Wsdlc generated ***_wsdl.jar creates referred xsds outside the jar

Hi All,
I am using wsdlc to generate ***_wsdl.jar and having some problems.
This is my wsdl/ types structure:
| |--1.0
| | |--TypeOneDto.xsd
| | |--TypeTwoDto.xsd
| |--service_name
| | |--ServiceDto.xsd
| | |--Service.wsdl
Service.wsdl refers ServiceDto.xsd
ServiceDto.xsd refers TypeOneDto.xsd and TypeTwoDto.xsd
This is how I use wsdlc:
<wsdlc srcWsdl="resources/services/service_name/Service.wsdl"
When Service_wsdl.jar is generated in target/jws, it has only Service.wsdl and ServiceDto.xsd under its wsdls/ directory. TypeOneDto.xsd and TypeTwoDto.xsd are created outside Service_wsdl.jar, in a separate directory (i.e. target/schemas/)
Can someone please give me a tip on how to get all the Type*.xsds in to Service_wsdl.jar?
Thanks a lot in advance.

Here is an example how I use exe4j :
1. Welcome: Next
2. Project type: Next
3. Application      Info:
Short name of your application:
any name you like
for example: testjar
Distribution source directory:
project folder
for example: C:\Documents and Settings\Uhres Andr�\NetBeansProjects\TestJar
4. Executable Info:
Executable name:
any name you like
for example: TestJar
5. Java invocation:
Class path:
the path to your jar file
for example: .\dist\TestJar.jar
Main class:
after you specified "Class path", what you just did,
you only have to click on ... to discover the project's main classes.
Select the class that should start first and click "OK"
for example: jardemo.TestJar
6. JRE:
Java version:
Minimum version: 1.5
Advanced options: Search sequence
..\..\..\..\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_03
select it and move to top using arrow button
Preferred VM: Next
7. Splash screen:
General: Show slpash screen
select any image file you like
for example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_03\jre\lib\images\cursors\win32_MoveDrop32x32.gif
Click here to start the application
type any name for your executable (for example: TestJar)
an information message tells you where the exe4j file is placed
for example: C:\Documents and Settings\Uhres Andr�\NetBeansProjects\TestJar\TestJar.exe4j
The same folder contains your exe file (for execution outside of NetBeans)

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    BufferedImage myImage; //myImage is initialized somewhere else
    File file = new File("images/Pic"+temp+".jpg");
        ImageIO.write(myImage, "jpg", file);
           }catch(IOException io){}
    }catch(AWTException ea){}When I check the image is saved in my folder "images"
    Then, the prog tries to load the images this way:
    URL url = getClass().getResource("/images/"+name+".jpg");
    ImageIcon icon;
             if (url != null) {
                  icon = new ImageIcon(url);
             else {
                  url = getClass().getResource("/images/street.jpg");
                  icon = new ImageIcon(url);
             }Here I have an exception : Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueued-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
    I checked the url and it�s ok.
    Hope someone help.

    Well, I modified the getJarPath method to this:
    String getJarPath1(){
              String path=System.getProperty("java.class.path");
              for(int i=0;i<=path.length()-1;i++)
                        return path.substring(0,i);
              return "";
         }Now I got the path I really need, for example:
    C:\Program Files\Eclipse\Workspace\myProject\images\pic.jpg
    Though, the picture is not loading. Here is what I am doing:
    String path=getJarPath1()+"\\images\\" + name + ".jpg";
    //path=C:\Program Files\Eclipse\Workspace\myProject\images\pic.jpg -> correct path
    URL u=null;
                 u = new URL(path);   //u is always null! why?
                }catch(MalformedURLException mf){}
             icon = new ImageIcon(u);
             }catch(Exception bla){}
             else {
             }What�s happening is that my "path" got the correct path, but when I put it in the URL it�s becoming null.
    The picture and the folder are in the correct place.
    I hope someone helps. Thx!

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    I am not able to do so. I included the directory containing icons and resource bundle on the classpath, but i am not able to refer these icons from the main jar.So it works when the resources are in a 2nd jar, but not when they are in a folder that is in the classpath?
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    In the simplest case (no nested folder), the icons are in the root of the jar, and the folder-equivalent is that they should be straight in the folder which you added in the classpath.
    Or are they (frequent case) in a nested folder, along your package structure, such as com/yourcompany/yourapp/gui/icon.jpg?
    In this latter case, you must not put folder "gui" in your classpath, but merely the folder which contains "com".
    I am just wild-guessing of course, for a more specific reply could you post a sketch of your jar/folder structure (in tags) and your command line, including
    the classpath part, in both the case that works and the one that doesn't?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • How to read files outside the jar ?

    Hi all,
    One of my classes inside jar needs to read XML file that resides in the same location where the jar sits. I use MyClass.getClass().getResource("MyXMLFile.xml") but it keeps returning null.
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for the dukes.
    My JDBC post on this forum discusses the issues of
    using Class-Path in your jar file. It works, but it
    may vary from system to system.
    Thanks also from my side: I have read recently your discussion about reading files in the jar's directory, since I had the same problem. So I was really glad to see your solution. However, I had one more problem, namely that I'm running my application sometimes from the jar, sometimes from the classes directly (debugging). In order to have always the correct path (although a different one) I have added some more lines to deal with that case. I hope that will be useful for you as well!
    Dieter Profos
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
    * @author pkwooster
    * @author Dieter Profos
    * @version 1.01 04/03/26
    public class ReadOutside extends Frame {
    private TextArea textArea;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create application frame.
    ReadOutside tc = new ReadOutside();
    tc.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) {
    // Show frame
    public ReadOutside() {
    textArea = new TextArea(20,80);
    public void readOutside(Object o) {
    /** Gets the absolute path of the directory where the JAR or CLASS file is
    * located. If the application is run from a jar file, the directory of the
    * jar file is returned; if it is run from a class file, the method will
    * return the directory path of the class file.
    * @param o The main class of the application.
    * @return The absolute directory path, or null if neither the class nor a
    * jar file could be found.
    public String getCodeBasePath(Object o) {
    Class c = o.getClass();
    URL url;
    // get the class name
    String className = c.getName();
    textArea.append("class name = " + className + "\n");
    // replace package periods by file separators
    className = className.replace('.','/');
    ClassLoader cl = c.getClassLoader();
    if (cl == null)
    cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
    url = cl.getResource(className + ".class");
    String xPath = url.toExternalForm();
    textArea.append("url = " + url + "\n");
    textArea.append("extPath = " + xPath + "\n");
    // make sure that the path starts with jar:file:
    if (xPath.startsWith("jar:file:")) {
    // remove jar:file: + the subsequent file separator
    xPath = xPath.substring("jar:file:".length()+1);
    int n = xPath.indexOf("!");
    if (n < 0)
    n = xPath.length();
    String jarPath = xPath.substring(0, n);
    textArea.append("jar file path = " + jarPath + "\n");
    n = jarPath.lastIndexOf("/");
    String jarDir = jarPath.substring(0, n+1);
    textArea.append("jar dir = " + jarDir + "\n");
    return jarDir;
    else { // if program is run from its class file (development phase!)
    if (xPath.startsWith("file:")) {
    // remove file: + the subsequent file separator
    xPath = xPath.substring("file:".length()+1);
    textArea.append("class file path = " + xPath + "\n");
    int n = xPath.lastIndexOf("/");
    String classDir = xPath.substring(0, n+1);
    textArea.append("class dir = " + classDir + "\n");
    return classDir;
    return null;

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    There is plenty documentation. Go to
    click "Documentation" tab
    scroll down to the section on IDML

  • Accessing files outside the jar

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    Thanks in advance,

    Try this...
    In your class, add this line...
    String path = System.getProperty("user.dir");
    it will give the path of the folder from which you are running
    your jar file. To this path, add your properties file name
    and start reading it.....
    For example:
    If i have a properties file which both :
    1) should be able to read and edit by users and
    2) should be accessible by classes in jar file....
    I would use the above concept like this.... in my class.....
    String path = System.getProperty("user.dir");
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.load(new FileInputStream(path+"yourPropertiesFileName"));
    Hope it helps...

  • Wsdlc Ant Task - Problem creating java files in the correct package

    In eclipse, for weblogic 9.2
    Using the wsdlc WebLogic Web Services Ant Task, I am trying to auto-generate the java files for the web service based on the WSDL. I have specified the packageName as one of the parameters. However the java files are being created and packaged based on the TargetNameSpace of the WSDL rather then under the package name specified. Following is part of my build.xml
         <target name="generate-from-wsdl" depends="prepare">
              <delete dir="${src.dir}" includeemptydirs="true" />
              <delete dir="${autogen.src.dir}" includeemptydirs="true" />
              <wsdlc srcWsdl="../config/sourceWSDL/MRPBindingPort.wsdl"
                   destJwsDir="${base.dest}/${}/compiledWsdl" destImplDir="${base.dest}/${}/impl"
                   packageName="com.lmco.iplm.webservices.wsmtoplm" debug="on"
                   debugLevel="DEBUG" autoDetectWrapped="true" jaxRPCWrappedArrayStyle="true"
                   verbose="on" classpathref="bea-classpath" />
    <!-- unjar to get the all the details so we can tokenize -->
              <unjar dest="${autogen.src.dir}"
                   src="${base.dest}/${}/compiledWsdl/MRPBindingPort_wsdl.jar" />
    <!-- copy over the impl file -->
              <copy todir="../code/java/src">
                   <fileset dir="${base.dest}/${}/impl" />

    In eclipse, for weblogic 9.2
    Using the wsdlc WebLogic Web Services Ant Task, I am trying to auto-generate the java files for the web service based on the WSDL. I have specified the packageName as one of the parameters. However the java files are being created and packaged based on the TargetNameSpace of the WSDL rather then under the package name specified. Following is part of my build.xml
         <target name="generate-from-wsdl" depends="prepare">
              <delete dir="${src.dir}" includeemptydirs="true" />
              <delete dir="${autogen.src.dir}" includeemptydirs="true" />
              <wsdlc srcWsdl="../config/sourceWSDL/MRPBindingPort.wsdl"
                   destJwsDir="${base.dest}/${}/compiledWsdl" destImplDir="${base.dest}/${}/impl"
                   packageName="com.lmco.iplm.webservices.wsmtoplm" debug="on"
                   debugLevel="DEBUG" autoDetectWrapped="true" jaxRPCWrappedArrayStyle="true"
                   verbose="on" classpathref="bea-classpath" />
    <!-- unjar to get the all the details so we can tokenize -->
              <unjar dest="${autogen.src.dir}"
                   src="${base.dest}/${}/compiledWsdl/MRPBindingPort_wsdl.jar" />
    <!-- copy over the impl file -->
              <copy todir="../code/java/src">
                   <fileset dir="${base.dest}/${}/impl" />

  • Updating an XML file inside the Jar executable

    Hello all!
    I would like to ask how can i update an XML file that is packaged inside my jar file?
    For intstance:
    I have a Java Application in NetBeans
    Inside a package i have constructed a custom .xml file.
    I can read from this file using
    .....getClass().getResourceAsStream("/.../file.xml")and after that using XPath for querying and works fine.
    I want to update an entry in my xml file so the jar contains now the newly updated file.
    Thanks everyone who spends his time to read this. Hope someone can help me.

    Even if it were possible, it would be a bad idea. A jar file is something you deploy. It can be really hard to manage ongoing maintenance if the thing you deploy changes after you've deployed it.
    Just create a file, in an appropriate place given the user's OS, to hold data that changes after the jar has been deployed. Your application will still be in a single jar; it's just that the application will happen to create additional content outside the jar.

  • Using XSD in the syndicator

    I created an XSD using the xomLite45. I defined the XSD in the console (in the Admin>XML schemas). After that I tryed to use it in the syndicator but I am not able to open it when I defined it in the destination properties.
    What can be the problem?
    Thanks, Tal

    Hi Tal,
    Following could be the possibilities of XML schema not opening
    1) If you are using standard Repository then it could be that it has was not correctly archived due to which the Schema generated in incorect,if you are using customized repository then check and verfiy the rep in console before exporting the Schema.
    2) The XML schema generated from xomlite may not be comletely generated.Is it showing the .XSD ext and is the file  in the correct format ie xsd not xml?
    3) While giving the Schema name in Console could be you have given the XML file name instead of XSD.Check that
    4) In the Syndicator the Root may not have been populated properly.Just check whether whether the root is getting populated.
    Your problem could be due to one of these reason.
    Hope it helps
    Reward points if found useful

  • Need to know the jar file...?

    Hi,Iam writing an java program which is going to send messages to the remote websphereMQ server,program compiled successfully while in execution it throws error.The prgram is
    Use source code downloads, example commands,
    and any other techniques at your own risk.
    No warranty is provided.
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.jms.JMSException;
    import javax.jms.TextMessage;
    import javax.jms.Queue;
    import javax.jms.QueueConnection;
    import javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory;
    import javax.jms.QueueSender;
    import javax.jms.QueueSession;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import javax.naming.NamingException;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    public class Sender {
         String url_;
         String name_;
         QueueConnection conn = null;
         QueueSession session = null;
         Queue queue = null;
         public Sender(String url, String name) throws JMSException, NamingException {
              url_ = url;
              name_ = name;
         private void initializeSender() throws JMSException, NamingException {
         /*      Properties props = new Properties();
              props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "org.jboss.naming");
              props.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url", url_); */
              String icf = "";
              //String url="iiop://";
              // Initialise JNDI properties
              Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
              InitialContext context = new InitialContext(env);
              QueueConnectionFactory qcf = (QueueConnectionFactory) context.lookup("QCF");
              conn = qcf.createQueueConnection();
              session = conn.createQueueSession(false,QueueSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
          public void send(String text) throws JMSException, NamingException {
              QueueSender send = session.createSender(queue);
              TextMessage tm = session.createTextMessage(text);
         public void disconnect() throws JMSException {
              if(conn != null) {
              if(session != null) {
              if(conn != null) {
         public String getTopicName() {
              return name_;
         public String getTopicURL() {
              return url_;
         public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
              System.out.println("Starting JMS Example Sender");
                Sender sender = new Sender("iiop://", "ASMQUEUE");
                 System.out.println("Sending list of data");
                 sender.send("Krishna Moorthy");
                      System.out.println("JMS Example Sender Complete - list sent");
    }During Execution followng error occurs,
    D:\jboss-4.0.5.GA\WebSphere_JMS>java Listener
    Starting JMS Example Listener
    performing lookup...
    Error creating listener: javax.naming.NamingException: Failed to initialize the
    ORB [Root exception is org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE: can't instantiate default ORB i
    mplementation  vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0  completed: No]
    javax.naming.NamingException: Failed to initialize the ORB [Root exception is or
    g.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE: can't instantiate default ORB implementation
    BA.iiop.ORB  vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0  completed: No]
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
    at Listener.initializeListener(
    at Listener.<init>(
    at Listener.main(
    Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE: can't instantiate default ORB implementatio
    n vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No
    at org.omg.CORBA.ORB.create_impl(
    at org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(
    ... 8 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/jvm/ExtendedSystem
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstruct
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingC
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
    at org.omg.CORBA.ORB.create_impl(
    ... 15 more
    Done listening
    In my application classpath following jars are used : jms.jar,naming.jar,namingClient.jar,ibmorb.api,ibmorbapi.jar,jndi.jar
    I need to know the jar file name for this class : com/ibm/jvm/ExtendedSystem.And also tell me the solution to solve the above error.Anyone know the solution please reply as early as possible..Thanks in advance

    Have you checked if any of the jar files in your class path contains the missing class ?

  • XSD for the inbound/outbound file

    We have customized Material repository supplied with business content of MDM. We have added a few tables/fields and deleted few.
    How do we create XSD from the repository which can be used in Import process and syndication process?
    Thanking you in advance,

    Hi Dan,
    Agreed you have customized your repository by adding and deleting certain fields.
    But the point is from where are you importing your source file.Because the XSD that you use in importinga nd syndicating must match with the input and output XML file.It need not be the Schema of your MDM rep.
    Eg: If you are importing an XML matmas file from ECC having material master record data you will have to upload and use the matmas XSD in MDM console similarly...
    If you are exporting your master data to an ECC system you will need the same matmas XSD in syndicator as well.As while syndicating your Source XSD will be your repository structure any ways it sthe destination xsd which is decided based on wats your target system.
    If are jsut trying and doing an R n D with the tool then you can use the xomlite to create your xsd of the MDM repository forimporting mdm data and syndicating MDM data.
    Hope It Helped
    Thanks & Regards
    Simona Pinto

  • Problem With Loading the jars

    Hello Experts,
    I am facing a problem with loading classes.
    i have written one application which is running on that application want to use certain jars(Classes)and those jars anmes and
    classes inside the jars are same.based on the condition i want to call
    corresponding class.
    can any one suggest the solution
    it's urgent
    any help will be appriciated
    thanks in advance
    With regds

    Hi Yogee,
    Thanks for ur help.
    i have 4.o jars and 5.1 version jars.depending on the condingtion system must use the corrensponding jar.the problem here is that both jars has same clasees and code inside that one is differnet.
    when i run application with 4.o condition then 5.1 is not working and
    if i run tha application with 5.1 then 4.o is not working.
    can u please suggest the possible solution
    i have deployed these jars in application server
    With Regds

  • The jar file is too large..........

    I have a problem....
    when I use the wtk to postting my code to be a .jar file.
    I detect the .jar file is too large (184k)
    it's include all midp package but i was not use all of them
    how can i do to solve this problem^^"

    Remove what you don't need, use smaller files/images/sound files etc. And of course try to use obfuscator - it can decrease size of the file to 1/3 in some cases.

  • Determining the name of the jar file running from JAVA

    Hi everyone,
    This is probably a silly question, but how do you determine the name of the jar file running from within the jar file.
    E.g. If I'm running the jar file "Test.jar", then how can I get the String value "Test.jar" from within my program?
    Any help would be appreciated! Thanks:)

    I think that you can use the solution above to get the jar file resources associated with a particular jar file, and then use the JarFile class to get a manifest of whats in there, and then find your class?
    This is only off of the top of my head, and I haven't tested it. Let me know if it works

  • Webservices: jwsc is unable to compile wsdlc-generated classes

    I'm trying to generate JAXWS web service classes using WebLogic 10.0 MP1 wsdlc and jwsc Ant tasks, following the steps described in [Creating a Web Service from a WSDL File|].
    I'm using the WSRP WSDL which I have in my local system and which is also available at []. The only change I made is to remove all the references to "v1" specification of WSRP in there.
    It seems that wsdlc can only work with a single service and single port so I'm currently trying to generate just the classes for WSRP_v2_Markup_Service port.
    Here are my ant tasks:
    <wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${wsdl.path}" srcPortName="WSRP_v2_Markup_Service" destJwsDir="${target.jws.dir}" destImplDir="${target.impl.dir}" />
    <jwsc srcdir="${target.impl.dir}" destdir="target/wls-wsrp-ws.ear">
    <jws type="JAXWS" file="oasis/names/tc/wsrp/v2/wsdl/" compiledWsdl="target/compiledWsdl/wsrp-2_0-service_wsdl.jar">
    <WLHttpTransport contextPath="${contextPath}" serviceUri="WSRP_v2_Markup_Service" />
    "wsdlc" part succeeds but jwsc part fails with the following error message:
    [jwsc] C:\DOCUME~1\zachcial\LOCALS~1\Temp\_970x54\oasis\names\tc\wsrp\v2\wsdl\ 263:28
    [jwsc] *[ERROR] - Method contains javax.jws.WebResult annotation but is not a WebMethod. Add the javax.jws.WebMethod annotation to the method definition.*
    [jwsc] C:\DOCUME~1\zachcial\LOCALS~1\Temp\_970x54\oasis\names\tc\wsrp\v2\wsdl\ 290:28
    [jwsc] *[ERROR] - Method contains javax.jws.WebResult annotation but is not a WebMethod. Add the javax.jws.WebMethod annotation to the method definition.*
    [jwsc] C:\home\hp\WsrpTake5\wls-wsrp-ws\target\impl\oasis\names\tc\wsrp\v2\wsdl\ 17:8
    [jwsc] [ERROR] - javax.jws.WebService.endpointInterface is invalid.
    Looking at the interface class and line I find both WebMethod and WebResult annotations for the methods above, e.g.:
    *@WebMethod(action = "urn:oasis:names:tc:wsrp:v2:releaseSessions")*
    *@WebResult(name = "extensions", targetNamespace = "urn:oasis:names:tc:wsrp:v2:types")*
    @RequestWrapper(localName = "releaseSessions", targetNamespace = "urn:oasis:names:tc:wsrp:v2:types", className = "")
    @ResponseWrapper(localName = "releaseSessionsResponse", targetNamespace = "urn:oasis:names:tc:wsrp:v2:types", className = "")
    public List<Extension> releaseSessions(
    @WebParam(name = "registrationContext", targetNamespace = "urn:oasis:names:tc:wsrp:v2:types")
    RegistrationContext registrationContext,
    @WebParam(name = "sessionIDs", targetNamespace = "urn:oasis:names:tc:wsrp:v2:types")
    List<String> sessionIDs,
    @WebParam(name = "userContext", targetNamespace = "urn:oasis:names:tc:wsrp:v2:types")
    UserContext userContext)
    throws AccessDenied, InvalidRegistration, MissingParameters, ModifyRegistrationRequired, OperationFailed, OperationNotSupported, ResourceSuspended
    I found the following post of somebody having a similar problem: []. Unfortunately for me both interface and implementation method declarations look exactly the same except the @Web... annotations not present in the implementation class.
    Can you think about anything I'm doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    I figured that out.
    It turns out that the order of exceptions in the interface class and in the generated implementation class are not the same. Even though this is fine from the Java perspective, jwsc gets confused by this. Putting the exceptions in the method signatures of the implementation class in the same order as in the interface fixes this issue.
    Now, I hit another problem:
    jwsc error: Response wrapper bean names must be unique and must not clash with other generated classes. Class: method initCookie(,
    Let's see how long will it take to find a fix for this one ...

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