Won't start from CD

Hello to the mac family,
I am having a problem starting from a CD (Norton's)
I hold down the C key on startup and I also have tried selecting the CD as a start-up disc in the control panel. Neither idea works. I wanted to run Norton. I know DW is probably best but ....$$$$ The CD does open on desktop and appears fine, it just won't boot to it. I zapped and rebuilt using TT lite
Any ideas greatly appreciated.........mGb......Jim
Anyn idea

I'm going to let you in on something. I've never heard of a Mac functioning correctly after installing any sort of Norton security software. I'm warning you, proceed at your own risk. You have a very good chance of losing all of your data. This is not an overexaggeration.
I noticed that you're speaking of the Control Panel. Are you sure you're using an iMac G4? Are you on OS X?

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    kauribill wrote:
    " The underlying task reported failure on exit (-9972).Invalid sibling link,invalid B tree header, invalid map node,invalid record type,the volume needs to be repaired.
    The underlying task reported failure on exit (-9972).
    This is a directory issue that Disk Utility cannot fix. Although it manifests itself as a software issue sometimes it may be hardware based. See DiskUtility reports "Underlying task reported failure" when repairing avolume http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1901?viewlocale=en_US". You can try using a utility like TechTool Pro, Drive Genius or Disk Warrior to repair and replace the directory. Another option would be to use the Archive and Install feature to reinstall. If the problem returns after correction you may have a failing or failed HDD.

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    Hi Matthias
    What make of external HD or enclosure are your drives in?
    If it boots with the USB connection then you should try a different FireWire cable.

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    Hi @TeridaxXD001 ,
    Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forums and Welcome. I have looked into your issue about your HP Pavilion g7-1314nr Notebook and issues with Windows 7 and starting up.  I recommend to restore the BIOS defaults. You could restore the BIOS with this document selecting the reloading the BIOS default settings which should resolve the fan issue.
    Here is a link to computer won't start for Windows 7. There is a section on getting past the HP Logo screen.
    If that does not help at the end of the document it shows you to do a hardware test.
    Please note remove any and all USB devices before troubleshooting. Disconnect all non-essential devices
    Hope this helps you out.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Thanks for the further suggestions.
    I tried the fsck and it reported no problems. I had my doubts that this was a source because the problem of not booting from superdrive came AFTER the NVRAM reset, which is fundamentally a hardware modification. I boot periodically from Panther install disc 1 to do a repair disc and permissions routine. When I couldn't do this after the NVRAM reset, I could only conclude that this tweek had some direct effect on the Mac's firmware-based start-up routines.
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    OK this isn't a permenent fix but it will work so you can open up Classic Applications and Files.
    1. Go into System Preferences.
    2. Under the System Section click the Classic Button.
    3. In this window that comes up click the Advanced Tab at the top.
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    Internet Wiz™

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    Go to the Map mode in iDVD and make sure there are no items in the far left hand Autostart bin.
    If there is just drag it out, save the project as a disk image, File ➙ Save as Disk Image menu option, and test with DVD Player. If it plays OK with DVD Player the encoding was good and you can then burn to disk with Disk Utility at the slowest speed available to assure the best burn quality.  Always use top quality media:  Verbatium, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden DVD-R are the most recommended in these forums.
    Happy Holidays

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    As we can't see what your doing, provide some details,  what website is this, did you create the file, is it a Keynote or Quicklime or PDF file?

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    We did have an external DVD drive somewhere and I'd like to try that, in case there's a problem with the optical drive itself, but I am thinking this computer may have both disk and hardware issues.  
    Any advice welcome...thanks in advance!

    Hi, sounds like the Hard Drive is dying, & that can prevent booting up.
    Hold alt key on bootup, what shows as boot choices?
    Have you unplugged all peripherals, cords, & AC power, let sit 30 minutes & try just with AC connected?
    If you don't know the model, find the Serial# & use it on one of these sites, but don't post the Serial# here...
    How to find the serial number of your Apple hardware product...
    Tough without the Install disc, but some things to try...
    Does it boot to Single User Mode, CMD+s keys at bootup, if so try...
    /sbin/fsck -fy
    Repeat until it shows no errors fixed.
    (Space between fsck AND -fy important).
    Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck...

  • AudioInputStream won't start from the beginning

    I'm not sure if this is normal or not, but here's a weird the situation. I have a number of audio files that I play together. Nothing complicated.
        public void playAudio() {
                File soundFile_1 = new File("SoundFile1.wav");
                File soundFile_2 = new File("SoundFile2.wav");
                File soundFile_3 = new File("SoundFile3.wav");
                audioInputStream_1 = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(soundFile_1);
                audioInputStream_2 = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(soundFile_2);
                audioInputStream_3 = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(soundFile_3);
                audioFormat_1 = audioInputStream_1.getFormat();
                audioFormat_2 = audioInputStream_2.getFormat();
                audioFormat_3 = audioInputStream_3.getFormat();
                DataLine.Info dataLineInfo_1 = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class,audioFormat_1);
                DataLine.Info dataLineInfo_2 = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class,audioFormat_2);
                DataLine.Info dataLineInfo_3 = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class,audioFormat_3);
                sourceDataLine_1 = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(dataLineInfo_1);
                sourceDataLine_2 = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(dataLineInfo_2);
                sourceDataLine_3 = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(dataLineInfo_3);
                new PlayThread().start();
            } catch (Exception e) {
        class PlayThread extends Thread{
            byte tempBuffer_1[] = new byte[100000];
            byte tempBuffer_2[] = new byte[100000];
            byte tempBuffer_3[] = new byte[100000];
            public void run(){
                    int nBytesRead;
                    while(((nBytesRead = audioInputStream_1.read(tempBuffer_1,0,tempBuffer_1.length)) != -1) &&
                          ((nBytesRead = audioInputStream_2.read(tempBuffer_2,0,tempBuffer_2.length)) != -1) &&
                          ((nBytesRead = audioInputStream_3.read(tempBuffer_3,0,tempBuffer_3.length)) != -1) &&
                          (stopPlayback == false)) {
                        if(nBytesRead > 0){
                            sourceDataLine_1.write(tempBuffer_1, 0, nBytesRead);
                            sourceDataLine_2.write(tempBuffer_2, 0, nBytesRead);
                            sourceDataLine_3.write(tempBuffer_3, 0, nBytesRead);
                    stopPlayback = false;
                } catch (Exception e) {
        }I also have a method that combines the three audio files into one. I usually call this method after having played the files for a short time.
        public void saveAudio() {
            saveMixAIS = new MixingFloatAudioInputStream(audioFormat_1, saveList);
            File saveFile = new File("SaveMix.wav");
            try {
                AudioSystem.write(saveMixAIS, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, saveFile);
         } catch (IOException e) {
    } Interesting enough, this code doesn't seem to combine the three audio files properly. What seems to happen is that the combined file starts at the location where I stopped playing. In order to get the files to start from the very beginning, I need to re-initialize the AudioInputStream.
        public void saveAudio() {
                File soundFile_1 = new File("SoundFile1.wav");
                File soundFile_2 = new File("SoundFile2.wav");
                File soundFile_3 = new File("SoundFile3.wav");
                audioInputStream_1 = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(soundFile_1);
                audioInputStream_2 = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(soundFile_2);
                audioInputStream_3 = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(soundFile_3);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            saveMixAIS = new MixingFloatAudioInputStream(audioFormat_1, saveList);
            File saveFile = new File("SaveMix.wav");
            try {
                AudioSystem.write(saveMixAIS, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, saveFile);
         } catch (IOException e) {
    } Is this normal?

    mohogany wrote:
    That definitely makes sense.
    I was under the impression that the AudioInputStream never loses the data it has read and that the AudioSystem.write method always starts from the beginning of this AudioInputStream. I need to stop treating the AudioInputStream like an array and instead treat it more like fresh water.Definately.
    AudioInputStream doesn't actually have anything in it...it's actually just a wrapper. Whenever you call read on it, it just reads whatever it's wrapping around, and returns the result. This is why it can contain both live data being recorded or file data or a network stream or...
    In this case, it is reading from a BinaryFile. Everytime you call read, it increments the file position... and it doesn't reset the file position when you call AudioSystem.write...

  • MacBook won't start from CD

    My MacBook won't startup from it's CD. Instead, it ejects the disk.
    If ANYOE has a solution to this probloem, PLEASE respond below.
    Thanks, Nathan.

    There are a number of possibilities here.
    Bad install disk. Test with another disk to make sure the MacBook is not ejecting all disks.
    Bad optical drive. Test the disk in another computer.
    Firmware password set on the MacBook which will not allow it to boot from any external source.
    Best of luck.

  • Won't start from Start up Disk- Dead iMac - help!!

    My iMac at work died today, first it crashed and then the hard disk began to spin and then the fan cut in and it sounded like a jumbo taking off. I used the power switch to turn off, waited a minute turned it back on and it then hung at the blue screen. Did this again two or three times but it still hung, sometimes in different places but always after the apple screen and the spinning thing. I then loaded the system disk and started it up, it loaded the install software screen and then crashes. I started the machine in "Safe Mode", it started properly but then crashed as soon as I tried to anything. I even loaded the startup cd in safe mode but it did the same.
    The machine is very basic first generation iMac, no bluetooth, 160gb hd, 17inch 1.6gig 256 meg ram. Using Panther fully updated using Software Update. Nothing special.
    Apple Care just wanted £35.00 from me before they would even tell me if I could take it direct to my local Apple Store - I say local but it would be a 100 mile round trip so I thought it best to check first.
    Help, I can't even start from start up disk!!!!

    Hugo, I had the same thing happen twice. The first thing I did is run the hardware diagnostics to determine if the disk had totally crapped out. This test passed on both occurrences. I then tried to repair the disk by booting from the install disk (hold down the 'c' key while booting) and using the disk utility. The first time I had the problem this fixed it. Last night it happened for the second time, this time repairing the disk failed. I had to erase the disk, reinstall the OS and upgrades and load user files from backup. One tip, don't call AppleCare unless you really want to be annoyed. I had some useless tech explain to me how the hard drive was analogous to a library, the librarian goes home at night with all the books properly in place and some kids come in and move all the books around. When the librarian comes in the next day she cannot do anything because the location of the books do not match the locations identified in her book catalog. So I asked, who these 'kids' are that messed up my disk. He said this just happens. Well this has just happened to this computer twice in a month and its old 9 months old. I have 3 PCs running that have never had this problem, one is 8 years old. One more thing AppleCare categorizes this problem as a software issue, not hardware, so it is not covered, even though it's Apple's software that failed ! You either have to fix it yourself or pay someone to do it for you. Sorry for the digression (as you can tell I'm a little frustrated with Apple), when I was just about done loading user files from backup, the iMac died, will not power backup, nothing, just dead. This is after I just spent 4 hours erasing the disk and reinstalling software and files. Guess I do have a hardware problem now.
    Good luck

  • Blue screen at startup; won't start from CD

    Two days ago, my MBP froze in the middle of Skyping. I had to restart. First the grey apple appeared for a while with the grey spinning wheel, then a completely blank pale bue screen. I started in safe mode, which worked (though no internet), but a restart led to the same blue screen. I cleared PRAM, no luck. Since I'm traveling and don't have my system disks here in Germany, I bought a new copy of Snow Leopard, but the laptop will not start from it. (Pushing D at startup does not lead to the hardware test either.) The disk is now in the computer and eject does not work.
    I have access to a Mac mini whose CD/DVD works, though I don't have a firewire cable here. Anybody have any ideas?
    Thank you.

    A purchased Snow Leopard will NOT include the hardware test, or run it, unless it is from the original prebundled discs that came with the Mac. Furthermore, the retail Snow Leopard will only boot Macs that predate March 2010.
    At this point, I would purchase an external hard drive and data recovery software*:
    And see if your hard drive is salvageable. Thankfully MacBook Pros will boot off USB if you have the right drives. http://www.macsales.com/ sells overseas the right drives. Maybe you can find the same kind of drives where you are at.
    Never travel without a backup plan if you are going to bring your computer along.
    - * Links to my pages may give me compensation.

  • Upgrading to Leopard, won't start from Install disk?? Even with 'C' held

    Hello, I'm trying to upgrade to Leopard and then Snow Leopard. My DVD drive works, as in I can read DVDs, burn discs etc. When I insert the Leopard upgrade disk (genuine, bought from Apple and already exchanged once) it asks me to restart to get to the Installer - so far so good.
    But it just won't get to the Installer stage, I only get the circle wheel, no matter how long I leave it on for. The DVD makes some noise, it is being read but it doesn't boot. I have tried holding the 'C' key and selecting the disk as startup via system preferences, to no avail. I exchanged the disk at the Apple store just in case it was faulty, but I'm still having the same problem.
    Is this a hardware problem? Is there any way I could get round it?
    Thanks i advance!

    Do you know of a way to 'bypass' the restart to get straight to the Installer?
    Do you have a second Mac around? You can "borrow" the optical drive in another Mac by starting it in Firewire Target Disk mode.
    There are other ways, but they are pretty involved and require a bootable hard drive you are willing to erase.
    And I heard that I'd have to erase my hard drive to upgrade to snow leopard directly, is this right?
    No, you do not have to erase the drive.
    The only thing I can think it perhaps your optical drive is going bad. I believe that drives have to meet more stringent requirements when called upon to boot from a disc than when just playing a DVD when they can skip minor errors.

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