Write to spreadsheat file

LV 2014
Experimenting with write to spreadsheet file, substep of larger project. 
The problem seems to be the type of excel file. What file extension does "write to spreadsheet" want to see? I tried two ways that seem most likely. Each time I made a pre-existing excel file. Before running the vi, I pointed the file path to the excel file. I tried .xlsx and .xls
.xlsx extension I cannot reopen the file after running the vi. It says the "file or file format is invalid". 
.xls extension, I can open the file after running the vi, but there is a warning that says "The file you are trying to open [file name], is in a different file format than specified by the extension".  Or, there is no warning when I open the file, but there is no data saved either. 
Is there a preferred file extension? 
Eventually I want to save thermocouple data from a 9211 4 Ch TC input, in a cDAQ single slot chassis. 
Is write to spreadsheet a good way to log data. I've seen examples with "write to measurement file". I ran into trouble there, so wanted to avoid blue "helper" vi's. 
array - write to spreadsheat file.PNG ‏4 KB

Thanks for replies everyone. 
I should have mentioned I'm using LV 2014 Base. It doesn't have the Report Generation toolkit. 
Yes, my dream is to double click and open the file in Excel. 
I did more reading in the help under File I/O. I'm still discovering where all the help, examples, and tips and tricks are. 
In LV Help, Contents, Fundamentals, File I/O, Spreadsheet Files, Creating Spreadsheet Files, it says: 
Note  For Microsoft Excel files (.xlsx), use the Write to Measurement File Express VI to save the dynamic data you acquire to an Excel file.
So maybe I should just get with the dynamic data type (some have called evil) and the Express VI, if it gets me to where I can double click the file open? I think there is an example. 
I'm also going to need to open and close the file. It will save data for up to a year or more. And we'll access the file for short periods during data collection. One saved temperature per day. Will the Express VI allow me to close the file so we can open it? 

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    C:\Usage\JavaFiles>java filename "abc"
    Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException:Detail09-2003-
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    String passwd = "pwd";
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    I just reread your original post and the way the "Write to Spreadsheet File.vi" that ships with LV works by default is to put 1D arrays into rows. I read your post backwards and told you how to put the data in a column. Sorry.
    In any case, perhaps you need to make sure the Transpose input ISN'T true, and that the delimiter IS a tab.
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    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

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    Make sure that utl_file is properly installed, make sure that the utl_file_dir parameter is set in the init.ora file and that the database has been re-started so that it will take effect, make sure that you have sufficient privileges granted directly, not through roles, including privileges to the file and directory that you are trying to write to, add the exception block below to your procedure to narrow down the source of the exception, then test again. If you still get an error, please post a cut and paste of the exact code that you run and any messages that you received.
        when utl_file.invalid_path then
           'INVALID_PATH: File location or filename was invalid.');
        when utl_file.invalid_mode then
          'INVALID_MODE: The open_mode parameter in FOPEN was
        when utl_file.invalid_filehandle then
            'INVALID_FILEHANDLE: The file handle was invalid.');
        when utl_file.invalid_operation then
           'INVALID_OPERATION: The file could not be opened or
            operated on as requested.');
        when utl_file.read_error then
           'READ_ERROR: An operating system error occurred during
            the read operation.');
        when utl_file.write_error then
                'WRITE_ERROR: An operating system error occurred
                 during the write operation.');
        when utl_file.internal_error then
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    First, you must understand that the above code resides inside a loop. The blue square i terminal is known as the iteration terminal. It provides the current loop iteration count, starting from zero.
    The first input (x) to the Quotient & Remainder Function comes from this iteration count (i) terminal of the loop.
    The second input (y) to the Quotient & Remainder Function comes from the control N.
    We wish to write to the measurement file every N iterations of the loop. If we take our current iteration count (i) and divide by our desired N, every Nth iteration of the loop, the remainder will be zero. For all other iterations, the remainder will be non-zero.
    That being said, we check the remainder and compare it to zero. If it is zero, we will send a True value to the Enable terminal on the Write To Measurement File Express VI. Any time a True value is sent, we will write to file. Anytime a False value is sent, nothing will be written to the file.
    The green new_file input on the Write To Measurement File Express VI is used when the "Save to series of files (multiple files)" radio button is selected in the Configure dialog box of this Express VI. When "Save to one file" is selected, this option does not apply, and so it is not included in the input list, which is why you are not seeing this.
    This new_file input is used to tell the Write To Measurement File Express VI when to start writing to a new file.

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    Even if you are not writing an Applet, this is applicable. But I thot if you were, you might need this.
    See 'SignedAppletDemo.java'

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    Parallel operations in LabVIEW are very simple.  Just code it in parallel and it will work.
    Try taking a look at some of the examples in the NI Example Finder (Help > Find Examples).  There you will find example for writing to and reading from files, as well as data acquistion in parallel with other operations.
    You might need a producer/consumer architecture is you are acquiring data very quickly.
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Certified TestStand Architect

  • Some Doubts in write into spreadsheet file function

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    for eg. if i give 78/58\46/86 then i will write as in picture i hav attached..
    Mod 1.vi ‏23 KB
    Untitled.png ‏135 KB

    The Write to Spreadsheet File is not the same as writing to Excel -- for that, you should use the Report Generation Toolkit (and there have been a number of posts here, as well as examples that ship with LabVIEW).
    That being said, it is not clear (a) what you are trying to do, and (b) what is (or is not) happening.  The image you attached looks OK ...

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    ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] The Microsoft Access database engine cannot open or write to the file '(unknown)'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data.
    ERROR [01S00] [Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver]Invalid connection string attribute Trusted_Connection
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    PWMs.vi ‏130 KB

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    How to read the and Write the PDF file give me the solution
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    import com.asprise.util.pdf.PDFImageWriter;
    import com.asprise.util.pdf.PDFReader;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    public class example {
    // public example() {
         public static void main(String a[])
              PDFReader reader = new PDFReader(new File("C:\\AsprisePDF-DevGuide.pdf"));
                   reader.open(); // open the file.
                   int pages = reader.getNumberOfPages();
                   for(int i=0; i < pages; i++) {
                   String text = reader.extractTextFromPage(i);
                   System.out.println("Page " + i + ": " + text);
    // perform other operations on pages.
    PDFImageWriter writer = new PDFImageWriter(new FileOutputStream("c:\\new11.pdf"));
              catch(Exception e){System.out.println("error:"+e);
    I get the pdf content then it returns the string value but ther is no option to write the string to PDF, and we only add a image file to PDF,but i want to know how to wrote the string value to PDF file,
    Please give response immtly
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    OK, I am missing something really basic here.  Whenever I try to use the Write Characters to File function, if I try to give it a path beyond the C:\filename directory, it returns an error.  In other words, C:\Dan works, but C:\Dan\Test reurns an error. WHAT am I missing?

    Bingo! That is the problem. You have to make sure the directory exists before you attempt to write files to it.
         BTW: In LV there is a function for creating folders programatically. A good way to see if a directory exists is to attempt to list its
                   contents. If the list function returns an error, the directory doesn't exist and you have to create it.
    So make use of the error that the file write returns. If you get an error, start at the root of your path and test to see if each level exists, and if not create it. When you have all the folders in place repeat the file save.
    Message Edited by mikeporter on 05-24-2007 12:55 AM
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • After upgrading to the latest version of itune, I get this message when trying to open itunes: "The I'tunes Library File is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have permission to write for this file.

    After importing the latest version of itune, I now get this message:  "The I-tunes library file is locked, on a locked disk , or you do not have permission to write for this file.  How do I resolve this?

    check if you have read & write permissions for your music folder. in the finder, right-click on it and get info. unlock the little padlock (you may have to enter your admin password) and change the permission settings if necessary. next, click on the little gear-shaped icon and apply to enclosed items like so
    the important part is to apply to enclosed items !
    also, even if it seems unrelated, try the steps in this support article: iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization

  • Multiple While Loops Write to One File

    I have three different instruments from which I am sampling, each at a
    different sampling rate.  Each instrument is being sampled in its
    own While loop.  How do I write all the samples I collect to a
    single text file?  I would like something in the following format:
    [Timestamp] [Instrument 1's First Sample] [Instrument 2's First Sample] [Instrument 3's First Sample]
    [Timestamp] [Instrument 1's Second Sample] [Instrument 2's Second Sample] [Instrument 3's Second Sample]
    ...and so on..
    Thank you,

    ofro wrote:
    I have three different instruments from which I am sampling, each at a different sampling rate.  Each instrument is being sampled in its own While loop.  How do I write all the samples I collect to a single text file?  I would like something in the following format:
    [Timestamp] [Instrument 1's First Sample] [Instrument 2's First Sample] [Instrument 3's First Sample]
    [Timestamp] [Instrument 1's Second Sample] [Instrument 2's Second Sample] [Instrument 3's Second Sample]
    ...and so on..
    This seems like a flawed project.
    If each loop samples at a different rate, the samples will arrive at different times. Typically there won't be a single timestamp for all three samples. Can you explain what you actually want to write to the file from each loop?
    Do you want to write to the file incrementally inside each loop, or do you want to write everything at once after all loops have finished?
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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