XML "Document" tag issue

In my data xml file, I get data like this:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Document xmlns='urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.02' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>
In Document tag, because of this: xmlns='urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.02', the rtf doesn't show any output. But if I manually go data xml file and remove xmlns='urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.02', then my data xml file will be like this:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Document xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>
This perfectly works for me. For testing purpose, I removed it (*xmlns='urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.02'*). As the data file is from external source, I can't control always. Can someone pls help on this?

I also have problem with 'Document' tag:
My xsl is like :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- $Header: XXMCK_FINLAND_SEPA_EFT_R51-58.xsl 2011/08/4 12:43:27 $ -->
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="no" />
<xsl:output method="xml"/>
<xsl:key name="contacts-by-LogicalGroupReference" match="OutboundPayment" use="PaymentNumber/LogicalGroupReference" />
<xsl:template match="OutboundPaymentInstruction">
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.02" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.02 pain.001.001.02.xsd">
Here in Document tag 2 lines are there, but in xml output these lines get reversed as shown below:
<Document xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.02 C:\XMLSPY~1\pain.001.001.02.xsd" xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.02" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
Can anybody plz help in this regard?

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    Hello I am doing some SOAP XML stuff and I am having an issue that hopefully I can get some help with.
    Is XML like this valid to do in a SOAP message?
    <prompt>1 &_lt_; 0? <prompt>It's suppose to represent "1 < 0?"
    * the forum formatter seems to eat up my encoded text and transofrms it into acutal "<" so I am placing underscores "_" everywhere to keep the text. so above is actually without underscores
    From what I've read I think it is. I have text like this transported as part of the overall SOAP message to my client from the server.
    In my code I do:
    // Create an instance of the DocumentBuilderFactory
    DocumentBuilderFactory documentFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    // Get the DocumentBuilder from the factory
    DocumentBuilder builder = documentFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document doc = builder.parse(inputStream);
    ...inputStream is an InputStream (specifically ByteArrayInputStream) containing the XML.
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    Also is there an easy way to get back or rebuild the XML into a string from a Document object? I would really like to do that right after I do the parse method and see if the XML data that the Document object has is the same as what's in the inputStream (which is "1 &_lt_; 0?").
    Any input you can provide is much appreciated. Thanks,

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    I suggest that you write a specific function to translate the string with auto-close tags to empty tags instead. It is not very difficult to do and you can look at [http://sourceforge.net/projects/light-html2xml|http://sourceforge.net/projects/light-html2xml] where you will find a similar java function to convert HTML to well-formed XML.

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    FP_ApplyFormatRules sounds really good--I'll give it a try on Monday. Wonder how I could miss it, as I already tried FP_Reformatting and FP_Displaying at no avail?! By the way, what is actually meant with FP_Reformatting (when I used it I assumed it would do exactly what FP_ApplyFormatRules sounds to do), or is that one another of Lynne's well-kept secrets?
    Thank's for all the helpful suggestions, guys. On Friday I already had my first improvements in a test version of my client: I did some (not all necessary) structural changes using XSLT pre-processing, and processing went down from 8 hours(!) to 1 hour--Yeappie! I was also playing with the idea of writing a wrapper to F_ApiNewElementInHierarchy() which actually pastes an appropriate element created in a small flow on the reference pages at the intended insertion location. But now, with FP_ApplyFormatRules on the horizon, I'm quite confident to get even the complicated stuff under control, which cannot be handled by the XSLT pre-processing, as it is based on the actual formatting of the document at run-time and cannot be anticipated in pre-processing.

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    // http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/43309/How-to-create-a-simple-XML-file-using-MSXML-in-C
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr FormatDOMDocument(MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr pDoc)
    LPCSTR const static szStyleSheet =
    R"!(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>)!"
    R"!(<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">)!"
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    R"!( </xsl:template>)!"
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr pXmlStyleSheet;
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr pXmlFormattedDoc;
    CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispatch;
    HRESULT hr = pXmlFormattedDoc->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pDispatch);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    _variant_t vtOutObject;
    vtOutObject.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
    vtOutObject.pdispVal = pDispatch;
    hr = pDoc->transformNodeToObject(pXmlStyleSheet, vtOutObject);
    //By default it is writing the encoding = UTF-16. Let us change the encoding to UTF-8
    // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pXMLFirstChild = pXmlFormattedDoc->GetfirstChild();
    // A map of the a attributes (vesrsion, encoding) values (1.0, UTF-8) pair
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr pXMLAttributeMap = pXMLFirstChild->Getattributes();
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pXMLEncodNode = pXMLAttributeMap->getNamedItem(_T("encoding"));
    pXMLEncodNode->PutnodeValue(_T("UTF-8")); //encoding = UTF-8
    return pXmlFormattedDoc;
    Or, if there is some other method for reindenting a MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr object where I can specify how I want empty tags to be stored, that would be great too.  However, I don't want it to lose its status of an MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr object.
     I.e. I would like to still perform operations on the result as if it was still an MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr object.

    If anyone is interested, I got an answer on StackOverflow

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    to add HTML tags to the information in the XML file so the dynamic
    text box will format it. If I add straight html:
    <Answer1>of earth, <b>air</b>, fire, and
    I get a null displayed in the text box. If I encode
    <Answer1>of earth,
    &gt;b&lt;air&gt;/&lt;, fire, and
    Then it displays
    of earth, <b>air</b>, fire, and water.
    Any help on how to embedded html code into an XML document so
    a dynamic text box uses the html code?

    Just use CDATA tags around your HTML values, eg:
    <Answer1><![CDATA[of earth, <b>air</b>,
    fire, and water.]]></Answer1>

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    The only way in 9.2 is to use DBMS_XMLDOM package or to recreate the entire parent node and use updateXML(). 10g have some new features that are behind an event that allow these operations to be done directly in SQL.

  • Issue with parsing an xml document and namespaces

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    Here is my xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <StatusFile xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" TxCnt="247" TxTotal="5756845.31" SourceId="3" xmlns="http://www.test.com/cig/payments/optimizer/status/2004/10/">
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    <Tx PmtId="350024" Amt="15671.8" TxSts="09" CustSts="04" ChkNum="10605831" />
    <Tx PmtId="346822" Amt="9880.64" TxSts="09" CustSts="04" />
    <Tx PmtId="350023" Amt="1360" TxSts="09" CustSts="04" />
    <Tx PmtId="349802" Amt="131267" TxSts="09" CustSts="04" ChkNum="10605832" />
    <Tx PmtId="343573" Amt="14532.76" TxSts="09" CustSts="04" ChkNum="10605833" />
    <Tx PmtId="352675" Amt="4436" TxSts="09" CustSts="04" />
    <Tx PmtId="350022" Amt="1260" TxSts="09" CustSts="04" ChkNum="10605834" />
    <Tx PmtId="349714" Amt="80778" TxSts="09" CustSts="04" ChkNum="10605835" />
    <Tx PmtId="352676" Amt="10136" TxSts="09" CustSts="04" ChkNum="10605836" />
    <Tx PmtId="352679" Amt="25511.69" TxSts="09" CustSts="04" ChkNum="10605837" />
    <Tx PmtId="346502" Amt="12842.69" TxSts="10" CustSts="05" />
    <Tx PmtId="346503" Amt="4232.61" TxSts="09" CustSts="04" ChkNum="10605838" />
    Here is my current code base:
    myParser xmlparser.parser := xmlparser.newparser;
    myDoc xmldom.DOMNode;
    myNodes xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    myElement xmldom.DOMElement;
    myDoc := xmldom.makeNode(xmlparser.getDocument(myParser));
    myNodes := xslprocessor.selectNodes(myDoc,'//Tx');
    FOR i IN 0..xmldom.getLength(myNodes)-1 LOOP
    myElement := xmldom.makeElement(xmldom.item(buyOrders,i));
    trec.pmt_id := xmldom.getAttribute(curBuy,'PmtId');
    END ParseXML;
    If I remove the namespace, everything works just fine. The issue is that I cannot remove the namespace.
    Anyone have any suggestions on how I can get the xslprocessor.selectNodes to recognize my namespace?
    Mark Moran

    Well after lots of hours spent reading web pages and blogs, etc... I was able to re-write my procedure and get it to work with different calls.
    Here is my updated code.
    V_NODES := XMLDOM.GETELEMENTSBYTAGNAME(V_ELEMENT,'Tx','http://www.test.com/cig/payments/optimizer/status/2004/10/');
         VALUES (

  • Parse XML document ,create table according to tags &  load data to  table

    Hi All!
    I have one of the most common problem, one faces when dealing with xml stuff and oracle.I get xml documents, with each file having different tags.I want to write a pl/sql procedure such that, the xml file is parsed, a table is created with the tag names becoming the column names and all the nodes' data get inserted into the table as rows.I am using oracle 10g.
    I read a thread at the following url:
    Parse XML and load into table
    But did not get much of it.
    Can anybody please tell me how to accomplish this.
    Thanking in advance.

    Why do people have such an aversion to the XML DB forum for XML questions...
    See FAQ for XML DB forum here: XML DB FAQ
    Explains all about getting XML into tables in the database.

  • Build XML Document in Servlet use JSTL xml tags in JSP

    Is it possible to build an XML document either org.w3c.dom.Document or preferably org.jdom.Document in a Servlet and pass it as a Bean or Bean property to a JSP and use it in the JSTL xml tags? If so how is it done? I don't want to write the document out to a file.

    Both DOM and JDOM allow you to serialize XML to an output stream. Use the StringWriter as the output stream and when its finished you will have the XML in a String. Put the String in the Request scope and your JSP should be able to see it.

  • Add tags to an archieved XML document

    Hi experts :
      I'm archiving an invoice digitally signed in XML format.
      Due to legal restrictions with the signature method in Spain, the first 2 lines of the XML document (i.e, the lines including the format UTF-8 and the reference to the CSS file) have to be removed before signing the invoice.
      So, when users try to display the document using FB03, as there is no reference to the CSS file, the only they can see is the XML coding instead of the invoice.
      My first tought was to add the header with these 2 lines before archieving the XML, but it isn't possible due to audit requirements (the original XML and the one including the first 2 lines are differents, so can't change the invoice before archiving it).
      We're working with 4.6C version.
    Anyone knows the way to add these 2 lines when displaying the XML file in FB03?.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Sorry, SAP version is 6.20

  • How to represent XML inline tags in a Java class

    Dear all,
    I am currently dealing with the issue of how to transform an XML document into a Java representation. As far as the strucural elements are concerned, I'd represent them each one of them as a Java class. However, the XML structure also allows for inline tags, i.e. elements which specify formatting information for the text. I am looking for good ideas for how to best represent these in my Java class(es).
    Let's use an example. Suppose I have something like this:
       <structure>A piece of text</structure>
       <moreStructure>A piece of <b>bold</b> text</moreStructure>
       <finalStructure>A piece of <inlineTag att="value"> more text!</inlineTag>   </finalStructure>
    </root>I this case I would build four classes for the strucural elements. But how do I represent <b> and <inlineTag>? In my XML documents I have several such inline tags, each of which may also have a bunch of attributes. I am sure this has been solved cleverly before. Any help greatly appreciated.
    Best regards,

    The XML term for "containing tags and text" is "mixed content". And XML designers generally don't care much for mixed content. You're finding out one of the reasons for that right now. They aren't elegant or clever, just inconvenient.
    However sometimes you have to deal with ugly structures. This is one of them. I would represent mixed content as a list, just as you already thought of. The elements in this list would be either text or elements. So in this example:<moreStructure>A piece of <b>bold</b> text</moreStructure>you would have three entries:
    1. Text "A piece of "
    2. A <b> element
    3. Text " text"
    And when retrieving from that list you would have to use "instanceof" to see if you had a String or an element of some kind.
    And if "standalone tags" versus "paired tags" is a complication, then you're looking at it wrong. XML doesn't care much about tags. Tags only exist to delimit an element, and you should be looking at elements.
    I'm guessing at your non-standard terminology here: a "standalone tag" is an empty element like
    , right? And "paired tags" means a non-empty element like <this>that</this>? They're all elements. The first is a "br" element and the second is a "this" element.

  • A space in xml-document is stored in database as New line feed instead of n

    I have got the following problem:
    An xml-document is inserted by an xsql servlet into an object view. First this document is translated by an xsl file. Then an instead of trigger inserts the values into the right tables.
    When a space is present (only one space no further string-value) in the xml-document then this space is inserted into the database as a new line feed.(chr(10))
    When I add the following line to the tag
    <bnr_name xml:space="preserve"> </bnr_name>
    then the space is stored as a space. (chr(32))
    What I want is that this space is inserted as a NULL- value.
    Does anyone know a solution in xml or xsl? (Of course I can solve it on the database side by programming a function around it, but I want to solve it on the xml or xsl side)
    jan-Paul Duister

    Few questions which might help to understand the issue.
    1. Is client's data is coming in more than 72 chars per each line? Then you can request client to send the data with max. 72 chars per line. Else dividing the string into 72 chars will loose the readability of text since logic can not be built to divide the text.
    Start reading the text string starting from left for maximum 72 chars . If 72th character is non space then go backwards i.e. read 71, 70, 69... till last character should be a SPACE.
    Eg. string is
    'xxxxxxxxxxx...........This material is created for plant xyz. date of creation is 03.02.2009'.
    x = string72(1) should be a SPACE else take x = string71(1)  and likewise.

Maybe you are looking for

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