Would Anyone Mind Giving A Few Tips To Make This Script More Robust?

Hello. I haven't done any scripting before but I've written this script to run as a post-recording process in Audio Hijack Pro:
on process(theArgs)
-- This part of the script will disable any timers that are set to repeat exactly 7 days (±1 minute) after the recording started
-- Dates have the format "Monday 1 January 2007 12:00:00"
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro"
set allSessions to every session
repeat with eachSession in allSessions
set allTimers to every timer in eachSession
repeat with eachTimer in allTimers
try -- The try protects against empty values of "next run date"
set nextDate to word 1 of ((next run date of eachTimer) as string)
set nextDay to word 2 of ((next run date of eachTimer) as string)
set nextMonth to word 3 of ((next run date of eachTimer) as string)
set nextYear to word 4 of ((next run date of eachTimer) as string)
set nextHour to word 5 of ((next run date of eachTimer) as string)
set nextMin to word 6 of ((next run date of eachTimer) as string) as number
set weekOn to ((current date) + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7) - (duration of eachTimer)) -- This calculates the date in 7 days, less the duration of the timer
set weekOnDate to word 1 of (weekOn as string)
set weekOnDay to word 2 of (weekOn as string)
set weekOnMonth to word 3 of (weekOn as string)
set weekOnYear to word 4 of (weekOn as string)
set weekOnHour to word 5 of (weekOn as string)
set weekOnMin to word 6 of (weekOn as string) as number
if nextDate is equal to weekOnDate and nextDay is equal to weekOnDay and nextMonth is equal to weekOnMonth and nextYear is equal to weekOnYear and nextHour is equal to weekOnHour and nextMin is greater than (weekOnMin - 60) and nextMin is less than (weekOnMin + 60) then
set enabled of eachTimer to false
end if
end try
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
-- The script then goes on to import the recordings into iTunes (as wavs), set tags and copy the wavs up to the server
if class of theArgs is not list then -- This is a standard Audio Hijack Pro routine
set theArgs to {theArgs}
end if
set recordedFiles to {} -- This will protect against theArgs being changed by Audio Hijack Pro whilst this script is still running
set recordedFiles to theArgs
set convertedFileList to {} -- This will keep track of the paths to the imported files
tell application "iTunes"
set current encoder to encoder "WAV Encoder"
copy (convert recordedFiles) to trackList -- Do the conversion
if class of trackList is not list then
set trackList to {trackList}
end if
repeat with eachTrack in trackList -- Set the tags
set artist of eachTrack to "Theatre Archive"
set album of eachTrack to word 1 of ((name of eachTrack) as string)
set convertedFileList to convertedFileList & (location of eachTrack as alias)
end repeat
end tell
tell application "Finder"
repeat with eachFile in convertedFileList
-- This section (down to HERE) is a subroutine to delay the file copy until iTunes has finished creating the files
set currentSize to size of (info for eachFile)
delay 1
set latestSize to size of (info for eachFile)
repeat until currentSize is equal to latestSize -- Keep checking the size every second to see if it's stopped changing
set currentSize to size of (info for eachFile)
delay 1
set latestSize to size of (info for eachFile)
end repeat
-- ...HERE
duplicate eachFile to "Server HD:" as alias -- Copy the files up to the server
end repeat
end tell
end process
The idea is that it disables the repeating timer that created the recording (as I don't necessarily want it to repeat every week), converts the recording to wav in iTunes and then copies the wav up to our server. If I run it too many times in quick succession some files don't get converted, and then some wavs don't get copied to the server. I'd like to know a way of getting it to tell me why not!
Thanks for any advice you can give.

Since you specifically ask if people can make it 'more robust', it would help if you indicated which areas, if any, were of particular concern.
For example, does the script frequently fail in one particular area?
That would help narrow it down significantly. There's little point in people deeply analyzing code that works just fine.
If, on the other hand, you're looking for optimizations, there are several that come to mind.
Firstly, you're making repeated coercions of a date to a string in order to compare them. String comparisons for dates are inherently dangerous for many reasons.
For one, different users might have different settings for their date format.
Both "Monday May 28th 2007 1:02:03am" and "28th May 2007 1:02:03am" are valid coercions of a date to a string, depending on the user's preferences.
You might expect the former format whereas the current system settings use the latter so now 'word 1" returns "28th" rather than "Monday" as you expect.
The problem is exascerbated by the fact that since you're coercing to strings you're now using alphabetical sorting, not numeric sorting. This is critical because in an alpha sort "3rd" comes AFTER "20th" because the character '3' comes after the character '2'. However I'm guessing you'd want events on the 3rd of the month to be sorted before events on the 20th.
So the solution here is to throw away the entire block of code that does the date-to-string coercions. If my reading of the code and the expected values is correct it can all be reduced from:
<pre class=command>set nextDate to word 1 of ((next run date of eachTimer) as string)
set nextDay to word 2 of ((next run date of eachTimer) as string)
set nextMonth to word 3 of ((next run date of eachTimer) as string)
set nextYear to word 4 of ((next run date of eachTimer) as string)
set nextHour to word 5 of ((next run date of eachTimer) as string)
set nextMin to word 6 of ((next run date of eachTimer) as string) as number
set weekOn to ((current date) + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7) - (duration of eachTimer)) -- This calculates the date in 7 days, less the duration of the timer
set weekOnDate to word 1 of (weekOn as string)
set weekOnDay to word 2 of (weekOn as string)
set weekOnMonth to word 3 of (weekOn as string)
set weekOnYear to word 4 of (weekOn as string)
set weekOnHour to word 5 of (weekOn as string)
set weekOnMin to word 6 of (weekOn as string) as number
if nextDate is equal to weekOnDate and nextDay is equal to weekOnDay and nextMonth is equal to weekOnMonth and nextYear is equal to weekOnYear and nextHour is equal to weekOnHour and nextMin is greater than (weekOnMin - 60) and nextMin is less than (weekOnMin + 60) then
set enabled of eachTimer to false
end if</pre>
<pre class=command>set nextDate next run date of eachTimer
set weekOn to ((current date) + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7) - (duration of eachTimer)) -- This calculates the date in 7 days, less the duration of the timer
if nextDate is greater than (weekOn - 60) and nextDate is less than (weekOn + 60) then
set enabled of eachTimer to false
end if</pre>
The next area of concern is your copying of the files to the server. I don't understand why you have all the delays and file size comparisons.
Given a list of aliases convertedFileList, you can simply:
<pre class=command>tell application "Finder"
duplicate convertedFileList to "Server HD" as alias
end tell</pre>
The Finder will copy all the files in one go and you don't need the repeat loop or the delays.

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    *   imports
    // include the Math import
    import java.lang.Math.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class DrunkWalker
         *      data items
        private static char ch[][] = new char[10][10];
        private static int  randNSEW;
        private static int  stopCode = 0;
        private     static int  row = 0;
        private     static int  col = 0;
        private     static int  alphaIndex = 0;
        private static char autoAlpha = 'A';
        public static void main(String args[])
              String inStrRow = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your starting row:\nAny number between " +
                                                                    "'0' and '9'");
             String inStrColumn = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your starting column\nAny number " +
                                                                    "between '0' and '9'");
              row = Integer.parseInt(inStrRow);
              col = Integer.parseInt(inStrColumn);
             while (stopCode != 1)
                   System.out.println("[" + row + ", " + col + "]"); // added
                     case 0:
                         if(ch[row-1][col] == '.' && checkNorth() == true)     //north
                             ch[row-1][col] = (autoAlpha);
                             row = row - 1;
                        else if(ch[row][col+1] == '.' && checkEast() == true)               //east
                             ch[row][col+1] = (autoAlpha);
                             col = col + 1;
                        else if(ch[row+1][col] == '.' && checkSouth() == true)                         //south
                             ch[row+1][col] = (autoAlpha);
                             row = row + 1;
                        else if(ch[row][col-1] == '.' && checkWest() == true)                         //west
                             ch[row][col-1] = (autoAlpha);
                             col = col - 1;
                             stopCode = 1;
                     case 1:
                         if(ch[row][col+1] == '.' && checkEast() == true)
                             ch[row][col+1] = (autoAlpha);
                             col = col + 1;
                         else if(ch[row+1][col] == '.' && checkSouth() == true)
                             ch[row+1][col] = (autoAlpha);
                             row = row + 1;
                        else if(ch[row][col-1] == '.' && checkWest() == true)
                             ch[row][col-1] = (autoAlpha);
                             col = col - 1;
                        else if(ch[row-1][col] == '.' && checkNorth() == true)
                             ch[row-1][col] = (autoAlpha);
                             row = row - 1;
                             stopCode = 1;
                     case 2:
                        if(ch[row+1][col] == '.' && checkSouth() == true)                         //south
                             ch[row+1][col] = (autoAlpha);
                             row = row + 1;
                        else if(ch[row][col-1] == '.' && checkWest() == true)                         //west
                             ch[row][col-1] = (autoAlpha);
                             col = col - 1;
                         else if(ch[row-1][col] == '.' && checkNorth() == true)                         //north
                             ch[row-1][col] = (autoAlpha);
                             row = row - 1;
                        else if(ch[row][col+1] == '.' && checkEast() == true)                         //east
                             ch[row][col+1] = (autoAlpha);
                             col = col + 1;
                             stopCode = 1;
                     case 3:
                        if(ch[row][col-1] == '.' && checkWest() == true)                         //west
                             ch[row][col-1] = (autoAlpha);
                             col = col - 1;
                             else if(ch[row-1][col] == '.' && checkNorth() == true)                         //north
                             ch[row-1][col] = (autoAlpha);
                             row = row - 1;
                        else if(ch[row][col+1] == '.' && checkEast() == true)                         //east
                             ch[row][col+1] = (autoAlpha);
                             col = col + 1;
                        else if(ch[row+1][col] == '.' && checkSouth() == true)                         //south
                             ch[row+1][col] = (autoAlpha);
                             row = row + 1;
                             stopCode = 1;
                 } // end switch
                 if(alphaIndex == 26)
                    stopCode = 1;
             } // end while loop
         }  // end main
         public static void loadArray()
              int row;
              int col;
              for(row=0; row<10; row++)
                  for(col=0; col<10; col++)
                      ch[row][col] = '.';
         }// end loadArray
         public static void printArray()
              int row;
              int col;
              for(row=0; row<10; row++)
                  for(col=0; col<10; col++)
         }// end printArray
         public static void getRand()
              int x100 = 0;
              double randomNum = 0.0;
              randomNum = Math.random();
              x100= (int)(randomNum * 100);
              randNSEW = x100 % 4;
         public static int getRow()
              return row;
         public static int getCol()
              return col;
         public static boolean checkNorth()
              if(getRow() - 1 == -1)
                   return false;
                   return true;
         public static boolean checkEast()
              if(getCol() + 1 >= 10)
                   return false;
                   return true;
         public static boolean checkSouth()
              if(getRow() + 1 >= 10 )
                   return false;
                   return true;
         public static boolean checkWest()
              if(getCol() - 1 == -1)
                   return false;
                   return true;

    ...it was Antipattern... wikipedia page is right that error handling would always be slower. I decided that I should also check how much slower the exception handling code is in comparison to normal one, and I was amazed to see that it was very very slow. According to some tests I performed, it was *7-8 times slower!!* So, this has further assured me, and I will never use this coding style, I will also change the code of my minesweeper game ;-)
    Here is the code which I used for testing:
    import java.util.Random;
    * @author talha
    public class DrunkWalkerTesting {
        private static char ch[][] = new char[10][10];
        private static int randNSEW;
        private static int row = 0,  col = 0;
        private static int alphaIndex = 0;
        private static Random random = new Random();
        final static int NORTH = 0;
        final static int EAST = 1;
        final static int SOUTH = 2;
        final static int WEST = 3;
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long originalseed=start;
            for (int count = 0; count < 10000; count++) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
            long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long timeTakenLoadingArray = end - start;
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for (int count = 0; count < 10000; count++) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
                        row = i;
                        col = j;
                        alphaIndex = 0;
            end = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long timeTakenNormal = end - start;
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for (int count = 0; count < 10000; count++) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
                        row = i;
                        col = j;
                        alphaIndex = 0;
            end = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long timeTakenException = end - start;
            double secondsNormal = ((double)timeTakenNormal - timeTakenLoadingArray) / 1000;
            double secondsException = ((double)timeTakenException - timeTakenLoadingArray) / 1000;
            System.out.println("Time for 1000000 runs of normal case:" + secondsNormal +" sec");
            System.out.println("Time for 1000000 runs of exception case:" + secondsException +" sec");
        private static void drunkWalk() {
            while (true) {
                randNSEW = random.nextInt(4);
                boolean noWhereToMove = false;
                int counter = 0;
                while (!noWhereToMove) {
                    switch (randNSEW) {
                        case NORTH:
                        case EAST:
                        case SOUTH:
                        case WEST:
                    if (row < 0 || row > 9 || col < 0 || col > 9) {
                        //hit the boundary...
                    } else if (ch[row][col] == '.') {
                        ch[row][col] = (char) ('A' + alphaIndex++);
                    } else {
                        //can't move, already visited
                    if (counter++ == 4) {
                        noWhereToMove = true;
                if (noWhereToMove || alphaIndex == 26) {
        private static void drunkWalkException() {
            while (true) {
                randNSEW = random.nextInt(4);
                boolean noWhereToMove = false;
                int counter = 0;
                while (!noWhereToMove) {
                    try {
                        switch (randNSEW) {
                            case NORTH:
                            case EAST:
                            case SOUTH:
                            case WEST:
                        if (ch[row][col] == '.') {
                            ch[row][col] = (char) ('A' + alphaIndex++);
                        } else {
                            //can't move, already visited
                    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                        //hit the boundary...
                    if (counter++ == 4) {
                        noWhereToMove = true;
                if (noWhereToMove || alphaIndex == 26) {
        private static void tryAnotherDirection() {
            switch (randNSEW) {  //restore old index values
                case NORTH:
                case EAST:
                case SOUTH:
                case WEST:
            randNSEW = (randNSEW + 1) % 4; //try other direction
        public static void loadArray() {
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
                    ch[i][j] = '.';
        public static void printArray() {
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
                    System.out.print(" " + ch[i][j]);
    }Thanks once again Mr.Warner, if you hadn't criticized me, then I would not have stopped using this darned coding style. I will try never to catch runtime exceptions, and code such that they are never thrown.

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    ''guigs2 [[#answer-680061|said]]''
    That is how I delete individual websites from history, what steps were you taking to delete the site entry?
    I usually just highlight websites under a specific day of "history" and hit the delete button on my keyboard. Gone.
    When that didn't work for the one website, I tried right clicking that line, and a variety of other things. The specific website just would not go away. I just did not want to delete 7 days of history at one swipe of the delete key. Finally I went out to Firefox's 'Getting Started,' and in the left column was 'Privacy & Security Settings.' There is a section under Privacy & Security Settings called Delete Browsing Search and Download History. I read those items to see if there was something I was missing. One was called "How do I remove a single website from my history?" Followed instructions and just that website popped up. Highlighted those items from that site and deleted. Gone. Still do not know why the website would not delete in the first place. Makes a paranoid more paranoid about websites watching you.

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    I just figured out the print quality issue for my wife with her new iMac and new printer.
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    The driver options are completely different depending on how you connect.
    Once I connected via USB the correct options were available and the print quality was better.
    Looking at the R2400 it dies not have wifi, but while researching the problem for my wife someone esle was having an issue updating to the latest printer driver.
    If you go into the print utility from the Printer and Scanner system preference and under the general tab you should have driver 5.5.
    One user had to delete the old printer driver before Software Update loaded the newer printer driver.
    On my MacBook Pro (w Snow Leopard) I always had to reconnect my wifi at home when it woke up. I upgraded my router from an old Netgear to a newer N D-Link and stopped having to do that.
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    Sorry, my mistake. It's the same vendor, though, if you hadn't figured that out. If your 800 MHz iBook has a Combo drive, you need the translucent display. If it has a CD-ROM optical drive, you need the opaque.
    For the translucent display:
    For the opaque (later models):

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    Hi all
    I've got a bit of a problem, and am a bit out of my depth... I've got Flash 8, and have been creating a web site for a friend of mine, who is a playwright - partly as a favour to him, and partly as a bit of a challenge to myself.
    If you want to take a look at the site, it's here: www.danielbrian.co.uk
    The problem I have is that I have created a button, which, when clicked, should lead to another page. This uses the GetURL method. All works fine in IE, but not in any other browsers - I've tried Opera, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
    Having had a good look around various forums, I've read lots of posts about a bug in Firefox, and lots about how it's probably a pop-up blocker. I don't think it's the pop-up blocker issue, as there doesn't appear to be any attempt to open a page. And unfortunately, the other solutions I've seen get very quickly (within about 2 lines, normally!) beyond my comprehension, as I know no Javascript or ActionScript, beyond what Flash will write on my behalf!!
    I promised my friend that I'd do this for him some months ago now, when my own business (not in web design!) was quiet, but now I'm rather busier and much as I'd love to, I can't spend the time learning ActionScript to a level where I can put this right....
    Would anyone be prepared to take a look at the .fla file for me and see where I'm going wrong? I can't, I'm afraid, afford to pay a web developer to do so on a commercial basis, but I'll happily make a donation to a charity of your choice if you can help... I just feel bad that I promised to get this done and now can't!
    Thanks in advance.

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    I've got a bit of a problem, and am a bit out of my depth... I've got Flash 8, and have been creating a web site for a friend of mine, who is a playwright - partly as a favour to him, and partly as a bit of a challenge to myself.
    If you want to take a look at the site, it's here: www.danielbrian.co.uk
    The problem I have is that I have created a button, which, when clicked, should lead to another page. This uses the GetURL method. All works fine in IE, but not in any other browsers - I've tried Opera, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
    Having had a good look around various forums, I've read lots of posts about a bug in Firefox, and lots about how it's probably a pop-up blocker. I don't think it's the pop-up blocker issue, as there doesn't appear to be any attempt to open a page. And unfortunately, the other solutions I've seen get very quickly (within about 2 lines, normally!) beyond my comprehension, as I know no Javascript or ActionScript, beyond what Flash will write on my behalf!!
    I promised my friend that I'd do this for him some months ago now, when my own business (not in web design!) was quiet, but now I'm rather busier and much as I'd love to, I can't spend the time learning ActionScript to a level where I can put this right....
    Would anyone be prepared to take a look at the .fla file for me and see where I'm going wrong? I can't, I'm afraid, afford to pay a web developer to do so on a commercial basis, but I'll happily make a donation to a charity of your choice if you can help... I just feel bad that I promised to get this done and now can't!
    Thanks in advance.

  • I am having a problem moving across cells in Microsoft Excel. When I use the arrow keys, the sheet moves, instead of moving to the next cell. Would anyone have any thoughts on this, please?

    I am having a problem moving across cells in Microsoft Excel. When I use the arrow keys, the sheet moves, instead of moving to the next cell. Would anyone have any thoughts on this, please?

    Did you find a way to solve your problem ? We have exactly the same for one application and we are using the same version of HFM :
    This problem is only about webforms. We can correctly input data through Data Grids or Client 32.
    Thank you in advance for your answer.

  • Hello , I need to find the serial number of my programs . Would anyone know where and how to do it? The programs are installed on PC Thank you

    Hello , I need to find the serial number of my programs .
    Would anyone know where and how to do it?
    The programs are installed on PC
    Thank you

    Find your serial number quickly

  • Would love to see a few things added...

    Would love to see a few things added... the ability to easily add noise and to have more font adaptability.  I usually have to go to another app for this.  Any chance of these being included in app?

    Maybe you can buy two Lenovo products, one is the latest ThinkPad Compact Bluetooth or USB Keyboard with TrackPoint, another is a ThinkPad Numpad.

  • Would anyone please give me a test result of Oracle 9iFS

    We want to build a content management system. We've already built a MIS and the data stored in a Oracle database . The data in the content management will be used by the MIS . would anyone please give us a test result of Oracle 9iFS. We want know the capability, reliability of 9iFS . It will be appreciated If anyone can give us some proposes.
    thanks .

    Thanks for replying. i've tried doing it with one square as a
    movie clip symbol and then flipping that square over with the 3d
    rotation tool and then over and over. but i'm having to draw other
    squares on other layers to make up the rest of the square as it
    gets created. is this the right way to do it? what would be the
    simplest way? i know you said its just an animation, but how would
    you create the animation?

  • In my email all the messages from one person bunch together and I would like to separate them. I have done this before on my iPhone but just recently got an iPad and its doing it on this, so does anyone have any ideas how to fix this issue?

    In my email all the messages from one person bunch together and I would like to separate them. I have done this before on my iPhone but just recently got an iPad and its doing it on this, so does anyone have any ideas how to fix this issue?

    Settings >> Mail, Contacts. Calendars >> Organise by Thread. Switch to OFF to see every individual email in the Inbox.

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