Referring to primary Class' instance...

I'm using Flash Develop. Creating a new project creates a class. How do I refer to the instance of that class from a different file?

Well, there's more than one way. But as an example consider this:
class Main:
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    public class Main extends MovieClip
        private var t:Test;
        public function Main()
            t = new Test();
        public function traceTest():void
            trace("hello world");
Within main we make an instance of the Test class - a simple red rectangle Sprite.
Now in Test:
    import flash.display.*;
    public class Test extends Sprite
        public function Test()
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callMain);
        private function callMain(e:Event):void
So, as soon as the red rectangle is added to the stage, callMain is fired which simply calls traceTest within its parent container. And you will see 'hello world' in the output panel.

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  • How to reference the class-instance, created in parent class.

    Hi, I have following scenario. During compilation I am gettting error message -- "cannot resolve symbol - symbol : Variable myZ"
    CODE :
    under package A.1;
              ClassZ myZ = new ClassZ;
    under package A.2;
         Servlet2 extends Servlet1
    How to reference the class-instance created in the parent class?

    some corrections ...
    under package A.1;
                   ClassZ myZ = new ClassZ;
    under package A.2;
         Servlet2 extends Servlet1

  • Binding a JavaFX variable to a Java class instance variable

    I am pretty new to JavaFX but have been developing in Java for many years. I am trying to develop a JavaFX webservice client. What I am doing is creating a basic scene that displays the data values that I am polling with a Java class that extends Thread. The Java class is reading temperature and voltage from a remote server and storing the response in an instance variable. I would like to bind a JavaFx variable to the Java class instance variable so that I can display the values whenever they change.
    var conn: WebserviceConnection; // Java class that extends Thread
    var response: WebserviceResponse;
    try {
    conn = new WebserviceConnection("some_url");
    } catch (e:Exception) {
    def bindTemp = bind conn.getResponse().getTemperature();
    def bindVolt = bind conn.getResponse().getVoltage();
    The WebserviceConnection class is opening a socket connection and reading some data in a separate thread. A regular socket connection is used because the server is not using HTTP.
    When I run the application, the bindTemp and bindVolt are not updated whenever new data values are received.
    Am I missing something with how bind works? Can I do what I want to do with 'bind'. I basically want to run a separate thread to retrieve data and want my UI to be updated when the data changes.
    Is there a better way to do this than the way I am trying to do it?
    Thanks for any help in advance.

    If you don't want to constantly poll for value change, you can use the observer design pattern, but you need to modify the classes that serve the values to javafx.
    Heres a simple example:
    The Thread which updates a value in every second:
    public class TimeServer extends Thread {
        private boolean interrupted = false;
        public ValueObject valueObject = new ValueObject();
        public void run() {
            while (!interrupted) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                    interrupted = true;
    }The ValueObject class which contains the values we want to bind in javafx:
    import java.util.Observable;
    public class ValueObject extends Observable {
        private String value;
        public String getValue() {
            return this.value;
        public void setValue(String value) {
            this.value = value;
        private void fireNotify() {
    }We also need an adapter class in JFX so we can use bind:
    // ValueObjectAdapter.fx
    import java.util.Observer;
    import java.util.Observable;
    public class ValueObjectAdapter extends Observer {
        public-read var value : String;
        public var valueObject : ValueObject
            on replace { valueObject.addObserver(this)}
        override function update(observable: Observable, arg: Object) {
             // We need to run every code in the JFX EDT
             // do not change if the update method can be called outside the Event Dispatch Thread!
                 function(): Void {
                    value = valueObject.getValue();
    }And finally the main JFX code which displays the canging value:
    // Main.fx
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.text.Text;
    import javafx.scene.text.Font;
    import threadbindfx.TimeServer;
    var timeServer : TimeServer;
    var valueObjectAdapter : ValueObjectAdapter = new ValueObjectAdapter();
    timeServer = new TimeServer();
    valueObjectAdapter.valueObject = timeServer.valueObject;
    Stage {
        title: "Time Application"
        width: 250
        height: 80
        scene: Scene {
            content: Text {
                font : Font {
                    size : 24
                x : 10, y : 30
                content: bind valueObjectAdapter.value;
    }This approach uses less cpu time than constant polling, and changes aren't dependent on the polling interval.
    However this cannot be applied to code which you cannot change obviously.
    I hope this helps.

  • How to get a reference to the owner of a class instance?

    Within a method of a class, how can I get a reference to the
    object containing the class instance?
    To be clear: I have class B that contains a method, say
    "myfunc()". Class A (say, the application itself or a custom
    component) instantiates a new instance of Class B : myclassB=new
    Now, from within myfunc() can I get a reference to Class A?
    The simplest way here is to pass a "this" reference when
    calling myfunc(), i.e. "myclassB.myfunc(this)" but I would prefer
    not to have to remember to always use 'this'.

    Are these objects within each other. Does classA own classB?
    If that is the case, then Greg is correct and it should be
    available in parentDocument.
    In projects in the past we have created a central
    refObjectLocator object that is available to all objects.
    Mostly we use events to communicate between objects. Dispatch
    an event and let whoever listen for it.
    Here is a copy of our reflocator if you are interested.
    package com.goconfigure.model {
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import com.adobe.cairngorm.model.ModelLocator;
    import com.goconfigure.util.HashMap;
    public class RefObjectLocator implements ModelLocator {
    // this instance stores a static reference to itself
    private static var refObject : RefObjectLocator;
    public var refObjectHM : HashMap = new HashMap();
    // singleton: constructor only allows one model locator
    public function AppLocator() : void {
    if ( RefObjectLocator.refObject != null )
    throw new Error( "Only one RefObjectLocator instance should
    be instantiated" );
    // singleton: always returns the one existing static
    instance to itself
    public static function getInstance() : RefObjectLocator {
    if ( refObject == null )
    refObject = new RefObjectLocator();
    return refObject;
    public function addRefObject( pRefObject : Object, pName :
    String ) : void {
    public function getRefObject( pName : String ) : Object {
    return refObjectHM.getValue(pName);
    public function removeRefObject( pName : String ) : void {
    public function clearRefObject() : void {

  • Getting Class instance of a class

    Dear Friends,
    I need to get Class instance of a class in my project. Inorder to use the reflection API 's the package name of the class is needed , but it may not be available Only available thing is the name of the class file and the location where that file is existing .
    Please suggest some method to get Class instance in this situation.

    You can create a ClassLoader of your own. There's a simplified example in this thread (reply number 6):


    작성날짜 : 2004-08-13
    OPS를 이용하는 고객 중에는 OPS를 primary와 secondary 형태로 사용하는 경우가
    종종 있다. 즉 OPS 2 node로 구성하여 평상 시에는 한쪽 node만을 사용하다가,
    사용하던 node나 instance에 fail이 발생하면 문제가 없는 다른 node의 instance를
    이용하는 것이다.
    이러한 경우의 고객의 입장에서는 평소 한쪽 instance만을 사용하기 때문에,
    다른 쪽 instance에는 memory 등의 접근이 전혀 없을 것으로 생각한다. 그러나
    실제 OPS에서 각 resource의 master node는 hash 형태로 고정된 것으로 node 별로
    균등하게 나누어진다. 그러므로 data block 절반은 사용하지 않은 다른 node가
    master node가 되어 해당 block buffer의 lock 정보 등을 위해 master 정보를
    확인할 때 backup 형태로 standby하고 있는 다른 node를 계속해서 접근하게 된다.
    이러한 문제점을 보완하기 위해서 Oracle 8.1.6부터는 Primary/Secondary 형태로
    OPS를 구성하여 primary node에 모든 resource의 master 정보를 유지하는 것이
    가능하도록 하였다.
    Oracle Parallel Server(OPS) Option은 8~9i Standard Edition에서는
    지원하지 않는다.
    Primary/Secondary 구성은 기본적으로 각 node의 initSID.ora file에
    active_transaction_count=1을 지정함으로써 이루어진다.
    이렇게 지정한 상태에서 먼저 start시키는 instance가 primary가 되는 것이다.
    primary instance가 fail이 되면 secondary instnace가 다시 primary가 된다.
    client의 접속은 listener를 통해 primary instance로 접속되어진다.
    MTS와 dedicated mode 둘 다 구성 가능하며, dedicated인 경우는 dynamic
    registration 형태로 구성되어야 한다.
    이 예에서는 mts의 경우는 특별히 주의할 점이 없기 때문에 dynamic registration
    형태로 구성된 dedicated mode에서 test하였다.
    client에서는 primary instance fail 후 secondary instance 접속 시에도, primary
    접속 시 이용한 동일한 tnsnames.ora 내의 service 명을 이용하면 된다.
    단, 이와 같이 active_instance_count가 1로 설정된 상태에서는, session의 끊김없이
    다른 instance로 fail-over되는 TAF(Transparent Failover)가 현재 test 결과 불가능
    TAF 구성이 반드시 필요한 환경에서는 OPS의 한 node를 backup 용으로 사용하고자
    할 때에도 active_instance_count 지정없이 사용하도록 권한다.
    이러한 구성에서 secondary node의 경우 standby db처럼 단지 backup 용으로
    대기만 하고 있어야 하는 것은 아니고 직접 server에서 접속하여 batch 성
    transaction같은 것을 수행하여도 문제가 없다. 단 telnet 등을 이용해 server로
    직접 login 후 instance로 접속하여야 한다.
    이 test는 Oracle solaris 2.8에서 test되었다.
    (1) initSID.ora
    - A node의 initSID.ora
    active_instance_count = 1
    service_names=INS1, DB1
    - B node의 initSID.ora
    active_instance_count = 1
    service_names=INS2, DB1
    service_names는 여러 개를 지정 가능한데, 중요한 것은 두 node가 공통으로
    사용할 service name 한 가지는 반드시 지정하여야 한다.
    일반적으로 db_name을 지정하면 된다.
    host= 부분은 hostname이나 ip address를 지정하면 된다.
    (2) listener.ora
    (ADDRESS =
    (PROTOCOL = tcp)
    (HOST = krtest1)(PORT= 1521)))
    B node에서는 krtest1 대신 b node의 hostname 혹은 ip address를 지정하면
    MTS라면 뒤에 sid_list_listener를 적으셔도 상관없는데, dedicate인 경우는
    반드시 이와 같이 sid_list_listener없이 지정하여 dynamic registration이
    되도록 해야 한다.
    (3) tnsnames.ora
    ops =
    (description =
    (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=krtest1) (port=1521))
    (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=krtest2) (port=1521))
    (connect_data = (service_name = DB1)))
    ops라는 service 명은 임의의 이름으로 지정하여 사용하면 된다.
    primary instance가 fail이 되면 같은 ops라는 service 명을 이용하여 다시
    접속을 시도하면 이번에는 secondary instance가 primary로 변경되어
    접속이 이루어진다.
    Reference Documents

  • Converting string into class instance

    Hi all,
    I want to convert a string which is a class instance in to that class object in the receiving class. I'm sending server's class object as string to another class which is a client.
    Please any one suggest to solve this problem.
    Thanks& regards,

    do you mean reflection?
    here is a simple example:
    import java.lang.reflect.Field;
    public class ThisClass{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Variable Value: " + Variable);
    String className = "ThisClass";
    String varName = "Variable";
    Class c = Class.forName("" + className);
    Field f = c.getField("" + varName);
    f.setInt(null, 123);
    System.out.println("Variable Value: " + Variable);
    } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Error: " + e); }
    public static int Variable = 0;

  • Get class Instance, and then get hers attributes

    Hi Gurus,
    i'm new to ABAP Object,
    creating an a BSP whit MVC controller i've try to implement the class controller,
    but on a method of it i want to get instance of the class parents:
    the class that i implement is an extension of CL_BSP_CONTROLLER2.
    In this class in the method DO_REQUEST ( for example ) i try to get the instance of the class
    parent ( and i got it! ) using this syntax:
      data: Parent type ref to IF_BSP_DISPATCHER,   " type take from attribute M_PARENT of the class
    Parent = ME->M_PARENT.
    In debug i see that 'Parent'  get rightly the class parent instance but than i want do this:
    (i want get the sub controller of the main contoller 'parent', in debug i can see everything fine)
       SubController = Parent->GET_ATTRIBUTE(LEFT_CONTROLLER).
    But the compiler say that the class instance 'Parent' has no methods and no attribute.
    i've try other syntax like:
        call METHOD Parent_>GET_ATTRIBUTE
         CONTROLLER_ID = 'search'
         CONTROLLER_INSTANCE = Parent2
    No one work!
    How can i do?
    Here screnshot of that i see in debug mode, and that i want get:
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Pawan,
    classes ref to CL_BSP_CONTROLLER2 like my controller class, have an attribute
    If the class is a subclass of an main class it has the M_PARENT attribute containing the instance of the parent class,
    i can see in debug mode ( here example: )
    i can get this attribute:
      data: Parent type ref to IF_BSP_DISPATCHER,   " type take from attribute M_PARENT of the class
    Parent = ME->M_PARENT.
    but  the interface IF_BSP_DISPATCHER has no attribute and no method defined, and if i declare 'Parent' as type ref to
    CL_BSP_CONTROLLER2 the compiler return error
          <=>      "The type of "PARENT" cannot be converted to the type of "ME->M_PARENT". "

  • Sending class instance to an external application

    I was wondering if it is possible to send an instance of a class that has been initialized and instantiated to an external application as a parameter to the application?
    Thanks in advance.

    I dont thin that is posible since the java doc says
    Class Class is special cased within the Serialization Stream Protocol. A Class instance is written initially into an ObjectOutputStream in the following format:
    TC_CLASS ClassDescriptor
    A ClassDescriptor is a special cased serialization of
    a instance.
    A new handle is generated for the initial time the class descriptor is written into the stream. Future references to the class descriptor are written as references to the initial class descriptor instance.
    So am not sure whether you can create new instances from the deserialized classes.

  • Creating custom class instances for XML nodes

    Hi guys,
    I'm trying to load an external XML document in my application
    and create an instance of a custom class for each node in the XML
    based on the value of some of their elements. The instances created
    will eventually end up in a DataGrid by the way. The problem I'm
    having is there seems to be many ways of doing small parts of this
    and I have no idea how to make them all gel. Initially I'm using
    HTTPService to load the XML file but I've seen people just use an
    XML object. Then, after that, I initially set the loaded XML to an
    ArrayCollection but others have used XMLList or XMLListCollection.
    I've no idea what's the best way to do this.
    Eventually, when I've created all of these instances by
    looping over the XML and creating them how will I make them
    bindable to the data grid? I'm guessing I'll have to group them
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Hey Tracy,
    That is exactly what I was talking about in a previous post
    you replied to
    Anyhow, Below is some code I created to do what your saying
    somewhat dynamically. The idea being you can have many different
    object types that you may want to populate with data from XML. In
    my case I am using e4x as the result type from my web services. At
    present I have about 6 different classes that call this function.
    I'd love to get some opinions on the function. Good bad or
    ???? Any improvements etc????
    package . . . .
    import flash.utils.describeType;
    import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
    import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
    import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
    * Utility class to convert xml based Objects to class
    * Takes a value object as the destination and an xmlList of
    * Look through all the items in the value object. Note we
    are using classInfo..accessor since
    * our objects are bound all variables become getter /
    setter's or accessors.
    * Also note, we can handle custom objects, arrays and
    * History
    * 03.11.2008 - Steven Rieger : Created class
    public final class XMLToInstance
    public static function xmlToInstance( destinationObject :
    Object, sourceXMLList : XMLList ) : void
    // Get the class definition in XML, from the passed in
    object ( introspection so to speak )
    var classInfo : XML = describeType( destinationObject );
    // Loop through each variable defined in the class.
    for each ( var aVar : XML in classInfo..accessor )
    // If this is String, Number, etc. . . Just copy the data
    into the destination object.
    if( isSimple( aVar.@type ) )
    destinationObject[aVar.@name] = sourceXMLList[aVar.@name];
    // Dynamically create a class of the appropriate type
    var className : String = aVar.@type;
    var ObjectClass : Class = getDefinitionByName( className )
    as Class;
    var newDestObject : Object = Object( new ObjectClass());
    // If this is a custom type
    if( isCustomType( className ) && ObjectClass != null
    // Recursively call itself passing in the custom data type
    and the data to store in it.
    // I haven't tested nested objects more than one level. I
    suppose it should work.
    // Note to self. Check.
    xmlToInstance( newDestObject, sourceXMLList[aVar.@name] );
    // Must be some sort of Array, Array Collection . . .
    if( ObjectClass != null )
    var anXMLList : XMLList = new XMLList(
    sourceXMLList[aVar.@name] );
    for each( var anItem : XML in anXMLList )
    // I'm sure there are more types, just not using any of them
    if( newDestObject is Array )
    newDestObject.push( anItem )
    newDestObject.addItem( anItem );
    // Add the data to the destination object. . . .
    destinationObject[aVar.@name] = newDestObject;
    } // end function objectToInstance
    public static function isSimple( dataType : String ) :
    * This function is pretty self explanatory.
    * Check to see if this is a simple data type. Did I miss
    * History
    * 03.11.2008 - Steven Rieger : Created function
    switch( dataType.toLowerCase() )
    case "number":
    case "string":
    case "boolean":
    return true;
    return false;
    } // end isSimple
    public static function isCustomType( className : String ) :
    * This function is pretty self explanatory.
    * Check to see if this is a custom data type. Add them here
    as you need. . .
    * History
    * 03.11.2008 - Steven Rieger : Created function
    var aClassName : String = className.replace( "::", "."
    aClassName = aClassName.substr( aClassName.lastIndexOf( "."
    ) + 1, aClassName.length - aClassName.lastIndexOf( "." ) );
    switch( aClassName )
    case "ndatetimevo":
    case "expenselineitemvo":
    return true;
    return false;
    } // end isCustomType
    } // end class
    } // end package

  • Class Instance access

    Is it possible to make an instance of a class available for
    reading / writing to on all documents in an application? If so, how
    is it done?
    I have an application written that asks a user to login. When
    the user enters their information (email / password), information
    including their name, email address, date of last login, etc. is
    pulled from my database and a class instance is populated on the
    current page (lower level page). I would like to reference
    different parts of this class instance on multiple documents. For
    example, I would like to display a label that has a text property
    of "Hello, Jack", where 'Jack' is a variable held in the class
    instance on another page at the same level as the current

    You need to have a look at the Singleton Pattern. Here is a
    link that might help you

  • Any way to for a class instance to ask what its instance name is?

    Hey. I have a class which needs to create a movie clip on the
    stage. Since each instance of the class will only ever have 1 movie
    clip on the stage at a time, it seems reasonable that I have the
    instance create a movie clip with its own name, prefixed with "mc_"
    or something of the sort.
    Here's where I don't know quite what to do... How do I get at
    this information? For instance, when you a dealing with an XMLNode,
    you can simply use...
    the_answer = xmlNodeInstance.nodeName;
    ...I know the analogy fails, but hopefully you know what I'm
    looking for.

    and when you create your movie clip, (assuming you don't just
    build it at authoring time) you specify an instance id through the
    createEmptyMovieClip function....
    taking a cue from this, I'm guessing that my answer is to
    change the structure of what I'm doing a little... instantiate my
    object with an instance name as a parameter given to the Class
    Constructor... that way the class can have it's own name on file.
    I guess my only concern there is how do I keep the "name"
    variable from being just completely arbitrary...?
    I guess I'm getting away from application (becaust I don't
    know when I'd do this...) and into theory.... but for instance,
    let's say I create my class like this:
    var instanceReference:mySuperCoolClass = new
    So. I have my class instance... ideally, the class would
    exist on the stage as "instanceName", with "instanceReference"
    being another way to reference the instance. That would be ideal...
    but how do I make that happen? Because in the scenario of what I've
    just done, I see the class instance existing on the stage as
    "instanceReference", and I've just passed it a fun, but meaningless
    bit of data called "instanceName"...
    I suppose I could have the class go back to "_parent" and
    create it's own object.... but here again I'm getting into
    territory that feels a lot like i have no idea what I'm doing...
    I guess I have enough info to get back to coding for now...
    But I'm deffinately open to more tips... I feel like I'm still
    missing how a lot of this works.
    (I'm at that awkward place where I can easily explain what
    OOP is, but I'm far from experienced in how to implement it... I've
    only written about half a dozen classes so far... so I still have a
    lot to learn. Thanks for your patience, all of you!)

  • Initialize/set a base class from a another base class instance

    How can I initialize/set a base class from a another base class instance? I do not want to do a copy of it.
    It would look something like:
    class A {...}
    class B extends A
        B(A a)
            // super = a;
        setA(A a)
            // super = a;
    }Thank you.

    erikku wrote:
    Thanks Winton. It is what I did first but A has lots of methods and if methods are later added to A, I will have to edit B again. For those two reasons, I wanted to use inheritance. The part I was not sure with was the way to initialize B's base (A).You pays your money and you takes your choice. One way (this way) you have to provide forwarders; the other way (inheritance) you have to provide constructors (and if A has a lot of em, you may be writing quite a few).
    Ask yourself this question: is every B also an A? No exceptions. Ever.
    If the answer is 'yes', then inheritance is probably the best way to go.
    However, if there is even the remotest chance that an instance of B should not exhibit 100% of the behaviour of A, now or in the future, then the wrapper style is probably what you want.
    Another great advantage of the wrapper style is that methods can be added to A without affecting the API for B (unless you want to).
    PS: If your Class A has a constructor or constructors that take a pile of parameters, you might also want to look at the Builder pattern. However, that's not really what we're talking about here, and it should probably be implemented on A anyway.

  • Able to store abap class instance in trex

    HEllo all,
    I am new to enterprise search,is it possible to store an abap class instance in trex,basically i store a key value and
    an abap class instance against this key value.

    Good one, Singleton is definitely a good way of doing things.
    But I'm looking for way to track instance of object, isn't it really no way of doing so?
    Then why tools like jps (java version of ps (like command in unix) ) is possible?
    Isn't there a generic way to do this, since Java was build from the ground up with object -oriented in mind, why these pool of objects are not maintainable by user(a developer in this case)?

  • Class Instances

    Quick question regarding best practices for class instances.
    Is is best to create one class instance and keep a reference to it and reuse that class as needed or should I let that instance be garbage collected and create a new instance as needed?
    I have a class in a project that will format and output data to a file. Basically this is recording transactions inputted by the user. I would estimate that this would get called, at the most, 25 times per day.
    So is it best to call a new instance or just create one and reuse it?

    ton80 wrote:
    Quick question regarding best practices for class instances.
    Is is best to create one class instance and keep a reference to it and reuse that class as needed or should I let that instance be garbage collected and create a new instance as needed?Reusing or recycling the class (object pooling) may increase performance, but there's a cost associated. Code complexity increases, more code to maintain, etc. And it's doubtful you'll see performance gains. On the other hand, depending on the app, it may yield huge performance gains.
    I have a class in a project that will format and output data to a file. Basically this is recording transactions inputted by the user. I would estimate that this would get called, at the most, 25 times per day.
    So is it best to call a new instance or just create one and reuse it?Just create the instance inside of a method, each time you need it. At the end of the method, simply let the object fall out of scope. I don't see a case for reuse here whatsoever.

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