Working directory for a Java program?

I have a Swing app which uses a text file for saving/loading configuration options.
I can load/save just fine when I launch the program from the IDE -- but when I copy the JAR file (in the DIST folder) to a given location and run it there, it seems to be using some strange directory -- certainly not the folder the .JAR is residing in.
Any ideas?

   private void vLoadConfigFile() {
        FileReader fr = null;
        String strFullPath = "";
        char[] cTemp;
        boolean ynStripSepChar = false;
        try {
            strFullPath = "email.cfg";
            File ffile = new File (strFullPath);
            fr = new FileReader(ffile);
            BufferedReader bis = new BufferedReader(fr);
            cTemp = bis.readLine().toCharArray();
            cSepChar = cTemp[0];
            strSourceDirectory = bis.readLine();
        catch ( ex) {
        finally {
            try {
                if (fr != null) {
            catch ( ex) {
    private void vSaveConfigFile() {
        FileWriter outputStream = null;
        String strFullPath = "";
        String strOutputFile = "email.cfg";
        int nIter = 0;
        Integer nTotal = 0;
        String s = "";
        try {
            strFullPath = strOutputFile;
            outputStream = new FileWriter(strFullPath);
            outputStream.write(String.valueOf(cSepChar) + "\n");
            outputStream.write(strSourceDirectory + "\n");
        catch ( ex) {
        finally {
            try {
                if (outputStream != null) {
            catch ( ex) {

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    Please search the forums for "runtime.exec", there are dozens of examples posted.
    Although this may not do you any good, since changing the os's directory is not likely to change anything you're using in Java. What are you trying to do?

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    As always, thanks for reading.

    First command
    So what does the wiki meen by: "DEVPATH sets the physical device. You can determine this by executing the command
    readlink -f /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon-device/device | sed -e 's/^\/sys\///'"
    Physical device of what, and what output am I suppose to get: Nothing, a list with output on where the symlinks lead, something else... In my case I got no output, if that is right, I do not know - since I do not understand what the command do.
    Seccond comand
    DEVNAME: Sets the name of the device. Try:
    sed -e 's/[[:space:]=]/_/g' /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon-device/device/name
    Does it meen like this - If I during my pwmconfig used hwmon1 wich was coretemp, and hwmon2 wich was nct6775, I should do:
    sed -e 's/[[:space:]=]/_/g' /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1-device/device/name coretemp
    sed -e 's/[[:space:]=]/_/g' /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2-device/device/name nct6775
    And that will direct every occurrence of hwmon1 and hwmon2 to the correct sensor chip?
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    Thanks in advance,

    You have less chance to identify which programm that VM instance is running right now.
    But you could (as we do) keep track of your programs if you save the process-id when you start the program.
    We need this to shut down running java batch programs but you could find out the used system resources with this way as well...

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    Thanks in advance

    your rep_srv.conf should look like something like
    +<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'?>+
    +<!DOCTYPE server PUBLIC "-//Oracle Corp.//DTD Reports Server Configuration //EN" "file:D:\oracle\FRHome_1/reports/dtd/rwserverconf.dtd">+
    +<server version="">+
    +<!--Please do not change the id for reports engine.-->+
    +<!--The class specifies below is subclass of _EngineClassImplBase and implements EngineInterface.-->+
    +<cache class="oracle.reports.cache.RWCache">+
    +<property name="cacheSize" value="50"/>+
    +<!--property name="cacheDir" value="your cache directory"-->+
    +<!--property name="maxCacheFileNumber" value="max number of cache files"-->+
    +<!--property name="ignoreParameters" value="parameter names to be ignored in constructing cache key, separated by comma ','"-->+
    +<engine id="rwEng" class="oracle.reports.engine.EngineImpl" initEngine="1" maxEngine="3" minEngine="0" engLife="50" maxIdle="30" callbackTimeOut="90000" jvmOptions="-Xmx512M -Xss512K">+
    +<!--property name="sourceDir" value="your reports source directory"/-->+
    +<!--property name="tempDir" value="your reports temp directory"/-->+
    +<!--property name="keepConnection" value="yes"/-->+
    some more definitions
    +<!--pluginParam name="proxy" type="file">proxyinfo.xml</pluginParam-->+
    +<pluginParam name="xmlpds" type="file">xmlpds.conf</pluginParam>+
    +<pluginParam name="jdbcpds" type="file">jdbcpds.conf</pluginParam>+
    +<pluginParam name="textpds" type="file">textpds.conf</pluginParam>+
    *<environment id="APP1">*
    *+<envVariable name="REPORTS_PATH" value="/application1/reports"/>+*
    *+<environment id="APP2">+*
    *+<envVariable name="REPORTS_PATH" value="/application2/reports"/>+*
    The environment ids you can choose yourself and you have to put them in there yourself too (here I put two environments for two different applications "1" and "2").
    If you call a report from Forms, then you have to code something like
    Details depend on how you call your reports, my example is for using a parameter list and calling a report out of application1
    Hope that helps.

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    4) Advanced Configuration - Multiple Tomcat 4 Instances
    In many circumstances, it is desirable to have a single copy of a Tomcat 4
    binary distribution shared among multiple users on the same server. To make
    this possible, you must configure a CATALINA_BASE environment variable (in
    addition to CATALINA_HOME as described above) that points to a directory
    that is unique to your instance.
    When you do this, Tomcat 4 will calculate all relative references for files in
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    * conf - Server configuration files (including server.xml)
    * logs - Log and output files
    * shared - For classes and resources that must be shared across all web
    * webapps - Automatically loaded web applications
    * work - Temporary working directories for web applications
    * temp - Directory used by the JVM for temporary files (
    If you do not set CATALINA_BASE to an explicit value, it will be initialized
    to the same value as is set for CATALINA_HOME (which means that the same
    directory is used for all relative path resolutions).
    more ->

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         I'm looking into installer programs that are java friendly with the ability to generate a gui-based install program for multiple platforms. I went out and tried to find as many programs that match these specs (list below). Before I dive headlong into demo-sampling-mode - I was hoping folks would share any positive or negative experiences they've had with any of the apps listed below. - DeNova - InstallShield Java Edition 3.0 - BeanBag - Install Toolkit for Java - ITW Installer For Java Applications - InstallAnywhere (some free, some not) - AutoRad [GPL] - freeinstaller [Open Source] - IzPack [Open Source] - Java Self Installer [GPL] - Lift-Off [GPL] - Packlet installer tool [Open Source, LGPL] - VAInstall [GPL]
    cc > Java Programming > Installer for a Java Program

  • Set working directory for a single thread

    Hi there,
    Well, there are already some threads about the "working directory" subject.
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    Reading through the 'working directory' threads , I everywhere found the recommendation to do without the internal 'cd' and use absolute paths instead.
    The problem is:
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    Hoping for help

    Reading those threads, I was not sure if the conclusion is "I can not" or "I should not" (maybe because its very difficult or it may have side effects or whatever).
    The scenario I described is true, but it was also meant to prevent people from saying "you should not" too easily.
    But if the conclusion is "I can not", it seems I will have to do numerous changes. Bad luck for me.
    Anyway, Thanx.

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    Google refused to offer me a solution so I'm asking you guys for advice.
    And no, <save desired_path\filename.sql> is not an option :P, I would like to make the change permanent.
    Thank you in advance,

    If you are using Windows, you can edit your "SQLPlus 80" shortcut.
    Changing the "start in" path to, e.g. "c:\sql" will do the trick. SQL+ commands such as "save" and "get" will now use "c:\sql" as default working directory.

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    I'm looking for some ideas of simple java programs that I can use for a final project at school. Anyone got ideas?
    Thanks, G

    TuringPest wrote:
    Encephalopathic wrote:
    yawmark wrote:
    [Ideas for student projects|].
    Typo. Correct site: [|]
    "sanity checker" was not as cool as it sounded.
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    any references from where i can get that?

    Try typing "man sh" at the command prompt.
    Ultimately it'll end up looking a lot like this:
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java your.classes.package.YourClass

  • HELP for Compile java programe !

    Hello All,
    i want to make java programe by which i can compile java programes
    and when i compile java programe from my programe then
    i shoul get compiled status means programe compile successfuly
    or not compile.
    if any example i m thanksfull.

    how about if compile fail?
    the process obj seems return value 0 as it run successful.
    I haven't try this, but I have experienced the process obj returns 0 if the executed command has some routine to handle error cases, in which, error will not halt the system.
    So, I recommand the following scenario.
    1. let say, if your java is check the existence of file test.class.
    If, it exists, get its modified time.
    2. compile the java code with
    Procress p = Runtime.exec(new String[]{"javac", ""});
    3. get the error string if any.
    InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(p.getInputStream());int read;while ((read = != -1){  System.out.println((char)read);}
    4. handle error with the exitValue
    if (p.exitValue() != 0){  System.out.println("warning.");}
    5. check again the file test.class if it is a newly created file.
    6. if it is newly created, compile success. Else, failed.

  • Need kick start study guide for WAS Java Programing insfrastructure

    Hello All,
    Please provide me some study material on WAS Java programing.
    While checking these resources you should also have a look at the first topic in this and every other SDN forum: Welcome and Rules of Engagement
    Message was edited by:
            Pascal Willemsen

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