XML instance validation against XML schema

How can I get a reference on the error node object after
validation against an XML schema ?
Ex. :
DOMParser domP = new DOMParser();
domP.setXMLSchema(schemaDoc); // schemaDoc = ref. on an XMLSchema
domP.parse(reader); // reader contains the XML instance data
If an error occurred, I only get a message string. What I need is to get a reference on the node object which contains the error in order to retrieve its properties to the schema.
I could then alert the user with a message such as :
"Data xxx is not valid ; it must be comprised between yy and zz...".
Did somebody solve this problem ? May I use the XMLError class to do this ?
Thank you

Hi Ray,
Were you able to resolve this issue? I am encountering a very similar problem where I am not connected to the internet and it fails during the newSchema method on javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory. I have attempted to implement the suggestions of ExtremeGardener and vidyut with no luck.
Per ExtremeGardener's suggestion of replacing xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" with xmlns:xs="XMLSchema.xsd" and storing it locally, it gave me an error for trying to set the "xs" or "xsd" prefixes to anything other than "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema." I forget the exact error. I also tried to use my own prefix and it did not like that either.
Per vidyut's suggestion of using a catalog resolver, I believe that I have tried that too (if I understand correctly). I created an LSResourceResolver and tied it to the SchemaFactory. I can invoke it for a namespace but that did not resolve the issue because it only invokes the resolver on an import, include, or redefine. I believe that it is trying to reach the internet due to the xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" attribute within the top-level schema element in the XSD and I know of no way to invoke it for that.
I also created an ErrorHandler and tied it to the SchemaFactory. That shows me the errors and they are all related to the standard XML data types defined in XMLSchema.xsd. The errors that I am seeing are all of this form: "UndeclaredPrefix: Cannot resolve 'xs:string' as a QName: the prefix 'xs' is not declared."
I am currently using the SchemaFactory in Java 1.5, but I am thinking about trying the Xerces SchemaFactory since they are not exactly the same implementation.
Does anyone have any other suggestions? Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

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    Hi Kulkarni,
    I think you are trying to retrieve the text of the parent element of book. For example if this is the xml element
    <book>Harry Potter</book>
    <author>JK Rowling</author>
    You must be trying to retrieving the text of bookdetails.
    Check XMLNode.getNodeName() to retrieve the name of the node.
    To get 'Harry Potter' as output you need to traverse till book and then use XMLNode.getText()
    You can check the 'getQuestions()' method in Survey Sample
    to know how to tranverse to any element of an XML using Java.
    The Survey Sample is located at
    Download the sample and unjar it. The location of Analyser.java is
    Have a look at it.

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    [IP_Flow 19-193] Failed to save BOM file '/home/jmassol/.Xil/Vivado-2683-ubuntu/coregen/dds_compiler_0/dds_compiler_0.xml'.
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    [IP_Flow 19-395] Problem validating against XML schema: Invalid value format for this type spirit:order
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    [IP_Flow 19-395] Problem validating against XML schema: Invalid value format for this type spirit:order
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    [IP_Flow 19-194] Failed to save IP instance 'dds_compiler_0'.
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    [IP_Flow 19-194] Failed to save IP instance 'dds_compiler_0'.
    [IP_Flow 19-395] Problem validating against XML schema: Invalid value format for this type spirit:order
    [IP_Flow 19-193] Failed to save BOM file '/home/jmassol/.Xil/Vivado-2683-ubuntu/coregen/dds_compiler_0/dds_compiler_0.xml'.
    [IP_Flow 19-194] Failed to save IP instance 'dds_compiler_0'.
    [IP_Flow 19-3378] Failed to create IP instance 'dds_compiler_0'. Error saving IP file.
    [HDL 9-1061] Parsing VHDL file "/home/jmassol/Desktop/Vivado/vivado_debug/ug937/project_xsim/project_xsim.srcs/sources_1/imports/ug937/sources/debounce.vhd" into library work ["/home/jmassol/Desktop/Vivado/vivado_debug/ug937/project_xsim/project_xsim.srcs/sources_1/imports/ug937/sources/debounce.vhd":1]
    [IP_Flow 19-3378] Failed to create IP instance 'dds_compiler_0'. Error saving IP file.
    [IP_Flow 19-194] Failed to save IP instance 'dds_compiler_0'.
    [HDL 9-1061] Parsing VHDL file "/home/jmassol/Desktop/Vivado/vivado_debug/ug937/project_xsim/project_xsim.srcs/sources_1/imports/ug937/sources/sinegen.vhd" into library work ["/home/jmassol/Desktop/Vivado/vivado_debug/ug937/project_xsim/project_xsim.srcs/sources_1/imports/ug937/sources/sinegen.vhd":1]
    set_property constrs_type XDC [current_fileset -constrset]

    We had the same problem when switching to Ubuntu 14.04, and there actually is a solution for it: make sure your locales are set to English.
    $> env | grep LC_*
    should only show english (or C) locales, all others are known to cause parsing errors in some numbers, usually caused by wrong string-to-float conversions (e.g. 18,29 in german is 18.29 in english). You can change the locales in the file /etc/default/localesThis is not the first time we had problems with the locale settings, Xilinx does not seem to test their software with anything else than en_US, causing obscure bugs like this one.

  • In-memonry xml document validation against schema with xerces

    Hello, there.
    I found that I can't use JAXP's javax.xml.validation package with jdk 1.4. (Am I wrong?)
    I found that I can use xerces's DOMParser for the same purpose.
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    Can anybody help me?

    Have you read Xerces documentation or SUN xml API, there is always a parser option (I suppose it's in the standard) to validate input while parsing.
    Look the API : http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/xml/parsers/DocumentBuilderFactory.html#setValidating(boolean)

  • QUESTION: XML validation against a schema - for beginners

    Hi folks,
    i am new to XML validation.
    i would like to find out how to validate an XML file using a schema given to me by a third part company.
    the business process requires that our company sends a weekly file which complies with their schema.
    in real-life, i am expecting some details of our file to fail against their schema.
    thus i would like to find a way validating the file localy before sending it to this third part.
    this validation would ideally allow me to highlight and identify which records are failing the validation, and enable me to strip those and send only those that are successfully checked.
    on the example below, i would expect to have the record for John Smith to be successful (country has an integer); while Queen Victoria would fail as it uses UK instead of an integer to identify the country.
    thus i would need to find a way validating this XML file, move the record of Queen Victoria to another file to be fixed and to allow, the record for John Smith to be sent out.
    if you guys could post some links to where i can find further information on this type of processing, i would be most grateful.
    Many thanks,
    using an example from:
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:element name="address">
    <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="street" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="city"type="xs:string"/>
    *<xs:element name="country"type="xs:integer"/>*
    <name>John Smith</name>
    <street>109 Abbey Close</street>
    <name>Queen Victoria</name>
    <street>1 Regent Street</street>
    </address>Edited by: www.jegue.net on Jan 13, 2009 9:48 AM
    Edited by: www.jegue.net on Jan 13, 2009 9:49 AM

    i would need to find a way validating this XML file, move the record of Queen Victoria to another file to be fixed and to allow, the record for John Smith to be sent out.I don't think any automated tool or API available with such features. You should achieve this by some tricky logic/code.

  • Error in xml file validating to xml schema

    I am getting the following error while validating xml file to its schema:
    The error is:
    SAMPLEITEMDLFILE.xml:2,139: no declaration found for element 'WMWROOT'
    The XML document SAMPLEITEMDLFILE.xml is NOT valid (1 errors)
    schema file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <xs:schema id="ItemDownload" targetNamespace="http://www.manh.com/ILSNET/Interface" elementFormDefault="qualified"
         xmlns="http://www.manh.com/ILSNET/Interface" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" version ="2007">
         <xs:include schemaLocation="Item.xsd" />
    <xs:element name="WMWROOT" nillable="true" type="WMWROOT" />
    <xs:complexType name="WMWROOT">
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="WMWDATA" type="WMWDATA" />
    <xs:element name="WMWDATA" nillable="true" type="WMWDATA"/>
    <xs:complexType name="WMWDATA">
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Items" type="ItemList" />
    <xs:element name="Items" nillable="false" type="ItemList" />
    <xs:complexType name="ItemList">
    <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Item" nillable="true" type="Item" />
    This is the part of PL/SQL code thru which I am generating the xml:
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, '<?xml version="1.0" ?>');
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, '<WMWROOT');
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, 'xmlns="http://www.manh.com/ILSNET/Interface"> ');
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, '<WMWDATA>');
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, '<Items>');
    I am validating it in stylus studio tool.
    Can any1 tell me where I am goin wrong?

    I am using databse version I am getting the output of xml file like tis:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <WMWROOT xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.manh.com/ILSNET/Interface ItemDownload.xsd">
    <action>Save</action><UserDef8>10074</UserDef8><active>Y</active><availableonweb>N</availableonweb><cost>285.93</cost><desc>HP DESKJET PRINTER (EMBLA)</desc><HarmCode><Identifier>9019.20.0000</Identifier></HarmCode><Item>R145-794</Item><InventoryTracking>Y</InventoryTracking><LongDesc>HP DESKJET PRINTER (EMBLA)</LongDesc><LotControlled>Y</LotControlled><SerialNumTrackInbound>Y</SerialNumTrackInbound><SerialNumTrackInventory>Y</SerialNumTrackInventory><SerialNumTrackOutbound>Y</SerialNumTrackOutbound><StorageTemplate><Template>Each</Template></StorageTemplate><XRefs><XRef></XRef></XRefs>
    My plsql code is like tis:
    SELECT /*rule*/
    XMLFOREST (action AS "action",
    Userdef8 AS "UserDef8",
    active AS "active",
    availableonweb AS "availableonweb",
    cost AS "cost",
    description AS "desc"),
    XMLELEMENT ("HarmCode",
    XMLFOREST (Identifier AS "Identifier")),
    Item AS "Item",
    inventorytracking AS "InventoryTracking",
    Longdesc AS "LongDesc",
    lotcontrolled AS "LotControlled",
    serialnumtrackinbound AS "SerialNumTrackInbound",
    serialnumtrackinventory AS "SerialNumTrackInventory",
    serialnumtrackoutbound AS "SerialNumTrackOutbound"),
    XMLELEMENT ("StorageTemplate",
    XMLFOREST (Template AS "Template")),
    XMLELEMENT ("XRef", XMLFOREST (XRefItem AS "XRefitem")))).
    getclobval ()
    ----------------------------------------writing to utl file-------------
    l_out_file :=
    UTL_FILE.fopen (lv_path,
    -- lv_out_file,
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, '<?xml version="1.0" ?>');
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, '<WMWROOT');
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, 'xmlns="http://www.manh.com/ILSNET/Interface"> ');
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, '<WMWDATA>');
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, '<Items>');
    FOR i IN lc_item_info
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, i.item);
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, '</Items>');
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, '</WMWDATA>');
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_out_file, '</WMWROOT>');
    UTL_FILE.fclose (l_out_file);

  • Creating an XML instance from an XML Schema

    Does anyone know how to create a skeleton XML instance from the mandatory fields taken from an XML Schema?
    There might be a way with XSLT, however I cannot find the relevant tutorials for this issue.
    Can you please help me out?

    Of course I meant how to achieve this "on the fly" using XSLT and Java.

  • Re: Validation Against A Schema With DOM

    I tried to redeploy a properly working application using Schema not DTD. It worked perfectly before but after redeployment, I got this an error complaining of missing "AbstractDOMParser". I downloaded this jar "xercesImpl.jar" which contain "AbstractDOMParser" . The error is gone away. However, a new error popped up as following. Remember, I don't encounter any problem like this before redeployment.
    Recoverable Error: Document is invalid: no grammar found. ( Check line number:2, column:7)
    Recoverable Error: Document root element "rules", must match DOCTYPE root "null". ( Check line number:2, column:7)
    My guess is that I downloaded the wrong Parser. I need a parser for Schema not DTD. Where can I download the parser for Schema (not DTD parser)? any other potential factors, which you all can think of ,caused this error? Any input I really appreciate.
    Here is my XML:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rules xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="/SUNWappserver7/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/olbr_1/WEB-INF/classes/schemas/ezgov_bre.xsd"
    <rules-package name="Navigation">
    <rule-script name="GetNextNavigationId">
    # initialize values
    navId = ""
    if (NavigationControllerDataSetName_navigationControllerCurrentNavigationId != N
    navId = NavigationControllerDataSetName_navigationControllerCurrentNavigatio
    newNavId = ""
    if (NavigationControllerDataSetName_navigationControllerNavigationId != None):
    newNavId = NavigationControllerDataSetName_navigationControllerNavigationId.
    action = ""
    Thanks in advance,

    Set the parser as a schema validating parser.
                      true);Set the validation/schema feature to true to report validation errors against a schema.
                      true);Set the validation/schema-full-checking feature to true to enable full schema, grammar-constraint checking.

  • XML validation against XSD Schema in ABAP

    Hi colleagues,
    I'm looking for a way to validate a XML against a XSD schema in ABAP, without using java or command line or something like that. Is there any way to do this only with ABAP?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi everyone,
    I'm currently facing the same problem. I need to validate a xml file with an existing xsd schema for some export/import functionality. I just found an ABAP program doing this with a Java fallback. But isn't there a way doing this wihtout using Java but only ABAP? There certainly is, anyone an idea?
    Thank you and regards

  • Validating against XML Schema

    does someone know how to validate a XML file against
    a XSD File (XML Schema) in ABAP. Iam using the IXML Package.

    I've originally been using Xerces1_4_0, but you're right - it's xerces-2_0_0_beta4 that does the job.
    Thanks for the hint!

  • XML validation against DTD.. Is it possible?

    Hello all,
    Sorry for what may be a trivial post, but I'll keep it short..
    According to the docs:
    "The Validate XML command will validate the XML against the schema defined in the XML file. This command on the context menu is disabled whenever an XML file does not have an XML namespace defined."
    I'm used to the XML editor retrieving a DTD from somewhere and validating it against that.. is it possible to do this in JDev?

    Unfortunately it's not. We only have support for validating against XML Schemas.

  • Xml validation with xml schema

    I want to do the validation of a xml file against the XML schema.How can i do that.
    As per jaxp we can do the validation of an xml file against DTD ,CAN we do the validation against XMLschema in a same way.
    Please help its urgent.

    if you're using the Xerces parser, you def. can.
    if u look at the SAXCount example, you'll see a certain amount of attributes are set to true/false.
    one of these is Schema validation. set it to true, run the SAXCount.java example, and your XML is validated against it's XML Schema,

  • How to obtain XML error node after  XML validation

    We are developing a web application which uses XML documents.
    We try to obtain the exact error which occurs during XML validation against a schema in order to alert users with a proper message - for example: "Invalid value for element date".
    We validate our XML documents using DBMS_xmlparser. But it only retuns a string message indicating there is an error and document cannot be validated. What can we use to reference to the node object which contains the error?
    We develop our application under Oracle
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Validate with a DOMParser or a SAXParser.
    Set a ErrorHandler on the parser.
    The custom ErrorHandler class should override the startElement & endElement methods of the DefaultHandler class.
    private class Validator extends DefaultHandler     
           public boolean  validationError = false;     
           public SAXParseException saxParseException=null;
           public void error(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException     
               validationError = true;     
           public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException          
                validationError = true;     
           public void warning(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException          
           public void startElement(String uri,
                             String localName,
                             String qName,
                             Attributes attributes)
                      throws SAXException{
             System.out.println("Start Element: "+qName);
             public void endElement(String uri,
                           String localName,
                           String qName)
                    throws SAXException{
             System.out.println("End Element: "+qName);

  • Loading xml instances into repository

    I have successfully registered an xml schema document at the XML DB repository. A table had been created and the storage is object-relational.
    Now I want to load XML instances of the registered schema into the repository using WebDAV or HTTP. How can I tell the repository that these XML documents are schema instances and that they should be rows of the created table?
    Thanks in advance.
    Lars Geldner

    Since no one else has answered this inquiry, I'll give you my opinion. You will need to add the namespace to the XML document when loading it into the repository. This way the XMLDB engine will know where the document needs to go to get shredded.
    I've had trouble when using the drag and drop of WebDav to load up .xml docs into a registered schema. It was easier for me to use the directory entry pointer and load them up to the XMLDB that way. It may have been my expierence only though.

  • XML validation against schema (NOT DTD)

    I am fairly new at parsing XML documents, but I am trying to parse
    an XML document using the Xerces SAXParser.
    I can parse my xml document, no problems there, but I want to validate
    it against an xml schema file, without specifying the file in the xml document.
    How can I do this? If I set validating to true, it gives me errors about a DTD,
    but I don't have a DTD, I want to use a schema file.
    Can anybody help me, or give me a code example?

    SAXParser parser = new SAXParser();

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