Writing DVD copyright for own movie?

This is probably not a question that gets tossed around here all that often. I work for a company that is about to release our first documentary film (we're in the final stages of post), and before this thing starts getting out to film festivals and preview copies to some of the people featured in it, we'd like to instill some kind of legal disclaimer/copyright into the movie, like those annoying screens you can't skip in the big studio's movies. Does anyone know of a site with tips or guildelines or free examples for writing your own legal copy? We're trying at least in this early stage to somehow protect ourselves from someone ripping this DVD and posting it to YouTube or other similar scenarios.
Anyone that has done this themself I would appreciate hearing from!

You can put your own copywrite notice at the start of the DVD.
Create the notice as a video clip and make it a track. Select the user operations tab on it's inspector and disable the controls that viewers would need to use to skip past it.
Set that track as the first play on the DVD itself, and set it's end jump to the menu or track that you would start with otherwise and you've made your own unskippable copyright notice just like the big studios do.

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    this is the pro version. i use the free version. it's called "any video converter." i have never tried to convert directly from a dvd though. however, i believe they are .avi files? if so, they are supported. it is extremely easy and i love it. but like i said, i've never tried directly from a dvd. so far i've only converted downloads to my devices.
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    If you live outside the US, then generally there's rules against redistribution of works, but little to none against decrypting or making personal copies. Check with the local authority in your jurisdiction for more info.

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      Memory:          4 GB
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