Working with font

i have successfuly imported in my air app a font. In photoshop, this font as many sub styles -  (forte, nette etc). How can i specify one of theses styles in flex ?

I'm making some online training making some software
simulations. So for example in the course of a few lessons we might
have them type in a user name, password, and enter a RE: line in
their e-mail.
I could use a dingbat of some sort, but I'm trying to make an
easy to re(use) component that doesn't require to much fuss to drop
into several different tasks. This is probably the approach I will
have to use I was just hoping their was a way that maybe only one
font would need to be embedded.
Many programs use many different characters and fonts to mask
password entry. Most Windows XP password fields use the Black
Circle instead of the asterisk or bullet. I've got those characters
already for the places they are needed, but I need a bigger circle
for others.

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    Thanks for viewing my question.
    The solution was easier than I expected: each "glyph" node has the attribute "horiz-adv-x" and "font-face" node has the attribute "units-per-em". From here we can get the glyph width=horiz-adv-x / font-face.

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    >why distiller is running in the first place
    I don't know about Vista, but in XP you use the MSCONFIG program to see what is in the startup process

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    Sorry, but I have to agree with the OP. There should be a switch, and perhaps the default for that switch should be as you stated, however it would be great to have the option there.
    And anyway, with file sharing on (like most Macs on my uni network have, see attached), you can put anything in their drop boxes at any time. Airdrop is a simplified version of this, so why not have an always on option as well?
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    So far, I must admit, compared to Word and WordPerfect I'm not all that impressed with Appleworks. It seems to be rather behind the times with what it can do.

    Hi Pearl,
    Welcome to the discussions and the AppleWorks forum.
    I have used Word and WordPerfect on PCs and both of
    those programs allow you to change the font of an
    entire document by simply going to the top of the
    document and changing the font.
    AppleWorks follows the standard Macintosh 'noun-verb' grammar:
    Select an object (noun) then perform an action (verb).
    For this specific instance
    noun: Select all (Edit > Select All, or press command-A)
    verb: Choose the new Font from the Text menu.
    So far, I must admit, compared to Word and
    WordPerfect I'm not all that impressed with
    Not surprising, considering the design parameters of the applications.
    AppleWorks is not, and was never intended to be, a clone of MS Word (or of WordPerfect).
    MS Word and WordPerfect are both single purpose (word processing applications, dedicated to doing that single job.
    AppleWorks is a Jack-of-all-trades application capable of word processing, vector drawing, bitmap painting, spreadsheet calculations and data management plus basic network communications (up to version 5) or rudimentary slide show presentations (version 6).
    It was designed to have similar capabilities to MicroSoft Works (not Word), and quickly supplanted that MS application on the Mac platform. Another design considerations was the limited memory and storage space available at the time of the initial design. AppleWorks (AW 6.2.9, OS X version only) does all the tasks above with an application that by itself takes about 7.6MB of hard disk space. The current version of MS Word fills about 20MB of your hard drive. Adding the rest of the MS Office suite bumps that to over 200 MB.
    It [AppleWorks] seems to be rather behind the times
    with what it can do.
    True enough. AppleWorks 6 was released shortly before the first public issue of OS X (2000?), and was a 'Carbonisation' of AppleWorks meant, at least in part, to ensure that there would be a productivity application to run on OS X when it was publicly released. Since that time, Apple has seen fit to provide only minor updates to AppleWorks, and it's clear that the product is at the end of its development cycle, and is unlikely to see further updates or upgrades.
    Steve Jobs as much as said that a year ago at the WWDC when he stated that in iWork, Apple was "building the successor to AppleWorks."
    The old workhorse has come a long way, and it's not as fancy as some of those new-fangled automobiles, but it's still capable of doing a lot of work, and doing it well. If AppleWorks isn't capable of doing what you need, and you need, and are willing to pay for the extra bells and whistles offered by other applications, then by all means, spend the money to acquire them.

  • Edit code for change drive letters in paths for links, to also work with Fonts that have been moved.

    I have the following code that looks through my links and changes all of the drive letters to the new locations where they exist.  So if something stays in the same folder structure, but moves to a new drive E: and InDesign can not longer find it, you can run the code and have it fix them all.
    Well I want to do the same but for fonts that have also moved.
    Thank you in advance for any and all help!
    if (app.documents.length == 0) {
        err("No open document. Please open a document and try again.", true);
    if (File.fs != "Windows") {
        err("This script is for Windows only.");
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var myLinks = myDoc.links;
    var myCounter = 0;
    if (myLinks.length == 0) {
        err("This document doesn't contain any links.", true);
    var mySettings = CreateDialog();
    for (i = myLinks.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
        var myLink = myLinks[i];
        if ( myLink.status == LinkStatus.LINK_MISSING || (myLink.status != LinkStatus.LINK_MISSING && mySettings[2] == false) ) {
            var myOldPath = myLink.filePath;
            var myNewPath = myOldPath.replace(mySettings[0] + ":\\", mySettings[1] + ":\\");
            var myNewFile = new File(myNewPath);
            if (myNewFile.exists) {
                try {
                catch(e) {}
    if (myCounter == 1) {
        alert("One file has been relinked.", "Finished");
    else if  (myCounter > 1) {
        alert(myCounter + " files have been relinked.", "Finished");
    else {
        alert("Nothing has been relinked.", "Finished");
    function err(e, icon){
        alert(e, "Change drive letter in path", icon);
    function CreateDialog() {
        var myDrives = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "y", "Z"];
        var myDialog = new Window("dialog", "Change drive letter in path");
        var myPanel = myDialog.add("panel", undefined, "");
        myPanel.orientation = "column";
        myPanel.alignChildren = "left";
        var myGroup = myPanel.add("group");
        myGroup.orientation = "row";
        var myStText1 = myGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Change ");
        var myDropDownList1 = myGroup.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myDrives);
        if (app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl1") != "") {
            myDropDownList1.selection = myDropDownList1.items[app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl1")];
        else {
            myDropDownList1.selection = myDropDownList1.items[2];
        var myStText2 = myGroup.add("statictext", undefined, " to ");
        var myDropDownList2 = myGroup.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myDrives);
        if (app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl2") != "") {
            myDropDownList2.selection = myDropDownList2.items[app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl2")];
        else {
            myDropDownList2.selection = myDropDownList2.items[3];
        var myCheckBox = myPanel.add("checkbox", undefined, "relink only missing links");
        if (app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_checkbox") != "") {
            myCheckBox.value = eval(app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_checkbox"));
        else {
            myCheckBox.value = true;
        var myButtonsGrp = myDialog.add("group");
        var myOkBtn = myButtonsGrp.add("button", undefined, "Ok", {name:"ok"});
        var myCancelBtn = myButtonsGrp.add("button", undefined, "Cancel", {name:"cancel"});
        myOkBtn.onClick = function() {
            if (myDropDownList1.selection.index == myDropDownList2.selection.index) {
                alert("Both drive letters should not be the same.", "Change drive letter in path");
            else {
        var myDialogResult =;
        if (myDialogResult == 1) {
            app.insertLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl1", myDropDownList1.selection + "");
            app.insertLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl2", myDropDownList2.selection + "");
            app.insertLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_checkbox", myCheckBox.value + "");
            return [ myDropDownList1.selection.text, myDropDownList2.selection.text, myCheckBox.value ];
        else {

    ok, so I have discovered where the issue came from...
    The code you helped me with before, were I removed all links and my link character styles that I had (found here:
    Well it set all the items I was finding/replacing to unknown fonts that my machine doesn't have (Like Helvetic Neue Bold, instead of just Helvetica Bold, etc).
    Is there an easy way of fixing this?
    The only way I know to fix it right now is:
    Go to Package >> go to Fonts >> Select the the font that says it's missing >> Select Find First >> CLOSE ALL OF THIS, then use the eye-dropper to select the text around that font which copies the formatting and then apply it to the text who's formatting got messed up.  And then start the process all over again for the next occurence of that word whose formatting got stripped.

  • Working With Fonts - Just Starting...

    Hoping someone can point me in the right direction...
    I'm having a hard time getting my fonts to look "crisp",  They always look grainy or as if the color is bleeding...For example if you go to, the fonts dont look like they were drawn by someone with a shaky hand...
    I am new to Fireworks so any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks all

    Select the text and look in the Property Inspector. There is a drop down for Anti-Alias. Try those settings. No-anti alias will have rough looking edges

  • Working with Fonts/Logos

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    try this

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    If you upgraded to Snow Leopard, then it would seem that Suitcase 11 is not compatible with Snow Leopard and you'd need to buy Suitcase Fusion 3 for $99.95.

  • Photoshop CS5 not working with Lucida Grande Regular font

    On my iMac Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz, I am running OS 10.6.7.
    When using Photoshop CS5, if I try to use the font, Lucida Grande Regular, it causes an error.
    "Could not use the type tool because of a program error."
    When I try to open an existing file that has type layers that include the font Lucida Grande Regular, Photoshop will not open the file. I have several of these files that I want to use. I can open them on another Macintosh and everything works fine.
    First I get a message window that says, " Some text layers might need to be updated before they can be used for vector based output. Do you want to update these layers now?" I click on update and then get the following message. "Could not complete your request because of a program error."
    I have updated Photoshop CS5 to the latest version, 12.0.4.
    I have run the FontTest.jsx script and it shows an error for Lucida Grande Regular.
    (IOError: General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop.
    - <no additional information available>)
    The other 100+ fonts on my machine did not create errors.
    Since Lucida Grande Regular is an essential font for Mac OS X, I re-installed OS 10.6 in order to have a new version of Lucida Grande Regular. After that re-install I am having the same problems with the font not working in Photoshop.
    It also does not work with Adobe InDesign CS5. The font does work in Microsoft Word.
    The program Font Book verifies Lucida Grande Regular.
    Other fonts including, Lucida Grande Bold, work fine in Photoshop and InDesign.
    What can I do to get Photoshop CS5 to work with Lucida Grande Regular?

    Wow, I'm so glad I found this thread. This problem has been dogging me for years, and it's so sporadic that I've been afraid of breathing the wrong way lest I somehow incur that diabolical Program Error dialog. I'd managed to reach a truce with Photoshop CS5, getting it into a barely working state, and avoiding all updates... until Lion came along today. Then I updated to CS5 12.0.4, and the Program Errors were back again.
    Now I see that the problem does seem to be related to the Lucida Grande font. If there's a layer with that font in it, not only can I not edit that text, but I can't marquee select anything, nor drag any shapes. Deleting caches and massaging fonts are completely ineffectual measures... but if I delete the Lucida layers entirely, we're back in business.
    At least so far.
    Funny to think that of all the innovations I'd like to see Photoshop adopt, the fixing of this one issue is the thing I'd like to see most. I'll be keeping my eye on this thread, and any updates by Mr. Cox.

  • Reader X : Wrong Fonts (was working with Reader\Pro 9 and Pro 10)

    Hi all,
    First : this form pdf work with adobe Reader 9 and Acrobat Pro 9\X
    i did a pdf form with scribus, i embed 2 fonts : 3of9barcode and freemono bold fonts.
    (compatibility PDF 1.5 (acrobat 6) )
    My client update to Reader X and the problem is that the fonts are 'squares' and the barcode is text not barcode.
    When i do look at the properties in reader X, it founds the embedded fonts. There is no error when opening it.
    no console errors or Reader error.
    If i open the document with Pro X , there is no problem, the fonts are good. i try to save a copy, an optimized copy, or a copy with limited rights,
    but the result is the same, when i open the pdf with Reader X the fonts are bad.
    i tried ton install the fonts on Windows but it does not help...
    Do you have any clue ???

    I have exactly the same problem!!!
    I create and layout my forms in scribus and adjust them in Adobe 9 Pro. Setting the tab order and having the possibility to make fillable forms saveable are gorgeous. However, people who use ReaderX cannot work with these very forms anymore because there appears only squiggly squary rubbish in the fillable form fields instead of nice and clean Times Now Roman font. In Reader 9 everything worked fine. I cannot force everybody to go back to version 9, in order to be able to work wth the forms.
    It's so annoying, please help.

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    I've been working with documents in Pages and recently downloaded Word for Mac. Upon opening Pages documents with Pages, the documents appear corrupt. Much of the font has been replaced with boxed little pictures - yet they are identified as times new roman. What do I do?

    You got the new iphone?????   I have same problem.  I transferred audiobooks to device to find no audiobooks on device (despite it being in iTunes as if it was).  Have you found a solution?????   I even tried to change import settings on format transfer but hasn't worked. 

  • Why FONT  Parameters at SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY Built-in doesn't work with me ?

    after I had a look for the SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY Built-in References :-
    I made a Push button at content canvas and within this code on it , which doesn't make any change to any text at the canvas :-
    ALL of them :-
    not working with me .......... I just wondering .... why ?!
    I'm using DB 10gR2 , Developer Forms 32 Bit Version (Production)
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    The FONT-attributes for a canvas are for the "Tab-Titles" when using Tab-Canvases. They have nothing to do with boilerplate-texte placed on the canvas.

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    Edit > Preferences > Fonts > Code View.
    HINT:  If you switch between Western European and Unicode, be sure to set-up font-sizes for both.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Hi MK,
    No, maybe I didn't express it precisely
    It's not about the DB or its vendor, it's about the DB <b>schema</b>.
    You can of course reuse the system JDBC driver to create a DS to this external DB, however it cannot be Open SQL (Open SQL is available <b>only</b> with the system DB <b>schema</b>)and therefore usage of SQLJ is not possible with it.
    Hope it makes more sense now!

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