Write Elvis Programms on Labview

first i am new on Labview.
I wanted to write a Program on Labview for NI Elvis II.
But i didnt find anyy possibility using and input from the Elvis Board.
Do i need to install some special Libs? If yes where are they?

Launch LabVIEW, then run Help >> Example Finder and search for Elvis.  Many examples should be installed.  Also go to your palette on the block diagram and search for Elvis and you'll find the palette with all the function calls.
If you are new to LabVIEW you may want some free training.
3 Hour Introduction http://www.ni.com/white-paper/5243/en/
6 Hour Introduction http://www.ni.com/white-paper/5241/en/
LabVEW Basics http://www.ni.com/gettingstarted/labviewbasics/
Self Paced training for students http://www.ni.com/academic/students/learn/
Self Paced training beginner to advanced, SSP Required http://sine.ni.com/myni/self-paced-training/app/main.xhtml
LabVIEW Wiki on Training http://labviewwiki.org/LabVIEW_tutorial#External_Links
Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines - Hooovahh - LabVIEW Overlord
If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.

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    What's confusing is your statement that you want to do this "without display the test stand program". You can minimize the TestStand UI to the task bar but if you don't want TestStand to be running, how can TestStand evaluate the result. Explain a little more please.
    In the message body of your post, you just say you want to create a LabVIEW exe and pass the results to TestStand. What I would recomend is that instead of an exe, you create a dll and use TestStand's DLL adapter to call it and return the results. TestStand will evaluate it and do the logging.

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    C = Capacitor
    R = Resistor
    T = Time
    The equation t=RC can be rearranged to show that Vc = 0.6321.E (V)
    Where do I begin.  I have looked the Labview tutorials.

    How are you reading the voltage ? I guess you must be using an DAQ card to do this right ?
    If you have a card which can read the voltage in a specific interval of time (that you can specify) for a certain number of readings upon triggering (say every 10 microsec 1 reading for 10msec = 1000 ADC reading). The device must be having a buffer to keep all these data as well (so that you won't interrupt the device until it finishes). Once reading finished, you can read the buffer and look for the time reading 0.6 x applied voltage (or close). Once you see this reading, you can calculate the time as [the index of the reading x 10micro sec].
    The key here is to find the card that can do it this way.

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    Thank you,
    Mike Du'Lyea

    "Labviewguru" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Obviously I'm not getting my message across, so I'll try again.
    > I want to write a compiler with LabVIEW. No, I don't want to be able
    > to write code in LabVIEW and have it made into an executable. I
    > basically want to write a programming language that this program can
    > change into executable code.
    > Nothing that exists today is what I am looking for, nothing I have
    > seen anyway.
    > For example. LabVIEW Application Builder converts LabVIEW code into
    > either an executable file, or a DLL.
    > I want to build an application in LabVIEW in which I enter (through a
    > means I have not yet determined) instructions and the application
    > compiles this set of instructions into machine code which can execute
    > on my machine.
    > Typically, compilers are written in C or C++. The tutorial I am
    > reading instructs the user to create the compiler in either gcc (the
    > GNU C++ Compiler) or Microsoft Visual C++ IDE (A compiler inside of an
    > Integrated Development Environment.)
    > Instead of writing this compiler in C/C++, I want to write it in
    > LabVIEW. If I follow the tutorial, the compiler will take a C program
    > (a .c source file) and compile it into an executable for an intel
    > chipset (x86).
    > The problem I am having is that the tutorial instructs the writing of
    > the tutorial in C. As I don't have a reference manual for all of the
    > libraries and commands called by the compiler and examples, I can't
    > know exactly how to mimic the C code in LabVIEW.
    > Sure, I could write it in C, create it as a DLL, and then use LabVIEW
    > to call the CIN or DLL, but that would defeat the purpose.
    > Just so that it is known, this is nothing more than a hobby project.
    > I am trying to determine just how capable LabVIEW is, and at the same
    > time, learn how to create a compiler. As a side benefit, I will learn
    > a little bit about C/C++. I was told that the best possible way to
    > learn C/C++ was to write a compiler. It gives you a very intimate
    > understanding of the programming language. I figure I can kill two
    > birds with one stone. Another note, this project's results will be a
    > complete waste of time and effort. There are already tons of
    > compilers out there. I am hoping to learn a lot about compilers,
    > programming languages, and the capabilities of LabVIEW.
    Labview is a very capable language in itself. To use it to compile code
    written in another language would be a waste of time seeing that the whole
    point of Labview is to reduce development time, not add another layer of
    If you want to learn C\C++ I recommend getting a book and working the
    examples, I like Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel it is available for free on
    electronic form or you can by the paper version.

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    Go to Solution.

    I was using the basic serial read and write in the labview examples, so its a common VI, the issue was getting the response back from the programmer.  Listed below is the command set when using the programmer in serial mode.
    The Auto command behaves exactly as the start button or external remote control input.
    ·    Flasher starts clearing target, if “automatic clear before program“ option was set.
    ·    Flasher programs target CPU
    ·    Flasher verifies target CPU
    ·    Flasher verifies its internal CRC to validate the programming operation.
    Finally, Flasher responds with
    ·    #OK if no error occurred
    ·    #ERRxxx if any error occurred during operation. xxx represents the errorcode, normally replied to Flasher PC program. The #ERRxxx message may be followed by an additional error text.
    During execution of the AUTO command, Flasher automatically sends “status” messages via RS232 to reflect the state of execution. Typically during execution of #AUTO command, Flasher will reply the following sequence of messages:
    or no staus until end:
    This command may be used instead of AUTO, if no status messages from Flasher should be sent during execution.
    The command ends with #OK or #ERRxxx 
    EACH command sent ends in an ASCII 13 ("CR").
    Labview is timing out before the response even if I increase the time.

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    thanks and regards

    Hi Naveen,
    See the sample code
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCSDI' '0100'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC29N-MATNR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC29N-WERKS'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC29N-STLAN'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC29N-DATUV'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCSDI' '2110'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC29K-BMENG'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCSDI' '0150'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC29P-MENGE(01)'
    "For raw material.
      IF NOT w_raw_mat_fg IS INITIAL.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC29P-MENGE(02)'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCSDI' '0130'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCSDI' '0131'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCSDI' '0130'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCSDI' '0131'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCSDI' '0150'.
      CALL TRANSACTION 'CS02' USING bdcdata MODE w_display_mode UPDATE 'S'
                 MESSAGES INTO t_message_tab.

  • Has anyone tried to write a wizard in labview?

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    Any ideas would be welcome!
    "Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom.”
    ― Terry Pratchett

    i didn't say that a FGV is not good for the task. I only doubt that a single FGV will do the job.
    dsavir wrote:
    [...]because we always adding new capabilities to our hardware[...]
    Does that require complete new elements in your datastructure? If yes, it is very hard to solve it.
    I asuyme that most changes can be captured by using "intelligent" elements in your datastructure like enums and typified clusters.
    Bringing up a very important point: In situations like this, it is imho mandatory to create good typedefinitions in order to keep proper versioning.
    Working with SCC helps a lot, too, because you can track all changes made over time very easy, and switching back is possible as well.
    Regarding the queue-question:
    There are many good examples/tutorials and posts available, so please do a short search.
    I recommend you to start here. 
    hope this helps,
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

  • How to write UDL file in Labview for Database connection

    I am using SQL Server database. I am making connection with SQL by using UDL file. If I create  Normal UDL file in windows and make connection it happens.  I want to change or add some parameter Like database name. If I am changing this value by using labview, the file gets corrupted, and not able to make connection with SQL.
    I want to create database by program. User should not create the database. 
    Kindly suggest me the proper solution. 
    Prabhakant Patil
    [email protected] 
    Prabhakant Patil

    It may look like a text file, but it's not a text file that uses plain-old ASCII. If you open it in Notepad you won't see anything obvious. You actually have to open the UDL file with a hex editor, and you will see the differences. Specifically:
    The file starts with the header FF FE. This indicates Unicode. LabVIEW does not support Unicode.
    Each characters is actually 2 bytes. Thus, the first character you see in Notepad is "[" (for the section start). In hex this is 05 for plain-old ASCII, but 05 00 for Unicode (which is what's actually in the file).
    Thus, if you absolutely must write out the file using LabVIEW you will need to write it out in binary mode, inserting the 0x00 bytes, and the FF FE at the start. 
    Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 03-24-2010 09:39 AM

  • How can I insert a C++ programm in labview 5.1;

    I am using Labview 5.1 to read data from sensors (analog input), but I would like to read data from a serial RS232 port. How I can do this;If I write a C++ program, how can I insert this in labview;

    Ah, I think I understand.
    Your ECU is sending a stream of six bytes...
    And I guess it just does this continuously.
    So, you probably want to continuously read the data and update a data structure that shows all of your engineering data (such as what state the throttle and other things are in).
    There are a variety of ways you could handle the reading of data. E.g., you could just read all available data and search for 0xff, or you could read one byte at a time until you find 0xff. You could also just set your termination character to 0xff.
    Anyway, once you get your data into LabVIEW as a string, you can use the String to Byte Array function to create an array of int8's. (You could then search i
    n there for a -1 value for your synchronization byte.)
    Once you have an array of int8's, you can index it and use Number to Boolean Array to convert each int8 into an array of Booleans. This will get you the individual bits that come from the ECU.
    Hopefully this makes sense and gets you far enough along.

  • Can I control PIC programmer using LabVIEW

    Can I program a PIC microcontroller entirely in Labview Environment using a commercial PIC Programmer?
    Could everyone give me any advices? Thank you

    Here is a link to another post asking the same questions.

  • Read/Write text files in LabVIEW

    We have developed an instrument control and data acquisition system for a mass spectrometer using LabVIEW FPGA. Currently we have 6 counters on the FPGA, counting for 1 second intervals and transferring data to the host using a FIFO. 
    The data, as a local variable, is used in several different parallel loops on the host. One of these is coded to write the data to a text file. Unfortunately everything we have tried has failed. It is proving impossible using either the write to file VI provided with labVIEW, or to use the Open file, write and close file utilities. Each attempt has failed. Yet when running a dummy code we can write to files. The dummy code consists of 6 random number generators running in one loop and the write to file VI in a second loop. The random numbers are transferred across the loops as local variables.
    Can anyone offer any advice as to what we might be doing wrong. We're beginning to feel as though we are banging our heads against a brick wall and getting very frustrated.
    Many thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    Hi Paul,
    you neither say, what is failing nor do you show any code... How should we help then?
    "impossible using ... the write to file VI"
    Well, usually they work just fine.
    "Each attempt has failed."
    In which way? Error number given? Did you use the debuging tools, like probing, breakpoints and highlighting?
    "as local variables."
    It seems you're not properly do program "real" LabVIEW code
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • How can I control PIC programmer with LabVIEW

    I need to control a PIC Programmer (MPLAB PM3) with LabVIEW. How to do this?

    Hi Paul.
    I am working on a project that is using LabVIEW to communicate via serial communication with 4 programmers (Com 1, 2, 3, & 4). I am currently using the Microchip PM3 programmer DOS utility PM3CMD.exe to send/receive commands from the system exec.vi in LabVIEW. I am attempting to program simultaneously with 4 programmers, but the PM3 programmers are returning a database error if I try and communicate with more-than 2 programmers at a time. I noticed that you have some experience with some drivers from Microchip and using serial commands.
    Do you have any suggestions that may help me.


    I am trying to trnsfer data from Texas Instrument's Code composer to other software packages which in my case is Labview. In TI's tutorial it is mentioned that this can be done by writting "COM Client". Please suggest.

    There may be other easier ways too. If you can create DLLs with this Code Composer, you can access those from LabVIEW. That's the easiest way. You can also build CINs (Code Interface Nodes), though I would suggest not going this way, as it is much more tedious than just calling a DLL.
    J.R. Allen

  • How to convert a driver write in C to LabVIEW?

    Hello, i have a problem with an Instrument: i have the driver write in C but don´t was made in LabWindows/CVI and i have that convert it to a driver in Labview. How i to convert the driver in C to a driver in Labview???
    Thanks for you help!!!
    MOTOR.txt ‏4 KB

    There is no method to automatically convert a C program into a LabVIEW. Looking at the code, it seems that the program is writing to the instrument over the parallel port. You can do the same thing in LabVIEW with the Outport function or use a VISA Write. There is a turorial on using the parallel port here.
    And please, refrain from the duplicate posts. You should have replied to your original posting instead of asking the same question again twice.

  • Programme en labview

    avec labview je veux quand la lampe clignote on commence à calculer la durée pendant laquelle on a cet états et nous donne le moment ou on avait l'arrêt de même si on a l'état contraire on calcule la durée et nous donne l'instant de démarrage et je veux que les résultats s'affiche dans un tableau ou on a  le moment d'arrêt , la durée d'arrêt ,le moment de démarrage et la durée de marche , et le cumulé des arrêts.
    j'ai fais une présentation avec Paint j'espére que vous comprenez ce que j'essaye de vous clarifiez et vue que je suis débutante en labview j'aimerais bien que vous m'aidez à modifiez ça de telle sorte que j'aurais la durée exacte et le moment de marche  et la durée exacte et le moment d'arrêt qui sont insérés dans le tableau
    j'ai ci-joint la présentation avec Paint ainsi que le programme
    Pièces jointes :
    essai new.vi ‏48 KB
    fgv_elapsedtime_format.vi ‏18 KB
    remarquez ici.png ‏65 KB

     Merci D'avoir lu mon message! Alors je cherche a realisrer un robot virtuel sur labview c'ad une interface graphique (sur la face-avant Bien sur !) qui est commande par des boutons de controles!
    Pièces jointes :
    PumaLabViewThumbNail.jpg ‏10 KB

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