X230 Docking Problem

I have just installed a number of X230 2325PV2 devices and a number of users are reporting that after redocking their laptop on to the ThinkPad UltraBase S3 docking station they have to reboot the laptop as USB peripherals (mouse and keyboard) are not being detected.
The laptop is being docked correctly and mains power is attached to the docking station.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Anyone found an answer for this? just started happening to me.  System retore to uninstall updated did not work.
Extremely frustrating situation

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    I unclicked "create a closed network" and now
    everything seems to work on wake from sleep and on
    restart. Is that the same as broadcasting the SSID?
    If anyone else is following in my footsteps, I also
    changed the security from 40 to 128 bit WEP at the
    same time because if WEP is a useless scheme as I've
    read, I want it to be the best darn useless scheme
    it can!
    Though 128bit WEP can be hacked, it takes a lot more traffic to find the key then using 40bit WEP.
    Thanks iFelix. Any idea how much chance there is for
    someone hacking my WEP in a residential neighborhood?
    Depends on who your neighbours are...
    To be honest if you lived in an apartment block I would argue you were more at risk than if you live in a detached property with only a couple of neighbours.
    Should I update my wireless system? I'm happy with
    the performance of the AirPort otherwise,
    If you're happy and it's working, keep it as it is.
    but I'm
    disappointed that they don't allow an upgrade to a
    more secure system and also VERY disappointed that I
    can't at least create a working closed network with
    my new Apple iMac.
    The thing is putting your Airport base station in a brown paper bag adds as much security as creating a closed network does.
    A wireless network is still broadcasting and therefore detectable regardless of whether you broadcast the SSID (closed network) or not.
    A determined hacker (one who can hack 128bit WEP) will not be put off by a closed network.
    As for casual users, well the 128bit WEP will stop them.
    Unfortunately "Closed" networks, MAC access control lists, and reduction in transmission power are all more "feel good" security rather than real security. All these various approaches are dated and mistakenly lead to overconfidence.
    WPA is your friend if you value wireless security, but that will only be possible if you upgrade your wireless router.
    It could be for a variety of reasons why your Mac and original Airport don't like working with a closed network, however it does seem to happen more often when using hardware from different manufacturers.
    The reason why your previous Mac didn't have this issue is that it used a different wireless chipset to your new Mac, which is the main reason for the issue you are having now.

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    Thanks inadvance!

    Hi s!, Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Navigate to ~(yourhome)/library/preferences/com.apple.dock.plist and delete that file. Then log out and back in or restart. You will have to reset some Dock icons.
    If that does not sort it, navigate to yourhome/library/preferences and trash these two files:
    (You will have to reset a few finder prefs the way you like them.)
    Again, log out and back in again or restart.
    [email protected]

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    Hi Joby!
    Thank you for your fast answer but sorry, your suggestion did not help .
    But now I know what's the problem:
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    There are reports that static buildup between the laptop and the dock, can cause unexpected crashes, there is an official remedy which you can obtain from Lenovo for free if the dock is still within warranty, or use aluminium foil in the place of these rubber caps.
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

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    I'm sorry but what dock problem are you referring to When accessing the player using MediaSource or Media Explorer, it's normal that the player shows a docking picture indicating that it's linking with the software.

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    You have to restore back (or uninstall/resinstall) to a prior version of iTunes. 7.0.2 works fine.

  • Advanced Dock Problems

    Received an Advanced Dock 250310U (IBM logo)   
    I apologize if this isn't posted in the right place. Don't believe I've ever posted here before.
    Since this Dock is specific to these models, I thought this was the best place to start.
    Hoping against all hope that someone here will recognize this or be able to shed some badly needed light on it.
    In almost 30 years of IT\Computer work, this is right near the top of the weirdest problems I've ever dealt with.
    Testing with two [Integrated Graphics] T61s: a 14.1" XPPro & 15.x" Win7Pro and both have identical problems.
    Everything EXCEPT it's Ultrabay (media bay) seems to work OK. But the problems with the ultrabay are extensive.
    The only info I can find has to do with the video card & related headaches.  I can't even get that far.
    At first, I couldn't get the Ultrabay to work at all. Then, all of a sudden, it worked with a small 60GB Seagate hdd,
    but would not work with my larger WD 320GB Scorpio or ANY optical drives whatsoever. Testing with numerous
    CDRW-DVDROM & DVD Multi drives, there is no problem with any of these drives.
    All drives (hdds & optical) read perfectly in both laptop bays. The problems are all with the Dock ultrabay.
    After many hours of troubleshooting and reading as much as we could find on the Internet there was no change.
    Then again, all of a sudden, it started reading even my larger 320GB Scorpio hdd. But still no optical drives.
    More hours of troubleshooting and then - out of the blue - it started reading the optical drives.
    But that's when it really started getting interesting. When it would read the hdd's ok, it would not read *any* optical drives
    correctly. The rare times we got it to read the optical drives, it would not read *any* hdds. We have never been able to
    get it to correctly read a hdd and then an optical drive or visa versa.
    When it reads the hdds but no optical drives, the Combo drives would be recognized as "Removable disk" with or without a drive letter.
    The DVD-Multi would just not show up (explorer) but shows up in DevMgr as "USB drive" with nothing in Computer.
    No matter what after that, the optical drive types throw up a 'disk not formatted' warning and\or if you try to access the disk,
    it demands that you insert a disk in the drive. Interestingly, the optical drives are incorrectly recognized as a USB hard drive in DevMgr
    but in the rare case the optical drives are working, they are correctly recognized as Cdrom USB drives.
    The mystery is how to get the OS to correctly recognize it and why does it change back and forth?! Why can't the bay
    correctly read both types of drives at all times?!
    When the hdds are working, they are correctly recognized as usb hdd in DevMgr. When they are not working, they have a
    USB error in the DevMgr USB section. Removing and re-detecting does nothing to fix it, or any of the other problems.
    I've tried every imaginable fix I could think of - including testing with a mass of Live disks (mostly built with WinPE).
    I had the EXACT same problems with every single live cd\dvd as we did with the installed OS's.
    I've cleaned out all unused and old USB entries and hidden devices that are able to be removed.
    Both systems are 1000% clean and otherwise rock solid. Since they also exhibit exact same problems
    with the live discs, the OS can't be the sole cause of this craziness. I've cleaned out the Dock with air as well.
    I've made sure to secure the dock to the laptop with the key in every case. I've even installed clean OS's to check.
    I'm at the point where I'm starting to suspect one of two things or both.
    1. The Middleton bios - could be causing a problem with the interface somehow.
    Could be causing incompatibility issues. Can anyone confirm usage of this dock with that bios?
    Tried changing settings (Sata controller to "Compatible" -- USB Always on etc.) no go.
    2. The dock itself is defective. Don't have another - unable to do a replacement troubleshoot.
    I really wanted to get this working. I haven't even been able to get to the video card issue
    but need to solve the ultrabay problems first. 
    I never imagined having problems like this with the ultrabay drives being so flaky.
    I've taken numerous screen shots (in both XP and W7) of drive properties when they do work correctly
    and when they don't work correctly. Screenshots are of DevMgr, Computer\Explorer, DiskMgr etc.
    If anyone thinks that would help, I'll link or post them.
    Lastly, I've figured out a workaround to getting the hdds to work in the bay.
    I simply install them before booting\restarting and they seem to show up correctly 99% of the time. But then
    none of the optical drives will work. Conversely, trying this method with the optical drives doesn't work at all.
    Go figure. As of this time, I have absolutely no idea what makes the optical drives work.
    Thanks in advance for any help on this!

    Thank you very much for your input\response! I did clean the main interface\connector using Electo-Wash PX (Chemtronics) which did help. Before cleaning, it didn't read any drives at all. After cleaning it started reading but was very intermittent as described. I'm going to take a very close look at the connectors. Thanks again!

  • X240 - Thinkpad Ultra dock Problem with external monitors

    I have tried to connect my two external monitors to the dock (the one connected to the vga port) but it was only able to detect one of them (though at a low resolution) and not the other. i have tried using a replicator to connect the screen to the dvi and the usb  ports but nothing seemed to work
    Did anyone face the same problem and how were they able to resolve it - any recommendation for a port replicator brand / usb to vga display adapter to use that would work?

    Seems that there is no solution now, because DP MST should be implemented in Linux: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72795

  • Dock Problem with External Display

    I have a macbook hooked up to an external monitor. I made the external display the primary display so it has the menubar and main desktop, but for some reason the dock wont move from the macbook's display, which is the secondary one. I tried restarting the dock, using killall in terminal and restarting, unplugging and replugging, switching to mirroring and back again, and all sorts of other things. My friend has the exact same setup and his works fine; what's going on here? Thanks so much

    I was able to fix this problem on my iMac using your suggestion. It appears that if the external display is arranged to touch either the left or right side of the Mac display, then the two displays are handled as a single desktop. "Left" places the dock on the left side of the combined desktop, "right" places it on the right.
    When I changed the arrangement so that the external display was touching only the top or the bottom of the Mac display, "left" and "right" became the left and right of the Mac display, and my dock is back where I like it.

  • Weird Apple Universal Dock Problems

    I have had my Apple Universal Dock for about a year and a half.  I have many problems with it now.  I have an iPhone 3GS and I use my dock to charge it every night.  I have the apple remote (white).
    1.Will not work with remote
    2.Says iPhone is Not Supported With This Accessory
    3.Cannot play music through iPhone speakers
    4.Cannot use Audio audio out port
    The only thing I can use this dock for is to charge my iPhone.  I paid $50 for this and I could of just got the iphone 3G dock and saved $30.  Has anybody else had these problems?  Will Apple replace it even though I have had it for over a year?  I have had these problems for a long time, but thought it was just my phone.  I have 3 of these docks in my house and yesterday I plugged my phone into one of them and all of the problems I had with my dock had not been there.  I guess i just have a lemon?  If anybody else has had this experience, please let me know.  I do not want to spend another $50 on a new dock.  Any replies would be greatly appreciated!

    Follow the directions in these 2 articles:
    KB 302782, Pairing the Apple Remote with the iPod Universal Dock
    KB 302545, Pairing your Apple Remote with your computer

  • Universal Dock Problem

    I have the 8GB iPhone, and it had been working great in my older Universal Dock, the 2005 model. I get a message about "This Accessory is will not work with the iPhone" when I dock, but it works fine.
    The problem is, recently the remote has stopped working when I have the iPhone docked. The remote works fine when any iPod is docked, just not when I have the phone in there.
    It used to work... anyone have an idea?
    8GB iPhone 1.1.1

    Try pairing it. Read the following Apple Tech article.

  • [solved] Conky docking problem.

    Sorry for my poor English. I hope you can understand what I say.
    I want to make my conky stay at bottom like a panel. So I try this in my .conkyrc:
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent no
    own_window_type dock
    alignment bottom_middle
    But the problem is that after setting own_window_type to dock, alignment seems to invalid and conky always stay at top_left. Can anyone help?
    Last edited by RichSelian (2009-08-20 00:50:16)

    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_type desktop
    own_window_hints undecorate,above,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    The "above" in the own_windows_hints sets it above all other windows.
    When you make conky a dock in OB, you have to configure OB's dock feature to put it where you want it. You likely had OB's dock in the rc.xml set to the top_left.
    The margin shift idea should likely work the best IMO.

  • Creative Zen Travel Dock problems

    I only got my travel dock at Christmas and have used it a massive 3 times. It's broken already. It plays the bass no problem but all the "front" music and vocals are tinny and very quiet. It hasn't been dropped, mishandled or anything like that and has always been connected in accordance with the instructions. When turning it on, it just charges the zen micro player and the only way I can get it to play music is by connecting the player when it is on and playing which is what you're not supposed to do.

    Is the connection pushed all the way in? Have you tried a different set of earphones or headphones yet?
    CatMessage Edited by Catherina-CL on 06-2-2007 04:46 PM

  • T400 Dock Problem

    Received our company's first T400 today.
    1) Put the machine into the advanced minidock. Power on computer, nothing on the monitor attached to the DVI port. Computer does boot up though (i can tell because you can hear it booting up and i opened up the laptop screen and it was booted. Vista startup sound came through laptop speakers, not speakers attached to dock. It's almost like it doesn't know it's in the dock.
    2) With the machine OUT of the dock, put it to sleep, put it in the dock, then wake it up and then it does function properly in the dock after slowly re-recongnizing all the dock hardware.
    Tried it in two different docks, same problem. A t61 in the same dock will cold boot normally and function properly in the same dock.
    This is NOT a software issue because it's not even recognized during the bios boot.
    Any ideas?

    I confess to not having a T400 at the moment, situation will be different on Tuesday, and was therefore unable to look in BIOS myself. My comment was based on T61 BIOS options.
    Which T400 do you have? Please post your Type and Model Number, do NOT post your s/n.
    Andy  ______________________________________
    Please remember to come back and mark the post that you feel solved your question as the solution, it earns the member + points
    Did you find a post helpfull? You can thank the member by clicking on the star to the left awarding them Kudos Please add your type, model number and OS to your signature, it helps to help you. Forum Search Option T430 2347-G7U W8 x64, Yoga 10 HD+, Tablet 1838-2BG, T61p 6460-67G W7 x64, T43p 2668-G2G XP, T23 2647-9LG XP, plus a few more. FYI Unsolicited Personal Messages will be ignored.
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