X509 Anchors with Mac MSN Messenger

i've been having difficulty with getting msn mac running, getting an error message about certificates when i try to log in..
I think i may have deleted the X509 anchors keychain when trying to access my university's wireless network by accident, which MSN will check for authorisation when trying to log in (hard coded in to the software)
Is it possible to get a new X509 anchors keychain so i can just incorporate the certificates into this in keychain access? fairly sure this would solve my problems but just havent been able to find it anywhere online..
I can use adium or something but kind of would rather use mac messenger.. any thoughts?
thank you!


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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    To download click here.
    Good luck.
    Message was edited by: cornelius

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    The Messages Beta has run out.
    The End Date was the 14th December 2012.
    However iChat and Messages in Mountain lion can be enabled to Add MSN Buddies to a Jabber List using Transports.
    These Instructions detail how you can use a third Party app (in this case Psi) to enable  a Transport on a Server that uses Transports and then Add MSN Buddies to your Jabber Buddy list.
    The Instructions were written some while ago and  include many pictures.
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    8:20 PM      Tuesday; May 14, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.3)
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    Wild guess: you have Safari 3 Beta installed? If so, uninstall it and your Mac:Messenger will work fine again.
    This problem has been confirmed in some other thread on the forums. I've learned to live with it , even though it's still freaking annoying.
    Good luck,
    Message was edited by: Billy the Bootlegger

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    I used Psi to set up my Jabber name and transport on Jabber.org.uk
    Then I added that Jabber screen name as an Jabber account in the iChat Preferences > Accounts
    Like you I find that sometimes they seem to stay at Not Authorised.
    Check with the Psi app that the Transport is active.
    Also contact Gil Taylor in table 2
    http://www.ralphjohnsuk.dsl.pipex.com/ContactTesters.html as he seems to know more about this.
    Use his AIM name first and text him.
    5:59 PM Wednesday; July 18, 2007

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    juanparce88 wrote:
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    MSN messenger is still active in development, It has just been crippled - no Nudges, no msn games, no drawing, no a/v support etc..You can still do the basics; Talk to your friend, custom smileys/multiple convos.
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    Have just replied to your iChat post:
    http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=4577049#4577049 where I've posted a link to Mercury Messenger, that might work.

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    Hi, Mike.
    You might want to search or post on the "Microsoft Messenger for Mac" group you can find on the Microsoft Mac Support - Newsgroups page. These are Google Groups with active participation from MS Microsoft Messenger for Mac users, including a variety of expert users.
    I don't mean to send you somewhere else, but I've found numerous answers there for folks with questions related to MS products. Accordingly, it has often proved to be the first, best place to look for answers to questions such as you are asking.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

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    I take it you mean the latest Microsoft Messenger, which is version 5 and a step up from the previous MSN Messenger 4.
    Are you signing in with a Hotmail.com address, or do you have an alternate company address (ie: Mac.com, etc)? If so, you need to register this address with the Microsoft Net Passport system to allow your "third party" email address to access the MSN system. Hotmail addresses are allowed access by default.

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    Double click on your harddrive on the desktop then double click on library and then you should find the quicktime folder.

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    that usuall happens when you are not connected to the internet. if you were running wifi your connection could have been lost for a moment and then recovered.

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    Thank you,

    Thank you very much Eme !
    You are so very welcome Ramiro!!
    That solved my problem, and sorry for not searching the forum, I have seen another thread with this issue in same pages a couple of days ago.
    I am very happy to hear that you have solved your problem, nice job;-)
    True,  discussions does recommend you do a search first, seriamente ningún problema, mi placer de ayudar:)
    Thank you very much for the & stars.
    Enjoy your Mac!
    Maria - Eme '~[) i ♥ beta

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    Cipha, unfortunately, MS hadn't seen fit to make MSM compatible with iChat, nor have then made the Mac version of MSM capable of video. Also unfortunately, the iSight isn't going to work under Windows. However, there are ways to have video chats with people on Windows (iChat and AIM 5.9 or Trillian -- but not Triton -- as well as others). You will be able to get more information and help if you go to the iChat forum at this link. HTH.
     14" iBook G3 800Mhz 640MB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.6)    Airport Extreme,  iSight,  5G iPod

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    Hello jellosaladE
    can the iSight built in camera be used with msn messenger?
    An iNtel Mac can use its built-in iSight "with" MSN Messenger.
    For how, see this thread:
    (Also at your other post of this same question:
    EZ Jim
    PowerBook 1.67 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.10)    G5 DP 1.8  External iSight

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