Working with objects

This question was posted in response to the following article: tml

When you right-click on a page object using the Edit Object tool and open the Properties dialog, some or all of the tabs will be disabled depending on what you've selected and how the PDF file is structured.
For example if the item selected (or its parent) does not have a tag, the Content and Tag sections will be disabled (to create tags in a file without any present you have to run the Create Tags Root command from the Tags sidebar, then tag each item). If you select an image or path the Text section will of course be disabled.
PDF pages often have 'container' path objects which act as a group for a number of other objects - which may be text, images, vector art or a combination of all three. If you select the container you will find most of the properties sections are disabled because the container doesn't have its own properties (it may contain a bunch of text objects but the container does not have a 'font' of its own).
You can see what type of object you've selected on the top of the Content section in the Properties dialog (it will say Path, Image, Text, etc). If you need to select a single object within a structure and cannot click on it directly, you can use the Content sidebar:
If it's not visible, right-click the sidebar on the left of the Acrobat window and choose 'Content'. The icon is a page with a set of horizontal colored lines.
To find where you are in a complex document, use the Edit Object tool to pick something on the page nearby, then from the Content sidebar options menu choose Find Content from Selection.
Activate Highlight Content from the same menu. Now as you click each entry on the tree, the page object will be shown with a blue border.
When you have the item you want to edit selected, right-click as normal.
@UAF: Page objects can only be resized in proportion, which is why there are only handles on the corners of a selected object and not on the sides.
Object editing is an advanced topic so there is some skill involved to understand how the tools work and what consequences you're having (for example editing page objects can mess with the reading order and existing tag structures). It's an area for improvement, let's see what the future brings.

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  • Working with Object Oriented ALV

    Hi All..
    could anyone please send me the sample code for working with OO ALV.
    Like.. I have two tables VBAK and VBAP... what I'll do if working with FM approach, is that, I'll join both the tables on certain condition, put the joined data in a Final Internal Table, and then display it in ALV grid using REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY.
    Now I want to do the same thing using OO ALV.
    Quick Help will be appreciated very much..

    TABLES: zsflight.
    G L O B A L   I N T E R N  A L   T A B L E S
       DATA: gi_sflight TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sflight.
    G L O B A L   D A T A
             g_wa_sflight LIKE sflight.
    Declare reference variables to the ALV grid and the container
         go_grid             TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
         go_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container.
    S T A R T - O F - S E L E C T I O N.
        CALL SCREEN 100.
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    module USER_COMMAND_0100 input.
         CASE SY-UCOMM.
           WHEN 'EXIT'.
             LEAVE PROGRAM.
    endmodule.                 " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    module STATUS_0100 output.
    SET PF-STATUS 'xxxxxxxx'.
    SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
    Create objects
         IF go_custom_container IS INITIAL.
         create object go_custom_container
            PARENT                      =
             container_name              = 'ALV_CONTAINER'  “UR CUSTOM CONTROL NAME
            STYLE                       =
            LIFETIME                    = lifetime_default
            REPID                       =
            DYNNR                       =
            NO_AUTODEF_PROGID_DYNNR     =
            CNTL_ERROR                  = 1
            CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR           = 2
            CREATE_ERROR                = 3
            LIFETIME_ERROR              = 4
            others                      = 6
         IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                    WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
         create object go_grid
            I_SHELLSTYLE      = 0
            I_LIFETIME        =
             i_parent          = go_custom_container
            I_APPL_EVENTS     = space
            I_PARENTDBG       =
            I_APPLOGPARENT    =
            I_GRAPHICSPARENT  =
            I_NAME            =
            ERROR_CNTL_CREATE = 1
            ERROR_CNTL_INIT   = 2
            ERROR_CNTL_LINK   = 3
            ERROR_DP_CREATE   = 4
            others            = 5
         IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                    WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    PERFORM load_data_into_grid.
    endmodule.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Form  load_data_into_grid
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form load_data_into_grid.
    SELECT *
           FROM sflight
           INTO TABLE gi_sflight.
    Load data into the grid and display them
    CALL METHOD go_grid->set_table_for_first_display
       I_BYPASSING_BUFFER            =
       I_BUFFER_ACTIVE               =
       I_CONSISTENCY_CHECK           =
        I_STRUCTURE_NAME              = 'SFLIGHT'
       IS_VARIANT                    =
       I_SAVE                        =
       I_DEFAULT                     = 'X'
       IS_LAYOUT                     =
       IS_PRINT                      =
       IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS             =
       IT_TOOLBAR_EXCLUDING          =
       IT_HYPERLINK                  =
       IT_ALV_GRAPHICS               =
       IT_EXCEPT_QINFO               =
        it_outtab                     = gi_sflight
       IT_FIELDCATALOG               =
       IT_SORT                       =
       IT_FILTER                     =
       PROGRAM_ERROR                 = 2
       TOO_MANY_LINES                = 3
       others                        = 4
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
               WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    endform.                    " load_data_into_grid
    Name of the structure would be a structure of your alv display and gi_sflight would be the internal containing the data.

  • Working with Object Relational model and Eclipse

    I have mad some types and typed tables in a schema on oracle 10g.
    My database respects the Object Relational model, in which I work with VARRAY, TYPES, NESTED TABLES, PL/SQL,...
    I have already install Enterprise Pack for Eclipse, and also have the Weblogic server, And I can generate tables. But the problem is that it gives to me this tables with wrong types, until they contains in fact other tables as Objet column, and also the types are not supported.
    Please need a help !
    Thank's in advance :)

    nhauge wrote:
    I want to make sure I understand the problem but will try to give you some information as well. So you have an Oracle 10g database in which you are using the object-relational database model with VARRAY's, etc. You say you are also trying to generate tables, but the generation is not working correctly. Are you using the "Generate tables from entities..." functionality? What is the source of the generated tables? I assume you generating from some type of JPA entity? Could you give a small example of the source you are generating from?
    In order to generate proper tables of this type, you would need to be using special TopLink/EclipseLink annotations such as @Array so the persistence provider would know that they are "special" and not just regular entities that would create standard relational tables.
    Thank you for your replay,
    well I'm generating that with "Generate tables from entities" of eclipse link.
    this is an example of what I have in the database:
    and this is what is generated(eclipselink-orm.xml):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <entity-mappings version="1.2" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
         <entity class="model.Chefterritoire" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idChef" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_CHEF"/>
                   <basic name="lesterritoires" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="nomChef" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_CHEF"/>
                   <basic name="tel" attribute-type="java.math.BigDecimal">
         <entity class="model.Client" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idClient" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_CLIENT"/>
                   <basic name="adresseClient" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="ADRESSE_CLIENT"/>
                   <basic name="dateP" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_P"/>
                   <basic name="lescommandes" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="nomClient" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_CLIENT"/>
                   <basic name="profession" attribute-type="String">
                   <basic name="refrepresentant" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="telClient" attribute-type="java.math.BigDecimal">
                        <column name="TEL_CLIENT"/>
         <entity class="model.Commande" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idCommande" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_COMMANDE"/>
                   <basic name="dateCommande" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_COMMANDE"/>
                   <basic name="dateLivraison" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_LIVRAISON"/>
                   <basic name="refreleve" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="refrepresentant" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="refvehicule" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="reprise" attribute-type="String">
         <entity class="model.Constructeur" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idConstructeur" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_CONSTRUCTEUR"/>
                   <basic name="adresseConstructeur" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="ADRESSE_CONSTRUCTEUR"/>
                   <basic name="lesreleves" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="nomConstructeur" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_CONSTRUCTEUR"/>
                   <basic name="refvehucule" attribute-type="Object">
         <entity class="model.LesccommandesN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESCCOMMANDES_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LescommandessN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESCOMMANDESS_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LescommandesN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESCOMMANDES_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LesoptionsN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESOPTIONS_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LesrepresentantsN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESREPRESENTANTS_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LessclientsN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESSCLIENTS_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LesscommandesN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESSCOMMANDES_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LesterritoiresN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESTERRITOIRES_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LesvehiculesN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESVEHICULES_N"/>
         <entity class="model.Modele" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idModele" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_MODELE"/>
                   <basic name="couleurExterieure" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="COULEUR_EXTERIEURE"/>
                   <basic name="couleurInterieure" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="COULEUR_INTERIEURE"/>
                   <basic name="lesoptions" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="lesvehicules" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="prix" attribute-type="double">
         <entity class="model.Option" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="OPTIONS"/>
                   <id name="idOption" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_OPTION"/>
                   <basic name="nomOption" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_OPTION"/>
                   <basic name="refmodele" attribute-type="Object">
         <entity class="model.Rapportvisite" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idRapport" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_RAPPORT"/>
                   <basic name="dateVisite" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_VISITE"/>
                   <basic name="frais" attribute-type="double">
                   <basic name="refclient" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="refrepresentant" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="resultat" attribute-type="String">
         <entity class="model.Releve" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idReleve" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_RELEVE"/>
                   <basic name="dateDebut" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_DEBUT"/>
                   <basic name="dateFin" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_FIN"/>
                   <basic name="lescommandes" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="refconst" attribute-type="Object">
         <entity class="model.RelevesN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="RELEVES_N"/>
         <entity class="model.Remise" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idRemise" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_REMISE"/>
                   <basic name="remise" attribute-type="double">
         <entity class="model.Representant" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idRepresentant" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_REPRESENTANT"/>
                   <basic name="lesclients" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="lescommandes" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="nomRepresentant" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_REPRESENTANT"/>
                   <basic name="refterritoire" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="typeRep" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="TYPE_REP"/>
         <entity class="model.Territoire" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idTerritoire" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_TERRITOIRE"/>
                   <basic name="lesrepresentants" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="nomTerritoire" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_TERRITOIRE"/>
                   <basic name="refchef" attribute-type="Object">
         <entity class="model.Vehicule" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idVehicule" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_VEHICULE"/>
                   <basic name="lescommandes" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="nomVehicule" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_VEHICULE"/>
                   <basic name="refavoir" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="refmodele" attribute-type="Object">
         <entity class="model.Visiteav" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idVisiteav" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_VISITEAV"/>
                   <basic name="dateDebut" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_DEBUT"/>
                   <basic name="dateFin" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_FIN"/>
                   <basic name="refclient" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="refrepresentant" attribute-type="Object">

  • Applet doesn't work with object tags--PLZ HELP!


    ooops! The applet is not displayed with object tags generated by HtmlConverter utility, The applet is supposed to display a JTable and connect to Oracle DB using JDBC. The web server is Tomcat 4.1.29
        classid = "clsid:CAFEEFAC-0014-0001-0002-BBCDEFFEDCBA"
        codebase = ",4,1,21"
        WIDTH = 800 HEIGHT = 500 NAME = "Edit Trunks" >
        <PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = "cbhtolApplet.class" >
        <PARAM NAME = ARCHIVE VALUE = "trnkapplet.jar,ojdbc14.jar" >
        <PARAM NAME = NAME VALUE = "Edit Trunks" >
        <PARAM NAME = "type" VALUE = "application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4.1_02a">
        <PARAM NAME = "scriptable" VALUE = "false">
                type = "application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4.1_02a"
                CODE = "cbhtolApplet.class"
                ARCHIVE = "trnkapplet.jar,ojdbc14.jar"
                NAME = "Edit Trunks"
                WIDTH = 800
                HEIGHT = 500
                scriptable = false
               pluginspage = "">
    </OBJECT>Appreciate your help!

  • A problem in working with objects

    I define the following structure to keep documents of an accounting System.
    But I deal with some problems to use it.
    Create or Replace Type DocT as Object(
         Account Number(6),
         Value Number(12),
         Comments VarChar2(30))
    Create or Replace Type DocTT as Table of DocT
    Create Table Docs (
              Code Number(8) Primary Key,
              FDate Date Not Null,
              Detail DocTT)
         Nested Table Detail Store As DocDetail
    For example, I want to catch Code of Documents that a special Acount is in it.
    But the following line cause an exception.
    What can I do? Please help me.
    Thanks alot.
    SQL> Select Code From Docs D,The(Select Detail From Docs Where Code=D.Code);
    select Code from Docs D,The(Select Detail From Docs Where Code=D.Code)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-03001: unimplemented feature

    What is the database server version you are using?
    I define the following structure to keep documents of an accounting System.
    But I deal with some problems to use it.
    Create or Replace Type DocT as Object(
         Account Number(6),
         Value Number(12),
         Comments VarChar2(30))
    Create or Replace Type DocTT as Table of DocT
    Create Table Docs (
              Code Number(8) Primary Key,
              FDate Date Not Null,
              Detail DocTT)
         Nested Table Detail Store As DocDetail
    For example, I want to catch Code of Documents that a special Acount is in it.
    But the following line cause an exception.
    What can I do? Please help me.
    Thanks alot.
    SQL> Select Code From Docs D,The(Select Detail From Docs Where Code=D.Code);
    select Code from Docs D,The(Select Detail From Docs Where Code=D.Code)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-03001: unimplemented feature

  • Working with objects \ beans inside a Swing.JTextPane

    javax.swing.text.html.ObjectVeiw Class
    Is it possible to set the size of on object, which is an instance of type Component
    Although these beans work fine, I can not set the width and height properties while they are embedded in the JTextPane. Attempts to give initial values of height & width within the object tag also fail.
    <HTML><BODY bgcolor="#00A0A0">
    Test This <P>page
    <p>This next object is a Simple Bean that extends Canvas
    <object classid="SimpleBean" width="150" height="150">
    <param name="width" value="10">               <! Does not work in JTextPane>
    <param name="height" value="200">     
    <param name="underText" value="Text for the Canvas">
    <p>This next object is a JTextPane
    <object classid="javax.swing.JTextPane">
    <param name="text" value="Embeded JTextPane">
    <param name="size" value"150,150">
    Also could you show me more HTML examples of use

    if there is
    a LayoutManager in use, it will overwrite the size you
    attempt to set. Only if the layout manager is null
    will doing a setSize() work properly.true

  • Scaling with key commands not working with objects or text frames

    Suddenly, I can no longer hold Shift+Option+Command to proportionally scale anything in InDesign CC 2014. Any suggestions?

    Which file do I want to trash or rename?

  • Working with Oracle Objects in JAVA - How-to do with views

    I am trying to access to Oracle object types from Java.
    My problem is, I have relational tables, Object Types and Object Views.
    All the examples I found from Oracle manuals are working with Object Tables(Table column is created as Object Type).
    You run a query and get this object type (oraconn.GetObject(1)) and the query is (SELECT * FROM Object_Table) so its get first column(which is an object type) and cast it to Java Class(with SQLDATA or ORADATA).
    The problem is that my data is in Relational Tables and I don't want to export them to Object tables.
    I want to get it from Object View.
    Is this possible? Or better is anybody has an example???
    Thx in advance

    I think you will be able to help me. your question made me to think that you will be able to help me. Here the question goes.
    I have a Stored Procedure which returns a user defined ROWTYPE(its a IN OUT param to the procedure). I need to call this procedure from my Java program. So I would like to know how to do it. Do we need to use any packages provided by oracle or some thing like that.
    thanks & regards,
    [email protected]

  • Working with Oracle Objects in JAVA - How to with views

    I am trying to access to Oracle object types from Java.
    My problem is, I have relational tables, Object Types and Object Views.
    All the examples I found from Oracle manuals are working with Object Tables(Table column is created as Object Type).
    You run a query and get this object type (oraconn.GetObject(1)) and the query is (SELECT * FROM Object_Table) so its get first column(which is an object type) and cast it to Java Class(with SQLDATA or ORADATA).
    The problem is that my data is in Relational Tables and I don't want to export them to Object tables.
    I want to get it from Object View.
    Is this possible? Or better is anybody has an example???
    Thx in advance

    I think you will be able to help me. your question made me to think that you will be able to help me. Here the question goes.
    I have a Stored Procedure which returns a user defined ROWTYPE(its a IN OUT param to the procedure). I need to call this procedure from my Java program. So I would like to know how to do it. Do we need to use any packages provided by oracle or some thing like that.
    thanks & regards,
    [email protected]

  • Work with Oracle Data Connection

    Hello, I'm Eugene Buzin.
    I begin to use the last version of ODT for VS.NET 2005. I havn't used it before.
    As I conect to shema via data connection node then I can see and work with objects that are in this schema only. I have grants to select and update objects in other schemas, moreover there are public synonyms for these objects but I can't see them via specific connection. Of course I can add connection node per every schema but I don't know login to all of them. I have access to some objects via synonyms only. Please suggest me what I can do in this situation. My e-mail is: [email protected]
    Good by and have a greate day.
    Very truly yours Eugene V. Buzin.
    Sept. 1, 2006.

    You connect to WHAT with scott/tiger? To sqlserver or to Oracle? The message itself is an odbc message, so I think it's the connection to sqlserver and it's very likely here user scott does not exist. Give us more informations what you are actually doing.

  • Any experience with Object Types and Forms6i / 9i ???

    Has anyone got any experience in working with Object Types and Object Views together with Forms 6i or 9i???
    Rob Zoeteweij

    Hi AnneCarmen,
    Check this small video,
    This is just an example where I am trying to demonstrate how the html embedded into the frame sticks to only one image and not to all the other images. Also, how to keep the thumbnails. Under menu options you can modify the transition and speed option as per your need.
    Abhishek Maurya

  • Help on "Programming with Objective-C Exercise.

    I'm working through the "Programming with Objective-C exercise and in the chapter "Working with Objects," there is a question to use the factory method as follows:
    Implement the XYZPerson class person factory method you declared in the previous chapter, to return a correctly allocated and initialized instance of the XYZPerson class, then use the method in main() instead of your nested allocand init.
    Tip: Rather than using [[XYZPerson alloc] init] in the class factory method, instead try using [[self alloc] init].Using self in a class factory method means that you’re referring to the class itself.This means that you don’t have to override the person method in the XYZShoutingPerson implementation to create the correct instance. Test this by checking that: 
        XYZShoutingPerson *shoutingPerson = [XYZShoutingPerson person];creates the correct type of object. 
    I'm not sure how to impliment the "person" method.
    My code looks as follows:
         [[self alloc]init];
    After this I get various error messages when I try to change the code.
    What is the benefit of using this initiation versus the [[XYZPerson alloc]init]; ?
    Thank you.

    I tried that but i got an error message: "result expression unused".
         [[self alloc] init];
    in my main.m file,
    XYZShoutingPerson *shoutingPerson = [XYZShoutingPerson person];
    also gives me an error message "innitializing 'XYZShoutingPerson * __strong' with an expression og incompadible type 'void'
    this is the link to the page from which I found the exercise. ngWithObjectiveC/WorkingwithObjects/WorkingwithObjects.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/ TP40011210-CH4-SW1

  • LR4.1 : "Edit-In" "Open as Smart Object with Photoshop..." feature doesn't work with 32bits

    Hi there,
    I am running LR4.1/CS5/ACR6.7 on a Win7 64bits system.
    The feature "Edit-In" > "Open as Smart Object with Photoshop..." does work Ok with raw files (.NEF).
    However, when i do try to use the same feature with 32 bits .TIFF files (which are output of the LR4.1's "Edit-In" > "Merge to HDR Pro in Photoshop..." other feature), nothing does happen (the Photoshop application windows does open but w.o the image that i've just selected).
    I've used search engines and Adobe online help to see if there was any limit preventing the usage of this feature with 32 bits .TIF files but couldn't see such note.
    Thanks for your help !

    Thanks Rikk,
    That did work with a DNG file :-)
    I am working with very huge .TIF files (400MB), so i am wondering if size could be the main issue (although my PC has lots of HW resources).
    I will explore the DNG way, a format which seems anyways to be very promising now with LR4.
    In case anyone has an idea why it doesn't work the .TIF files, please shoot !

  • What is QueryAsAWebSerivces ? and How it works with Business Object XI Rel

    Hi Support,
    We have Business Object XI Rel 2 (Crystal report XI Rel 2, live Office and Excelsius 4.5).  I have taken the course on the SAP Online Learning site. "BU371e - Crystal Xcelsius: Designing Advanced Interactive Presentations.".  In the lesson 6, (see the screen beblow) I found out "QueryAsWebSerives" is very interested product because it allow me to connect  directly to a universe which has not been installed into my PC.  
    Could you please explain to me how to get "QueryAsWebServices" tool and How it supports or works with Bussiness Objects XI Rel 2?  What are the requirements for it?
    How can I see you the attachment screen?
    Thank in advance,
    Maria Pham
    Maria Pham / Corporate Reporting Analyst
    Frankston City Council u2014 Information Services
    Civic Centre, Corner Young & Davey Streets, Frankston, Vic, 3199
    Phone: 03 9784 1991   Fax: 03 9784 1833

    QAAWS is part of the Productivity Pack of BOBJ XI R2. Productivity Pack comes for free and is compatible with the Service PAck 2 or higher.
    You can download the productivity pack from [here| ]
    If you want to know how to use QAAWS please refer to the [Query as a Web Service Guide|]
    Hope this helps!!!

  • Embedded PDF object .postMessage doesn't work with Reader DC on IE

    In our application, we have PDFs embedded in the browser with an object tag such as this:
    <object id="pdfObject" width="100%" height="100%" type="application/pdf" data="#{url}"></object>
    There are HTML/Javascript controls on the page which communicate with the PDF via this syntax:
    This has been working great with Adobe Reader versions 10+.  It actually still works with Reader DC on Firefox.  However, there is a problem with Adobe Reader DC on Internet Explorer version 11.
    All I can tell so far is the "postMessage" function isn't appearing.  Using IE dev tools:
    Object doesn't support this property or method
    Any help with this would be amazing.  It is a critical part of our application here.

    My application has two-way communication between browser and embedded PDF.  Basically a user clicks a button on the browser and via Javascript the embedded PDF form is submitted.  Everything was working before the update to Reader DC, but now it fails in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox (or Chrome, if the Reader plugin isn't disabled entirely by their new default disable-NPAPI plugin policy...)
    I originally was troubleshooting communication from the browser to the embedded PDF, which is done according to the Javascript for Acrobat API reference (page 358?), in the browser, as follows:  document.getElementById('pdfObject').postMessage([args])
    Whatever is happening, postMessage is not a valid property or method of the PDF object
    Then I found this other thread:
    Adobe Reader DC: hostContainer not worked on IE
    I confirmed that within the embedded PDF, when setting up communication from the PDF to the browser, it is not able to register the hostContainer (again, on IE only)
    I have this script on initialization within the PDF:
    this.disclosed = true;
    if (this.hostContainer) this.hostContainer.messageHandler.onMessage = onMessageFunc
    this.hostContainer.messageHandler.onDisclose = function() { return true; }; }
    Problem is this.hostContainer is null.
    The main point here is all of this was definitely working before updating to Reader DC, and is still working with DC on Firefox, but not on IE.
    To complicate things further, I have now uninstalled DC and downgraded to Reader, and am having a new bug, this time hostContainer is detected and communication to and from the PDF works again, but the submitForm action is failing with "Unable to open URL to submit this form" and "External undefined: exec".  Testing the exact same version and script with Firefox works fine

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