XML into an Array

I have an XML file that I want to be able to load into an array and then be able to call on potions of the array to fill text boxes etc as needed through the flash movie.  My question is this.  Does the folowing code do it or do I need to load it into the array a different way?    So example, I would query the array for TestTrack 2  and if it exists in the array I want to use all parts of it.  (title, band, and file). Thanks for the help.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                    <title>TestTrack 1</title>
                    <title>TestTrack 2</title>
                    <title>TestTrack 3</title>
                    <title>TestTrack 4</title>
var playlistArray:Array = new Array();
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showXML);
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("playlistAS3.xml"));
function showXML(e:Event):void
          XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
          var songs:XML = new XML(e.target.data);
          var i:Number;
          for (i=0; i < songs.track.length(); i++)
                    playlistArray[i]= songs.children()[i];
                    /*trace(" Name of the song: "+ songs.track[i].title.text());
                    trace(" Name of the Band: "+ songs.track[i].band.text());
                    trace(" File Location of the song: "+ songs.track[i].file.text());*/

While Ned's answer is spot on, there's no need for an array - it actually makes it more work than necessary.
AS3 has the XMLList object made just for this.
In your showXML function you have:
  var songs:XML = new XML(e.target.data);
After that you can just make an XMLList object with all the tracks:
var tracks:XMLList = songs.track;
trace(tracks.length()); //4
To get the third title:

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            [body] text body [/body]
                       [message] ...
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    Please refrain from cross posting http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=785000

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    Well since you have the XML object loaded, all you would need
    to do is extract the nodes and data you needed then push them onto
    the array..
    If you are not too sure how to go about this, give us the XML
    schema (xml structure) of what was loaded and what you need and we
    can shoot you some basic code to get it done.

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    <image no="1">
    <title>"Title 01"</title>
    <text>"Text bla bla, bla 01, Text bla bla, bla
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    <title>"Title 02"</title>
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    var imgTitles:Array = [];
    var imgTexts:Array = [];
    var imgCornerLabel:Array = [];
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    into imgLinkURLs array, then push imgLink from image no2, and
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    you can do it in just one loop, going through all the image
    tags in index_content and for each tag fill the values of all four
    for (i...) {
    get the appropriate child of index_content
    first_array[ i ] = value of first tag
    second_array[ i ] = value of second tag
    no need for multiple loops.
    flash has functionality for xml files, but it helps to write
    a little wrapper around it, to simplify programming, especially if
    you work with xml a lot.. I wrote my for work, so I can't show it
    to you, but it's not very complicated to do

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    I'm not sure but the Wizard should have created accessors for the char_list Adobe in the generated AbcXyzObj.java class. Check this class for the attributes and their getters and setters.

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    Hi howet,
    I've opened a flash bug in their bug system as I found I could reproduce the issue: https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-7071
    There are some workarounds I found on there.
    I was having a similar issue using a loading component which i've been using for several years with no issues. As with you the issue arose when loading multiple swfs (or even one swf and then a jpg) on 10.3 and above. It works fine on 10.2 and below still.
    I found a workaround whilst I look for a proper answer and that is to delay subsequent loads using a hacky setTimeout.
    For example:
    protected function manageLoaded (p_event : Event) : void {
    setTimeout(loadNext, 1);
    // following line breaks the gotoAndStop of loaded swfs.
    // loadNext();
    I hope this helps you too, let me know.
    Message was edited by: Dan Wilkinson, 01/06/2011 11:37am BST (GMT + 1)

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    myfile = new File (path to file);
    myothervariable = myfile.read();
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    Do this:
    myfile = new File (path to file);
    myXML = new XML (myfile.read());
    You now have an XML object that you can parse with JavaScript. See the ESTK's JavaScript Tools Guide (in the ESTK's Help menu), the chapter entitled "Integrating XML into JavaScript" (ch. 9 in CS5).

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    of entries discussing how to load external XML. Unfortunately, that
    is where the example stops and there is no example of doing
    anything useful with that data.
    I have managed thus far to get my XML file loaded into
    function getExternalXML():void {
    request = new URLRequest('source.xml');
    loader = new URLLoader();
    loader.addEventListener("complete", loadXML);
    function loadXML(e:Event):void {
    combo.dataProvider = loader.data;
    obviously, the above doesn't work at all. I don't know how to
    convert the loader.data into a format that the
    ComboBox.dataProvider understands. I can't believe I have to write
    a function to parse this XML. Surely there must be a way to simply
    convert the XML to an array or something???

    That link uses the flex beta 3 docs. You may want to use the
    current livedocs.
    is a direct link to the section I was talking about.
    Scroll down about halfway to the part that says "However,
    using a raw data object..."
    If you want the PDFs (easier to read IMO) you can get them
    is a direct link to the Developer's Guide:

  • Changing flat XML into nested

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    <node label="California">
         <node label="location 1" />
         <node label="location 2">
              <node label="option 1" />
              <node label="option 2" />
    But the data that I'm getting (and probably can't change) is coming out flat:
         <label>location 1</label>
         <label>location 2</label>
         <label>option 1</label>
         <label>loption 2</label>
    Any suggestions on how to change that data from what I'm supplied to what I need? Is it just a brute force looping through the xml nodes a bunch of times? Or is there a clever way that I'm not seeing?

    If you are sure about data integrity, especially ids relationships, the following is one of the ways to reposition nodes without changing general node structure. Following this logic you can restructure XML altogether.
    With that said, I am not sure XML restructuring is the best way to go anyway. I feel a much better solution would be to parse XML into a more native to AS3 structure like Array, Object or Vector. I would rather create a specialized data provider class.
    Example uses the following XML:
            <label>California location 1</label>
            <label>California location 1 option 1</label>
            <label>California location 1 option 2</label>
            <label>California location 1 option 3</label>
            <label>California location 2</label>
            <label>California location 2 option 1</label>
            <label>California location 2 option 2</label>
            <label>New York</label>
            <label>New York location 1</label>
            <label>New York location 1 option 1</label>
            <label>New York location 1 option 1</label>
    Code that parses this xml is (given the value of the xml above is assigned to var xml:XML
    var parent:XMLList;
    for each (var node:XML in xml.item)
        if (node.parent.toString() != "")
            parent = xml.item.(id == node.parent.toString());
            if (parent.parent.toString() == "")
                parent.@["type"] = "top";
            node.@["type"] = "child";
    xml = new XML(xml.toString());
    while (xml.item.(@type == "child").length() > 0)
        delete xml.item.(@type == "child")[0];
    Output is:
        <item type="top">
            <item type="child">
                <label>California location 1</label>
                <item type="child">
                    <label>California location 1 option 1</label>
                <item type="child">
                    <label>California location 1 option 2</label>
                <item type="child">
                    <label>California location 1 option 3</label>
            <item type="child">
                <label>California location 2</label>
                <item type="child">
                    <label>California location 2 option 1</label>
                <item type="child">
                    <label>California location 2 option 2</label>
        <item type="top">
            <label>New York</label>
            <item type="child">
                <label>New York location 1</label>
                <item type="child">
                    <label>New York location 1 option 1</label>
                <item type="child">
                    <label>New York location 1 option 1</label>

  • Reading from file into an array

    Hello, new to Java and we need to modify a mortgage calculator to read interest rate from a file into an array and not have them hard coded in the program. I have read many post on how to perform this but am lost on where to put the new code and format. Here is my code and I hope I posted this right.
    import javax.swing.*;                                              // Imports the Main Swing Package                                   
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;                                          // Used for  Text Box Caret Position
    import java.awt.*;                                                // Imports the main AWT Package
    import java.awt.event.*;                                         // Event handling class are defined here
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.text.*;                                              // Imports the Main Text Package
    import java.util.*;                                              // Imports the Main Utility Package
    public class mortgageCalculator1 extends JFrame implements ActionListener             // Creates class mortgageCalculator
        JLabel AmountLabel = new JLabel("   Enter Mortgage Amount:$ ");                   // Declares Mortgage Amount Label
        JTextField mortgageAmount = new JTextField(10);                                     // Declares Mortgage Amount Text Field
        JButton IntandTerm1B = new JButton("7 years at 5.35%");                    // Declares 1st Mortgage Term and Interest Rate
        JButton IntandTerm2B = new JButton("15 years at 5.50%");                    // Declares 2nd Mortgage Term and Interest Rate
        JButton IntandTerm3B = new JButton("30 years at 5.75%");                    // Declares 3rd Mortgage Term and Interest Rate
        JLabel PaymentLabel = new JLabel("   Monthly Payment: ");                     // Declares Monthly Payment Label
        JTextField monthlyPayment = new JTextField(10);                          // Declares Monthly Payment Text Field
        JButton exitButton = new JButton("Exit");                              // Declares Exit Button
        JButton newcalcButton = new JButton("New Calculation");                     // Declares New Calculation Button
        JTextArea mortgageTable = new JTextArea(35,65);                         // Declares Mortgage Table Area
        JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(mortgageTable);                         // Declares ScrollPane and puts the Mortgage Table inside
        public mortgageCalculator1()                                        // Creates Method
             super("MORTGAGE CALCULATOR");                              // Title of Frame
             JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar();                                   // Cretes Menu Bar
                JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");                                 // Creates File Menu
             fileMenu.setMnemonic('F');                                      // Enables alt + f to Access File Menu
             JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem("Exit");                     // Creates Exit in File Menu
             fileMenu.add(exitItem);                                   // Adds Exit to File Menu
                 exitItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener()                     // Adds Action Listener to the Exit Item
                     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)                     // Tests to Verify if File->Exit is Pressed
                         System.exit(0);                                // Exits the Programs when File->Exit is Pressed
                mb.add(fileMenu);                                      // Adds the File Menu
         setSize(600, 400);                                        // Sets Size of Frame
            setLocation(200,200);                                         // Sets the Location of the Window  
         setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);                                  // Command on how to close frame
         JPanel pane = new JPanel();                                   // Declares the JPanel
         pane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pane, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));                          // Sets Panel Layout to BoxLayout
         Container grid = getContentPane();                               // Declares a Container called grid
         grid.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,3,5,5));                          // Sets grid Layout to GridLayout
         pane.add(grid);                                             // Adds the grid to the Panel
         pane.add(scroll);                                        // Addes the scrollPane to the Panel
            grid.setBackground(Color.yellow);                              // Set grid color to Yellow
         setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR));                         // Makes the cursor look like a hand
         mortgageAmount.setBackground(Color.black);                         // Sets mortgageAmount JPanel JTextField Background Color
            mortgageAmount.setForeground(Color.white);                         // Sets mortgageAmount JPanel JTextField Foreground Color
         mortgageAmount.setCaretColor(Color.white);                         // Sets mortgageAmount JPanel JTextField Caret Color
         mortgageAmount.setFont(new Font("Lucida Sans Typewriter", Font.PLAIN, 18));     // Sets mortgageAmount JPanel JTextField Font
         monthlyPayment.setBackground(Color.black);                         // Sets monthlyPayment JPanel JTextField Background Color
         monthlyPayment.setForeground(Color.white);                         // Sets monthlyPayment JPanel JTextField Foreground Color
            monthlyPayment.setFont(new Font("Lucida Sans Typewriter", Font.PLAIN, 18));     // Sets monthlyPayment JPanel JTextField Font
         mortgageTable.setBackground(Color.yellow);                         // Sets mortgageTable JTextArea Background Color
         mortgageTable.setForeground(Color.black);                         // Sets mortgageTable JTextArea Foreground Color
         mortgageTable.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 18));               // Sets JTextArea Font
         grid.add(AmountLabel);                                        // Adds the Mortgage Amount Label
         grid.add(mortgageAmount);                                   // Adds the Mortgage Amount Text Field
         grid.add(IntandTerm1B);                                        // Adds 1st Loan and Rate Button
         grid.add(PaymentLabel);                                    // Adds the Payment Label
         grid.add(monthlyPayment);                                    // Adds the Monthly Payment Text Field
           monthlyPayment.setEditable(false);                              // Disables editing in this Text Field
            grid.add(IntandTerm2B);                                        // Adds 2nd Loan and Rate Button
         grid.add(newcalcButton);                                    // Adds the New Calc Button
            grid.add(IntandTerm3B);                                        // Adds the Exit Button
         setContentPane(pane);                                          // Enables the Content Pane
         setVisible(true);                                          // Sets JPanel to be Visable
         exitButton.addActionListener(this);                                // Adds Action Listener to the Exit Button
         newcalcButton.addActionListener(this);                            // Adds Action Listener to the New Calc Button
            IntandTerm1B.addActionListener(this);                              // Adds Action Listener to the 1st loan Button
         IntandTerm2B.addActionListener(this);                              // Adds Action Listener to the 2nd loan Button
         IntandTerm3B.addActionListener(this);                               // Adds Action Listener to the 3rd loan Button
         mortgageAmount.addActionListener(this);                              // Adds Action Listener to the Mortgage  Amount Text Field
         monthlyPayment.addActionListener(this);                              // Adds Action Listener to the Monthly payment Text Field
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)                               // Tests to Verify Which Button is Pressed
            Object command = e.getSource();                                                 // Enables command to get data
            if (command == exitButton) //sets exitButton                         // Activates the Exit Button
                System.exit(0);  // Exits from exit button                         // Exits from exit button
            int loanTerm = 0;                                             // Declares loanTerm
            if (command == IntandTerm1B)                                   // Activates the 1st Loan Button
                loanTerm = 0;                                        // Sets 1st value of Array
            if (command == IntandTerm2B)                                   // Activates the 2nd Loan Button
                loanTerm = 1;                                        // Sets 2nd value of Array
            if (command == IntandTerm3B)                                   // Activates the 3rd Loan Button
             loanTerm = 2;                                        // Sets 3rd value of Array
                double mortgage = 0;                                   // Declares and Initializes mortgage
             double rate = 0;                                        // Declares and Initializes rate                                        
             double [][] loans = {{7, 5.35}, {15, 5.50}, {30, 5.75},};                 // Array Data for Calculation
                        mortgage = Double.parseDouble(mortgageAmount.getText());            // Gets user input from mortgageAmount Text Field
                      catch (NumberFormatException nfe)                          // Checks for correct number fformatting of user input
                       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (this, "Error! Invalid input!");      // Outputs error if number is wrong format or nothing is entered
             double interestRate = loans [loanTerm][1];                         // Sets interestRate amount
             double intRate = (interestRate / 100) / 12;                         // Calculates Interst Rate     
                double loanTermMonths = loans [loanTerm] [0];                    // Calculates Loan Term in Months
                int months = (int)loanTermMonths * 12;                          // Converts Loan Term to Months
                double interestRateMonthly = (intRate / 12);                                // monthly interst rate
             double payment = mortgage * intRate / (1 - (Math.pow(1/(1 + intRate), months)));    // Calculation for Monthly payment
                double remainingLoanBalance = mortgage;                              // Sets Reamaining Balance
                double monthlyPaymentInterest = 0;                                       // holds current interest payment
                double monthlyPaymentPrincipal = 0;                                    // holds current principal payment
                NumberFormat myCurrencyFormatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);     // Number formatter to format output in table
                mortgageTable.setText("Month\tPrincipal\tInterest\tEnding Balance\n" +                // Formats morgageTable Header
                    for (;months > 0 ; months -- )
                     monthlyPaymentInterest = (remainingLoanBalance * intRate);               // Calculation for Monthly Payment Toward Interest
                     //Calculate H = R x I
                     monthlyPaymentPrincipal = (payment - monthlyPaymentInterest);          // Calculation for Monthly Payment Toward Principal
                     //Calculate C = P - H
                  remainingLoanBalance = (remainingLoanBalance - monthlyPaymentPrincipal);     // Calculation for Reamining loan Balance
                  // Calculate R = R - C
                  // H = monthlyPaymentInterest
                  // R = remainingLoanBalance
                  // P = payment
                  // C = monthlyPaymentPrincipal
                  // I = interestRateMonthly
                  mortgageTable.setCaret (new DefaultCaret());                    // Sets Scroll position to the top left corner
                  mortgageTable.append(String.valueOf(months) + "\t" +               // Pulls in data and formats MortgageTable
                  myCurrencyFormatter.format(monthlyPaymentPrincipal) + "\t" +
                     myCurrencyFormatter.format(monthlyPaymentInterest) + "\t" +
                     myCurrencyFormatter.format(remainingLoanBalance) + "\n");
                           if(command == newcalcButton)                               // Activates the new calculation Button
                         mortgageAmount.setText(null);                         //clears mortgage amount fields
                      monthlyPayment.setText(null);                         //clears monthly payment fields
                            mortgageTable.setText(null);                              //clears mortgage table
    public static void main(String[] args)                               //This is the signature of the entry point of all the desktop apps
         new mortgageCalculator1();

    OK, making a little progress but am still very confused.
    What I have is a file (int&term.dat) with three lines;
    5.75, 30
    5.5, 15
    5.35 ,7
    I have three JButtom that I what to read a seperate line and place the term in a term TextField and a rate in a Rate TextField
    I have added the following code and all it does now is output a black space to the screen; I am working with one Button and Just the rate for now to try and get it to work. I have been looking at the forums, reading the internet and several books to try and figure this out. I think I may be getting closer.
    public static void read()
        String line;
        StringTokenizer tokenizer;
        String rate;
        String term;
            FileReader fr = new FileReader ("int&term.dat");
            BufferedReader inFile = new BufferedReader (fr);
            line = inFile.readLine();
            while (line != null)
            tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);
            rate = tokenizer.nextToken();
            line = inFile.readLine();
             System.out.println(new String());
             catch (FileNotFoundException exception)
                   System.out.println ("The file was not found.");
              catch (IOException exception)
                    System.out.println (exception);

  • How do I read directly from file into byte array

    I am reading an image from a file into a BuffertedImage then writing it out again into an array of bytes which I store and use later on in the program. Currently Im doing this in two stages is there a way to do it it one go to speed things up.
                //Read File Contents into a Buffered Image
                /** BUG 4705399: There was a problem with some jpegs taking ages to load turns out to be
                 * (at least partially) a problem with non-standard colour models, which is why we set the
                 * destination colour model. The side effect should be standard colour model in subsequent reading.
                BufferedImage bi = null;
                ImageReader ir = null;
                ImageInputStream stream =  ImageIO.createImageInputStream(new File(path));
                final Iterator i = ImageIO.getImageReaders(stream);
                if (i.hasNext())
                    ir = (ImageReader) i.next();
                    ImageReadParam param = ir.getDefaultReadParam();
                    ImageTypeSpecifier typeToUse = null;
                    for (Iterator i2 = ir.getImageTypes(0); i2.hasNext();)
                        ImageTypeSpecifier type = (ImageTypeSpecifier) i2.next();
                        if (type.getColorModel().getColorSpace().isCS_sRGB())
                            typeToUse = type;
                    if (typeToUse != null)
                    bi = ir.read(0, param);
                    //ir.dispose(); seem to reference this in write
                //Write Buffered Image to Byte ArrayOutput Stream
                if (bi != null)
                    //Convert to byte array
                    final ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    //Try and find corresponding writer for reader but if not possible
                    //we use JPG (which is always installed) instead.
                    final ImageWriter iw = ImageIO.getImageWriter(ir);
                    if (iw != null)
                        if (ImageIO.write(bi, ir.getFormatName(), new DataOutputStream(output)) == false)
                            MainWindow.logger.warning("Unable to Write Image");
                        if (ImageIO.write(bi, "JPG", new DataOutputStream(output)) == false)
                            MainWindow.logger.warning("Warning Unable to Write Image as JPEG");
                    //Add to image list
                    final byte[] imageData = output.toByteArray();

    If you don't need to manipulate the image in any way I would suggest you just read the image file directly into a byte array (without ImageReader) and then create the BufferedImage from that byte array.

  • Unable to import xml into my CS4 project

    Hi folks,
    I am trying to embed a 3rd party flash component into my current flash project.  As a stand alone, the component works fine but when I try and import the xml file for the component into my current flash project library, the message I get:
    " one or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them"!!!
    I have tried importing the xml file into another dummy cs4 project on another machine and again no success, so I believe there are elements within the xml file that will not work with cs4.  Below is the xml file code.  I would appreciate if anyone can spot anything wrong with this file as to why it wont import into flash.  Even try and import it yourself and see what I mean.
    Hope someone can help.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    There are 9 positions available :
    1. TL: top-left
    2. TC: top-center
    3. TR: top-right
    4. ML: middle-left
    5. MC: middle-center
    6. MR: middle-right
    7. BL: bottom-left
    8. BC: bottom-center
    9. BR: bottom-right
    If you set randomizePositions to true, it will overwrite the values you pass for each item
    startZoom: the zoom value to start with
    endZoon: the zoom value to end with
    transitionTime: the time for the slide to reach from property A to property B
    slideShowTime: the time the slide stays on screen
    disablePauseButton: it needs to be set to true if you want to have links on the slideshow
    NOTE: The transition time must be higher than the slideshow time for each item! (make sure the difference is at least alphaTime value)
      The reason is so the zoom effect doesn't end before the transition does.
    <kenburns width = "1000" height = "348"
    backgroundColor = "0x000000"
    backgroundTransparency = "0"
    startWith = "1"
    randomSlideshow = "true"
    loop = "true"
    randomizeImagePosition = "false"
    alphaTime = "2"
    textX = "10"
    textY = "10"
    overColor = "0x000000"
    overAlpha = "20"
    disablePauseButton = "true">
    <title><![CDATA[<font size="16" color="#ffffff">Sand beach in the morning</font>]]></title>
    <title><![CDATA[<font size="18" color="#ffffff">Waves and wind</font>]]></title>
    <title><![CDATA[<font size="18" color="#224F91">No words needed..</font>]]></title>

    Hi there,
    Thank you for responding.  When I say component, I have purchased a flash component from a company called www.flabell.com.  When you buy the component, you get the as, swf, assest, images, fla etc etc. 
    My goal is to embed this component into a flash project that I am working on at the moment which involves importing the assets/resources from the flabell component folder into the library of my current flash project.
    My folder structure at the moment is that I have top level folder call project.  In this folder is my actual flash project folder and the flabell component folder.  So no the html that embeds my main swf is not in the same folder as my 3 party swf - they are in two different locations.  However should this be an issue if I am importing the xml into my main project library anyway?
    Hope this info shines more light.

  • Reading one line from a text file into an array

    i want to read one line from a text file into an array, and then the next line into a different array. both arays are type string...i have this:
    public static void readAndProcessData(FileInputStream stream){
         InputStreamReader iStrReader = new InputStreamReader (stream);
         BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader (iStrReader);
         String line = "";          
         int i = 0;
              while (line != null){                 
                   names[i] = reader.readLine();
                   score[i] = reader.readLine();
                   line = reader.readLine();
              }catch (IOException e){
              System.out.println("Error in file access");
    this section calls it:
         FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("ISU.txt");
              names = HighScore.getNames();
              scores = HighScore.getScores();
         }catch(IOException e){
              System.out.println("Error in accessing file." + e.toString());
    it gives me an array index out of bounds error

    oh wait I see it when I looked at the original quote.
    They array you made called names or the other one is prob too small for the amount of names that you have in the file. Hence as I increases it eventually goes out of bounds of the array so you should probably resize the array if that happens.

  • Can't Figure Out How To Import XML into a Table?

    I've been using InDesign for several years now... but everything Ive ever done has been basic one off layout concepts.
    I am working on a website for a musical theater actress and for her resume, Id like to make a PDF which lists in table format the show, theatre and role she had for each job.
    I could do this manually... but Id really like to learn how to just reuse the same XML data that I have for her website and import it into InDesign.
    I have looked at Adobe's help file, I have scoured the internet, and I still can't figure it out... I have done like the adobe support file says... and I cant seem to get the values I create in her resume xml file to show up in a table I create in InDesign.
    I even tried to simplify it for the learning process and did something as basic as an XML file that has 5 colors... couldnt even get that working.
    So could someone explain it to me like Im a 5 year old... how to take a XML file, import it, place it in a table and have the data actually show up in the table.

    Are you sure you want to use XML with tables for this? No doubt importing XML into tables is useful for some specialized tasks, such as importing formatting information inside the XML itself, but for most of the familiar tasks that XML excels at, tables are neither necessary nor useful.
    In my (limited) experience, if the XML elements are well-differentiated, by which I mean different types of data have their own distinctive tags, then the special powers of XML can be exploited more fully using the more familiar tagged text, nested tags etc. in ordinary text frames using paragraph breaks, tab characters, etc. to achieve a suitably "tabular" finished appearance.
    If you must import XML into tables, I recommend Adobe's own PDF "Adobe InDesign CS3 and XML: A Technical Reference" availabe here:
    It sounds very daunting -- the words "technical reference" make me shudder -- but actually it's very readable and not very technical at all. Some nice pics and everything!

  • How to load a XML into Checkpoint in UFT API using custom code

    I am automating a webservice using UFT-12. In which I am trying to load a xml into the checkpoint at run time. but I am not able to find out a way of doing it.Can any1 help me on this?

    ‎Thank you for using HP Support Forum. I have brought your issue to the appropriate team within HP. They will likely request information from you in order to look up your case details or product serial number. Please look for a private message from an identified HP contact. Additionally, keep in mind not to publicly post ( serial numbers and case details).
    If you are unfamiliar with the Forum's private messaging please click here to learn more.
    Thank you,
    I Work for HP

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