Writing a syntax for derived properties

I am trying to write a syntax to get the parent of a derived parent. I have written series for this but none worked can anyone please help
I am trying to get the Grand Parent
Any idea will help.

Sorry but i didn't really get a hold of the custom properties that you've used... Going by the P.S that you need to get the grandparent..Here is something you can try
Now, for Nodes at level less than  2 you can choose whether to keep a DefaultValue or to just keep it blank.
Let mek now if this makes sense.

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    I've had a look around and can't find the correct syntax for an Expression in a Derived Column task.
    Below is the logic in TSQL. Please could someone help me convert it?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Lucy,
    Try like below expression in derived columns.. 
     ((FIELD1 = 'A'
    && FIELD2 IS NULL)
    ? "A" :
      (FIELD1 = 'B'
    && FIELD2 IS NULL)
    ? "Y" :
    (FIELD1 = 'A' && FIELD2 = 'C' )?
    ”C_A” :
    (FIELD1 = 'B' && FIELD2 = 'C' )
    ? “'C_B” :
    (FIELD1 = 'A' && FIELD2 = 'D' )
    ? “'D_A'” :
    (FIELD1 = 'B' AND FIELD2 = 'D' )
    ? “'D_B”
    : "0"))

  • Object initializer syntax for strongly typed objects

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    No such thing in AS.  You could write a factory function if you want but it
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  • Syntax for using a variable in an equation.

    Hi all,
    Simple question here.  What is tha appropriate syntax for using a variable in a calculation equation.  Specifically, I am taking an established curve fitting equation from my channels and trying to calculate it over a lineargenerated data set to extend the curve  beyond the original data sample.  Here is the small portion of script I have that will not work.  Thanks for any help.
    dim a,b,c
    a = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(5).Channels("air consumption formula").Properties("ResultApprAnsatzCoef1").Value
    b = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(5).Channels("air consumption formula").Properties("ResultApprAnsatzCoef2").Value
    c = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(5).Channels("air consumption formula").Properties("ResultApprAnsatzCoef3").Value
    Call Calculate("Ch(""[5]/Air Consumption LG"")= ""a"" + Ch(""[5]/LinearGenerated"")*""b""+""c""*ch(""[5]/LinearGenerated"")^2")

    Hi Gloorious,
    I am using diadem script.  In my example above, for the equation, if I substitue a,b,and c with numerical values, the script runs just fine and the formula executes as desired.  Is there a way to place the variables there instead as I have tried to do (I was hoping it was just a syntax issue) or do I have to approach it a completely different way?
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    Call Calculate("Ch(""[5]/Air Consumption LG"")= 4 + Ch(""[5]/LinearGenerated"")*5+6*ch(""[5]/LinearGenerated"")^2")
    but this will not:
    dim a,b,c
    a = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(5).Channels("air consumption formula").Properties("ResultApprAnsatzCoef1").Value
    b = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(5).Channels("air consumption formula").Properties("ResultApprAnsatzCoef2").Value
    c = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(5).Channels("air consumption formula").Properties("ResultApprAnsatzCoef3").Value
    Call Calculate("Ch(""[5]/Air Consumption LG"")= ""a"" + Ch(""[5]/LinearGenerated"")*""b""+""c""*ch(""[5]/LinearGenerated"")^2")

  • Round up syntax for Formatted Search

    Hi all,
    I need help on writing the formatted search syntax for below scenario.
    Discount % = 2 decimal place only
    Unit Price = 99,376.00
    Discount = 30.97%
    Price After Discount = 68,599.25
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    Anyone can help? Thanks in advance.

    Hi Too Mui Hwee
    Will the UDF be varchar or numeric? Do you want the udf to show the currency as well?
    I have done both for you. The problem with SQL 2008 & 2012 is that they don't have a roundup function. This is however in version 2014 which is not yet supported by SAP Business One.
    Without currency:
    SELECT CASE WHEN ROUND($[$38.17.NUMBER],0) < $[$38.17.NUMBER] THEN ROUND($[$38.17.NUMBER],0) + 1 ELSE ROUND($[$38.17.NUMBER],0) END
    With currency:
    SELECT CASE WHEN ROUND($[$38.17.NUMBER],0) < $[$38.17.NUMBER] THEN $[$38.17.CURRENCY] + ' ' + CAST(ROUND($[$38.17.NUMBER],0) + 1 AS VARCHAR(20)) ELSE $[$38.17.CURRENCY] + ' ' + CAST(ROUND($[$38.17.NUMBER],0) AS VARCHAR(20)) END
    Kind regards
    Peter Juby

  • SQL Syntax for Access database

    This pertains to LV only due to the fact that LV requires a slightly different syntax for SQL statements for use with Access than what you will see in the Access Queries SQL view.  For instance, I discovered that if you use a  ?  for a character placeholder  (can be any single character) in Access, you need to use an  _  (underscore)  for this feature.  I also discoverd that you use a % sign instead of an *  (asterisk) for any number of characters.
    The lat thing I am having trouble with is specifying a range of characters that could be in a certain position in the text field.  For instance, if the first character can be only an alpha between  A and Z, and the next two characters can be numbers anywhere from 1 to 12,  I would use   LIKE "[A-Z][1-12]*"      In LV, the double quotes are are replaced with single quotes but I cannot figure out what to replace the brackets with. 
    The brackets do not return a syntax error but also do not return any results that should fit the pattern.
    I have tried parenthesis, double quotes, using a TO in place of the dash, etc.
    Any input on this is very much appreciated.
    I guess sometimes writing the problem out helps one deduce the answer by taking a closer look at what has been tried and what has not.
    So  LIKE "[A-Z][1-12]*"   in Access will be   LIKE ('[A-Z][01-12]%')  in LV.    I hadn't tried the pecent sign in place of the asterisk using the brackets.    Too bad this stuff isn't spelled out in detail somewhere.
    "My only wish is that I am capable of learning each and every day until my last breath."

    Thanks Danubio for the links.  The one for the SQL utility may be helpful as I go forward.
    Mike,  yes I am using the connectivity toolkit.  It's what I cut my teeth on and up to this point, has not caused me any issues.   I rarely make changes after implementation but if I do, the use of typedef's keeps it pretty painless.  A brief read on the doc included in your referenced zip file confirms there are alternate methods to talks to the database tables  (I am not a one table programmer).  When time permits, I will do some trials and if warranted, will try some of your techniques at some point.  Simply not enough time currently.
    As I posted intially, I actually solved my problem before there were any replies and included my solution in the first post.  Why there is a syntax difference going from LV to an mdb is an unknown to me but it exists nonetheless.
    Thanks for the input on this
    "My only wish is that I am capable of learning each and every day until my last breath."

  • Flex 3: syntax for populating ArrayCollection by loop

    Hi, I'm a newb. I can't find an example of how to do this. Any examples would be greatl appreciated.
    I want to chart some engineering data by populating my chart's dataprovider with an array collection (so far no problem). I want to poulate the array collection by looping through a math expression and I can't figure out the syntax for that. For example...
    private var myChartData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
        {vertNum:100, horizNum:100}
    I want to loop through and add more points programmatically so if I loop 5 times I end up with...
    private var myChartData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
         {vertNum:100, horizNum:100},
        {vertNum:110, horizNum:110},
        {vertNum:43, horizNum:120},
        {vertNum:88, horizNum:130},
        {vertNum:140, horizNum:140},
         // etc...
    The number of horizontal variables to plot ould be in the hundreds, so I don't want to set up a huge static array collection with expressions in each location. I'd prefer to solve the expression as a loop iterates and populate the array collection as it goes. But I haven't got a clue how to 'word' that.

    Here is an example of adding data points from a simple formula using a random number generator and scaling the randomness up. The process is just to create a new Object for each iteration of the loop and add the object to your ArrayCollection. You can assign as many properties to the object as you need, which can be helpful for using one ArrayCollection that is displayed in multiple charts.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="build_model()">
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                private function build_model():void {
                    var obj:Object;
                    var chartAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
                    for (var i:uint = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                        obj = new Object();
                        obj.horizNum = 100 + 10 * i;
                        obj.vertNum = i * Math.random();
                    linechart1.dataProvider = chartAC;
        <mx:LineChart left="10" right="10" top="54" bottom="10" id="linechart1">
                <mx:LineSeries displayName="Series 1" yField="vertNum" xField="horizNum"/>
        <mx:Button x="10" y="10" label="Build Model" click="build_model()"/>

  • Syntax for Evaluate function in OBIEE

    I have browsed through the docs but couldn't find syntax for Evaluate function. Could someone pass me the full syntax and if possible a helpful example against essbase.

    syntax:- EVAULATE('your db function(%1,%2)', parameter list)
    here %1 and %2 are the no.of parameters (columns or may constant values) to be passed for the db-function
    if you have 3 parameters then you need to use %3 also.. means the columns to be passed.
    following exapmples are for ORACLE db,
    ex1: EVALUATE('upper(%1)', 'kishore kumar') gives the result as -> KISHORE KUMAR
    ex2: EVALUATE('upper(%1)', 'Markets.Region') here Markets.Region is column.
    you also can call the user-defined functions through evaulate
    EVALUATE('functioname(%1,%2), column1, column2)
    the above function has 2 parameters to be inputted
    Thanks & Regards
    Kishore Guggilla
    Edited by: Kishore Guggilla on Jan 16, 2009 11:00 PM

  • SQL Syntax for hour/date range in Query

    I am trying to set up an query for sales order documents procesed in the last 30 minutes to be set as an alert to be run every 30 minutes to the sales manager.  I am having difficulty getting the syntax for the last 30 minutes
    Any suggestions?

    I'm not sure query is correct,but u can modify it futher to get correct one.
    SELECT T0.DocNum, T0.DocDate, T0.CardName, T0.DocTotal FROM ORDR T0 WHERE DateDiff(dd, T0.DocDate ,getdate()) = 0 and
    DateDiff(Minute,T0.DocTime,' ') <= 30

  • FAGLL03 : Submit syntax for dynamic selections

    Hi Experts,
    My z report contains following fields in selction screen.
    1 . G/ L account
    2. Comapny code
    3. posting date
    4. document type
    5. layout
    In my z report i used following syntax for passing selection screen values to standard program and getting data.
                      WITH SD_SAKNR   IN S_SAKNR
                      WITH SD_BUKRS   IN S_BUKRS
                      WITH X_OPSEL    EQ ' '
                      WITH X_CLSEL    EQ ' '
                      WITH X_AISEL    EQ 'X'
                      WITH SO_BUDAT   IN S_BUDAT
                      WITH PA_VARI    EQ P_VAR
                      EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY
                     AND RETURN. 
    The above syntax is not working for dynamic selection field ( document type ), entire document types data is fetching from standard program. I want to fetch document type data based on my z report selection values for document type field.
    Expect for document type field , submit syntax is working.
    kindly provide submit syntax for my above requirement .
    Any suggestions from experts....
    thanks & regards,
    Hari priya
    Edited by: Hari  Priya on Aug 24, 2009 4:33 PM

    Try like this.
        curr_report = 'FAGL_ACCOUNT_ITEMS_GL'
        selection_table = i_sel[].
    Fill your profit center values in i_sel
    Submit FAGL_ACCOUNT_ITEMS_GL with selection-table i_sel and return

  • Syntax for how to call method of one comp in other comp     wd java.

    Let us assume,
    there is method1 in view1 comp1.
    tell me syntax for calling method 1 in view2 comp2
    thanks in advance.
    Edited by: madhu1011 on Nov 9, 2011 11:31 AM

    Hi Madhu,
    This is the situation:
    comp1-> method 1 , view1
    comp2-> view2
    You need to access method1  in view2 of comp2.
    For that, do the following steps:
    1.) First create a method (for eg: method1) in comp1 (under implementation of view1).
            eg: public void method1(){
                    <......some logic...>
    2.)Save the meta data.
    3.) In comp2, you will find an option called used components. In that right click and add the component comp2. (Carefully select comp1 itslef).
    4.)Save the meta data.
    5.) Then go to view2 of comp2 and take implementaion part and right the following logic in wddoinit() (or any other standard or custom method).
    By this way, we can access the method1 of comp1 in comp2.

  • Authentication syntax for HTTP GET method using TCP functions in Labview on linux

    Currently, I am trying to communicate to web server. I have Labview installed on a Linux machine. The HTTP function blocks and other labview functions do not work. Hence, I am building a HTTP code string using TCP functions (port 80) to talk to the web server. I am successfully able to fetch a response from web sites (example www.ni.com) from my vi. However, when I try to communicate to my web server, it does not work. It requires an authentication. I am able to open http://ipaddress in my browser from my machine using username and password. Can someone help with Authentication string requirement for GET method?
    so far the string is:
    GET /index/ HTTP/1.1
    Host: http://xx.xx.xx.xx

    An easy option would be to try http://userassword@server syntax for the URL.
    Else I posted a Twitter fetcher once (won't work anymore since Twitter moved to Oauth authentication) at LAVA. Based on code from @cloew.
    The code is part of this LLB.
    Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
    Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep www.lvug.nl
    My LabVIEW Ideas
    LabVIEW, programming like it should be!

  • "unsupported syntax for refreshRow  ()"

    Hi everybody!
    I've got a problem with a JDBC-Application I wrote for Oracle 8i. Since migrating to Oracle 9i, it displays after the 10th call to ResultSet.next() an error message "unsupported syntax for refreshRow ()" and it seems to end the connection. Any further requests to the database result in "No more data can be read from socket". I need to logon to the database again to fix this.
    I suspect that only 10 lines are cached in the ResultSet. But shouldn't the Oracle thin driver by itself realize if an underrun in the cache appears and rather try to get more lines from the database than display an error message?
    I could set the lines fetched at the first attempt to a higher value than 10, but that would only shift the problem.
    Any answer is appreciated.
    Thanks and regards,

    my solution was, to change my scrollable result set from sensitive to insensitive type ...

  • Syntax for inserting a single field

      can u please tell me what is the syntax for inserting a single field in ztable.

    inserting a single field doesnt make sense if table has more dan one primary keys.
    The syntax is
    where wa_table is of type ztable.

  • Syntax for creating foreign key across users in a database

    There are two user present A,B.They are granted all privileges.Now in USER A, there is a table PARENT whose primary key is PARENT_NO.In USER B I have created a table CHILD whose primary key is CHILD_NO.
    In the CHILD table of USER B, I want to create a foreign key relation to the PARENT table of USER A.For this I have created a column CHILD_PARENT_NO in the CHILD table.If anybody knows the syntax please post the syntax for creating the required foreign key relationship?

    Please post your code. Cut'n'paste from SQL*Plus like this...
    SQL> conn a/a
    SQL> desc t1
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    COL1                                               NUMBER
    COL2                                               VARCHAR2(10)
    SQL> grant references on t1 to b;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> conn b/b
    SQL> create synonym a_t for a.t1;
    Synonym created.
    SQL> alter table test add constraint fk foreign key (n) references a_t(col1);
    Table altered.
    SQL> Note that Oracle will translate the synonym anyway...
    SQL> select constraint_name, r_owner, r_constraint_name
      2  from  user_constraints
      3  where table_name = 'TEST'
      4  /
    FK              A       T1_PK
    SQL> By the way, this ...
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO B;... is a mindbendingly unsafe way of proceeding. In real life you would have given user B the power to utterly destroy your database. It's always easier to start with good habits than to break bad ones so please get used to granting only the minimum set of privileges necessary.
    Cheers, APC

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