup
    If you want to create a complex PERMIT function using OLAP DML then personally I would create a formula and assign a program of type BOOLEAN and have the program return a YES or NO depending on the outcome of your test. Then your PERMIT_READ still references a dimension object. For example:
    The program will then return Yes or No depending on the processing you need to do.
    Hope this helps
    Keith Laker
    Data Warehouse Solution Architect
    Oracle EMEA Consulting
    BI Blog: http://oraclebi.blogspot.com/
    DM Blog: http://oracledmt.blogspot.com/
    BI on Oracle: http://www.oracle.com/bi/
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    BI Samples: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/bi/samples/

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