Writing a whole class instance to a file

Is it possible to write an intance of a class to a file whole?
My problem is as follows I have a complicated class system for the piece of software i am currently writing this has vector classes upon vector classes upon vector classes etc. The top class is called rulelist. Having created an instance of this class in the main method and added various instances of other classes to it i want to be able to save this instance on exiting the program. I know how to write individual pieces of data to a file but is there an easier way to do this than to save all the data individualy and then re-sort it out when loading the instance again?
Please help

Sun has some tech tip articles on serialization:
Do a search for 'serialization' on this webpage.

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    Here's how I would do it:
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    You can create a ClassLoader of your own. There's a simplified example in this thread (reply number 6):

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    Well, there's more than one way. But as an example consider this:
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        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class Main extends MovieClip
            private var t:Test;
            public function Main()
                t = new Test();
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    Hey Tracy,
    That is exactly what I was talking about in a previous post
    you replied to
    Anyhow, Below is some code I created to do what your saying
    somewhat dynamically. The idea being you can have many different
    object types that you may want to populate with data from XML. In
    my case I am using e4x as the result type from my web services. At
    present I have about 6 different classes that call this function.
    I'd love to get some opinions on the function. Good bad or
    ???? Any improvements etc????
    package . . . .
    import flash.utils.describeType;
    import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
    import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
    import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
    * Utility class to convert xml based Objects to class
    * Takes a value object as the destination and an xmlList of
    * Look through all the items in the value object. Note we
    are using classInfo..accessor since
    * our objects are bound all variables become getter /
    setter's or accessors.
    * Also note, we can handle custom objects, arrays and
    * History
    * 03.11.2008 - Steven Rieger : Created class
    public final class XMLToInstance
    public static function xmlToInstance( destinationObject :
    Object, sourceXMLList : XMLList ) : void
    // Get the class definition in XML, from the passed in
    object ( introspection so to speak )
    var classInfo : XML = describeType( destinationObject );
    // Loop through each variable defined in the class.
    for each ( var aVar : XML in classInfo..accessor )
    // If this is String, Number, etc. . . Just copy the data
    into the destination object.
    if( isSimple( aVar.@type ) )
    destinationObject[aVar.@name] = sourceXMLList[aVar.@name];
    // Dynamically create a class of the appropriate type
    var className : String = aVar.@type;
    var ObjectClass : Class = getDefinitionByName( className )
    as Class;
    var newDestObject : Object = Object( new ObjectClass());
    // If this is a custom type
    if( isCustomType( className ) && ObjectClass != null
    // Recursively call itself passing in the custom data type
    and the data to store in it.
    // I haven't tested nested objects more than one level. I
    suppose it should work.
    // Note to self. Check.
    xmlToInstance( newDestObject, sourceXMLList[aVar.@name] );
    // Must be some sort of Array, Array Collection . . .
    if( ObjectClass != null )
    var anXMLList : XMLList = new XMLList(
    sourceXMLList[aVar.@name] );
    for each( var anItem : XML in anXMLList )
    // I'm sure there are more types, just not using any of them
    if( newDestObject is Array )
    newDestObject.push( anItem )
    newDestObject.addItem( anItem );
    // Add the data to the destination object. . . .
    destinationObject[aVar.@name] = newDestObject;
    } // end function objectToInstance
    public static function isSimple( dataType : String ) :
    * This function is pretty self explanatory.
    * Check to see if this is a simple data type. Did I miss
    * History
    * 03.11.2008 - Steven Rieger : Created function
    switch( dataType.toLowerCase() )
    case "number":
    case "string":
    case "boolean":
    return true;
    return false;
    } // end isSimple
    public static function isCustomType( className : String ) :
    * This function is pretty self explanatory.
    * Check to see if this is a custom data type. Add them here
    as you need. . .
    * History
    * 03.11.2008 - Steven Rieger : Created function
    var aClassName : String = className.replace( "::", "."
    aClassName = aClassName.substr( aClassName.lastIndexOf( "."
    ) + 1, aClassName.length - aClassName.lastIndexOf( "." ) );
    switch( aClassName )
    case "ndatetimevo":
    case "expenselineitemvo":
    return true;
    return false;
    } // end isCustomType
    } // end class
    } // end package

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    current page (lower level page). I would like to reference
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    of "Hello, Jack", where 'Jack' is a variable held in the class
    instance on another page at the same level as the current

    You need to have a look at the Singleton Pattern. Here is a
    link that might help you

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    Most of those cases are easily cleaned, but I'm also running into problems with some classes that have only one definition! If the AS3 linkage of SWC1 has the same base class, than AS3 linkage of SWC2, we run into the same problem. This is because both SWC1 and SWC2 contain the definition of the base class and maybe they have different fingerprints, even though our base classes are just AS3 files (no linkages).
    Does this make any sense?
    Anyone know a way to see the class name collisions and potential problems?

    If different SWC are using exactly the same class, there’s no problem. If more than one is using the same named class, and the two or more copies are different, they it’s down to the order they get compiled, and that can vary.
    Make sure that everywhere that a class has the same name, it’s identical to the other ones. Remember that MovieClips become classes too, so if you have a shared library item named “title”, and it’s different for each SWC because the graphic instead the MovieClip is different, then you’ll get big problems.
    One easy solution is to put the classes into a dedicated folder, like:
    instead of:
    You will end up with a lot of identical things in memory, but they have a different path, and won’t clash with each other.
    Another thing to know, if you use GetDefinitionByName(“class1”), the main document class needs to know about those classes. This will solve that problem:
    public var namedClasses:Array = [class1,class2,class3];
    Then when the compiler is doing its thing, it doesn’t go into shock when an embedded SWC is creating an instance of a class from the shared name.
    So, make sure things are truly identical, or make sure they have a different path.

  • Any way to for a class instance to ask what its instance name is?

    Hey. I have a class which needs to create a movie clip on the
    stage. Since each instance of the class will only ever have 1 movie
    clip on the stage at a time, it seems reasonable that I have the
    instance create a movie clip with its own name, prefixed with "mc_"
    or something of the sort.
    Here's where I don't know quite what to do... How do I get at
    this information? For instance, when you a dealing with an XMLNode,
    you can simply use...
    the_answer = xmlNodeInstance.nodeName;
    ...I know the analogy fails, but hopefully you know what I'm
    looking for.

    and when you create your movie clip, (assuming you don't just
    build it at authoring time) you specify an instance id through the
    createEmptyMovieClip function....
    taking a cue from this, I'm guessing that my answer is to
    change the structure of what I'm doing a little... instantiate my
    object with an instance name as a parameter given to the Class
    Constructor... that way the class can have it's own name on file.
    I guess my only concern there is how do I keep the "name"
    variable from being just completely arbitrary...?
    I guess I'm getting away from application (becaust I don't
    know when I'd do this...) and into theory.... but for instance,
    let's say I create my class like this:
    var instanceReference:mySuperCoolClass = new
    So. I have my class instance... ideally, the class would
    exist on the stage as "instanceName", with "instanceReference"
    being another way to reference the instance. That would be ideal...
    but how do I make that happen? Because in the scenario of what I've
    just done, I see the class instance existing on the stage as
    "instanceReference", and I've just passed it a fun, but meaningless
    bit of data called "instanceName"...
    I suppose I could have the class go back to "_parent" and
    create it's own object.... but here again I'm getting into
    territory that feels a lot like i have no idea what I'm doing...
    I guess I have enough info to get back to coding for now...
    But I'm deffinately open to more tips... I feel like I'm still
    missing how a lot of this works.
    (I'm at that awkward place where I can easily explain what
    OOP is, but I'm far from experienced in how to implement it... I've
    only written about half a dozen classes so far... so I still have a
    lot to learn. Thanks for your patience, all of you!)

  • Initialize/set a base class from a another base class instance

    How can I initialize/set a base class from a another base class instance? I do not want to do a copy of it.
    It would look something like:
    class A {...}
    class B extends A
        B(A a)
            // super = a;
        setA(A a)
            // super = a;
    }Thank you.

    erikku wrote:
    Thanks Winton. It is what I did first but A has lots of methods and if methods are later added to A, I will have to edit B again. For those two reasons, I wanted to use inheritance. The part I was not sure with was the way to initialize B's base (A).You pays your money and you takes your choice. One way (this way) you have to provide forwarders; the other way (inheritance) you have to provide constructors (and if A has a lot of em, you may be writing quite a few).
    Ask yourself this question: is every B also an A? No exceptions. Ever.
    If the answer is 'yes', then inheritance is probably the best way to go.
    However, if there is even the remotest chance that an instance of B should not exhibit 100% of the behaviour of A, now or in the future, then the wrapper style is probably what you want.
    Another great advantage of the wrapper style is that methods can be added to A without affecting the API for B (unless you want to).
    PS: If your Class A has a constructor or constructors that take a pile of parameters, you might also want to look at the Builder pattern. However, that's not really what we're talking about here, and it should probably be implemented on A anyway.

  • Class Instances

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    Is is best to create one class instance and keep a reference to it and reuse that class as needed or should I let that instance be garbage collected and create a new instance as needed?
    I have a class in a project that will format and output data to a file. Basically this is recording transactions inputted by the user. I would estimate that this would get called, at the most, 25 times per day.
    So is it best to call a new instance or just create one and reuse it?

    ton80 wrote:
    Quick question regarding best practices for class instances.
    Is is best to create one class instance and keep a reference to it and reuse that class as needed or should I let that instance be garbage collected and create a new instance as needed?Reusing or recycling the class (object pooling) may increase performance, but there's a cost associated. Code complexity increases, more code to maintain, etc. And it's doubtful you'll see performance gains. On the other hand, depending on the app, it may yield huge performance gains.
    I have a class in a project that will format and output data to a file. Basically this is recording transactions inputted by the user. I would estimate that this would get called, at the most, 25 times per day.
    So is it best to call a new instance or just create one and reuse it?Just create the instance inside of a method, each time you need it. At the end of the method, simply let the object fall out of scope. I don't see a case for reuse here whatsoever.

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    can somebody help me to find name of the report if I know name of report instance and also location of instance in Output File Store. It should be done via Query Builder.
    It is ...rpt file as output from Crystal Reports. I tried few commands in Query Builder but usually they finished with timeout error.
    Could you help me and send specific command? Or way how to change timeout of Query Builder?

    Hello all,
    We finally found solution.
    We knew that file is located on path .../Output/a_145/009/002/133521/~ce10c.....9332.rtf
    This file has more than 2 GB. We tried to find which report is related and provide necessary actions.
    As I mentioned we still failed due to timeout error - There was an error retrieving data from the server: CMS operation timed out after 9 minutes.
    So we tried to use our testing environment. We started there QueryBuilder and there we successfully tested that we found details about files from FileStore /like Name of the report in Launch Pad, CUID, ...
    SELECT * FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE SI_FILES.SI_PATH = 'frs://Input/ a_148/020/000/5268/'
    Best regards,

  • How do I convert Wallet.class to a CAP file?

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    Please be more specific. Describe what you did in detail, provide outputs of your actions etc. Otherwise noone can help you.
    Somebody save the world..

  • How to create java classes when multiple xsd files with same root element

    I got below error
    12/08/09 16:26:38 BST: [ERROR] Error while parsing schema(s).Location []. 'resultClass' is already defined
    12/08/09 16:26:38 BST: [ERROR] Error while parsing schema(s).Location []. (related to above error) the first definition appears here
    12/08/09 16:26:38 BST: Build errors for viafrance; org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Internal error in the plugin manager executing goal 'org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin:0.7.1:generate': Mojo execution failed.
    I tried genarate java classes from multiple xsd files, but getting above error, here in .xsd file i have the <xe: element="resultClass"> in all .xsd files.
    So I removed all .xsd files accept one, now genarated java classes correctly. but i want to genarte the java classes with diffrent names with out changing .xsd
    Can you please tell me any one how to resolve this one......

    If you want to upload several Java classes in one script the solution is .sql file, for example:
    set define ?
    create or replace and compile java source named "my.Sleep" as
    package my;
    import java.lang.Thread;
    public class Sleep {
    public static void main(String []args) throws java.lang.InterruptedException {
    if (args != null && args.length>0) {
    int s = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    } else
    create or replace and compile java source named "my.App" as
    package my;
    public class App {
    public static void main(String []args) throws java.lang.InterruptedException {
    Then the .sql file can be parsed using the SQLPlus, JDeveloper or SQLDeveloper tools.
    HTH, Marcelo.

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