Write back options

Hi all,
My client have a requirement where the user wants to see a rating report and wants to write back the reasons for the rating back in to the data provider using a front end application.
The scenario is like this. My client has vendors for which they want to assign rating.
The total rate they can assign is 100. Now suppose that they assign rating as 80.
Now they want to assign the reason for which rating was reduced by 20.
So in the front end application they should be able to enter reason code and percentage value  aginst the vendor
In the above example
vendor name, reason1, 15
vendor name, reason2, 5
Now the above data should go to a data target and the user shuld be able to see the report in real time.
Can any one suggest possible ways of doing it? What are the pros and cons of each option.

Guess you need to do vendor evaluation ,
go for IP-Integrated planning ,check below for insights-
Hope it Helps

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    Hi Magudapathi,
    Did you get the solution for this? I am also facing same issue

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    There has to be a user interaction - i.e. typing something. You can't just update the DB with some value you calculate.

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    yes. Its available.
    Use the following vengat Block for the step by step.

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    Assume that you have an excel workbook with one sheet called for instance "MySheet" that you want to insert/update on one column called "MyValue".
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    Just to check, did yiou restart the presentation services after placing the xml file?
    Is the template name in answers "SetKPIValue" consistent with the .xml file as you mentioned?
    Now, if you could try by putting a hard coded value in the update statement as well.
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    P.S. Numeric columns must contain numbers only. They should not contain any data formatting characters such as dollar signs ($), pound signs or hash signs (#), percent signs (%), and so on. [Oracle Admin Guide]
    Edited by: 855532 on Jul 13, 2011 1:52 AM

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    Yes you can use Write back to capture user ID and session.
    Edited by: Venkat Krishna on Aug 23, 2011 8:47 AM

  • Write Back in 11G

    How to implement write back option in 11G.

    Please check the below steps and refer the below links.
    1. Problem your XMl Script
    2. If null value not present in your columns in your table in database.The ; problem has occured.
    please check below steps.
    1. Are you using OCI or ODBC in your connection pool? Try it with OCI Call Interface 11g.
    2.Remove the commit tag from the XML file.
    This xml file working for me.
    A couple of small adjustments got your XML to work here:
    <?xml version="1.0"; encoding="utf-8"?>
    <WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="com.siebel.analytics.web/message/v1";>
    <WebMessageTable lang="en-us" system="WriteBack" table="Messages">
    <WebMessage name="WriteBack">
    <writeBack connectionPool="Connection Pool">
    values (@{c7},@{c8},@{c9},@{c10},@{c11},@{c5} ) </insert>
    <update> </update>
    The <writeBack> tag is written with a lower case "w".
    The "connetionPool" needs an upper case "P".
    I think that you have to specify also an SQL statement for the update tag, for example:
    <?xml version="1.0"; encoding="utf-8"?>
    <WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="com.siebel.analytics.web/message/v1";>
    <WebMessageTable lang="en-us" system="WriteBack" table="Messages">
    <WebMessage name="pmet_update">
    <writeBack connectionPool="PMTCOG">
    <insert> select null from dual</insert>
    <update> UPDATE XREF_PMET_URL SET URL= '@{c1}' WHERE API='@{c0}'</update>
    The witeback wants for both the tags (<insert></insert> and <update></update>) an SQL Statement.
    Hope this help's

  • Write Back in OBIEE

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    Is there any document about write back?
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    Hi Pooja,
    I have learned , how to use the OBIEE writeback from this article. Please award points if find useful.
    let me know if any questions.
    Thanks and Regards

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    Also please let me know the requirements and timeline to upgrade from SA 7.8.2 to 7.8.4. What are all the general factors (infrastructure change, additional components, configuration changes, etc) affecting the up gradation?

    Hello Everyone,
    The write back feature is working fine. There was an issue privilege setting in rpd.
    Now one field is getting editable while pressing Update button in the dashboard report and type new value and pressing Apply button, data is getting updated in to DB table.
    To aviod the manual entry i want to enter a value from some kind of dropdown or any choice box. So could you please let me know how can i achieve this functionality.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Write Back in MUDE

    Hi All,
    When I'm using WriteBack and if 2 users inserted a record each at same time, what will happen?
    Can anybody suggest on this?

    Hello Sriram,
    In the write back XML, you can give explicit commit, which does not depend on database commit time.
    So, as soon as you enter, it will commit, and when others try there will not be lock on the table. unless there is lock, i feel there will not be issues using writeback.
    if you wish to try, do a insert from sql developer or toad and don't issue commit, and try using write back option to enter data from BI... until you do commit/rollback in the sql developer or toad your will not see update successful message in BI.
    use this tag in the XML <postUpdate>COMMIT</postUpdate>

  • Write Back Funtionality not working.

    Hi All,
    I am trying write back functionality which is not working for me...Here is what I did..followed
    oraclebizint.wordpress.com/.../oracle-bi-ee-101332-write-back-option-budgetingplanning/ -
    1) Connection Pool settings default
    2) Created a report which has 4 columns s_no, s_name, marks, remarks from a DB Table "test_write_back"
    3) In the properties of column 4 Remarks, I have selected write Back.
    4) For Administrator i have given permission.
    5) My XML is below
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="com.siebel.analytics.web/message/v1">
    <WebMessageTable lang="en-us" system="WriteBack" table="Messages">
    <WebMessage name="SHNEW">
    <WriteBack connectionpool="Connection Pool">
    <insert>INSERT INTO test_write_back (s_no, s_name, marks, remarks)VALUES (@{c0},@{c1},@{C2},@{C4}) </insert>
    <Update> </Update>
    6) I have placed XML in C:\OracleBI\web\msgdb\l_en\messages
    7) I am getting button in UI report, when I click on that I am getting error
    "The system is unable to read the Write Back Template 'SHNEW'. Please contact your system administrator."
    I read blogs and few other notes I understood there is some issue with my XML, I tried all possible is there anything missing here...
    A) I created or enabled Write back in only one column "Remarks" and I want only that column to be updated from UI
    What changes required if any in XML?
    and Is there any permissions checking
    Thanks in Advance.
    Please help

    Hi Goran,
    Thanks for the reply...
    -->I tried to place the file in the correct folder.
    --> And also corrected the Insert statment with ' ' for character fields
    --> My "Remarks" column in DB was null, i have updated with some text initially...
    Still I am getting same error....
    I guess there is some issue with XML...
    Can you anybody help me pls..

  • Write Back Capability in Essbase

    Dear All,
    I read some where BSO has a direct write-back capability which is not possible in ASO, correct me if i'm wrong. Now my doubt is What is write back capability.

    'Write-back' refers to the ability of end-users to send values directly to the cube from a combined read / write interface such as the Essbase Excel Add-In, Smart View, Dodeca, Planning etc. A user can look at a value retrieved from the cube, decide for whatever reason that he or she wishes to change it, enter a new value and 'write it back'.
    This is in contrast to data loaded (usually as part of a batch process) from an external system.
    ASO is one of the two data storage mechanisms available in Essbase - it stands for 'Aggregate Storage Option'. As John said, write back to ASO cubes is only possible at 'level zero', and this feature was not introduced until version 9.3.1. If you aren't clear what 'level zero' means, I suggest reading this section of the Database Administrator's Guide: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17236_01/epm.1112/esb_dbag/frameset.htm?dinconc.html

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    Edited by: jomuelle on Mar 30, 2011 12:44 PM

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