Workflow to aprove changes

I have a requirement.
for eg., For sales order, any changes should go through Workflow approval.
Say the <i>customer</i> is changed from ABC to XYZ, is it possible that the order still retains ABC (old value)...And then if the superior <b>approves</b> the change from the Workflow, then the DB is updated with XYZ.
1. If so, how can I do it ?
2. are there any standard WFs that you can show me that might have this implemented..

Hi again,
Offcourse, it has to be a customer requirement. I was just trying to understand the exact requirement.
anyways.. there can be two suitable approaches
1) You can use the user exit USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT when a sales order is saved. The changed values are available in this user exit.
You can trigger a workflow from this exit and pass the values to the workflow.
2) Use standard business object BUS2032. CHANGED event of this object can also trigger a workflow and all the values will be available to the WF in the attributes of the object BUS2032.
Hope this helps..

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    Thanks in Advance
    Deepanker Dwivedi

    We have already implemented this in our old  project.Please find below the solution.
    No config change is required.
    1.Go to tcode SWETYPV
    2. Double click on your linkage.
    3. You will see there check function module.
    4. MAke a custom custom function module of yours and it will have CDPOS and CDHDR as its component.
    5. When so pr is changed or created this function module will be triggered there you can identify whether pr is changed or not using cdpos and cdhdr.
    6. If it is change raise two events one for completeion of old worklfows which are in process second for creation of new workflow instance.
    7. Create a wait step in your workflow which will wait for the completion event to be raised.
    Hope it helps.
    Nabheet Madan

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    Hi Sony,
    There are diffrent ways to get agent level by depends from where you are getting the agents.
    1>Suppose you have 2 level PO worklfow and my agents are stored in some custom table:-
        level1 -- agent1
        level2 --agent2
    2> You can create two attributes in your BO i;e zgent1& zagent2.
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    4> Inside the attributes zagent1 u will get the actual agents from custom table by putting code
       i.e select agent1 into zagent1 from zcus_tab where level = 2.        
    5> Now generate the BO...and test it ..u will se the user id of agents in the attributes populated.
    6> Now bind these both attributes to workflow container.
    7> Use attribute ZAGENT1 for level 1 approval task in worlfow.
    8> Use attribute ZAGENT2 for level 2 approval task in worlfow.        
    The values will comes dynamically from custom table...which u will maintain.

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    Try using change documents to trigger a workflow event - transaction SWEC.

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    you need to create an event for your change document  BOR 1001006 thru SWEC.
    create a similar event in your BOR Event and use this event in the Basic Data of your WF.
    So whenever a material is changed your event would trigger your WF.
    Hope I am clear,
    any issues reply back to this thread.
    just a suggestion, could you put in your name instead F1 (as I like referring to names, though I just address all by initials) offcourse no hard n fast rule,
    but since its a <b>wonderful Forum</b>, lets know each other .
    Well my friend I still have no issues with your Display Name, it was just a thought.

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    Please check Alert customizing.
    Event Control for Organizational Management
    In this IMG activity, you can define whether the events of the event schema for the employee (DEPARTMENT_CHANGED and ADRESS_CHANGED) are to be used. These events are then triggered when the organizational unit or the address data of an employee is changed. Then, depending on the settings in the associated event schema, SRM Alert Management is used to trigger an alert, provided that you have entered the schema.
    You maintain this in the IMG activity Define Event Schema.
    You can change the event text under Define Events.
    If you want to activate the event schema for the employee, enter the value for the business object Employee (BUS1006003) in the Event Schema field. The default value is MA.
    To deactivate it, leave the field empty.

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    <a href="http://"></a>
    5.  Select the object type SAP Organizational Object, and click .
    The Add SAP Organizational Object screen appears.
    6.  In the field SAP org. object type, enter one of the following organizational object types:
    Responsible for changes of this change type (master record)
    Responsible for object changes of this change type
    When I click on either TCC11 or TCC13, it give me the below error message
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    Message no. 5W003"
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    Khong Kiam

    But I find if I have as original media - one jpeg still, one 480 x 720 video clip
    480x720? Do you mean 720x420? And what CODEC? DV? Some odd whackball one like MPEG-4? Look at COMPRESSOR in the BROWSER in FCP.
    Stills you have to render...
    and are employing opacity, a filter like Blink,some color correction, etc. That I get minutes to render a 30 second clip.
    That is still adding a filter, and opacity..and color correction. That will require rendering.
    If you find that you drop a clip onto the timeline, and you instantly need to render, then something is wrong with your settings. You shouldn't have to render clips in the timeline. Not if they are captured or imported PROPERLY, meaning that they are codecs that FCP edits with.
    If you want to just grab random clips or use random codecs and throw them all into an application and begin editing, then you should look at another editing application, like Vegas or Adobe Premiere CS5.

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    Suggest using "Modes" in PPM. Mode 01 will have "x" capacity, mode 02 will have "y" capacity and so on. You will have to give a slightly different resource name for each mode. E.g, If there is a multi capacity resource named "RESOURCE", then first create following resources in the Resource master : RESOURCE_X and RESOURCE_Y. Define individual capacities ( Resource is same, only we are separating capacities). Then include these in the PPM -  mode 01 = RESOURCE_X, mode 02 = RESOURCE_Y.
    Hoe this helps

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    Please tell me how to find one.
    Please reply if any one of you have some solution.

    Thanks for your reply.
    I am using an existing change object - MATERIAL_N of Business Object - BUS1001 and the event
    I have mentioned  the details in the tcode SWEC.
    And even in the workflow i have given the start of event  as the BUS1001 and event BASICMATERIALCHANGED.
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    Do we need to maintain an entry in SWED?
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    to do.
    Does anybody have any ideas of how to get around this?
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    add a column called 'start next workflow' which should be a Boolean with a default value of NO
    in your first workflow, only at the point it should end, make the last action to change this new field to YES
    in your second workflow, add a condition so that it only runs if this field is set to YES
    Sergio Giusti Sergio Blogs
    In Profile
    Whenever you see a reply you think is helpful, click Vote As Helpful.
    Whenever you see a reply you think is the answer to the question, click Mark As Answer.

  • Workflow  keying off changes in the customer master

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    Everything works great.. However, users are requesting to see the old value as well as the newly changed value.
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    Any suggestions are appreciated.

    The address data is always saved with the dates (look in table adrc). SO maybe you can retrack the original address.
    Why do you print again an invoice. And if you do i think it is alright when it is sent to the current address and not to the old address.
    Gr., Frank

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    Kindly help. Thanks in advance.

    go to swo3 and find related bo, then go to swe2 to find workflow according to bo

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    Thanks for the help

    Hey Masa,
    You are the man!! That solved it.....I have implemented the BBP_WFL_SECUR_BADI and for whatever reason I set the security level to 4 when it should have been 2.
    4     "High" (workflow is never restarted when changes are made)
    3     "Medium" (WF restarted conditionally when changes are made)
    2     "Low" (workflow is always restarted when changes are made)
    1     "None" (changes to the object are not allowed)
    0     "Not defined"
    Thanks for the help

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