Won't export to camera

I am trying to put footage back onto DV using a Canon MVX350i. I have been going to Print Video but when recording starts all I get is blue footage on the camera. Any ideas? Thanks

Have you tried checking View > Video Output and selecting your camera.
Is your easy-setup correct? Is your camera in DV-in mode (might do that automatically)?

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    Dual 1 GHz PowerPC G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    As Sue suggests, it's not surprising that iDVD doesn't want you to access the camera with iMovie. It's not unusual for applications that perform FireWire-intensive functions—as both iDVD and iMovie do—to want to control the device. If iDVD can't control the camera, it may not be able to perform a task you want it to do. (Remember, iDVD offers several camcorder-dependent functions, including OneStep DVDs.)
    While it may be a bit treacherous, you CAN go behind iDVD's back to get it done. The trick is to grab control of the camera before iDVD does. So Quit iDVD after you create, then save the iDVD project, then grab control of the camera with an iMovie HD project, THEN re-open the iDVD project and start encoding. (I tested exporting the iDVD project to a disk image, which is probably safer than burning a physical DVD. Use Disk Utility later to burn the disk image to a physical DVD.)
    The iMovie video looked fine here, but your mileage may vary.

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    After a couple of hours going through the registry and every folder and file inside "Program Files--Adobe--Media Encoder CS5" and trying to find the problem, I did.
    Thing is, the ExportAVI.prm plug-in file wasn't missing, it was there in the "Plug-ins--common" folder together with every other exporter and importer file, it just wasn't being loaded by AME for some reason. So i found a folder named "txt" and inside it there was a file named "AddExporterList.txt" which I opened and, as you could probably imagine from its pretty self-explanatory name, it contained a list of the exporter files that AME was supposed to load, and the AVI one wasn't on the list.
    I wasn't sure wether it was best for me to edit that text file and add the AVI exporter to the list or just delete the damn thing, so i checked on an older PC with the CS4 suite installed in it and the "txt" folder didn't even exist, so I just deleted it and opened up AME again and it loaded every single exporter .prm file including the ExporterAVI.prm of course and it works just fine now, so that's a load off my shoulders, hope this might help someone else in the future.

  • Exporting to Camera from Canopus ADVC 110

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    Here's a whole conversation with a guy on Usenet telling me where-all I went wrong (I haven't repeated his every remark, which were extensive) and what I should have done, with my replies on what I've done or am thinking of doing and why:
    Third, you have gotten some pretty hard to follow and conflicting advice here.
    To say the least! And you seem to be giving conflicting advice, too, saying I should put my entire four-hour project into iMovie using iDVD to save it, then saying iDVD won't burn more than 90 minutes on one disk anyway! (At least, that's what I think you said.) Also, I've been told that iMovie craps out right about 90 minutes anyway and nobody could possibly do a four-hour project on it, at least, as one project. And I'm a bit hazy as to how to split something into three or four parts and then reassemble it as one, if that's even possible. Luckily, I don't even want to "go there."
    The point is moot as putting the whole project into iMovie, either as a whole or in pieces, is the LAST thing I want to do anyway. All I want to do is get the titles and edited pieces--perhaps a 15-minute total--out of iMovie and onto my plain old-fashioned VHS tape (a four-hour total including the fancy techy bits) without having to buy (or steal) a new camera (or a new computer) to do it!
    For example, there was no real reason for you to get Toast (I don't think...). iMovie + iDVD is generally sufficient. And the whole thread about media was pretty pointless (particularly the "penny wise, pound foolish" concerns about whether the $10 or whatever you spent on some DVD blanks had been wasted...)
    Well, I haven't got Toast...yet. It's just people seemed to feel that iDVD (which I admittedly haven't tried) was more prone to screwups and Toast was a better way to set things up and really see what you were getting before accidentally burning a bunch of "coasters" which I wanted to avoid. As for the blanks, I hate to see anything go to waste, either money or products, and since eventually I'd like to transfer a lot of VHS home movies over to DVD using the Canopus, I wanted advice on where best to obtain high-quality blank DVDs at good cost, which advice I got. Sorry to have to expound over every detail of my thinking process but when you start skipping all over the place people tend not to get what you're saying or why.
    If one has 1) a recent Mac with a DVD-R drive and sufficient free disk, and 2) iLife (comes bundled with all new Macs)
    How recent? Mine is three to four years old, and I can tell you for sure it has only a Combo drive, not a Superdrive--that's why I bought the DVD burner. Are you saying I should have bought a new Mac rather than add all this equipment to my old one?
    Toast is useful for burning DVDs when iDVD won't - such as with unsupported DVD burners, or if you want more than 90 minutes on a DVD. For the price of Toast, you could have probably bought an internal DVD-R drive that is supported directly by iDVD.
    Okay, you've COMPLETELY got me there. Where can I get some quotes on how much Toast would cost vs. how much it would cost to have my Combo Drive upgraded to a Superdrive? (At least I think that's what you're suggesting.) Once I learn the best source and cost of the equipment to do this, I'll look into where I can have it done (obviously taking the thing apart with a screwdriver and inserting the new drive myself is not an option.)
    After that I'll worry what on earth to do with the DVD burner I bought! It was $129.00 and arrived December 13, and return requests are supposed to be made within 15 days! So obviously I can't return it for money back--at least from the place where I bought it--even though it's brand-new, untouched, never been used as I'm nowhere near the point of burning anything yet! Then returning it in favor of just using the Superdrive on the Mac (assuming I can get one for my Mac) may still be a mistake as how do I know the one I already bought won't do a much better and/or more usable job? I just want something that will work! In this case, one that will make DVDs which will play on my player without having to buy another DVD player (also over $100.00, brand new a year ago.)
    Consumer DVD recorders are designed to record "live" direct to DVD from a video source.
    DVD-R drives, in conjunction with a computer, aren't.
    As far as I can tell, you just answered the question I raised, and in my favor. Or is that wishful thinking on my part and we're really talking about two different things here? I do know it's said a lot of DVDs will play on a computer which won't on a DVD player connected to a TV--which, given the nature of the projects I'd like to do, does me no good--that's why I thought the DVD burner a good idea!
    You are assuming that your DVD recorder can record a four hour DVD.
    My friend hasn't answered, but I'm pretty sure he said his would, and that people who wanted DVDs were giving him only one blank disk, not two. What mine will do, I have no idea as I've barely looked at it yet. For my own part, whether I end up making my DVDs on my own burner or having my friend make them, I think I will use two disks to get higher quality. I was asking for the benefit of the people who gave him only one blank disk and thought they were going to get the whole thing on that. As for number of copies--last he told me he had 40 blanks given to him by people wanting copies--I think most were VHS tapes but some were DVDs.
    Based on what I'd read, I'll guess that:
    You don't have all the raw video imported
    You don't have enough disk space to do so
    The DVD burner you have is not directly supported by iDVD
    It isn't clear at all whether the DVD burner that you bought is a DVD-R drive (in an external case?) or a consumer DVD recorder.
    Well, you certainly got all those guesses right! That's why I'm putting "the lesser, the better" into iMovie--only the complicated stuff which NEEDS to be done there--the rest of it gets done the straightforward way that I understand!
    As for the DVD burner I bought, it is a LaCie DVD +/- RW 16x4x16x Double Layer FireWire device.
    The ADVC110 most definitely will export to whatever analog video tape you want. Straight from iMovie. "Export to camera..."
    That's what the video & audio out ports on that device are for...
    There are one-way devices out there, but the ADVC110 is not one of them. I've never used one myself, but was able to determine this from the very first web page I looked at...
    You have mistaken advice that you shouldn't export to cruddy VHS for a reproduction master with advice that you can't do so.
    No, I didn't really, although people seemed to think that was what I was saying. Below is my response to a question on another forum explaining what I did, what I want to do, and my rationale for doing things the way I have or plan to based on advice I've gotten. If there is a better way (short of buying all-new everything!) I am open to that advice as well.
    (Here follows the entire reply I posted above in response to ThomasG.)
    Everybody takes on at least one project where they are completely over their head.
    Gee, thanks, now I feel in such good company. So...I'm not an idiot? I have got the project PARTWAY done! Anyway, back in the "old days" of special effects, when the first "Star Wars" movies were done, a whole team of people might take five months to do something that would take five minutes onscreen, while the parts requiring only sets and actors, some of which took more screen time, were accomplished much more quickly, so I am not all that far off!
    Asking advice on Usenet for such a project can quite easily cause a whole bunch of wasted time and money, following advice from folks who don't really understand exactly what you are trying to do and what constraints you are under. If you don't have a reasonable understanding of the basics, you will have a very hard time sorting the wheat from the chaff.
    It certainly was hard knowing what advice to take. I started out just calling a Sales Rep at the same company from which I purchased my computer and monitor, telling him what I wanted to do, then buying what he said to buy, which I needed EXTENSIVE instructions from various online groups to make work. (The manual on the Canopus was, in particular, next to useless. You could read it all in 15 minutes but you still wouldn't know anything. I hope the instructions on the DVD burner are done by people who understand English.)
    Thanks for your lengthy consideration of my problems.

  • Won't export!

    My movies on Imovie HD won't export fully. They export the first 20ish seconds then the frame freezes but the audio keeps going :S
    what's going on and how to I fix it?

    Two first thoughts:
    • The free space on Your internal hard disk - less than 10Gb - try make it 25Gb or more
    • What material did You feed iMovie ?
    • streamingDV from a miniDV tape Camera. Thats what it's intended to be feed.
    . avi, .wmv, .mp4 etc. Gives all kinds of problems and needs to be converted to
    streamingDV to behave OK
    • Audio is the same:
    • from miniDV Camera or .aiff (eg CD disc)
    .mp3, direktly from iTunes etc. Problematic and most often needs to be converted to .aiff
    Yours Bengt W

  • Photos won't save to camera roll

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    All the settings are ok.
    I installed the profile of a friend on my phone to test it and everything works fine with his profile.
    Anyone can help me out with this issue?

    bluetooth is an APPLE issue: they have blocked many of the 'normal' bluetooth features on 'other' handsets..
    an example you may be thinking of is Sharing a photo via Bluetooth .. simple everywhere else, but can not be done on iphone
    -you have to use it via an app such as iphoto, or send it attatched via an email, from the iphone.
    stupid, annoying, yes.

  • Podcast won't export from Garageband to iWeb

    Hi all
    Help appreciated with this. I do a two hour music podcast (www.whatyouwantradio.com also available at http://soundcloud.com/whatyouwant-radio) which is created in Garageband and then exported to iWeb for uploading to my website. I've been running this, with few problems, since April 2009.
    Recently the garageband podcast won't export to iWeb. It's random, and I seem to have been able to bypass it by changing the filename slightly, or adjusting the quality at which it is exported (I like to export at 320mps for best quality - big files but no complaints from the 100 or so listeners. Could be more - who knows as I can't get stats from iTunes. But I digress). However, the most recent podcast, which is already available on Soundcloud, just won't export. It goes through the motions (mixdown etc.) but nothing appears on iWeb on the other side. No error message, nothing. I know that memory has also been an issue in the past but right now there is plenty to spare (5.37GB at last glance).
    I'd really be grateful for some help on this, I'm at a bit of a loss - no error message, no clue. As I say, this podcast has been going for nearly three years and it's only recently I've had this problem.
    Mac OS X 10.6.8
    Garageband '09 5.1
    Model Name:
      Model Identifier:
      Processor Name:
    Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:
    2.4 GHz
      Number Of Processors:
      Total Number Of Cores:
      L2 Cache:
    3 MB
    4 GB
      Bus Speed:
    1.07 GHz
      Boot ROM Version:
      SMC Version (system):
      Serial Number (system):
      Hardware UUID:
      Sudden Motion Sensor:

    Just a further note on this. I tried a couple more times yesterday to export the file. Starting out with over 5GB of memory, by the time I had tried twice this had gone down by a couple of GB. Still no export. This morning I noticed some new files in the trash that were from around the time of the failed exporting:
    Note sure if you can see that, but I'm guessing the files are something to do with the failed export? Does anyone have any thoughts? Either way, this problem is still annoying the **** out of me...

  • OMF won't export out of final cut pro.

    Exporting a 93min 1920x1080 HD timeline to OMF
    5 second handles tried 2 second handles as well.
    OMF won't export out of final cut pro. Get error message there is a 2 gb limit.
    Final cut 6.0.6
    Have deadline. Didn't see it on any forum. Help!! Thanks!!

    Seems like a weird thing to not be able to do since it's called final cut PRO...
    Bagging on Final Cut Pro for OMF? HA! OMF has been around LONG BEFORE FCP was introduced. It isn't an FCP issue...OMF technology is VERY old. Over 20 years I believe. I used it on Avid...and it always had a 20GB limit.
    You cannot deliver 1 track via OMF. You can ask the audio person. I know that Avid now allows you to export an AAF...but FCP doesn't do AAF. For embedded audio I think that OMF is the only way. SO you have to work within the limitations of that format.

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    1 problem was found with a background task:
    Export: "NameOfDocument" (1)
    It won't export to PDF.  What can I do about this?  Many thanks.

    Oh, sorry.  Forgot about the specifics.
    Local drive on Win7.  Yes, file naming conventions adhered to.

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    HELP! - New Quicktime 7.6.6 (1671) won't export WAV files. I just did the automatic upgrade to the new version of Quicktime and now I can't export WAV files from a CAF file. The original .CAF file plays perfectly but when I attempt to export it the exported file is corrupted and won't play. I have another computer with the previous version of Quicktime and it exports the same file flawlessly. Anyone know what's going on with the new version? THANKS!

    +Error writing to the file: C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunesMiniPlayer.Resources\nb.lproj\iTunesMiniPlayerLocalized.dll. Verify that you have access to that directory.+
    More often than not, that sort of message indicates file damage rather than a privileges issue on the file.
    If you've got Windows XP, try doing a chkdsk over your C drive, as per:
    How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP
    If you've got Vista, try the following procedure. Go "Start > Computer". Right-click on "Local Disk C:" and select "properties". Click the "Tools" tab. Click the "Check now" button in the "Error correction" section.
    Do the disk checks find/repair any damage? If so, does an install go through properly afterwards?

  • FCP won't export M2V

    I am running FCP Studio and trying to export an m2v. I recently upgraded my G5 and basically put my old hard drives right into the new G5 box. Since I did that, FCP asked for a serial number again, and I entered it. OK. Now I am trying to export the Mpeg2 and it says it can't export until DVD studio Pro is serialized - but then I run DVD studio pro and it IS serialized and registered. Restart did not fix it. FCP just can't seem to tell that DVD studio pro is already serialized and won't export. Should I trash my preferences? FCP or DVD studio pro or both? Any suggestions?

    Trying to uninstall DVD Pro and then re-installing it will not work! I ran through this problem when I upgraded to FCP Studio. The issue lies between DVD Pro and QT7, it is a bug that apple is currently trying to resolve.
    I spent numerous hours on the phone with apple to get this issue resolved. The best work around at the moment is going through Compressor and making a M2V. Compressor will retain your chapter markers from FCP no worries.
    The only issue is time, it takes longer using compressor but the quality is 100x better because you have more control of the VBP.
    Good Luck

  • Cropped song settings won't export to slideshow

    For some reason, my start/stop time settings for individual songs in itunes won't export to an iphoto slideshow. Is there another way to do this?

    Your right. Changes made to the stop and start time of songs in iTunes don't seem to have any effect in iPhoto.
    I suppose one work around would be to first burn the music for your slide show to a music CD and then reimport the tracks.
    You could also use iMovie, GarageBand or a third party app like Sound Studio to actually edit the tracks (probably best to edit copies of the tracks) and then reimport the edited tracks back into iTunes.
    Kind of a hassle. I'll continue to think a bout a more elegant solution.

  • Photoshop Elements 9 won't update, including camera raw

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    I just want to edit my raw photos on my nikon d3100.
    I bought this product, you should provide updates that actually work.  If you tell me that my camera will only work with a product that I yet have to pay $70 for...  I will be ticked. 

    Duplicate, see:
    Photoshop Elements 9 won't update, including camera raw

  • Mozilla won't display web cam feed from web site

    Mozilla won't display web cam feed from web site: http://www.fs.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsinternet/!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gDfxMDT8MwRydLA1cj72DTUE8TAwjQL8h2VAQAMtzFUw!!/?ss=110803&navtype=BROWSEBYSUBJECT&cid=fsm9_029107&navid=091000000000000&pnavid=null&position=Not%2520Yet%2520Determined.Html&ttype=detailfull&pname=Chattahoochee-Oconee%2520National%2520Forest-%2520Home
    I have the latest Java software and can load the above feed in IE but not Mozilla. I can also load a similar Java feed from
    http://www.brmemc.net/brasstown/ in both IE and Mozilla.

    (Glad to see you're still lurking around here, Wyrenut.  Your posts have helped me tremendously.  And this comes form somebody who has run and internal developer's support group for quite a few years.)
    I also started having this problem after getting my TX hooked up through my home network.  I had to set up a wireless access point with only WPA security to get around having to change the WPA2 security on all my other equipment.  I applied the ESU upgrade, but that didn't seem to help with WPA2 Personal.  Previously, I could get at least half of the pages to come up through the open hotspot in the lobby of our building at work, but I haven't tried that since I applied the ESU upgrade this morning.
     I can get to the internet through the access point using a laptop, and I can see the IP address of the Palm coming through the access point on the router's admin page, and the DNS addresses of the PC and the Palm are the same.  So I think I'm through, but every page I try gets the 'Page not available' message, even if I enter the IP address of the page rather than the URL.
    Is there any other method of debugging available to see if the page is really coming back and locking up Blazer, or whether it's really not coming back at all?  Or any other suggestions? 
    Personally, I sort of liked the old Internet Explorer that counted off how many K were coming through as the page was being loaded.  At least you could tell something was happening.

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