WS7, PHP addon and GD image library problem

I have Solaris 10 and WS7u1 with PHP addon installed.
My problem is that I just can't get GD library to working with php?
I have installed libgd and put to php.ini, but it seems that php doesn't read that extension part at all or at least it doesn't work.
Also extension_dir points to place where is located.
I'm little bit frustrated with this problem.

Well ... I'm not an expert PHP user, just someone that uses it with WS7 a lot.
Some digging tells me that this might work:
o Compile the php module (you can't use system
o Unpack PHP source to some dir (use the same version of PHP as already installed)
o cd php-gd
o ./configure prefix=/tmp/php-gd with-gd=shared with-jpeg-dir=/usr with-zlib
o make
o Search the build location for
o Copy it your extension dir and it should work
How I set the location of my php.ini file is in my Service fn=responder-fastcgi line I have:
This tells the PHP engine to look in this dir for my php.ini.
Within my php.ini file I have this set:
This sets the extension dir location, and then loads from that dir.
So munging all this together should get you the that you compiled above. ... Or not. ... Maybe. ... I haven't actually tried that first part. I just compile GD into my PHP binary directly.

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    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-family: verdana;
    text-align: center;
    background:url(back_index3.png) repeat-x scroll 0 0 #E4E4E4;
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    #header {
    width: 959px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    padding-top: 0px;
    padding-bottom: 0px;
    #topmenu {
    width: 959px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    #body_container {
    width: 949px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    #content {
    width: 645px;
    border-right:1px solid #ffffff;
    #sidebar {
    width: 283px;
    #footer {
    background-color: #686768;
    margin:0 auto;
    border-top: 1px solid #F6F6F6;
    width: 100%;
    <html xmlns="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="3css.css" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html" />
    <div id="main_wrapper">
         <div id="header">
          <span id="header_logo">title</span>
         <div id="topmenu">
         <div id="body_container">
          <div id="content">
    content to be added
          <div id="sidebar">
    <div id="footer">
    Thanks in advance if somebody can help me out here.
    you can see an image of the problem in the attachement down thr... thnx

    <html xmlns="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="3css.css" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html" />
    <div id="main_wrapper">
         <div id="header">
          <span id="header_logo">title</span>
         <div id="topmenu">
         <div id="body_container">
          <div id="content">
    content to be added
          <div id="sidebar">
    <br clear="all" />
    <div id="footer">
    Hope this will work well

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    A few users reported similar problems with Acronis here:
    However, the board in that thread is a P55-CD53.
    At the moment it is unclear, if the problems are BIOS Related (which I rather doubt) or if they have to do with Acronis (newest hardware not fully supported yet).  I suggest you contact Acronis about your issues first.

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    Registered PHP Streams
    php, file, http, ftp, compress.bzip2, compress.zlib, https, ftps
    BZip2 Support Enabled
    BZip2 Version 1.0.2, 30-Dec-2001

    I wish I could be as optimistic about your configuration, you have/had more than two issues, even after building a PHP that would work for you it had to be reconfigured to obtain optimal performance.
    I noticed other errors in your logs but since they weren't specifically related to your issue with zip or PHP running properly I place a low priority on them and ignored them.
    I eventually found the build issue with the entrophy PHP however Mark wasn't interested in the fix since it basically performed the majority of the tasks that were expected and everything else was considered experimental with no real support provided.
    You did get a better PHP built in the ADE (Apple Developer Environment) targeted specifically for your CPU (although they are universal binaries) and I included some modules I wrote myself that provide some (IMHO) key functionality for a production web service like scanning uploaded files for viruses and the ability to generate RRDTool graphs natively without slowing the process down by having to rely on external resources.
    While I have thoroughly tested the modules I wrote, I have not had the time (or the help) to write proper documentation for them so I might later provide some sample PHP scripts since they are fairly simple to implement.
    The biggest problem I saw was that you had a lot of nice toys but none of them were designed to work smoothly together and the entrophy PHP is a good alternative for someone who needs more than what apple provides but isn't capable of generating something that integrates well in the environment.
    Also to note, the entrophy (or Server Logistics) PHP is an all-purpose/general-purpose solution and isn't ever going to be optimal for any specific architecture due to the build process which is why the one I provided works significantly better, it was built specifically for both architectures individually then combined into a single binary giving you the ultimate performer for either architecture without sacraficing performance or degrading functionality.
    I tend to use as much Apple provided software as I can since it makes no sense to me to build and install any software that is already available and built specifically for the environment other than to waste disk space, freetype is a good example, any that is provided will never include the same features and functionality as the apple provided installation yet all PHP makers seem to build the basic bare-bones freetype and build their PHP off of it expecting to achieve the same feature-rich functionality which it clearly isn't capable of.
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    I've been watching the performance of the installation for a couple of days now and I'm more than satified that it's a solid performer for you so smile and enjoy, santa was nice to you this year.

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    Most Simple Back Up:
    Drag the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to another Disk. This will make a copy on that disk.
    Slightly more complex: Use an app that will do incremental back ups. This is a very good way to work. The first time you run the back up the app will make a complete copy of the Library. Thereafter it will update the back up with the changes you have made. That makes subsequent back ups much faster. Many of these apps also have scheduling capabilities: So set it up and it will do the back up automatically.
    Example of such apps: Chronosync - but there are many others. Search on MacUpdate or the App Store
    If you want to back up the Photos only:
    Export them using the File -> Export command.
    This User Tip
    has details of the options in the Export dialogue.

  • Image content type in Site Asset Image library: The Preview and Thumbnail Preview columns do not display the picture of the item.

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    1) I do not quite understand the different between a picture content type versus an image content type. 
    2) the thumbnail and preview columns do not display the image in the Site Asset
    Image Library.  (the image does display in the thumbnail column of the Site Asset Picture library.)  I expected the image to display in the Site Asset Image Library the same as it does in the Site Asset Picture library. 
    Why doesn't it?
    Betty Stolwyk

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    in Document libraries.  So the problem was the library type, not the content type.
    So I simply created a new Picture Library (whose content type = picture) and copied the files into that and the thumbnails displayed just fine!
    I bet what led to this is the default "Site Assets" library that is created for a new Team site.  It is just a document library but sounds very similar to the "Assets" library.  I can imagine someone thinking the "Site Assets" library was a standard
    container for images, and simply changed the name to better identify the content! 
    As far as 'image' vs 'picture' content types, I noticed that a new Picture Library contains a content type of 'picture', but an Asset Library contains a content type of 'image' (as well as audio and video).  Although the 'image' content type has a few
    more fields than the 'picture' content type (picture content type does not have thumbnail), the actual Picture Library contains pretty much all the same fields, including the thumbnail.  So for all practical purposes, either library type can be used for
    storage of pictures.  I am guessing that the Pictures Library which uses the picture content type is for backwards compatibility purposes, and that the 'image' content type is newer, being derived from the new "Rich Media Asset" content type and used
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    Microsoft Help also mentioned that a Picture Library has a slide view which an Asset library does not.  So my take on that is that if you want the potential of seeing your pictures as a slide show, put them in a Picture library which is still using
    the 'picture' content type of previous SharePoint versions.  If you want to keep pictures organized with audio/video files, then put them into an Asset library which uses the  'image' content type derived from the new Rich Media Asset content type.
    Betty Stolwyk

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    Sounds like you are not running iOS 5 ..........
    Update your iPad 2 to iOS 5............
    I purchased an iPad 2 for my wife for Xmas and it did not come with iOS 5 so I had to update it......

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    Simply start a new catalog:
    File >> New Catalog
    Choose a new name and save.
    When the empty catalog launches you are ready to start over.

  • PHP in Solaris 10 and Non-Global Zones: Problem of performance?

    Hi friends
    We are feeling a poor performance with applications developed with PHP in Solaris 10, with non-global and global zones, while Intel platform (Xeon and Pentium), performance is very good. Difference between both platforms is about 200% aprox, one second in Intel to 9, 12 or 20 seconds in Solaris depending of model.
    Our tests were developed in:
    1. SF T2000 server Solaris 10 global zone
    2. SF T2000 server Solaris 10 non-global zone
    3. SF280R server Solaris 10 non-global zone
    4. V240 server with 1 GB memory, 1*US III-i 1.0 GHz and Solaris 9 (really this version for test and comparisons)
    5. V240 server with 8GB memory, 2*US III-i 1.5Ghz and Solaris 9 (really this version for test and comparisons too)
    Intel platforms were:
    1. Intel Pentium 4 2GHz 2GB memory, Linux Fedora and PHP 4.4.4
    2. Intel Xeon 2 core, 2.33GHz 2GB memory, Linux Fedora and PHP 4.4.3
    Versions of products are:
    1. Solaris 9 or Solaris 10
    2. PHP 4.4.7 downloaded from
    3. Apache 2.0.59
    4. MySQL 4.1.15-log
    Our php compilation and installation were:
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php-4.4.7 \
    --with-pear \
    --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl \
    --with-gettext \
    --with-ldap=/usr/local \
    --with-iconv \
    --enable-ftp \
    --with-dom \
    --with-mime-magic \
    --enable-mbstring \
    --with-zlib \
    --enable-track-vars \
    --enable-sigchild \
    --disable-ctype \
    --disable-overload \
    --disable-tokenizer \
    --disable-posix \
    --with-gd \
    --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2.0.53/bin/apxs \
    --with-mysql  \
    --with-pgsql \
    --with-oci8=/oracle/product/9.2.0 \
    --with-oracle=/oracle/product/9.2.0  \
    --with-png-dir=/usr/local \
    --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local \
    --with-freetype-dir=/usr/local \
    make install
    Is there any problem of PHP with SunFire T2000 servers or 64-bits platforms?
    Is there any flag of PHP would be use to compilarion PHP in 64-bits or multithread?
    I wait for any comments or suggestions about our problem with PHP compilation and performance in Solaris 10. Thanks a lot.

    I presume you compiled php on the Sun server, was this done using gcc or the Sun One C compiler.
    If the latter then you can also use the flag: --enable-nonportable-atomics when you run configure                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • I installed Mavericks yesterday and have now got problems with QuarkXpress 9. Every time I click on an image and try to move it the application crashes. Anyone had similar problems or got any suggestions?

    I installed Mavericks yesterday and have now got problems with QuarkXpress 9. Every time I click on an image and try to move it the application crashes. Anyone had similar problems or got any suggestions?

    Hi Guys
    Updated my 2 imacs to Maverick yesterday. Schoolboy error on my part not checking if there were problems with any programmes before I did.
    Quark is now a nightmare with no short term answer on the way. As a Quark user for over 20 years this is just another reason to hold your hands up and say OK Indesign you win I will have to learn how to use you and Quark will be a distant memory.
    I am told there will probably be no solution to getting quak 9 running on Maverick and that you will need to update to 10 in about 2-3 weeks to get back to normal. Having spent a few bob on 2 versions of 9.5 only in Feb this year i didn't really want to upgrade yet.
    So its cough up to carry on using Quark or learn Indesign.
    I have lost faith in Quark as they are quick to send me e-mails asking me to upgrade to this and that version, why didn't they send one out saying do not upgrade to Maverick. Perhaps they know there loyal follwing will uograde to 10 and will generate a nice little bonus before Xmas.
    Lots to do today and will now take 10 times longer to do it. Is this 2013 or 1974!!!!!
    If anyone hears of a solution please post ASAP

  • Upgrading my Computer and have a corrupt library problem...

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    Now my current problem is a corruption in my library that causes Aperture to crash every time I restart it. The only way I have found around this is to delete the aperture.aplib file and rebuild my library every time I have to restart.
    Obviously when I get my new laptop I plan on transferring all my files over to it. The question is, should I just risk it and see if upgrading the library to Aperture 2 on a new computer fixes my problem, or is there some way I could troubleshoot the problem before my new computer arrives. I've tried to locate the corrupted files with no luck and I've restored the library maybe 30 times by now.
    Any advice would be very much appreciated.

    I'd try making a second Library, then systematically exporting each Project form the old Library to the new one. This should at least diagnose which Project may be causing problems.
    Obviously, you're going to need plenty of free HD space...

  • Ok so I cant open my Itunes due to Windows Error 2 and the message says to uninstall and re-install Itunes but I'm pretty sure that would wipe the library right? Is there any way to fix the problem and keep my library?

    Ok so I cant open my Itunes due to Windows Error 2 and the message says to uninstall and re-install Itunes but I'm pretty sure that would wipe the library right? Is there any way to fix the problem and keep my library?

    Hi neffn!
    I have an article for you that can help you go through that process of uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes. If you have Windows 7, you will want to see this article:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    and if you are using Windows XP, you will want to reference this article:
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Note that, as it says in those articles:
    iTunes Store purchases or songs imported from CDs are saved in your My Music folder by default and are not deleted by removing iTunes. While it is highly unlikely that you will lose any contents of your iTunes Library when following these steps, it is always a good idea to ensure that your iTunes library is backed up. If you're unsure how to backup, see iTunes: Back up your iTunes library by copying to an external hard drive.
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Have a good one!

  • Image Gallery, problems with Flash player 9 and Opera 9

    Hi, I'm developing a slideshow in flash (and php, JavaScript,
    I'm coding in classes and AS2.
    I use the ExternalInterface class to communicate between
    swf's and html.
    The problem is that the Slideshow won't work properly in the
    Opera browser,
    it seems like it's working fine, but after a few click it
    stop responding.
    No problems in IE and FF.
    I've search and search to find a solution to this problem
    with no luck.
    I've put up an example of the slideshow here:
    The strange thing is that when I use really simplified
    versions of the code
    I'm using (with no externalInterface etc) it is working fine:
    Anyone who have experienced similar problems, and can guide
    me to a solution.
    Opera version: 9.02 (8585)
    Flash player version: 9,0,16,0
    Thank you!
    ** Edit ->
    I found a solution, I replaced th ExternalInterface with the
    "Flash JavaScript Integration Kit",
    and all my problems with Opera was solved.

    Lo stesso problema ce l'ho io. Sembra che flash player 9 non
    riesca a leggere le versioni flash 5. Nell'installare un corso
    contenente flash 5 ho questo errore:
    Prodotto: Corso Multimediale per Photoshop 7 -- Errore 1904.
    Impossibile registrare il modulo C:\WINDOWS\system32\swflash.ocx.
    HRESULT -2147319780. Contattare il personale di supporto.

  • Problem: codebase, jar and image reloading problem please help!

    Hi Java Gurus,
    I have written an applet that extends JApplet for viewing webcam. In order to reduce the download time I put my classes into a doorcam.jar file. The following is my <applet> tag in my html file.
    <applet code="CameraApplet.class"
         codebase = "webcam/classes"
         width="375" height="475">
    <param name="imagePath" value="http://judge/webcam/images">
    <param name="webCamImage" value="door.jpg">
    <param name="COMPort" value="COM2">
    <param name="frameRate" value="10"> <!-- could not exceed more than 10-->
    <param name="host" value="judge">
    The fist problem is that my class file does not get loaded from the jar file if i provide the "codebase" attribute as above. Instead the browser load every single class file from the webserver. This has some problem too. Coz the browser sometimes just thorough NullPointerException or ClassNotFoundException. After much of debugging I found out that the problem is the IE browser which seldom fails to load classes or image file from the server. If i referesh the browser the applet and all its classes loaded successfully and runs smoothly. This behaviour never occurs when running with "appletviewer".
    I wanted all my classes to be loaded from my jar file. After much of trial and error I found out that if i remove "codebase" attribute the browser loads the classes from my jar file and applet loads very fast. This is where the second problem comes in. The browser does not reload my webcam image file so that the webcam become alive with live images, like before.
    If I run on "appletviewer" everything works fine my web cam is displayed properly. But in IE browser the image does not get reloaded when I refresh my image to give live to my webcam display. The refresh method is given below.
    private void refresh(final URL url) {
    Image webCamImage =getImage(url);
    webCamImage.flush(); // flush out the previous image
    webCamImage = getImage(url); // get a new image
    webCamImageIcon.setImage(webCamImage); webCamImageIcon.paintIcon(webCamLabel, webCamLabel.getGraphics(), 15, 15);
    When I add the "codebase" attribute back, the image gets reloaded for every refresh() and everything works fine. But the classes are also loaded from the server. And occasionally also suffers Class loading and image loading problem. As I presented earlier, when I do refreshing in the browser everything gets loaded and the applet function correctly with web cam displaying very well.
    The problem is so strange that I could not find any way to solve it.
    It would be a great help to me if somebody provide me some work around to the problem.
    I tested on Windows 2000, Windows XP, IE 5.5, IE 6 with J2SDK 1.4.0.
    Thank you all very much in advance.
    best regards,

    Thank you so much for the suggestions. I did tried the way u suggested. The problem still the same.
    I think its the problem between IE browser and Java Plug-in.
    I which SUN would find these incompatibilities and solve these problems.
    I even tried using java SDK and plug-in 1.4.1 it even worst. It can't even load an applet. And it does not show any loading messages nor any error messages. It just show a cross sign on the upper left coner.
    I would be so glad, if Sun would try to eliminate the inconsistancies such as caching, loading, initializing etc between browser and its Java plug-In. For example, applets behave well in appletviewer and behave unpredictably in browser environment.
    I have seen so many people in the forums with all sorts of problems because of this.
    Right now I m desperately looking for work around to my problem.
    If somebody would provide me with the solution to my problem it would be a great help to me.
    thank you all so much.
    best regards,

Maybe you are looking for