Writing a lingo script from an Interface

Hi all,
I wonder if there is any way to write a Lingo Script (movie)
from scratch from an interface in director. In particular, I want
to create an interface where when i will input a question + an
answer and press the button next a particular line of code will be
wirtten. For example:
On answergeneration
if the text of member ("Question") = "Yes" then
do this
Is there any way to write the code from scratch by simply
using the next button?
Many thnaks

"wgb14" <[email protected]> posted in
> on mousedown
> set customscript = new(#script)
> member(CustomScript).Scripttext = the text of member
> end
If you never erase that member, you'll end up with multiple
unnamed script
members. If you want to use the same script member, don't
create it in code.
Just create it once during authoring, give it a name, and
refer to it by that
member name.
> the text of member script is the following:
> (the text of member "current_script" =
All lingo must be in a handler defined with the 'on' and
'end' keywords.
Setting the scriptText of a script member to a single line
just won't work
since there's no handler name to execute. You would need to
create the entire
script, including the on handlerName, the lines of code, and
the 'end' with
RETURNs in appropriate places. Then you would execute it in a
line of code as
(from this example) handlerName. Something like the following
where I've
created a handler named doIt
global scriptname -- global since I don't know where you're
getting it
on mouseUp me
scr = "on doIt" &RETURN
scr = scr &scriptname &".hap" &RETURN
scr = scr &"end"
member("dynamicScript").scriptText = scr
That seems like a very convoluted system, though there may be
a good reason
for it. What if a user enters a number representing a handler
that doesn't
exist? Say, 2147483647. Do you have a handler (object?) named
I'm really not catching the concept here. You mention the
text of member
script containing the text of member "current_script" equal
to a supposed
variable enclosed in quotes (thus making it a string, not a
variable) and
wrapped in ampersands - which you later refer to as a
variable named
scriptname without ampersands. All somehow related to the new
member(customscript). *I am thoroughly confused*.
What is member("current_script")?
How does the user input the value for scriptname? Do they
type a 1, 2, 77, or
whatever into a #field or #text member? Then a mouse click is
supposed to
execute a handler in dialog (is dialog a MIAW?) named as
1.hap, 2.hap, ...
according to what they typed?
Where does &scriptname& come into the picture? Is it
related any of the
Are you sure you need to use self-modifying code here? Maybe
you can use
parameters instead.
-- movie script in (I assume) window "dialog"
on hap (aValue)
case aValue of
1: doThis
2: doThat
3: doOther
alert("Please provide a value")
end case
-- behavior script
on mouseUp me
aVal = <get the user's input value from somewhere?>
tell window("dialog") to hap(aVal)
Or are you incrementing a variable for each mouse click on
the "next" buton?
First is supposed to execute 1.hap, 2nd time it executes
2.hap, etc.
If so, still no need for modifying code at run-time. Assuming
a similar movie
script shown above:
property pClicks
on mouseUp me
pClicks = pClicks + 1
tell window("dialog") to hap(pClicks)
Let me know if I'm way off base here. If so, please explain
in more details
what you really want to happen.
Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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    I really like web.py for small web apps like this. Below is some code which should get you started. You'll want to add in some error checking.
    import web
    import os
    urls = (
    '/', 'hello'
    class hello:
    def GET(self):
    print """
    <form method='post' action='.'>
    hour: <input type='text' name='endhour' /><br />
    minutes: <input type='text' name='endminutes' /><br />
    <input type='submit' value='submit' />
    print '<br /><br />'
    print '<br />'.join(os.popen("ps aux | grep -v 'audio-recorder.sh' | grep -v 'grep' | grep 'rec -q -c 2'").readlines())
    def POST(self):
    i = web.input()
    os.popen("/home/pyther/bin/audio-recorder.sh -h %s -t %s" % (i.endhour, i.endminutes))
    if __name__ == "__main__": web.run(urls, globals())
    Last edited by nj (2008-02-03 21:49:39)

  • Run PowerShell script from C# writing to input pipe

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    1. Get text output from the script (easy, many examples available)
    3. If output contains "Press enter to continue", write a blank line to the running script's pipe to make it finish its job and quit
    4. If output does contain that prompt, just let it exit by itself without sending any input
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    I have done this with .exes and batch files before. All you do in that case is process.StandardInput.WriteLine() which "types" enter into the input stream of script you are trying to control. But this does not work with Power Shell. How do I do this?
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    Command command = new Command(scriptPS, true, true);
       pipeline.Commands[0].MergeMyResults(PipelineResultTypes.Error, PipelineResultTypes.Output);
       Collection<PSObject> psresults = pipeline.Invoke();   //...
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    commands from command types that do not support user interaction, such as Windows PowerShell workflows."
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    Please help!

    No man, what kind of answer is that? You should have left it unanswered rather than waste people's time like this. I already seen those links before I posted my question. They address the issue of specifying script parameters, but not
    writing to the input pipe.
    Fortunately I did figure this out by writing a custom script host for PowerShell. Anyone interested can read about this in detail on MSDN (fortunately simple material with samples you can copy paste as I did, so this solution takes little time to implement).
    Implement PSHost interface. Nothing special here, just paste directly from MSDN sample and modify their SetShouldExit function definition to contain just a "return;". Here's the relevant link:
    Implement PSHostUserInterface interface. This is the ticket to solving this problem
    (see below). Here's the MSDN link:
    Implement PSHostRawUserInterface. This may not be required (not sure) but I did anyway. Nearly a direct paste from MSDN:
    So, there are two PSHostUserInterface function implementations that are of particular interest. First is Prompt (read header comment to see why):
    /// <summary>
    /// When script attempts to get user input, we override it and give it input programmatically,
    /// by looking up within promptInput's dictionary<string,string> or lineInput array.
    /// PromptInput dictionary is mapped by input prompt (for example, return "" in response to "Press ENTER to continue")
    /// LineInput is a regular array, and each time the script wants to prompt for input we return the next line in that array;
    /// this works much like piping inputs from a regular text file in DOS command line.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="caption">The caption or title of the prompt.</param>
    /// <param name="message">The text of the prompt.</param>
    /// <param name="descriptions">A collection of FieldDescription objects that
    /// describe each field of the prompt.</param>
    /// <returns>Throws a NotImplementedException exception.</returns>
    public override Dictionary<string, PSObject> Prompt(string caption, string message, System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<FieldDescription> descriptions)
    Dictionary<string, PSObject> ret = new Dictionary<string, PSObject>();
    foreach (FieldDescription desc in descriptions)
    if (this.promptInput.Count != 0)
    ret[desc.Name] = new PSObject(this.promptInput[desc.Name] + "\r\n");
    else if (this.lineInput != null && this.currentLineInput >= 0 && this.currentLineInput < this.lineInput.Length)
    ret[desc.Name] = new PSObject(this.lineInput[this.currentLineInput++] + "\r\n");
    if (desc.DefaultValue == null)
    ret[desc.Name] = new PSObject("\r\n");
    ret[desc.Name] = new PSObject(desc.DefaultValue);
    return ret;
    Next is PromptForChoice. Here I opted to always return the default choice, but you could rewrite it to read from somewhere to "simulate" reading from input pipe just like the function above:
    public override int PromptForChoice(string caption, string message, System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<ChoiceDescription> choices, int defaultChoice)
            return defaultChoice;
    Last but not least, here's a ReadLine implementation (again read header comment):
    /// <summary>
    /// If the LineInput is set, "read" the next line from line input string array, incrementing line pointer/// </summary>
    /// <returns>The characters that are entered by the user.</returns>
    public override string ReadLine()
    if (this.lineInput != null && this.currentLineInput >= 0 && this.currentLineInput < this.lineInput.Length)
    return this.lineInput[this.currentLineInput++];
    return Console.ReadLine();
    Both are exposed as properties:
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the input pipe override
    /// </summary>
    public string Input
    return string.Join("\n", this.lineInput);
    if (value != null)
    this.lineInput = value.Split('\n');
    this.currentLineInput = 0;
    this.lineInput = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets input pipe override for named prompts
    /// </summary>
    public Dictionary<string, string> PromptInput
    return this.promptInput;
    this.promptInput = value;
    And finally, here's how the whole shebang is used:
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs a powershell script, with input pipe arguments
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="script">Path of the script to execute, or script text</param>
    /// <param name="inline">Whether or not to execute script text directly, or execute script from path</param>
    /// <param name="unrestricted">Whether or not to set unrestricted execution policy</param>
    /// <param name="parameters">Parameters to pass to the script command line</param>
    /// <param name="inputOverride">Input to pass into the script's input pipe</param>
    /// <param name="inputOverrideName">Input to pass into the script's input pipe, to each prompt by label</param>
    /// <returns>Output lines</returns>
    public static string PowerShell(string script, bool inline, bool unrestricted = false, Dictionary<string, string> parameters = null, string inputOverride = null, Dictionary<string, string> inputOverrideByName = null)
    string output = null;
    ScriptHost host = new ScriptHost();
    (host.UI as ScriptHostUserInterface).Input = inputOverride;
    (host.UI as ScriptHostUserInterface).PromptInput = inputOverrideByName;
    using (Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(host))
    if (unrestricted)
    RunspaceInvoke runSpaceInvoker = new RunspaceInvoke(runspace);
    runSpaceInvoker.Invoke("Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted");
    using (Pipeline pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline())
    if (inline)
    Command command = new Command(script, true, true);
    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> param in parameters)
    command.Parameters.Add(param.Key, param.Value);
    pipeline.Commands[0].MergeMyResults(PipelineResultTypes.Error, PipelineResultTypes.Output);
    Collection<PSObject> psresults = pipeline.Invoke();
    var sb = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (PSObject obj in psresults)
    output = sb.ToString();
    return (host.UI as ScriptHostUserInterface).Output + "\r\n" + output;
    As you can see, I also did some magic with the .Output property. That just accumulates lines of text output by the script in every WriteXXX function implemented in your custom PSHostUserInterface. The end result of all this, is that if you have a script
    that has prompts, choices or reads from standard input, you can execute the script within the context of your custom script host written as above, to control precisely what strings are passed to it in response to prompts.

  • Executing a shell script from a Trigger

    I have to write a script to do the following requirement.
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    If Oracle partition creation job failed, the above file won't be updated.
    My requirement is,
    I have to check whether the BUSINESS_DATE file is updated today or not. If yes, I will have to move the files from common area to input file directory to process those files.
    All file name will amend with current date.
    The key part is to check the BUSINESS_DATE.TXT file is updated properly or not.
    We don't know what time the file will get updated. So we are planning to schedule the new script to run for every 15 mins to check whether the file is updated or not
    But...I just thougt instead of writing a shell script to do the above one, Why shouldn't I capture the date in a table (New table needs to be created) and use ORACLE TRIGGER to run the shell script to move the files from common area to input file directory to process those files?
    My Proposal in ORACLE :
    Create table business_date
    rep_date varchar(15),
    curr_timestamp timestamp
    Once the oracle partition created , one row will be inserted into the above table. This adjustment needs to be implemented partition script.
    Once this table get record, TRIGGER should call SHELL SCRIPT to move the files from common area to input area.
    If I implement ORACLE TRIGGER, The script which will check whether the file got updated or not for 15 mins is not required. Right? Inputs from experts are welcome!

    But...I just thougt instead of writing a shell script to do the above one, Why shouldn't I capture the date in a table (New table needs to be created) and use ORACLE TRIGGER to run the shell script to move the files from common area to input file directory to process those files?
    Triggers should not be used to do transactional work. There is no COMMIT in a trigger. What happens if the trigger runs the shell script and then a ROLLBACK occurs? You will have run the shell script when it shouldn't run.
    Create a stored procedure to run the shell script. Call the stored procedure when the partition is created.
    If you were using 11g and interval paritioning you wouldn't need to create the partitions manually. Oracle could create the partitions automatically.

  • "Import Failed" when trying to run a import (Integration) script from FDM

    Backgroud about the Issue : My source system for data is Oracle Orion and the Destination is HFM.Trying to import data fom orion to HFM through FDM via ODBC connectivity.
    Modified the "Integration Script Example" in fdm_admin guide and with this i am able to import data from the Orion to the FDM staging table "tDataSegX" however i am not abel to see any data in the FDM (Import Module) and thats when i get this error "Import Failed".
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    I am not sure if i am missing some attributes in the script ??!!
    can some one help me in checking if my imoport scritp is correct ??!!!
    Here is my script
    Function Import_int(strLoc, lngCatKey, dblPerKey, strWorkTableName)
    Dim objSS 'ADODB.Connection
    Dim strOra 'Ora string
    Dim rs ' As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim rsAppend 'tTB table append rs object
    Set cnSS = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Set rsAppend = DW.DataAccess.farsTableAppend("TDATASEG7")
    Dim strconn
    strconn="Provider=msdaora;Data Source=<<Data Source Name>>;User Id=<<Username>>;Password=<<Password>>;"
    cnSS.open strConn
    strOra = "Select * "
    strOra = strOra & "FROM <<Oracle View>>"
    'Get data
    rs.Open strOra, cnSS
    If rs.bof And rs.eof Then
    RES.PlngActionType = 2
    RES.PstrActionValue = "No Records to load!"
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Loop through records and append to tTB table in location's DB
    If Not rs.bof And Not rs.eof Then
    Do While Not rs.eof
    rsAppend.Fields("PartitionKey") = RES.PlngLocKey
    rsAppend.Fields("CatKey") = RES.PlngCatKey
    rsAppend.Fields("PeriodKey") = RES.PdtePerKey
    rsAppend.Fields("DataView") = "YTD"
    rsAppend.Fields("CalcAcctType") = 9
    'write conditions to eliminate null
    rsAppend.Fields("Amount") = rs.fields("YTD").Value
    rsAppend.Fields("Desc1") = test 'rs.fields("txtAcctDes").Value
    rsAppend.Fields("Account") = rs.fields("MAIN_AC_CODE").Value
    rsAppend.Fields("Entity") = rs.fields("COMPANY_CODE").Value
    End If
    'Records loaded
    RES.PlngActionType = 6
    RES.PstrActionValue = "ODBC Import successful!"
    'Assign Return value
    SQLIntegration = True
    End Function

    I first changed the table name to "strWorkTableName" and tried executing only the script from the Workbench client and got error as bellow
    Financial Data Management Workbench
    -2147467259 - Data access error.
    At Line: 20
    For some reason i am not ok with running the code in the workbench client (even for checking the syntax) because for the reason that i am not sure if all the parameter required by the funciton will be passed by donig just "Run script."So even with this error in the Work bench client i proceded to the Workflow module in the web interface and run the import and here is what i have now.
    Error: An error occurred importing the file.
    Detail: Invalid procedure call or argument
    here is the error message from the "View Erro Log"
    Code............................................. 5
    Description...................................... Invalid procedure call or argument
    Procedure........................................ clsImpProcessMgr.fExecuteImpScript
    Component........................................ upsWObjectsDM
    Version.......................................... 1112
    Thread........................................... 15676
    User............................................. admin
    Computer Name.................................... <<ComputerName>>
    App Name......................................... <<ApplicationName>>
    Client App....................................... WebClient
    Provider......................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    Data Server......................................
    Database Name.................................... HYPTDB
    Trusted Connect.................................. False
    Connect Status.. Connection Open
    Location......................................... ORION
    Location ID...................................... 750
    Location Seg..................................... 4
    Category......................................... WLCAT
    Category ID...................................... 12
    Period........................................... Feb - 2011
    Period ID........................................ 2/28/2011
    POV Local........................................ False
    Language......................................... 1033
    User Level....................................... 1
    All Partitions................................... True
    Is Auditor....................................... False
    ** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry [2011-03-21 14:43:42] **
    Code............................................. 5
    Description...................................... Invalid procedure call or argument
    Procedure........................................ clsImpProcessMgr.fLoadAndProcessFile
    Component........................................ upsWObjectsDM
    Version.......................................... 1112
    Thread........................................... 15676
    User............................................. admin
    Computer Name.................................... <<ComputerName>>
    App Name......................................... <<ApplicationName>>
    Client App....................................... WebClient
    Provider......................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    Data Server......................................
    Database Name.................................... HYPTDB
    Trusted Connect.................................. False
    Connect Status.. Connection Open
    Location......................................... ORION
    Location ID...................................... 750
    Location Seg..................................... 4
    Category......................................... WLCAT
    Category ID...................................... 12
    Period........................................... Feb - 2011
    Period ID........................................ 2/28/2011
    POV Local........................................ False
    Language......................................... 1033
    User Level....................................... 1
    All Partitions................................... True
    Is Auditor....................................... False
    ** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry [2011-03-21 14:44:05] **
    Code............................................. 70
    Description...................................... Permission denied
    Procedure........................................ clsArchiveMgr.fArchiveSupercededDelete
    Component........................................ upsWObjectsDM
    Version.......................................... 1112
    Thread........................................... 7180
    User............................................. admin
    Computer Name.................................... <<ComputerName>>
    App Name......................................... <<ApplicationName>>
    Client App....................................... WebClient
    Provider......................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    Data Server......................................
    Database Name.................................... HYPTDB
    Trusted Connect.................................. False
    Connect Status.. Connection Open
    Location......................................... SAMPLE
    Location ID...................................... 748
    Location Seg..................................... 2
    Category......................................... WLCAT
    Category ID...................................... 12
    Period........................................... Feb - 2011
    Period ID........................................ 2/28/2011
    POV Local........................................ False
    Language......................................... 1033
    User Level....................................... 1
    All Partitions................................... True
    Is Auditor....................................... False
    ** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry [2011-03-21 14:44:05] **
    Code............................................. 70
    Description...................................... Permission denied
    Procedure........................................ clsArchiveMgr.fArchiveSupercededFlag
    Component........................................ upsWObjectsDM
    Version.......................................... 1112
    Thread........................................... 7180
    User............................................. admin
    Computer Name.................................... <<ComputerName>>
    App Name......................................... <<ApplicationName>>
    Client App....................................... WebClient
    Provider......................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    Data Server......................................
    Database Name.................................... HYPTDB
    Trusted Connect.................................. False
    Connect Status.. Connection Open
    Location......................................... SAMPLE
    Location ID...................................... 748
    Location Seg..................................... 2
    Category......................................... WLCAT
    Category ID...................................... 12
    Period........................................... Feb - 2011
    Period ID........................................ 2/28/2011
    POV Local........................................ False
    Language......................................... 1033
    User Level....................................... 1
    All Partitions................................... True
    Is Auditor....................................... False
    ** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry [2011-03-21 14:44:05] **
    Code............................................. 70
    Description...................................... Permission denied
    Procedure........................................ clsImpProcessMgr.fClearData
    Component........................................ upsWObjectsDM
    Version.......................................... 1112
    Thread........................................... 7180
    User............................................. admin
    Computer Name.................................... <<ComputerName>>
    App Name......................................... <<ApplicationName>>
    Client App....................................... WebClient
    Provider......................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    Data Server......................................
    Database Name.................................... HYPTDB
    Trusted Connect.................................. False
    Connect Status.. Connection Open
    Location......................................... SAMPLE
    Location ID...................................... 748
    Location Seg..................................... 2
    Category......................................... WLCAT
    Category ID...................................... 12
    Period........................................... Feb - 2011
    Period ID........................................ 2/28/2011
    POV Local........................................ False
    Language......................................... 1033
    User Level....................................... 1
    All Partitions................................... True
    Is Auditor....................................... False
    ** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry [2011-03-21 14:44:05] **
    Code............................................. 70
    Description...................................... Permission denied
    Procedure........................................ clsImpProcessMgr.fLoadAndProcessFile
    Component........................................ upsWObjectsDM
    Version.......................................... 1112
    Thread........................................... 7180
    User............................................. admin
    Computer Name.................................... <<ComputerName>>
    App Name......................................... <<ApplicationName>>
    Client App....................................... WebClient
    Provider......................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    Data Server......................................
    Database Name.................................... HYPTDB
    Trusted Connect.................................. False
    Connect Status.. Connection Open
    Location......................................... SAMPLE
    Location ID...................................... 748
    Location Seg..................................... 2
    Category......................................... WLCAT
    Category ID...................................... 12
    Period........................................... Feb - 2011
    Period ID........................................ 2/28/2011
    POV Local........................................ False
    Language......................................... 1033
    User Level....................................... 1
    All Partitions................................... True
    Is Auditor....................................... False

  • URGENT- Need advice on executing scripts from Forms 6i

    Hi all,
    Quick background info:
    I'm working on a conversion project from Forms 4.5 client/server applications to a three tier, web based Forms 6i environment.
    We're running Oracle 8i DB on HP-UX machines, Oracle 9ias on HP-UX machines, and users access forms through Netscape
    on Win2000 platform.
    The problem:
    I have a SQL execution interface form from which users have been able to run dynamic SQL scripts w/o having direct access to
    a SQL Plus prompt (uses the 'HOST' command in 4.5). How can this functionality be implemented in the three tier environment?
    Unless other options are available, my plan is to use a Java servlet to access the 8i database on the UNIX box and display
    output on an html page. Is there a better/easier way?!
    Any advice is appreciated...
    Paychex, Inc.

    Thanks for the response,
    I may be able to invoke the script from Forms using the HOST command, but how is the script output
    displayed back to the browser?
    [email protected]
    You can probably still use the host to sqlplus, but this time it will run on the Forms Server.
    You just need to make sure that the dynamic SQL files are uniquly identified for each customer.

  • Running sql script from pl/sql

    Is there any standard way to run an external sql script from pl/sql
    I really appreciate any assistance.

    If you want, I did start writing a function reading and executing statements out of sql script with utl_file.
    can I issue this command in PL/SQL: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE '@filename.sql';
    the function could be extended for DDL, session setting, etc...

  • Help - Item Assignment at Inventory Organization level from the Interface

    I have developed an Inventory Item upload Interface (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE Table) for Oracle Apps R12.
    It works fine in uploading the Items to Master Org which the template is created. But When I tried to upload at Inventory Organization level it returns an error says 'Template or Template ID is not assigned for the Organization'.
    How can I assign/upload the Item at Inventory Organization Level? I have already tried the Organization Item Assignment Report, It works fine and assign the Items to relevant Organizations. But the parameters are Item Range which I cant use those parameters.
    Please help me to Upload items at Inventory Organization level from the Interface.

    open any delivery.
    1. select any delivery item number( double click).
    2. go to text tabstrip of the item.
    3. select the text type and double click on the blank space where we write some texts will give you new screen for writing text will give you text screen.
    then in menu: goto->header will popup screen with details given below.
    text name: delv+item num
    Language: 'EN'
    text ID:  '0001'       " for first text type and so on.
    Text Object: 'VBBK'
    data: ist_text type table of tline,
          wa_text  type tline.
       CLIENT                        = SY-MANDT
        id                            = 'textid'
        language                      = sy-langu
        name                          = 'textname'   " its concatenation of Dlv no. and item number.
        object                        = 'VBBP'
        lines                         = ist_text
       ID                            = 1
       LANGUAGE                      = 2
       NAME                          = 3
       NOT_FOUND                     = 4
       OBJECT                        = 5
       REFERENCE_CHECK               = 6
       WRONG_ACCESS_TO_ARCHIVE       = 7
       OTHERS                        = 8
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Reward points if helpful.

  • Running  sql scripts from different directory

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    - load.sql
    - init.sql
    - data1.sql
    - data2/sql
    load.sql call all the other scripts as below:
    All my scripts run correctly when I run load.sql from D:\myapp\sql on comand prompt.
    I need a way to run this script from a different directory say D:\ or C:\
    I am writing a installer which will execute from a different directory.
    Right now I get a file not found error for scripts within schema an populate folder.
    Please let me know how can I make this work from a different directory.

    Hi peter. i think you cannot run files spread across different locations.
    --the method which u specified always looks to the defined path                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • More on unix script from pl/sql

    Hi All,
    There was this discussion on starting unix scripts from within a pl/sql stored procedure started on August 31.
    All comments were targeted towards an oracle 8X solution.
    Does anyone have a solution for 7.3.4?
    Somebody mentioned something about using dbms_pipe package.
    So, just to rephrase the problem:
    - Need to execute any unix command/script from within a pl/sql block (stored procedure). Instance is oracle 7.3.4

    Hi Juan,
    You can try this solution:
    enable in the the init file the parameter
    utl_file_dir="target_directory"In this way You permit the the DB to writing directly to the filesistem in the directory You specified.
    After restarting the istance You may write Your own code that, using the supplied package UTL_FILE, writes a file in that directory (es. my_script.sh)
    Then, instruct the cron daemon to execute every 1 minute this command.
    You may append to the script the self-destruction after the execution.
    I hope that this will help You.

  • Execute an SQL Script from Java (myScript.sql) ?

    I am a writing an SQL Script so that I can re-create my database on another server (im using my laptop to test it on first though).
    I'm connecting to mySQL server using JDBC which works fine, but I was wondering
    how can I run an entire script file, say myScript.sql from within a Java class??
    (an SQL Script is simply a file containing the regular SQL commands and expressions that you might enter at an sql command line prompt)
    example of an SQL Scritp: myScript.sql>>
    //#create new db
    CREATE DATABASE sample_db;
    //#set active db
    USE sample_db;
    //#set table paramaters
    CREATE TABLE monkeys
    (name CHAR(20),
      age INT UNSIGNED,
      sex ENUM('M','F')
    //#create standard monkeys
    INSERT INTO monkeys(name,age,sex) VALUES("Sammy",10,"M");
    INSERT INTO monkeys(name,age,sex) VALUES("Muncht",12,"M");
    INSERT INTO monkeys(name,age,sex) VALUES("Jill",8,"F");
    //#get recordset
    SELECT * FROM monkeys WHERE age < 50;Thanks for your help!

    The way I understand it is that your mysql.sql script file uses ';' as a delimeter between statements. So now what you can do is that read the whole file and put it inside a string/stringbuffer. Now put this string/stringbuffer to a stringTokenizer with delimeter set as ';'. this way you will recieve your exact statements without scratching your heads as where the statements begin/ends. :-)
    Now once you have your statements than its just a matter of executing them against the database.
    hope this helps.

  • How does execute PHP Script from SAP?

    I've already installed SAPRFC and run SAP Function from PHP successfully. But failed when tried execute PHP script from SAP (SM59). Anyone can help me for a clear instruction for this problem?

    Hi Max,
    here is the Source:
    #!/usr/bin/php -q
    // SAPRFC - Server example
    // PHP server function RFC_READ_REPORT
    // Require: CGI version PHP, RFC destination defined in SAP R/3 (SM59)
    // http://saprfc.sourceforge.net
    // Interface definiton for RFC_READ_REPORT
    // (generated by saprfc.php - option Generate PHP)
       $DEF_RFC_READ_REPORT = array (
                             array (
                                     "def"=> array (
                                             array ("name"=>"","abap"=>"C","len"=>8,"dec"=>0)
                             array (
                                     "def"=> array (
                                             array ("name"=>"NAME","abap"=>"C","len"=>40,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"SQLX","abap"=>"C","len"=>1,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"EDTX","abap"=>"C","len"=>1,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"VARCL","abap"=>"C","len"=>1,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"DBAPL","abap"=>"C","len"=>1,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"DBNA","abap"=>"C","len"=>2,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"CLAS","abap"=>"C","len"=>4,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"TYPE","abap"=>"C","len"=>3,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"OCCURS","abap"=>"C","len"=>1,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"SUBC","abap"=>"C","len"=>1,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"APPL","abap"=>"C","len"=>1,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"SECU","abap"=>"C","len"=>8,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"CNAM","abap"=>"C","len"=>12,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"CDAT","abap"=>"D","len"=>8,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"UNAM","abap"=>"C","len"=>12,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"UDAT","abap"=>"D","len"=>8,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"VERN","abap"=>"C","len"=>6,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"LEVL","abap"=>"C","len"=>4,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"RSTAT","abap"=>"C","len"=>1,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"RMAND","abap"=>"C","len"=>3,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"RLOAD","abap"=>"C","len"=>1,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"FIXPT","abap"=>"C","len"=>1,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"SSET","abap"=>"C","len"=>1,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"SDATE","abap"=>"D","len"=>8,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"STIME","abap"=>"C","len"=>6,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"IDATE","abap"=>"D","len"=>8,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"ITIME","abap"=>"C","len"=>6,"dec"=>0),
                                             array ("name"=>"LDBNAME","abap"=>"C","len"=>20,"dec"=>0)
                             array (
                                     "def"=> array (
                                             array ("name"=>"","abap"=>"C","len"=>40,"dec"=>0)
                             array (
                                     "def"=> array (
                                             array ("name"=>"LINE","abap"=>"C","len"=>72,"dec"=>0)
    // Create list of PHP server functions
    // PHP server function
       function RFC_READ_REPORT ($fce)
           $REPORT = saprfc_server_import ($fce,"PROGRAM");
           saprfc_table_init ($fce,"QTAB");
           $fd = fopen ($REPORT,"r");
           if (!$fd)
               return ("NOTFOUND");     // raise exception "NOTFOUND"
           while (!feof($fd))
               $LINE = fgets ($fd,73);
               saprfc_table_append ($fce,"QTAB",array("LINE"=>$LINE));
           fclose ($fd);
           saprfc_server_export ($fce,"SYSTEM","PHP");
           return (true);
    // Call script with: ./server.php -a phpgw -g hostname -x sapgw00
       $rfc = saprfc_server_accept ($argv);
    // Dispatch one function call
       $rc = saprfc_server_dispatch ($rfc,$GLOBAL_FCE_LIST);
       saprfc_close ($rfc);
    Message was edited by: Gregor Wolf

  • Develop scripts from scratch

    I am new to scripts.
    Suggest me how to develop scripts from scratch,
    and also suggest me how to modify the predefined scripts.
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Feb 22, 2008 9:44 AM

    What do u mean by using standard scripts?? Do u want to learn from basics???
    If so
    Link for SAP Scripts (step by step procedure)
    scripts easy material
    Other Links
    SAPscript technology is based on a mainframe product from the 1980s, while Smart Forms have only been around since (roughly) 2001. With that sort of time gap, there are bound to be significant differences between the two tools. Client dependence is a fundamental one. Although SAPscript has had some incremental improvements over time, its forms have always been -- under the hood -- relatively ...
    1. script is client dependent one while smartform is client independent.
    2. In scripts we have to write print program while in smart forms it is not necessary.
    3. In scripts we can print background logo while in smartforms we cant print background logo
    4. In scripts we have 99 main windows while in smartforms we have only 1 main window.
    5. In scripts we should write paragraph format otherwise we cant execute program while in smartforms no need to create paragraph formats .
    6. In scripts we can print the text in only two character formats.
    while in smartforms we can do with more.
    7. In scripts we dont have line types while in smartforms we have linetypes.
    also refer
    difference between smartforms and scripts
    Diff betwen Scripts & smartforms
    advantages of smartforms over scripts
    the main diffarences between smart form and script form are:
    1) smart forms are clinent independent where as scripts are client dependent.
    2) smart form require half the time to create and maintain forms compare with
    3) smart forms provide multiple page formats where as in script not possible
    4) smart forms exisist without main window also where as in script not possible.
    5) smart form is entairely graphical user interface comapre with script.
    6) labeling is not possible in smart form where as it is possible in script.
    7) smart form genarate function module whenver it activate where as script
    doesn't genarate.
    8) smart form can easily web publishing using the genarated XML output compare
    with script.
    9) using smart forms we can design web forms but bot possible with script.
    10) we can maintain background graphics in smartform wher as in script not
    11) in smart form we use transaction codes SMARTFORM for designing FORM
    and SMARTSTYLES to create differnt styles of text, where as in script we
    use SE71 for form painter and SE72 for different styles of text and font.
    12) we can migrate script to smart form vice-versa is not possible.
    I'm having a good material on scripts If u want i'll provide that material to you
    How to take a print of SAP Script
    How to take a print of SAP Script
    how to find 'Z' script layouts
    how to find 'Z' script layouts
    SAP Script: Lines is not included in printing
    SAP Script: Lines is not included in printing
    what is the use of (E.0C) in Text element in SAP Script
    what is the use of (E.0C) in Text element in SAP Script
    SAP script PO print problem
    SAP script PO print problem
    How to insert a condition in the Graphic Window of a SAP Script ?
    How to insert a condition in the Graphic Window of a SAP Script ?
    script debug
    about script debug
    routine in sapscript
    routine in sapscript
    Check these links posted by me previously
    Converting Scripts from one language to another!

  • Calling UNIX shell script from ODI package?

    How Can we call UNIX shell script from ODI package?
    I have a ftp_ss.sh script which which ftps a file from remote server to local server, archives the last file and renames new file to the standard (ie file data store)name.
    I want to run the above script and interfaces from a package.
    Any help is greately appreciated.

    In the package window, put "OS Command" from the toolbox.
    Provide the command parameters to this tool in form of "/path/to/script/ftp_ss.sh"

  • Migrating Shell scripts from HP-Unix 11i to OEL 5.0

    Hi :
    We recently migrated the databases from a HP-Unix server 11i to OEL 5.0 Server. As a part of the move we also had to migrate the shell scripts from Unix.
    The source scripts uses B-Shell and when we try to run this on OEL nothing works. It looks like we may have to rewrite for BASH or KORN Shell in OEL 5.0.
    I have very limited experience in writing shell scripts and need expert guidence on how the existing script could be modified to work in Linux. Any useful pointer would be great help.

    BMP wrote:
    Hi :
    We recently migrated the databases from a HP-Unix server 11i to OEL 5.0 Server. As a part of the move we also had to migrate the shell scripts from Unix.
    The source scripts uses B-Shell and when we try to run this on OEL nothing works. It looks like we may have to rewrite for BASH or KORN Shell in OEL 5.0.
    I have very limited experience in writing shell scripts and need expert guidence on how the existing script could be modified to work in Linux. Any useful pointer would be great help.
    BalaI assume you mean 'Bourne shell' ... though possibly you have Posix (which is meant to be close to ksh).
    In general ... with exceptions ... ksh and bash are a superset of (bourne shell).
    Two things can help:
    [1] Check the first line in the scripts and indicate what it is .....
    head -1 some-shell-script.
    Does hte she-bang command exit on OEL?
    [2] Post one or show of the error messages here.
    ... It is possilbe you are getting one basic error/problem repeated everywhere rather than a lot of different eror messages
    If you give examples ... without compromising your security .. that may be a more focused answer

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