X11 Japanese Language Input

5 years ago Jun T. helped me greatly with the installation and usage of Japanese in the X11 invironment.
I've recently got a new iMac and I've followed the previously mentioned steps without luck. I'm not sure if the process would be the same for Mountain Lion as it was for Panther. If fact I'm pretty sure that the process is different as a lot of small changes with each OS can make things not work as expected.

Thanks guys for the replies
I'm not really surprised that this cannot be done - I've found Nokia's support to be pretty dire.  I mean, if the software's out there, why on earth would they not add it?  Are they saying there are no Nokia 700s in Japan?
I'll try some of my mates in Osaka.  Maybe they'll have something to help.  Faiing that, a call to their UK centre.
ありがとう ございます!

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    displaying shouldnt be a problem.
    for inputting, closest thing i could find was this.
    it is introducing the app called "gjapanese" which let you convert to japanese by accessing IME through network.
    the blog article is written in japanese so let colleagues read it if they are interested.
    the os changing method worked before QNX based os came out.
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    Many thanks.

    Hi Bham77, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Not much to go on, but...
    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    The usual reason why updates fail or mess things up, is if Permissions are not fixed before & after every update, with a reboot... you may get a partial update when the installer finds it doesn't have Permissions to change one obscure little part of the OS, leaving you with a mix of OS versions.
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    If Permissions are wrong before applying an update, you could get mixed OS versions, if Directory is the slightest messed up, who knows!
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    May even need to do an Archive and Install if you have room on the HD, but saves all your files and gives a new OS...

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    thank you

    Hello gsam2149,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community.
    Language package availability for your BlackBerry smartphone is determined by your wireless service provider.
    For more information regarding this, see the following article:
    How to obtain language packs for BlackBerry smartphones - http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/KB13067
    Thank you.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click "Accept as a Solution" for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    Thank you!

    Well, I do have it set that way, and I can look up there to see where I am, but in the work I do time is critical and I move back and forth between the two languages frequently. It is really a pain and a waste of time to have to look and make a change that should be unnecessary. The problem is not so much that I don't know where I am. It's that I don't want to ever have to think I MIGHT be in anything but English input unless I specifically want to be. In other words, I need to be able to forget about this problem even being a possibility.
    Message was edited by: Colin Talcroft

  • Japanese Language tool causing problems

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  • Japanese language (unicode) handling

    Architecture: JSP (presentation) + Java bean (business logic)
    We need to handle japanese language input, output and data storage in our web application. At present, we are able to output static string literals from JSP and get input from the users. But, we are having problems in handling data storage and retrieval. We need an implementation ehich is database independent. Following is the JSP code we have tried in which we are trying to store japanese input received from user and retrieve back the same and display. Can any one tell what needs to be done?
    response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
    //String s = request.getParameter("txt1");
    out.println("Orignial Text " + s);
    String s1= new String(s.getBytes("8859_1"),"Shift_JIS");
    out.println("Replace Text " + s1);
    Connection f_obj_con = null;
    f_obj_con = connect.getConnection(); //for connection
    Statement f_obj_stmt1 = f_obj_con.createStatement(); //for statement
    // f_obj_stmt1.executeUpdate("delete from tbl_language");
    f_obj_stmt1.executeUpdate("insert into tbl_language values('"+s+"','"+s1+"')");
    f_obj_con = connect.getConnection(); //for connection
    Statement f_obj_stmt2 = f_obj_con.createStatement(); //for statement
    ResultSet rs= f_obj_stmt2.executeQuery("select * from tbl_language");
    String ss1="";
    String ss2 ="";
    string f_obj_str = new string(); //for string obj
    //String f_str_replace1 = "\""; //for replacing
    out.println ("<br>ss1="+ss1);
    out.println ("<br>ss2="+ss2);
    String sss1= new String(ss1.getBytes("8859_1"),"Shift_JIS");
    String sss2= new String(ss2.getBytes("8859_1"),"Shift_JIS");
    out.println ("<br>sss1="+sss1);
    out.println ("<br>sss2="+sss2);

    Can i do something like this? I get the user input from the request object in a byte array as follows.
    String s = request.getParameter("txt1");
    byte[] ss1;
    ss1 = s.getBytes("UTF-8");
    //value of ss1 to be stored in the database as binary value
    And instead of storing it in a string in unicode format and storing the string in the database, can I store the content in the byte array directly in the database? Can I make use of the datatype varbinary(binary varying as per ANSI 92 standard). Then I can retrieve the same, store it in a string in unicode format and display.
    response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
    //ss2 is a byte array which contains the binary values retrieved from the database
    String s1= new String(ss2,"UTF-8");
    out.println("<br>Unicode text from database: " + s1);
    This way I can store and retrieve unicode values independent of Database servers I use. I need not have to configure each of them. Since ours is a web product we need to handle multiple languages like english, italian, chinese, japanese, arabic etc and also multiple Database servers like MS-SQL server, Oracle, MySQL etc. Can anybody tell how to implement the above said method?

  • Japanese language option crashes in Firefox

    first I have updated Firefox (version 3.6.10).
    So here's the problem: after a while (can't tell you if that's a few minutes or an hour) Firefox does not offer me the language options that I have my Mac set up for (English, German and Japanese). What happens is that Japanese support/input disappears from the options in firefox and I have to restart the whole thing in order to correct for that. That's very annoying for I do write in Japanese a lot.
    This problem does not happen in Safari or generally in OS X - it's really just in Firefox that the Japanese language input support crashes...why? I have not been able to find any answers on the net .
    I will be most grateful for your help.

    Hide-sobue which country/region did you purchase your subscription?  You can find information on the type of subscription you have under your account at http://www.adobe.com/.  For information on how to manage your subscription please see http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1146459.
    Have you subscribe to a multi-language subscription or English only?

  • Hey Japanese language users...

    Hello all,
    I keep getting asked this question, and I don' know the answer. When you're using kotoeri, the Japanese language input module in OS X, how do you input furigana? Anybody know?

    When you're using kotoeri, the Japanese
    language input module in OS X, how do you input
    Furigana can only be done in MS Word, NeoOffice/J, and LightwayText, I think. Here's a note:

  • How can I input Japanese Language into Curve 8330?

    Please teach me how to do this...
    I have been trying to install this since I bought Curve 8330 last year.
    Please somebody,,, please... 

    You're in luck!  Out of the 20 RIM hosted sites (and Verizon), only Reliance has "East Asian" for the 8330 - both v4.3 and v4.5!  Download it from here.
    Once you've downloaded and installed it, and assuming Reliance is NOT your carrier, rename or delete the file
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader\Vendor.xml
    Also, if you're using Desktop Manager v4.7 make sure you have NOT installed the update module.  If you have, disconnect your network connection or DM will download an updated Vendor.xml and not allow the Reliance OS on your device.
    You should find Japanese Language support when you install the OS.  NOTE: If your device already has OS v4.3.0.124 or v4.5.0.66, use that.  You'll avoid actually installing the OS and just install the language packs.

  • Japanese Language Text in PDF Output of Purchase Orders

    We are using a custom smartform to create a purchase order output and send it as an email to the Vendor.
    Std Program /SMB40/FM06P is used. We have setup the configuration for External Message and this is working fine.
    We have the following 2 issues
    1. We wish to over-ride the email address picked up by the Program. By default SAP picks up the vendors email address maintained in Vendor master. Is there any way to overide this?
    2. The purchase order contains Japanese language texts. These Japanese texts are not getting updated correctly in the PDF file. They are displayed as junk characters.
    Please note that if I view print preview of purchase orders in mE23N the display is perfectly fine. Also I executed a report in the background and then converted the spool to a PDF file. The PDF file displays Japanese characters correctly.
    Any inputs on the above is welcome. Issue no 2 is more seriously affecting us.

    For issue # 1. Check OSS note OSS 852250... you need to include this logic en get_addr_key in print program: /SMB40/FM06PE02
    IF is_nast-parnr NE space  AND
           is_nast-parnr NE is_xekko-lifnr.
          "-- Get address from partner -
          SELECT SINGLE * FROM lfa1 INTO ls_lfa1
          WHERE lifnr = is_nast-parnr.
          MOVE ls_lfa1 TO cv_addr_key.
    Notice that line:
    MOVE ls_lfa1 TO cv_addr_key
    Should be
    MOVE ls_lfa1-adrn TO cv_addr_key
    About issue # 2.
    I am facing the same problem, have you been ablo to resolve it?

  • Charset for Japanese language.

    Hi All,
    I am working on multiple language text file. When i try to write japanese language in text file with my code characters gets distorted. I have to use charset "Shift_JIS" but when i use following statement i doesnt work. It doesnt throw any error but when i open up the file all the characters are distored.
    Anybody knows which charset name should i use to encode string in Shift_JIS.
    I have used "Shift_JIS", "SJIS" and "JIS" so far.
    Any input will be greatly helpful.

    following statementWhat statement?
    See also http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/intl/encoding.doc.html

  • Language input options disappear

    Although being British, I live and work in Japan. For this reason I use two input keyboard methods - regular British English, and Kotoeri Japanese (both standard in the input methods section of System Preferences).
    Until a few days ago, everything was fine, and I could switch languages just by changing the little menu in the top right of the screen. But now, Mac OS completely refuses to remember my settings and just resets to US English every time when I restart (the handy language icon/menu disappears altogether). It's becoming really annoying to have to go into system preferences and setup my input methods every time just to be able to type Japanese.
    Anyone had a similar problem, or more to the point know of a fix?

    I had deleted all languages that I am unlikely to use (to save up to 3GB or so!) but I had left Japanese untouched. Still, I don't see Kotoeri anymore.
    Perhaps you did not really leave Japanese untouched? Try reinstalling the Japanese Language Translation files from the OptionalInstalls.mpkg of your install DVD.

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