WML Variables with JSP

I'm trying to build a site that can handle my wml Variables through JSP. Like this:
<\%@page language="java" \%>
<\%@page import="java.sql.*,java.text.*,java.util.*"\%>
<\%@page import="db.*"\%>
String statement = "";
String menueDate = "";
String description1 = "";
String description2 = "";
statement = "select menu_date, description, description02, SYSdate from menu "+
            "where to_char(menu_date, 'dd.mm.yyyy') = to_char(sysdate, 'dd.mm.yyyy')";
Abfrage menue = new Abfrage("jdbc/kantine",statement);
ResultSet getMenue = menue.abfrageAusfuehren();
while (getMenue.next()) {
   menueDate = getMenue.getString(1);
   description1 = getMenue.getString(2);
   description2 = getMenue.getString(3);
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//PHONE.COM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" "http://www.phone.com/dtd/wml11.dtd" >
  <card id="eins" title="Tagesmenue" >
<p align="center">
  <img src="images/TMLogo.wbmp" alt="TechnoMealLogo" />
<p align="center">
Heute: <%=menueDate%>
<table title="Menue" columns="2">
<tr><td>Hauptgericht: </td><td><%=description1%></td></tr>
</wml>If I want to run the site, my Browser is canceling translating, at the first '%' . How can I edit the Sourcecode that it works?

Why the '\' in your page directives?
<\%@page .... \%>You'll probably also need to change the content type to text/wml and may need to set up an equivalent mime type on your server.

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                                              "  FROM intrcd "+
                                              " GROUP BY ir_tran_typ ";
                               System.out.println("trans type"+sql_query3 );           
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                                            rea_desc = rset.getString("ir_rea_desc");%>
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                                                 //tran_typ = addElement('<%=tran_cde%>');
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                                              "  FROM intrcd"+
                                              " WHERE ir_tran_typ = '"+tran_cde+"' " +
                                                        " ORDER BY ir_rea_cde ";
                               System.out.println("trans type"+ tran_cde);           
                                    rset = db.execSQL(sql_query2);
                                catch(SQLException e) {
                                    System.err.println("Error in query - emmast2 - transaction_main.jsp " +e +" sql " +sql_query2);
                                        index = 1;
                                while(rset.next()== true){%>
                                document.all.rea_cde.options[<%=index%>] = new Option(eval('"<%=rset.getString("ir_rea_cde")%>"'));
                                document.all.rea_cde.options[<%=index%>].value = eval('"<%=rset.getString("ir_rea_cde")%>"');
                                document.all.rea_cde.options[<%=index%>].text = eval('"<%=rset.getString("ir_rea_desc")%>"');
    <%                          index++;
    please replay me soon
    thank you.

    javascript and java do not mix.
    Java code runs, and produces HTML/javascript.
    Java code stops running.
    The page loads in the browser, and it starts up javascript.
    Javascript cannot talk to java and vice versa.
    Your JSP can generate javascript code onto the page to be executed on the client, but they never directly communicate.
    please replay me soongame over dude ;-)

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    if(confirm("Do you really want to delete this user?"))
       document.write("<input type=hidden name=confirmusr value=true>");
       document.write("<input type=hidden name=confirmusr value=false>");
    <b>User input was <%= request.getParameterValues("confirmusr") %></b>I get: User input was null
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    You can do it this way:
    <form name="myForm" etc etc>
    <input name="confirmUser" type="hidden" value="">
    <script language="javascript">
    function onClickHandler() {
        if (confirm("Do you really want to delete this turkey?"))
            document.myForm.confirmUser.value = "true";
            document.myForm.confirmUser.value = "false";
    <input name="button" type="button" value="Delete Turkey" onClick="onClickHandler()">
    etc etc etc

  • SQL query with JSP and WML-parameters

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    /*parameter read with WML in card help */
    <p>Valitse kurssi.
    /'parameter read with JSP by generating WML with JSP*/
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    You're problem is easy to fix. You're confusing WML variables with JSP variables. See below:
    /*parameter sending from card 1 to card help*/
    out.println("<go href='#helpcard'>");
    out.println("<setvar name='valittukurssi'
    Above you set a var that will work on the phone, not in JSP.
    /*parameter read with WML in card help */
    <p>Valitse kurssi.
    Yes the above does display the parameter, because it is a client side WML var, but you cannot use this variable in the JSP code (that's why your SWL fails).
    /'parameter read with JSP by generating WML with
    out.println("<p>$valittukurssi</p>");Here's you're problem, the above line is EXACTLY the same as the one before it. When the container parses through this JSP code it translates the above line to:
    <p>$valittukurssi</p> on the WML page and the CLIENT uses it's local variable to display it.
    What you need and want is to have a variable that can be used in JSP code and output to your WML page. Here's how it's done:
    out.println("<go href='#helpcard'>");
    String some_name = "valittukurssi";
    out.println("<setvar name='"+some_name+"'
    //note that you may have to escape the ( and ) with a \
    //so we displayed the variable above into the WML page, now we can use it in the SQL query:
    /* SQL query with JSP */
    ResultSet uudettulokset =
    uusilause.executeQuery("select * from kurssi where
    lyhenne='"+some_name+"'");//the end of the command is: " ' " ) ;
    Frank Krul
    Got Node?

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    Yes, this should work for any tag in a JSP 2.0 app.
    NitroX recognizes that the JSP version by looking into the web.xml servlet version.
    For JSP 2.0, web.xml should start with:
    <web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
    Is it not working for you?
    M7 Support

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    how i can assign a javascript variable to jsp expression.,
    <input type = "button" value = "Add more" onclick = "return submitform1('<%=s%>')">
    function submitform1(String s)
          var s1 = s
    document.form1.action = "../intimation.do";    /* Here i want to pass the value s1 to jsp or servlets without using hidden fields and Query string*/
          return false;
    /*  i want to pass the values thru session whether it is possible */
    pls give sample code

    You don't have the session.
    All you have is HTTP.
    The only way to communicate from the client to the server is via an HTTP request. The only way to send a value like that is with a parameter.
    Using a form with method="submit" as mentioned will pass the parameters without displaying them in the url bar (is that what you wanted?)

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         <br/><bean:write name="Type" />
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    %> I want the values into the jspList variable for further processing. Can u guz pls help me on this....

    Which do you want it in?
    A java variable for use in <% scriptlet code %> or a javascript variable for use on the client end?
    <jsp:useBean id="TreeBean" type="java.util.List" class="java.util.ArrayList" scope="?????" />
    Having scriptlet code on the page is considered bad coding style.
    What is it you are trying to accomplish by making the value accessible?
    What are you trying to do in java / javascript that can't be done with JSP tags?

  • How to use session variable in JSP function  & How to use both JSP  Servlet

    I am new to JSP and servlets
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    I try to keep the hard coding part out of JSP.
    I dont how to use both JSP and Servlets in combination.
    Hence If needed I write some functions in JSP.
    but it gives me error
    +<%! public void abc()+
    int intUserId = Integer.valueOf((Integer) session.getAttribute("MySession_UserID"));
    Saying cannot find symbol session
    1) So can u please tell how can I access session variables within JSP function
    2) And also give me some links/tutorials about useing both JSP and Servlets in combination.

    The application architecture when you use Servlets and JSP in a standard MVC pattern is explained here (under the heading "Integrating Servlets and JSP Pages") and here ...

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    I�m developing a web server with JSP�s, and I need to move the application to others computers. I need to access to a directory, but I don�t know it because the user can install the Application in the directory he wants. So I need to access to that directory in the JSP code.
    The directory is "C:\Program Files\....\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\upload". I have the CATALINA_HOME enviroment variable defiened as "C:\Program Files\....\tomcat\", so I need to use something like "CATALINAHOME\\webapps\upload\", but I don�t know how to mekr the JSP code to understand the enviroment variable CATALINA_HOME.
    I�ve tried with %CATALINA_HOME%, but the Tomcat server doesn�t recognize it. How can I access to that directory?
    Thanks (Sorry about my english)

    My JSP�s are in: %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\ROOT\
    I wan�t to access to %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\ROOT\upload\
    My JSP code:
    <% ...
    String DPATH = "C:\\Program Files\\JBuilder7\\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3\\webapps\\ROOT\\upload\\";
    File newfile = null;
    newfile = new File(DPATH+filename);
    I want the JSP to locate the directory \webapps\ROOT\upload\ without knowing the complete route "c:\Program Files\...", because I have the enviroment variable CATALINA_HOME with the value "C:\Program Files\JBuilder7\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3\". SO the user of the aplication only has to set the CATALINA_HOME variable and the aplication should access the upload directory throught the CATALINA_HOME variable.
    I can�t explain it better. Sorry.

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    i am tryng to test if ui can set the variable using th efollowing code
    <%response.addHeader("REMOTE_USER" ,"user1"); %>
    and to get that i am using response.getHeader("REMOTE_USER");
    The header variable is not set.
    can you let me know if is possible , can we set user defined header variables??
    Any help will be highly appreciated
    Thanks in advance

    If you'd like to send some additional headers from your jsp it would make sense to add it to your request than the response. Unfortunately, neither a servlet or jsp is allowed to modify the request object. You would need to write a filter to achieve this.
    See the below url for more information on creating filters.

  • INSERT statement with JSP

              Does anyone know how to create an INSERT statement with JSP using
              I can do the insert if I code the values of the variables in the statement,
              but when I try to use variables to do the insert it tries to insert the
              variable name and not the value of the variable into the table.

    "Doug Schaible" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<bicO7.1279268$[email protected]>...
              > I can do the insert if I code the values of the variables in the statement,
              > but when I try to use variables to do the insert it tries to insert the
              > variable name and not the value of the variable into the table.
              I think you missed the <%= blahblah %> syntax.

  • Share variables between JSP and Classes

    Hello !
    Is there any way to share the same variables between JSP�s and Classes?
    For example...
    I have 20 variables in a JSP page (with values, like constants...) and I want to view their contents inside the classes...
    Is there any way? Maybe a import or something like this...

    If you search the forums you will find many answers to your questions. You can also try the servlet and JSP short courses listed below;
    Here is lthe link that will take you to the Java.sun.com Tutorial pages.
    Here is a tutorial on Servlets
    Here is the tutorial on the JSP

  • SQL problem with JSP

    In sql statements with JSP. Heres the deal:
    Access database:
    Tablename: EVENT
    FieldName: event_id
    DataType: Number
    I want to compare the event_id to an integer variable called "var" in a WHERE clause in an SQL statement through a JSP.
    String query = "SELECT * FROM EVENT WHERE EVENT.event_id = 'var' ";
    It says "Data type mismatch in criteria expression."
    Any Suggestions? I thought this should be straight forward! am i missing something?

    if i am reading correctly "var" is an int variable correct? If this is the case then the following will work;
    String query = "SELECT * FROM EVENT WHERE EVENT.event_id = " + Interger.toString(var) ;
    Hope that helps ( and i hope i read your problem correctly)

  • I want to assign the value of a Javascript variable to JSP Variable

    I want to assign the value of a Javascript variable to JSP Variable .. for example :
    Bla Bla Bla
    var JavaScriptVariable="hello"
    String JSPVariable=// The Value of JavaScriptVariable ;
    How can i do that ??

    >I want to assign the value of a Javascript variable to JSP Variable
    cannot be done.Friend try to understand concepts properly Javascript is always excuted by the browser @clientside where as JSPCode is executed Websever(ServletContainer) @serverside.Through you are combining JSP Code blocks(Tags,Expressions,scriptlets...) & javascript under a single page webserver can only identify what is their under JSP Code blocks.
    Hope this could be an appropriate answer for your question.
    However,you can as well submit a request by encoding your URL with request parameters and the submit to the page and then collect it using request.getParameter(name).
    But under a single context state it is not possible

  • Dynamic HTML elements with JSP?

    I need to have a row in a HTML page which contains of a combox and two text fields.
    Depending on what I select in the combox I have to insert another row (which contains another combox and two text fields) or I have to remove one or both text fields from the current row.
    Is that possible with JSP?
    Many thanks

    You can certainly accomplish what you're asking for in a jsp. One of the tricks you can use to solve your problem would be to pass variables back into the page using the Get method and catching the values using the request.getParameter() technique. One quick tip, you should wrap any request.getParameter() elements with a try catch, if you try to grab a parameter that hasn't been defined yet (and this is perfectly acceptable) you'll get a null returned.
    I hope this helps

Maybe you are looking for