Xcode starter questions

So, I am wanting to get into programming with apps. I don't have any experience with programming with this kind of stuff. But my questions are:                             1. Will Xcode work with Mac mini?
2. I hear that you have to pay a yearly $100 to apple to submit my apps to the App Store. Is this true and what are the likelihood a that I will be able to make enough to pay it plus profit?
3. Say I do charge for an app or built in feature, how will I receive my profit after apple takes their share?
4. How easy is Xcode to use? I understand that there is coding and I'm not sure how difficult that would be. I'm willing to learn.
5. What are the probabilities that I will get sales for charged apps I make?  I know it's hard depending if the app is a hit or not but is like a ballpark estimate.
Thank you for any answers I'm wanting to look into this before I invest some money on this. If I have more questions ill post them below. Thanks!

do any of you know how to fix a problem i am having

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    Yes, that is the correct location to set DHCP reservations.
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    Whenever you hit save after making a change you configuration is saved and will survive a reboot.
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    You will need to manually update the firmware on the RV180.  That firmware is available here:
    RV180 Firmware
    It is simply one file, that you upload under Administration >> Firmware Upgrade.  There is no bootcode for the routers (like there was with your switch)
    You can locate this in the future the same way you did the SG200 firmware (because this link may change) on the Cisco website.
    As for the service contract, the part number for both of those devices will be CON-SBS-SVC2.
    Hope that helps, and I will try to get to your other questions sometime today as well.  Also since you just bought there you are of course welcome to call in and get some support over the phone, both your devices do come with 1 year of technical support, and it sounds like you are getting or have contracts, so I guess make that 3 years.
    Cisco Small Business Support Center Contact Numbers
    Thanks again for choosing Cisco,
    Christopher Ebert - Advanced Network Support Engineer
    Cisco Small Business Support Center
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    Brian is correct that universal binary is the default for Xcode 3, but make sure you're using the Release build configuration. The Debug build configuration cannot build universal binaries.
    swingo wrote:
    Also, when I use the Interface Builder, I make my own classes, say "MAfoo." And write it out to xcode. But after I write down the class codes and modify them in xcode, whenever I make changes to Interface Builder, how can I change the previous version of codes without overriding the codes that I have written.
    You have to make the changes in Xcode. When you tell Interface Builder to write class files, it overwrites any existing class files.
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    Hi Arcus
    I think you might have to change some of the Xcode settings to force it to use Java 1.5. Try this:
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    Best wishes

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    Yes.  They definitely should be on while it is remote started.  You definitely want to bring that up to the Autotechs when you take it back in.
    While I am employed by Best Buy, all of my posts here are in a non-official capacity. Any information or recommendations that are given are done so in an attempt to help in any way that I can and are not an official part of my job. If you feel that I have helped, feel free to give me Kudos or mark my post as a solution...I like to know how well I am doing.

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    <i>Jan 11, 2005 2:27:57 PM /userOut/deploy (com.sap.ide.eclipse.sdm.threading.DeployThreadManager) [Deploy Thread] INFO:
    CalculatorEar.ear -> Successfully deployed file:/C:/DOCUME1/ahamilto/LOCALS1/Temp/temp54088CalculatorEar.ear
    ==> SDM host : AHAMILTO1-XP
    ==> SDM port : 50418
    ==> URL : file:/C:/DOCUME1/ahamilto/LOCALS1/Temp/temp54088CalculatorEar.ear

    1. Does your browser show the startpage of your local WAS if you try URL http://localhost:50000
    2. Where does your port 50418 come from? It seams that you have several instances on your computer, maybe you should try http://localhost:50400/Calculator/Calculator.jsp to reach your application. XXX18 is normally the sdm port through which you deploy your application to j2ee engine.
    Maybe that helps,
    Message was edited by: Andre Siegling

  • Xcode project questions

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    You have to remove the proj_Prefix.pch and projPriv.h files from the project to delete them safely. In the project window, select the files you want to delete and press the Delete key. An alert opens asking you if you want to delete the references to the files or delete the files and references. Deleting the reference removes the file from the project but keeps it on your hard disk. Deleting the file and reference removes the file from the project and your hard disk. Deleting the reference, then moving the file to the Trash is safer than deleting the file and reference because you can recover the file if you find out you need it.
    You can get rid of the xcconfig files. Those are Xcode configuration files that contain build settings. Configuration files are useful if you make a lot of changes to Xcode's default build settings. By putting the changed settings in a configuration file, you don't have to change the settings in Xcode for every project.
    The point of a SVN repository is to track the changes you make to files. Put the files you need to track in the repository. At a minimum, you should put your source code files in the repository. What works for me is to put everything but the project's build folder in the repository. When I create a Xcode project I want to place under version control, I temporarily move the project's build folder. After importing the project into the repository and checking out the project's files, I move the build folder back with the project.

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    First things first, You need to update your wifi security settings.  If its set at WEP, then change to WAP2.  If its already set that way, then you need to make sure iTunes is up to date on your computer, then update your software.

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    x is typ 'File' and I use x.list of a root directory. Now I want to check if the file is from typ *.exe.
    My solution in moment is:
    This solution works, but I searching for an other solution because I think this one is very slow in runtime.
    Can anyone help me?

    This is the most efficient code I can make of it, but I can't see why this would be much faster than yours.import java.io.*;
    public class Test {
        public static void main (String[] parameters) {
            File[] files = new File ("c:\\windows").listFiles ();
            for (int f = 0; f < files.length; f ++) {
                File file = files[f];
                if (! file.isDirectory ()) {
                    String fileName = file.getName ();
                    int lengthOfFileName = fileName.length ();
                    if ((lengthOfFileName >= 4) && fileName.substring (fileName.length () - 4).equalsIgnoreCase (".exe")) {
                        System.out.println (file.getName ());
    }Please show some respect to the people who tried to help you and do something with their advice.
    Kind regards,

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    I would like to tell you definitively the most recent version of Xcode that will run on 10.3, but Apple's "All downloads" site for developers is down right now. I think it is 2.2 or maybe 2.5. Regardless, there are extensive changes between the older Xcodes and Xcode4. Plus, the older Xcodes are from before Xcode development really "took off", so you will have a difficult time finding books or documentation. The hardest part is building the user interface with Interface Builder. That has changed several times over the years and when it says "control-drag from X outlet to Y object" you may be lost if you don't have the exact version of Xcode that matches whatever tutorial you are using.
    There is quite a bit of information available for Xcode3, but Xcode4 has now been released and that is another significant change. The differences are primarily platforms and Interface Builder. Older Xcodes only support Mac development for PPC. Xcode3 can build software for iOS, PPC and Intel Macs, and is a pretty good stand-alone IDE. Xcode4 is focused on iOS and Snow Leopard Intel Macs.

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    My laptop won't start, there is a question mark on the screen.

    Your MBP is having problems finding the HDD.  Try these steps:
    Do not dismiss the possibility that the HDD has failed or the connection is faulty.
    Message was edited by: OGELTHORPE

  • Xcode debugger question

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    The debugger is already setup in Xcode, do you have a specific question?

  • Remote start question

    Does anyone make a remote start with a learning remote, or have remotes that have factory codes built in? I want to buy one for my 1998 Ford Escort wagon, and I figured if someone made one it would be a lot less wiring involved if the remote could learn the codes for the door lock/unlock, and trunk release. I understand that most units have these features but you have to wire the "brain" into the wiring harness for this to work. I'll be working outside on this, this car is a "beater", and I really don't want to take the time to wire those functions in if I can use the factory hardware and use a remote with the factory codes in it.

    Hi snydley100,
    I like the idea but I don't see anything like that that we currently carry. I'm hoping some of our Super Users that a more versed in Remote Starts will offer their thoughts. I will also check around to see if anyone's familiar with this. You might also want to stop in and talk to the install bay techs. They might have some ideas on this as well. 
    Thank you,
    Marti|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

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