Word Wrap database query results

In Visual Studio 2005, when you are looking at the results of a database query, or table (show table data) etc., how can you make the results field values wrap like we use to be able to do in VS 2003 and in Visual Interdev.
If the field values were longer then what was display in the grid output results, you could expand the column width and row height and the field values would wrap to fit.  If I try to do the same thing in VS 2005 or in sql enterprise manager 2005 the field values don't wrap, they remain displayed in one long line and they just get cut off after a specific number of characters.

I'm a Program Manager on the SQL Server Manageability team.  We own SQL Server Management Studio.  Sorry to hear about your frustration with our product.  The team had many tasks to complete in the SQL Server 2005 timeframe and there are some usability improvements that seem simple and were overlooked.  We are committed to improving our customers' experience with our products.
I would recommend that you go to http://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/ and file this issue.  You'll be able to track it throughout its lifecycle.  Once we have a solution for the scenario, we will let you know which release of SQL Server in which you will be able to see your suggestion.
So, yes, we are listening :)
Paul A. Mestemaker II
Program Manager
Microsoft SQL Server

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    I would greatly appreciate help with this.
    bpel rookie

    Should be quite simple.
    Create another partnerlink, configure it to use the file adapter, and write to an XML file. In this case you need to create an XML Schema (.xsd) of the file you want to create.
    Before you write to the file, either add assign steps to copy individual attributes or use a transform activity to convert from the database format to the file (xml) format.

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    Read this:
    You might have to read more of the book to understand that chapter.

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  • Database query results

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    Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:abc@abc","login","pwd");
    HashMap params=new HashMap();
    q=new Query("CORE_SYSTEM/TRN_SHORD_DESC",true);
    }catch(Exception e){
    } // end try-catch
    The code is not important, it works.
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    This is the technique that I use to count rows:
    Quick trick that I use is
    1. make sure that your Statement is type_scroll_insensitive:
    ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);2. move your cursor to the last row(after executing your query)
    resultset.last();3. get the row number:
    int numberOfRows = resultset.getRow(); /*returns the number of rows*/4. set the cursor back to the beginning:
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    This technique has a drawback though:
    a scrollable resultset has less performance than non-scrollable
    hope this might help,

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             <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="column1" />
             <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="column2" />
              <!-- etc ... -->
             <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="columnN" />
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    You don't know in advanced the columns that your queries will return? 
    Or the number of records?
    El 30/04/2009, a las 13:47, Cr99 <[email protected]> escribió:
    I am executing my database queries in Java and passing my results to 
    flex and creating a chart or datagrid based on the results.  The 
    problem is, I don't know how to code this in Java in a way that flex 
    would understand it.  For instance, Flex wants:
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             <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="column1" />
             <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="column2" />
              <!-- etc ... -->
             <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="columnN" />
    I need to create this table-like array in Java and have it readable 
    as a dataprovider by flex.  I know about ArrayCollections and Java 
    ArrayLists can be nicely converted to this in Flex, but I just don't 
    know how to create them with a column1, column2, etc. when I don't 
    know from query to query how many columns will be in my results.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Random Database Query Results

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    Thanks so much. your help will be very much appreciated.

    Depends on how big your table could be and how much effort you want to put into it.
    Consider 'Random' as pulling a number out of a hat, reading it out and then putting it back into
    the hat.
    You need to write the numbers down as they come out, and as you pull a number, check that it's
    not on your list. If it is, put it back and try again...
    You could use a Vector:
    Vector pulledNumbers = new Vector();
    Random r = new Random();
    int theNumber = -1;
    while(theNumber < 0) {
        theNumber = r.nextInt();
        Integer ii = new Integer(theNumber);
        if (pulledNumbers.contains(ii)) {
            theNumber = -1;
        } else {
    }But a Set would be easier - just say set.add(ii) and it returns false if the item is in the set

  • Access database query resultset in java scriptlet

    1) I am Creating a web page and plotting points on the page:
    2) Database query results in decimal values dec_latitude and dec_longiitude.
    3) Perform calculations on lati. & long. in a java scriptlet to create a plot position (xpos, ypos).
    4) Send the xpos and ypos back to the java server page
    5) Use <IMG and absolute positioning to plot the point at position xpos, and ypos.
    6) Repeat until all rows in the query result set have been plotted.
    I don't know how to pass the dec_latitude and dec_longitude to the java scriptlet.
    After the java scriptlet calculation translates the latitude and longitude
    into xpos and ypos, I need to pass the xpos and ypos back to the java server page so that a data point is plotted on a map at position xpos, ypos.
    I tried many ways of doing it but am just guessing as
    to how to pass the data.
    Thanks in Advance. - John
    Here is what I am trying so far .... see snippet below:
    The code below results in a runtime error.
    Am I supposed to create a java object and access that in the java scriptlet? Can the java scriptlet access the latvar and longvar created during the "<c:set var="latvar"... ?
    If not, what mechanisum do I use to access the resulting colums: dec_latitude and dec_longitude? I need the java scriptlet to convert the
    dec_latitude and dec_longitude into a display position based on the number of pixels from the TOP and LEFT (xpos, ypos). Then plot of the data point using the IMG and (xpos, ypos). This will overlay a map whose z-index is lower than the plotted data point.
    *** Query the database ***
    <sql:query var="qryBio">
    FROM app.biosurvey where
    *** for each row retreived from the database ***
    <c:forEach var="row" items="${qryBio.rows}">
    <c:set var="latvar" value="${row.dec_latitude}" scope="page"/>
    <c:set var="longvar" value="${row.dec_longitude} "scope="page" />
    *** java code scriptlet - ***
    *** convert latitude and longitude to xpos and ypos for display ***
    latitude = (Float)pageContext.getAttribute("latvar"); <--- runtime error !!!!
    longitude = (Float)pageContext.getAttribute("longvar");
    xpos = (int)Math.round(latitude);
    ypos = (int)Math.round(longitude);
    xpos = 1082 - xpos;
    ypos = 700 + ypos;
    pageContext.setAttribute("xpos", xpos);
    pageContext.setAttribute("ypos", ypos);
    *** plot a point on the display html page overlaying the map ***
    <IMG ID="Row" SRC="smallredbox.jpg" ALT="red box"
    top:<%=xpos%> px;
    left:<%=ypos%> px;

    I still get a runtime error: I translated the code you gave to code below .... which I think is equivalent. See Below: I'm still learning about this stuff so I may not have not translated this properly. Do
    you see what I am doing wrong?
    Best Regards,
    - John
    %@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;
    <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/sql"%>
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%>
    <%@ page import="java.lang.Math"%>
    <sql:setDataSource dataSource="jdbc/SampleDB" />
    <c:set var="genus_name" value="${param.genus_name}" />
    <c:set var="species_name" value="${param.species_name}" />
    <c:set var="species_common_name" value="${param.species_common_name}" />
    <c:set var="dd_sighted" value="${param.dd_sighted}" />
    <c:set var="mm_sighted" value="${param.mm_sighted}" />
    <c:set var="yyyy_sighted" value="${param.yyyy_sighted}" />
    <c:set var="species_state" value="${param.species_state}" />
    <c:set var="species_county" value="${param.species_county}" />
    <c:set var="species_country" value="${param.species_country}" />
    <c:set var="dec_latitude" value="${param.dec_latitude}" />
    <c:set var="dec_longitude" value="${param.dec_longitude}" />
    <c:set var="notes" value="${param.notes}" />
    <c:set var="person_first_name" value="${param.person_first_name}" />
    <c:set var="person_last_name" value="${param.person_last_name}" />
    <c:set var="person_street" value="${param.person_street}" />
    <c:set var="person_city" value="${param.person_city}" />
    <c:set var="person_state" value="${param.person_state}" />
    <c:set var="person_zip" value="${param.person_zip}" />
    <c:set var="person_country" value="${param.person_country}" />
    <c:set var="person_email" value="${param.person_email}" />
    <h2>Species Sightings:</h2>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <title>Breckenridge Citizen Bio-Survey Selective Output Page</title>
    Izaak Walton League of America
    <h1>Breckenridge Citizen Bio-Survey Selective Output</h1>
    <c:if test="${param.action == 'Submit'}">
    <%int xpos = 0;
         int ypos = 0;
         float latitude = 0.0F;
         float longitude = 0.0F;
         float latitudeMpls = 45.06F;
         float longitudeMpls = -93.14F;                    int xposMpls = 1205 - (int) Math.round(latitudeMpls);
         int yposMpls = 735 + (int) Math.round(longitudeMpls);
    <IMG SRC="minnesota_1990.jpg" ALT="minesota map" style="z-index:1;"> <----- THIS WORKS FINE
    <IMG ID="Row" SRC="smallredbox.jpg" ALT="red box"
    top:<%=xposMpls%> px;
    left:<%=yposMpls%> px;
    <sql:query var="qryBio">
    FROM app.biosurvey where
    genus_name like rtrim(upper('${genus_name}')) AND
    species_name like rtrim(upper('${species_name}')) AND
    species_common_name like rtrim(upper
    ('${species_common_name}')) AND
    species_state like rtrim(upper('${species_state}')) AND
    species_county like rtrim(upper('${species_county}')) AND
    species_country like rtrim(upper('${species_country}')) AND
    person_first_name like rtrim(upper('${person_first_name}')) AND
    person_last_name like rtrim(upper('${person_last_name}')) AND
    person_email like rtrim(upper('${person_email}'))
    <c:forEach var="row" items="${qryBio.rows}">
    <c:set var="latvar" value="${row.dec_latitude}" scope="page" />
    <c:set var="longvar" value="${row.dec_longitude} " scope="page" />
    latitude =
    longitude =
    xpos = (int) Math.round(latitude);
    ypos = (int) Math.round(longitude);
    xpos = 1082 - xpos;
    ypos = 700 + ypos;
    request.setAttribute("xpos",new Integer(xpos));
    request.setAttribute("ypos",new Integer(ypos));
    IIMG ID="Row" SRC="smallredbox.jpg" ALT="red box"
    top:<%=xpos%> px;
    left:<%=ypos%> px;

  • Access database query data in Java SCriptlet

    Creating a web page and plotting points on the page:
    1) Database query results in decimal values latitude and longitude.
    2) Perform calculations on lati. & long. in a <% java scriptlet %>
    I don't know how to pass the data back and forth between the
    java server page and the java scriplet.
    After the calculation translates the latitude and longitude
    into xpos and ypos, a data point is plotted on a map.
    I tried many ways of doing it but am just guessing as
    to how to pass the data.
    Thanks in Advance. - John
    Here is what I am trying so far .... see snippet below:
    *** Query the database ***
    <sql:query var="qryBio">
    FROM app.biosurvey where
    *** for each row retreived from the database ***
    <c:forEach var="row" items="${qryBio.rows}">
    <c:set var="latvar" value="${row.dec_latitude}" scope="page"/>
    <c:set var="longvar" value="${row.dec_longitude} "scope="page" />
    *** java code scriptlet - ***
    *** convert latitude and longitude to xpos and ypos for display ***
    latitude = (Float)pageContext.getAttribute("latvar");
    longitude = (Float)pageContext.getAttribute("longvar");
    xpos = (int)Math.round(latitude);
    ypos = (int)Math.round(longitude);
    xpos = 1082 - xpos;
    ypos = 700 + ypos;
    pageContext.setAttribute("xpos", xpos);
    pageContext.setAttribute("ypos", ypos);
    *** plot a point on the display html page overlaying the map ***
    <IMG ID="Row" SRC="smallredbox.jpg" ALT="red box"
    top:<%=xposMpls%> px;
    left:<%=yposMpls%> px;

    Creating a web page and plotting points on the page:
    1) Database query results in decimal values latitude and longitude.
    2) Perform calculations on lati. & long. in a <% java scriptlet %>
    I don't know how to pass the data back and forth between the
    java server page and the java scriplet.
    After the calculation translates the latitude and longitude
    into xpos and ypos, a data point is plotted on a map.
    I tried many ways of doing it but am just guessing as
    to how to pass the data.
    Thanks in Advance. - John
    Here is what I am trying so far .... see snippet below:
    *** Query the database ***
    <sql:query var="qryBio">
    FROM app.biosurvey where
    *** for each row retreived from the database ***
    <c:forEach var="row" items="${qryBio.rows}">
    <c:set var="latvar" value="${row.dec_latitude}" scope="page"/>
    <c:set var="longvar" value="${row.dec_longitude} "scope="page" />
    *** java code scriptlet - ***
    *** convert latitude and longitude to xpos and ypos for display ***
    latitude = (Float)pageContext.getAttribute("latvar");
    longitude = (Float)pageContext.getAttribute("longvar");
    xpos = (int)Math.round(latitude);
    ypos = (int)Math.round(longitude);
    xpos = 1082 - xpos;
    ypos = 700 + ypos;
    pageContext.setAttribute("xpos", xpos);
    pageContext.setAttribute("ypos", ypos);
    *** plot a point on the display html page overlaying the map ***
    <IMG ID="Row" SRC="smallredbox.jpg" ALT="red box"
    top:<%=xposMpls%> px;
    left:<%=yposMpls%> px;

  • How to display result of database query in JFrame?

    How to display result of oracle database query in JFrame?
    This is part of my code:
    String username, password;
              DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
              OracleConnection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(String url, String username, String password);
    Statement s= conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet q= s.executeQuery("SELECT A, B, C FROM TABLE X");
    Forget what url, username & password are. Is there any problem with my code?
    What should be next if I want to display result of the query in a table in JFrame?Thx !

    How to create JTable with unknown no. of rows? How to get no. of rows of a query?
    I saw the demo of creating JTable on java.sun.com but the the table has a certain no. of rows which is not applicable to my case.
    Suppose the result of query is a table with 3 attributes so there are 3 columns in the table.
    R contains the result of the query.
    Should it be something like this if I want to create JTable of the query?
    How to make n rows of {R.getString(1),R.getString(2),R.getString(3)};?
    public SimpleTableDemo() {
    super(new GridLayout(1,0));
    String[] columnNames = {"A",
    while (R.next())
    // content of a row
    Object[][] data = {R.getString(1),R.getString(2),R.getString(3)};
    I can't run it because I still can't debug my code which is said before.

  • Returning the result of a database query to a client

    JAX-WS 2.0
    NetBeans 5.5
    Is it possible to send a CachedRowSet object to a client?
    I get an error when i try to do so. (I can't deploy the web service method that returns the CachedRowSet)
    Is there a better way to return the result of database query to a client?
    I'd appreciate any suggestions or sample code.

    The result of this query will be the max ID of users' IDs.
    Let say we have:
    String sql="select max(users.id) from users";
    Statement st = ctx.conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql);
    So you can get the max Id in the following way:     
    int maxId=rs.getInt("id");

  • Word wrapping incorrect inside JTextPane on MAC 0.5/10.4 and Linux OS

    Hello java-dev team,
    In my application, I am using JTextPane as a text editor to create RTF text. The problem I observed with the JTextPane on MAC OS and Linux OS flavors (I tested on Ubuntu 8.04) is: whenever I am changing any of the text property (font color, font name, font style like bold, italic or underline) and then enter the characters without providing space, the whole word gets wrapped to the next line from the point where exactly the property change starts i.e. the new formatted text is jumped to the next line from the starting point of formatting.
    My requirement is, as I am not adding any space character while changing the property, the characters should be entered in the sequence and should come to new line as per normal word-wrap rule.
    Can anybody help me out in this regards with some solution as it’s a very urgent requirement?
    Below I am also providing the sample code to check the behavior. There is no dynamic facility to change the property in the below code but I am providing the text with multiple formatting settings through code itself. To reproduce the above issue, just type the characters using keyboard in between characters with changed text properties and you can see the whole word jumping to new line.
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextPane;
    import javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet;
    import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet;
    import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants;
    import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument;
    import javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit;
    public class TestWrapping {
         JScrollPane scroll;
         JTextPane edit;
         public TestWrapping()  throws Exception {
              final JFrame frame=new JFrame();
              edit=new JTextPane()
                   public void setSize(Dimension d)
                        if (d.width < getParent().getSize().width)
                             d.width = getParent().getSize().width;
                   public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth()
                        return false;
              edit.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150,150));
              edit.setEditorKit(new StyledEditorKit());
              scroll=new JScrollPane(edit);
              MutableAttributeSet attrs=new SimpleAttributeSet();
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              new TestWrapping();
    }The same functionality works fine on Windows XP and problem is observed on MAC OS 10.4/10.5, Ubuntu 8.04. I am using jdk1.5 on both the platforms. I tested using jdk 6.0 on Ubuntu 8.04, and the problem is easily reproducible. I placed a query in the respective OS forums also but did not receive any replies. I also searched the sun’s bug database, but could not find any bug addressing the mentioned problem correctly. I also logged issue at bugs.sun.com and was assigned internal review ID of 1480019 for this problem.
    If you need any additional information, please let me know.
    Thanks in advance.

    VPKVL wrote:
    Hi All,
    Just want to update that when I checked this issue with JDK1.6 on Ubuntu 8.04, I am unable to reproduce the issue. Everything works as expected. But problem continues on MAC 10.5. So can anybody help me out in coming out of this issue on MAC 10.5.
    Thanks in advance.The only thing I can suggest is that you open a bug (radar) with apple ( developer.apple.com ), and then wait at least 12 months for Apple to get around to fixing it :s

  • Sending Email with Query Result (Table Format)

    I have a query result from ExecuteSQL task e.g.:
    ID Product
    1     Pencil
    2     Crayon
    3     Eraser
    I want to send an email with the above query result and I want it to be in Table format (such as in Microsoft Word with rows and column lines) to allow better readability to the receiver.
    Is it possible in SSIS?

    It has to be HTML format . Read Tony's article
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • Thread monitoring for database query

    I need to be able to store a database query in a thread. This means that the entire query from executing to return should take place in this thread (as well as connection etc). I would then like to know when it have finished its work so i can carry on some more porcessing.
    I tried doing this with two threads, one to do the work and the other to 'watch' and then tell me when is is done. However, i errors 'every now and again' to which i can attribute to my thread structure not working properly. I am using a synchronised class and code post the code if anyone wishes to see it, however, i would appreciate it if someone could give me a basic structure to how i can go about this so that i do not get these 'random' errors.
    Thanks Rudy

    Okay -
    I have an idea. Withut fully implementing your code, mind you.
    If looks like you're having problems with concurrent access to your Vector.
    A Vector is, of course, a Collection and a List (interfaces) - these are not thread safe. To make them thread safe, you need to "wrap" them.
    <lifted from JavaDocs>
    public static Collection synchronizedCollection(Collection c)
        Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) collection backed by the specified collection. In order to guarantee
    serial access, it is critical that all access to the backing collection is accomplished through the returned
        It is imperative that the user manually synchronize on the returned collection when iterating over it:
      Collection c = Collections.synchronizedCollection(myCollection);
      synchronized(c) {
          Iterator i = c.iterator(); // Must be in the synchronized block
          while (i.hasNext())
        Failure to follow this advice may result in non-deterministic behavior.
        The returned collection does not pass the hashCode and equals operations through to the backing
    collection, but relies on Object's equals and hashCode methods. This is necessary to preserve the
    contracts of these operations in the case that the backing collection is a set or a list.
        The returned collection will be serializable if the specified collection is serializable.
            c - the collection to be "wrapped" in a synchronized collection.
            a synchronized view of the specified collection.</lifted from JavaDocs>
    Give your Vector a wrapper and see if that solves your problem.

  • Query Results: Retrieve All Rows?

    I was looking for a feature that will allow me to choose to return "all records" to the Query Results window. The current behavior is to fetch 50 records at a time (e.g. fetch 50 records as you scroll through the results = s-l-o-w). What I'd like to do is "Retrieve All Rows" then use to the scroll bar to "smoothly" scroll to the last record. For example, the 8.0.6 version of Query Builder had this functionality and in SQL Developer 3.0, if I right-click on the results. I can choose to "Count Rows...", seems like this would be a perfect place to put a "Retrieve All Rows" option.

    My advice: do something only if there is a business case for it; satisfying your curiosity can get surprisingly expensive.
    You have already read about using Run Statement to execute a SQL statement, then Ctrl-End to auto-scroll to the end. You can try the same for Run Script, but first you will probably need to increase the value of Tools|Preferences|Database|Worksheet|Max rows to print in a script. Of course, taking either of these approaches slows things down due to displaying output and scrolling. Same with SQL*Plus. And, as mentioned previously, Java memory management in SQL Developer can cause slow downs and hangs if the result set is large enough.
    Here is a way to minimize that delay, avoid hangs, and get a more repeatable result:
    1) Save some query to, say, C:\Temp\AllCustomers.sql. For example, "select * from customers;" or "select id from customers;".
    2) Run it from a SQL Developer worksheet using Run Script (F5), or from the SQL*Plus command line, with a script like this:
    set timing on
    set termout off
    spool C:\Temp\AllCustomers.lst
    spool offEven then you will see that the timing results will vary. Maybe "select *" runs much slower than "select id" because the logical output lines are long and get wrapped into multiple physical output lines in the file. Minimize that by setting linesize to a longer value (but only in SQL*Plus -- it isn't supported in SQL Developer) and repeat the test to see. Maybe SQL*Plus runs it much faster than SQL Developer because one is a command line environment and the other a GUI tool with more overhead. Or maybe the SQL Developer JVM is near its size limit and lots of Java garbage collection is slowing it down. Simple question, complicated answer.
    SQL Developer Team
    P.S.: And if by chance you are using a version of SQL Developer so old it does not include the output time in the query result tab's toolbar, using Run Script with set timing on is your only recourse.
    Edited by: gggraham on Oct 27, 2011 4:54 PM

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