XML linked images

My client has purchased a Flash template which I'm in the process of editing. The XML file has 5 images linked to the Flash file, I've replaced the first 3 images, all works when uploaded to the remote server but when I delete the the last image (5) only the first 2 images show when run in Flash Player. If I view it in live view Dreamweaver (CS5) it runs with no problems ie it runs through the 4 images as expected.
Can't figure it out checked the usual things, deleted the files on the server, cleared the cache in Firefox, I'm quite rattled spent the whole day on this, still can't get it to work.
Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the replies folks.
Checked file names, they are all OK so I still have this irratting problem, oddly, when I view the site in IE9 it works perfectly!! But not in Firefox.
I've attached the XML file, you will see the images there, the one I removed is: <image imageUrl="images/tfile_slide_show_pic5.jpg" />
That's when I have problems occure, if I replace the above image details, eveything is correct again!
I would be grateful if you could have a look for me. I've highlighted the offending lines of code.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <!-- general vars -->
        <item name="copyright"><![CDATA[© 2011, Jens Mueller    Chicago, Denver, Tauranga/New Zealand, Sydney, Singapore, Frankfurt/Deutschland
        <item name="companyName"><![CDATA[<b>Jens Mueller</b>]]></item>
        <item name="companySlogan"><![CDATA[Global Corporate Strategist]]></item>       
        <item name="companySlogan2"><![CDATA[Corporate Leadership and Turnarounds<br>Competitive Global Governance Strategies<br>Upskilling of Senior Executives<br>Global, Hands-On, Experienced<br>]]></item>       
            <image imageUrl="images/tfile_slide_show_pic1.jpg" />
            <image imageUrl="images/tfile_slide_show_pic2.jpg" />
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                    <pageText><![CDATA[Welcome to my site!]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<b>Our services are only of premium quality, and numerous testimonials of our clients are the best proof of it. We know how to save your money and increase your profits in a short period of time. According to the last research data, online business has great perspectives comparing the classical business.</b>]]></pageText>
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                    <pageText><![CDATA[<a href="#"><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Law Society of British Columbia</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Canadian Bar Association</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>American Bar Association</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Vancouver Bar Association</u><br></a>]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<a href="#"><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Seymour Golf Club</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>USA Law Society</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>SABN Law Association</u></a>]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[ue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id elit pellentesque sit amet blandit leo convallimperdiet feugiat.<br><br>In egestas neque sit amet tellus molestie a egestas lacus rhoncus. Vestibulum non odio ligula. Suspendisse facilisis sagittis massa, sed fringilla odio et gravida augue velit in turpis. Cras at venenatis sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ut leo congue dui egestas auctor.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>]]></pageText>
                    <item name="title"><![CDATA[Read More 1]]></item>
                    <item name="linkText"><![CDATA[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque lacus enim, vehicula nec iaculis congue, adipiscing vel augue. Phasellus mattis tortor sed tortor pharetra quis vestibulum urna eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur ipsum enim, vehicula eget cursus sit amet, vestibulum sed dolor. Donec tortor elit, rhoncus sit amet mollis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id elit pellentesque sit amet blandit leo convallis. Fusce in mi diam, ac interdum dolor. Praesent venenatis mauris accumsan urna interdum auctor. Proin auctor felis lobortis purus convallis iaculis. Proin pulvinar arcu sed magna imperdiet feugiat.<br><br>In egestas neque sit amet tellus molestie a egestas lacus rhoncus. Vestibulum non odio ligula. Suspendisse facilisis sagittis massa, sed fringilla odio facilisis nec. Sed nec lorem et diam euismod interdum. Nam augue est, sodales non placerat id, pulvinar nec eros. Ut malesuada, sem in laoreet pharetra, orci nisi porttitor ante, et gravida augue velit in turpis. Cras at venenatis sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ut leo congue dui egestas auctor. Sed fringilla, nibh a varius porta, lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla libero arcu porta lorem, eget tempus turpis nisi sed purus.<br><br>Nam porta pulvinar porttitor. Aliquam laoreet ante ac magna venenatis a iaculis ligula posuere. Ut pulvinar pharetra accumsan. Aenean sed ante mauris, et commodo diam. Fusce id turpis justo, ut suscipit felis. Mauris eu scelerisque tortor. Donec semper aliquam varius. Ut ut dui purus, nec laoreet tortor. Donec faucibus enim id enim sollicitudin semper. Praesent rhoncus justo eleifend elit posuere vel porta metus elementum. Duis ut est lectus, quis tristique risus. Maecenas a tristique massa.<br><br>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum  lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla a purus magna. Phasellus feugiat iaculis augue, eu facilisis arcu faucibus vel. Pellentesque non nibh vel sem dignissim cursus. Mauris sit amet nisi ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur cursus dignissim velit, non auctor diam ornare id. Cras hendrerit augue quis diam sodales et tempus mi vestibulum. Etiam ullamcorper sem quis mi rhoncus quis iaculis neque vulputate. Maecenas quis tristique lacus.  <br><br>E-MAIL: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>]]></item>
            <titlePage name="bio">
                    <image imageUrl="images/tfile_bio_pic_1.png" />
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<b>Fusce euismod consequat ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse.</b><br>Aliquam congue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla vel diam. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. Nulla venenatis.]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<b>Ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</b><br>Aliquam congue fermentum nisl auris accumsan nulla vel diam. Sed inlacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. ]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<a href="event:switchPopup,0">Read More</a>]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[My experience ]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<b>Consequat ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse stre por sterse.</b><br>Ongue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla vel diam. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. Nulla venenatis. In pede mi, aliquet sit ametres, euismod in, uctor ut, ligula. Aliquam dapibuserse.]]></pageText>
                    <item name="title"><![CDATA[Read More 1]]></item>
                    <item name="linkText"><![CDATA[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque lacus enim, vehicula nec iaculis congue, adipiscing vel augue. Phasellus mattis tortor sed tortor pharetra quis vestibulum urna eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur ipsum enim, vehicula eget cursus sit amet, vestibulum sed dolor. Donec tortor elit, rhoncus sit amet mollis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id elit pellentesque sit amet blandit leo convallis. Fusce in mi diam, ac interdum dolor. Praesent venenatis mauris accumsan urna interdum auctor. Proin auctor felis lobortis purus convallis iaculis. Proin pulvinar arcu sed magna imperdiet feugiat.<br><br>In egestas neque sit amet tellus molestie a egestas lacus rhoncus. Vestibulum non odio ligula. Suspendisse facilisis sagittis massa, sed fringilla odio facilisis nec. Sed nec lorem et diam euismod interdum. Nam augue est, sodales non placerat id, pulvinar nec eros. Ut malesuada, sem in laoreet pharetra, orci nisi porttitor ante, et gravida augue velit in turpis. Cras at venenatis sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ut leo congue dui egestas auctor. Sed fringilla, nibh a varius porta, lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla libero arcu porta lorem, eget tempus turpis nisi sed purus.<br><br>Nam porta pulvinar porttitor. Aliquam laoreet ante ac magna venenatis a iaculis ligula posuere. Ut pulvinar pharetra accumsan. Aenean sed ante mauris, et commodo diam. Fusce id turpis justo, ut suscipit felis. Mauris eu scelerisque tortor. Donec semper aliquam varius. Ut ut dui purus, nec laoreet tortor. Donec faucibus enim id enim sollicitudin semper. Praesent rhoncus justo eleifend elit posuere vel porta metus elementum. Duis ut est lectus, quis tristique risus. Maecenas a tristique massa.<br><br>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum  lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla a purus magna. Phasellus feugiat iaculis augue, eu facilisis arcu faucibus vel. Pellentesque non nibh vel sem dignissim cursus. Mauris sit amet nisi ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur cursus dignissim velit, non auctor diam ornare id. Cras hendrerit augue quis diam sodales et tempus mi vestibulum. Etiam ullamcorper sem quis mi rhoncus quis iaculis neque vulputate. Maecenas quis tristique lacus.  <br><br>E-MAIL: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>]]></item>
        <titlePage name="clients">
                    <image imageUrl="images/tfile_clients_pic_1.png" />
                    <image imageUrl="images/tfile_clients_pic_2.png" />
                    <pageText><![CDATA[Company clients]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<b>Consequat ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse stre pr tstee ser msey haslelu mislie port ien mster ster.</b><br><br>Quam congue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla vel diam. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. Nulla venenatis.Tincidunt Quam sters congue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla vel diam. ]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<b>Company name.</b><br>Ongue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla veler diam. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet ullase venenatis. In pede mi, aliquet sit ametres, uismods in, uctor ut, ligula. Aliquam dapibuse.<textformat leading="15"><br><br></textformat><b>Company name.</b><br>Ongue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla veler diam. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet ullase venenatis. In pede mi, aliquet sit ametres, uismods in, uctor ut, ligula. Aliquam dapibuse.]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<a href="event:switchPopup,0">Read More</a>]]></pageText>
                    <item name="title"><![CDATA[Read More 1]]></item>
                    <item name="linkText"><![CDATA[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque lacus enim, vehicula nec iaculis congue, adipiscing vel augue. Phasellus mattis tortor sed tortor pharetra quis vestibulum urna eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur ipsum enim, vehicula eget cursus sit amet, vestibulum sed dolor. Donec tortor elit, rhoncus sit amet mollis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id elit pellentesque sit amet blandit leo convallis. Fusce in mi diam, ac interdum dolor. Praesent venenatis mauris accumsan urna interdum auctor. Proin auctor felis lobortis purus convallis iaculis. Proin pulvinar arcu sed magna imperdiet feugiat.<br><br>In egestas neque sit amet tellus molestie a egestas lacus rhoncus. Vestibulum non odio ligula. Suspendisse facilisis sagittis massa, sed fringilla odio facilisis nec. Sed nec lorem et diam euismod interdum. Nam augue est, sodales non placerat id, pulvinar nec eros. Ut malesuada, sem in laoreet pharetra, orci nisi porttitor ante, et gravida augue velit in turpis. Cras at venenatis sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ut leo congue dui egestas auctor. Sed fringilla, nibh a varius porta, lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla libero arcu porta lorem, eget tempus turpis nisi sed purus.<br><br>Nam porta pulvinar porttitor. Aliquam laoreet ante ac magna venenatis a iaculis ligula posuere. Ut pulvinar pharetra accumsan. Aenean sed ante mauris, et commodo diam. Fusce id turpis justo, ut suscipit felis. Mauris eu scelerisque tortor. Donec semper aliquam varius. Ut ut dui purus, nec laoreet tortor. Donec faucibus enim id enim sollicitudin semper. Praesent rhoncus justo eleifend elit posuere vel porta metus elementum. Duis ut est lectus, quis tristique risus. Maecenas a tristique massa.<br><br>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum  lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla a purus magna. Phasellus feugiat iaculis augue, eu facilisis arcu faucibus vel. Pellentesque non nibh vel sem dignissim cursus. Mauris sit amet nisi ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur cursus dignissim velit, non auctor diam ornare id. Cras hendrerit augue quis diam sodales et tempus mi vestibulum. Etiam ullamcorper sem quis mi rhoncus quis iaculis neque vulputate. Maecenas quis tristique lacus.  <br><br>E-MAIL: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>]]></item>
        <titlePage name="services">
                    <pageText><![CDATA[Services overview]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<b>Fusce euismod consequat ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sed dolor.</b><br>Aliquam congue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla vel diam. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. Nulla venenatis. In pede mi, aliquet sit amet, euismod in, auctor ut, ligula. Aliquam dapin.]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<a href="event:switchPopup,0">Read More</a>]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[Available services]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<a href="#"><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Fusce euismod consequat</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Lorem ipsum dolor sit</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Amet, consectetuer adipiscin</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Elit pellentesque sed dolo</u><br></a>]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<a href="#"><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Fusce euismod consequat</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Lorem ipsum dolor sit</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Amet, consectetuer adipiscin</u></a>]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[ue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id elit pellentesque sit amet blandit leo convallimperdiet feugiat.<br><br>In egestas neque sit amet tellus molestie a egestas lacus rhoncus. Vestibulum non odio ligula. Suspendisse facilisis sagittis massa, sed fringilla odio et gravida augue velit in turpis. Cras at venenatis sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ut leo congue dui egestas auctor.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>]]></pageText>
                    <item name="title"><![CDATA[Read More 1]]></item>
                    <item name="linkText"><![CDATA[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque lacus enim, vehicula nec iaculis congue, adipiscing vel augue. Phasellus mattis tortor sed tortor pharetra quis vestibulum urna eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur ipsum enim, vehicula eget cursus sit amet, vestibulum sed dolor. Donec tortor elit, rhoncus sit amet mollis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id elit pellentesque sit amet blandit leo convallis. Fusce in mi diam, ac interdum dolor. Praesent venenatis mauris accumsan urna interdum auctor. Proin auctor felis lobortis purus convallis iaculis. Proin pulvinar arcu sed magna imperdiet feugiat.<br><br>In egestas neque sit amet tellus molestie a egestas lacus rhoncus. Vestibulum non odio ligula. Suspendisse facilisis sagittis massa, sed fringilla odio facilisis nec. Sed nec lorem et diam euismod interdum. Nam augue est, sodales non placerat id, pulvinar nec eros. Ut malesuada, sem in laoreet pharetra, orci nisi porttitor ante, et gravida augue velit in turpis. Cras at venenatis sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ut leo congue dui egestas auctor. Sed fringilla, nibh a varius porta, lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla libero arcu porta lorem, eget tempus turpis nisi sed purus.<br><br>Nam porta pulvinar porttitor. Aliquam laoreet ante ac magna venenatis a iaculis ligula posuere. Ut pulvinar pharetra accumsan. Aenean sed ante mauris, et commodo diam. Fusce id turpis justo, ut suscipit felis. Mauris eu scelerisque tortor. Donec semper aliquam varius. Ut ut dui purus, nec laoreet tortor. Donec faucibus enim id enim sollicitudin semper. Praesent rhoncus justo eleifend elit posuere vel porta metus elementum. Duis ut est lectus, quis tristique risus. Maecenas a tristique massa.<br><br>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum  lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla a purus magna. Phasellus feugiat iaculis augue, eu facilisis arcu faucibus vel. Pellentesque non nibh vel sem dignissim cursus. Mauris sit amet nisi ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur cursus dignissim velit, non auctor diam ornare id. Cras hendrerit augue quis diam sodales et tempus mi vestibulum. Etiam ullamcorper sem quis mi rhoncus quis iaculis neque vulputate. Maecenas quis tristique lacus.  <br><br>E-MAIL: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>]]></item>
        <titlePage name="articles">
                    <image imageUrl="images/tfile_articles_pic_1.png" />
                    <pageText><![CDATA[My articles]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<a href="#"><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Fusce euismod consequat</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Lorem ipsum dolor sit</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Amet, consectetuer adipiscin</u></a>]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<a href="#"><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Fusce euismod consequat</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Lorem ipsum dolor sit</u><br><font color="#40362f">></font> <u>Amet, consectetuer adipiscin</u></a>]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<b>Consequat ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscin.</b><br>Aliquam congue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla vel diam. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. Nulla venenatis.]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<b>Ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</b><br>Aliquam congue fermentum nisl auris accumsan nulla vel diam. Sed inlacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. ]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<a href="event:switchPopup,0">Read More</a>]]></pageText>
                    <item name="title"><![CDATA[Read More 1]]></item>
                    <item name="linkText"><![CDATA[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque lacus enim, vehicula nec iaculis congue, adipiscing vel augue. Phasellus mattis tortor sed tortor pharetra quis vestibulum urna eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur ipsum enim, vehicula eget cursus sit amet, vestibulum sed dolor. Donec tortor elit, rhoncus sit amet mollis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id elit pellentesque sit amet blandit leo convallis. Fusce in mi diam, ac interdum dolor. Praesent venenatis mauris accumsan urna interdum auctor. Proin auctor felis lobortis purus convallis iaculis. Proin pulvinar arcu sed magna imperdiet feugiat.<br><br>In egestas neque sit amet tellus molestie a egestas lacus rhoncus. Vestibulum non odio ligula. Suspendisse facilisis sagittis massa, sed fringilla odio facilisis nec. Sed nec lorem et diam euismod interdum. Nam augue est, sodales non placerat id, pulvinar nec eros. Ut malesuada, sem in laoreet pharetra, orci nisi porttitor ante, et gravida augue velit in turpis. Cras at venenatis sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ut leo congue dui egestas auctor. Sed fringilla, nibh a varius porta, lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla libero arcu porta lorem, eget tempus turpis nisi sed purus.<br><br>Nam porta pulvinar porttitor. Aliquam laoreet ante ac magna venenatis a iaculis ligula posuere. Ut pulvinar pharetra accumsan. Aenean sed ante mauris, et commodo diam. Fusce id turpis justo, ut suscipit felis. Mauris eu scelerisque tortor. Donec semper aliquam varius. Ut ut dui purus, nec laoreet tortor. Donec faucibus enim id enim sollicitudin semper. Praesent rhoncus justo eleifend elit posuere vel porta metus elementum. Duis ut est lectus, quis tristique risus. Maecenas a tristique massa.<br><br>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum  lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla a purus magna. Phasellus feugiat iaculis augue, eu facilisis arcu faucibus vel. Pellentesque non nibh vel sem dignissim cursus. Mauris sit amet nisi ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur cursus dignissim velit, non auctor diam ornare id. Cras hendrerit augue quis diam sodales et tempus mi vestibulum. Etiam ullamcorper sem quis mi rhoncus quis iaculis neque vulputate. Maecenas quis tristique lacus.  <br><br>E-MAIL: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>]]></item>
        <titlePage name="contacts">
                    <image imageUrl="images/tfile_contacts_pic_1.png" />
                    <pageText><![CDATA[Contact information]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<b>8901 Marmora Road,<br>Glasgow, D04 89GR.</b><br><br>Telephone:     +1 959 603 6035<br>FAX:               +1 458 889 9898<br>E-mail: <a href="#"><u><font color="#94776b">[email protected]</font></u></a>]]></pageText>
                    <pageText><![CDATA[<b>Sequat ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit ster por trse namet haslelu milsie port quq nsmetrs. </b><br>Quam congue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla vel diam. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. Nulla venenatis. In pede. Quam congue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla vel diam.]]></pageText>
                        <textForm><![CDATA[Enter Your Name: ]]></textForm>
                        <textForm><![CDATA[Enter Your E-mail:]]></textForm>
                        <textForm><![CDATA[Enter Your Message:]]></textForm>
                        <validationType required="true">text</validationType>
                        <validationType required="true">e-mail</validationType>
                        <validationType required="false">no</validationType>
                    <item name="title"><![CDATA[Read More 1]]></item>
                    <item name="linkText"><![CDATA[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque lacus enim, vehicula nec iaculis congue, adipiscing vel augue. Phasellus mattis tortor sed tortor pharetra quis vestibulum urna eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur ipsum enim, vehicula eget cursus sit amet, vestibulum sed dolor. Donec tortor elit, rhoncus sit amet mollis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id elit pellentesque sit amet blandit leo convallis. Fusce in mi diam, ac interdum dolor. Praesent venenatis mauris accumsan urna interdum auctor. Proin auctor felis lobortis purus convallis iaculis. Proin pulvinar arcu sed magna imperdiet feugiat.<br><br>In egestas neque sit amet tellus molestie a egestas lacus rhoncus. Vestibulum non odio ligula. Suspendisse facilisis sagittis massa, sed fringilla odio facilisis nec. Sed nec lorem et diam euismod interdum. Nam augue est, sodales non placerat id, pulvinar nec eros. Ut malesuada, sem in laoreet pharetra, orci nisi porttitor ante, et gravida augue velit in turpis. Cras at venenatis sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ut leo congue dui egestas auctor. Sed fringilla, nibh a varius porta, lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla libero arcu porta lorem, eget tempus turpis nisi sed purus.<br><br>Nam porta pulvinar porttitor. Aliquam laoreet ante ac magna venenatis a iaculis ligula posuere. Ut pulvinar pharetra accumsan. Aenean sed ante mauris, et commodo diam. Fusce id turpis justo, ut suscipit felis. Mauris eu scelerisque tortor. Donec semper aliquam varius. Ut ut dui purus, nec laoreet tortor. Donec faucibus enim id enim sollicitudin semper. Praesent rhoncus justo eleifend elit posuere vel porta metus elementum. Duis ut est lectus, quis tristique risus. Maecenas a tristique massa.<br><br>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum  lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla a purus magna. Phasellus feugiat iaculis augue, eu facilisis arcu faucibus vel. Pellentesque non nibh vel sem dignissim cursus. Mauris sit amet nisi ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur cursus dignissim velit, non auctor diam ornare id. Cras hendrerit augue quis diam sodales et tempus mi vestibulum. Etiam ullamcorper sem quis mi rhoncus quis iaculis neque vulputate. Maecenas quis tristique lacus.  <br><br>E-MAIL: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>]]></item>
<!-- privacy policy -->
        <section name="privacyPolicy">
                <item name="pageTitle"><![CDATA[Privacy Policy]]></item>
                <item name="pageText"><![CDATA[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque lacus enim, vehicula nec iaculis congue, adipiscing vel augue. Phasellus mattis tortor sed tortor pharetra quis vestibulum urna eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur ipsum enim, vehicula eget cursus sit amet, vestibulum sed dolor. Donec tortor elit, rhoncus sit amet mollis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id elit pellentesque sit amet blandit leo convallis. Fusce in mi diam, ac interdum dolor. Praesent venenatis mauris accumsan urna interdum auctor. Proin auctor felis lobortis purus convallis iaculis. Proin pulvinar arcu sed magna imperdiet feugiat.<br><br>In egestas neque sit amet tellus molestie a egestas lacus rhoncus. Vestibulum non odio ligula. Suspendisse facilisis sagittis massa, sed fringilla odio facilisis nec. Sed nec lorem et diam euismod interdum. Nam augue est, sodales non placerat id, pulvinar nec eros. Ut malesuada, sem in laoreet pharetra, orci nisi porttitor ante, et gravida augue velit in turpis. Cras at venenatis sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ut leo congue dui egestas auctor. Sed fringilla, nibh a varius porta, lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla libero arcu porta lorem, eget tempus turpis nisi sed purus.<br><br>Nam porta pulvinar porttitor. Aliquam laoreet ante ac magna venenatis a iaculis ligula posuere. Ut pulvinar pharetra accumsan. Aenean sed ante mauris, et commodo diam. Fusce id turpis justo, ut suscipit felis. Mauris eu scelerisque tortor. Donec semper aliquam varius. Ut ut dui purus, nec laoreet tortor. Donec faucibus enim id enim sollicitudin semper. Praesent rhoncus justo eleifend elit posuere vel porta metus elementum. Duis ut est lectus, quis tristique risus. Maecenas a tristique massa.<br><br>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum  lis eget, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in cursus nunc. Aliquam viverra urna sit amet turpis molestie viverra. Donec cursus neque id get, venenatis sit amet est. Aenean nisl erat, facilisis at mollis eu, rutrum ac lacus. Aenean congue mollis laoreet. Nulla a purus magna. Phasellus feugiat iaculis augue, eu facilisis arcu faucibus vel. Pellentesque non nibh vel sem dignissim cursus. Mauris sit amet nisi ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur cursus dignissim velit, non auctor diam ornare id. Cras hendrerit augue quis diam sodales et tempus mi vestibulum. Etiam ullamcorper sem quis mi rhoncus quis iaculis neque vulputate. Maecenas quis tristique lacus.  <br><br>E-MAIL: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>]]></item>
<!-- privacy policy -->

Similar Messages

  • Repeating XML content from db and linked images

    I'm using XML to flow content from a database into an ID CS2 pub. There will be an .ai file associated with each record which will be placed into a tagged inline frame in each repeating element. I would like to store the .ai files in their own directory and have a field in the database that references the path to each specific file for each particular record.
    So...do I simply need to put a placeholder image in the layout and tag the path to the link with the same name as the db field referencing the image path? How do I tag the path to the linked image?
    On a related note, I would also to include a symbol with certain records (there's a field in the db that's a "yes-no" checkbox--if this box is checked for any record, I would like the symbol to appear on the page with that record).
    Hope I'm being clear here.
    Thanks for the help.

    Hello bshannon,
    Thanks for your answer, I tried your suggestion but when I use URLDataSource I get the error message http 500 (in my original post I said that using URLDataSource the mail was sent but without the image... my mistake, I was getting this same error). I traced the error and I found that it is caused by a null pointer exception... let me explain
    This is the code for the jsp that returns the image:
    4        <jsp:useBean id="coverImage" class="com.mqm.struts.getImageAction" scope="session" />
    5       <%
    6           // Desired size of the image to return
    7           int heigth = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("heigth"));
    8          int width = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("width"));
    10          // Each item can have up to 6 images (ordered by id), this indicates wich of one we have to return
    11            int imageIndex = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("imageIndex"));
    12        byte[] imgData = coverImage.getItemImageAction(request.getParameter("itemId"), request,heigth, width, imageIndex );
    13        response.setContentType("image/jpeg");
    14        OutputStream o = response.getOutputStream();
    15         o.write(imgData);
    16         o.flush();
    17         out.clearBuffer();
    18         o.close();
            %> getImageAction is my DAO class that actually reads the image data from the DB, when I use this 'getImage.jsp' inside any other jsp in the app it works, but when used as described in the first post the request parameter in the line 12 doesn't have the session info, apparently creates a new session or something and since I use information in the session to create the DAO factory I can't connect to the DB and get this error..
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  • Dropdown list to change image field linked image?

    I am quite new in Designer but I have to complete a job and I don't find the solution.
    I try to update on a form an image field using the value of a dropdown box and a "if" script.
    I use linked images (not embedded ones) and try using a script calling the image Field. value. image. href  property.
    The property is well updated as export to xml displays well the new href value but the image is not displayed as something was missing to activate it.
    form1.#subform[0].ImageField1::calculate - (FormCalc, client)
    if (UN_DropDownList == "3373") then ImageField1.value.image.href = ".\Images\UN3373.png"
    Rather simple (don't laugh at it) but it doesn't work.
    I found solutions for embedded images via visible/hidden by dropdown list (not yet tested) as these ones. I give them below for reference (if some other users are interested)
    But not for linked images (path or URL). By the way, I found same problem descriptions in other forums but without any proposed solution.
    As I should have quite a lot of images with frequent updates, it seems to me a better solutions...
    Thanks in advance for you help.
    Kind regards

    Hi Philippe,
    Have a look at this blog, http://blogs.adobe.com/formfeed/2009/11/linked_vs_embedded_template_im.html, it turns out that both linked and embedded images are stored in the PDF but just in different ways. So updating the href at run time will have no effect.
    If you are not in a possition to store all the images in the PDF at design time then you might have to look at setting up a webservice to access them on a server.
    Good luck

  • How to edit xml link?

    First a few words about my context:
    I received a layout made on a CS3 version of InDesign. Now I am trying to create a procedure to automate the production of several pdf based on this layout. Manually the process would be to open the layout; edit the xml link with each xml source and create a corresponding pdf...
    First issue:
    In CS4 when I want to manually edit the xml link, the opened dialog prevent me (xml files are in gray) to select xml files, is it a well-known issue? How can I avoid it?
    Second question:
    How to edit the xml link from script?
    Last question - applescript question - :
    How to skip application dialogs? Like "This document miss some links, would you continue?"
    If you'd be able to help me, thanks in advance!

    Dear Loic_aigon
       Many thanks!
    But I used what you said!.
    But Still I'm facing the same problem [ not find : "image"]
    Here the below tag I used..
    <Figure id="f0020"><label>Figure 2 </label><caption>Dummy Figure </caption>
    <image href="C:/Program %20Files/VUG/clouds.jpg"></image></Figure>
    Program :
    //============== Start =====================//
    #include "E:/HariharaSudhan/XMDOM_TEST/xml_for_script-3.1/jsXMLParser/xmldom.js";
    var myFile = File("E:/HariharaSudhan/XMDOM_TEST/xml/test.xml");
    var myXMLString = String(myFile.read());
    var objDom = new XMLDoc(myXMLString, undefined);
    var domTree = objDom.docNode;
    var myImage = domTree.getElements("image");
    var myDoc = app.open(File("E:/HariharaSudhan/XMDOM_TEST/Indd/test.indd"), true);
    for(var i=0; i<myImage.length; i++)
    $.writeln( myImage[i].name);
      var myPage = doc.pages[0].duplicate(LocationOptions.AT_END);
      var myFrame = myPage.pageItems.item("image");
      app.pdfExportPreferences.pageRange = myPage.name;
      app.pdfExportPreferences.viewPDF  = false;
      myDoc.exportFile(ExportFormat.pdfType, File("E:/HariharaSudhan/XMDOM_TEST/PDF/" +(i+ 1)+".pdf"), undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
    //===================== End ============================//
    So please kindly see the attached xml file, and please send me the solutions.
    Please this is my humble request.
    Thanks & Regards
    T.R.Harihara SudhaN

  • One linked image.

    Hello, im pretty new in flash buisness and im trying to make a website based on flash.
    and im trying to link flash to XML.
    And here is my problem.. I have a layer called "Pages", and im working in one of the pages.
    I made a timeline, which also had few more pages (5 to be exact).
    I want to load 1 linked image (as in you click on the image and then load something) on each of the 5 layer based on XML File, and when its clicked it loads on a new page in the "MAIN" site.  If thats possible.
    How would I make that happen?
    Been google-ing and i can only find some Xtreme photo gallerys. Was hoping it wouldnt be 2 much coding.
    Ps. Sry if my english is bad :Z

    Yeah, i want to have 5 images in my fla that i can click on.
    And i want them to load another SWF file... in Marked box in the "main pages". (as in i have my menu still on top and blabla)
    But i want it to be from the XML so its easy to change which image of the swf u can click to load the right swf.

  • Can't change a linked image???

    I have a lot left to learn in Dreamweaver but linking images I've done alot, I hope someone can help me on what I'm doing wrong.  The linked image won't let me change links.  Here is the home page http://kmmcement.com/.  The bottom right picture under click to view slideshow is linked to slideshow.html.  I changed the slideshow and named the new one ss.html.  When I right click the picture and choose Change Link and select my new ss.html, it does not change it in the code.  I tried manually to change it in the code and publish, but the new page won't load up (although when I preview the page, it loads fine.)
    The only thing I've done differently on this site is that I finally learned to get the bottom navigation links to work without looking jumpy and jittery when clicking or rolling over them, by going to Modify - Page Properties and choosing links and set them up there (basic that I should've learned awhile ago).  I didn't do the navigation bar until last, so would that have anything to do with not being able to change the link?  If so, then how can I change it to where only the bottom navigation has it's own style as I'm sure there's going to be alot more links I'm going to be adding.
    Thank you in advance for any help. (By the way, I'm using Dreamweaver CS3)

    Starting on line 215 of your code, you have this:
    <td height="338"><div align="center">
    <p class="style11">CLICK TO VIEW SLIDESHOW!</p>
    <p><a href="slideshow.html"><img
    src="images/slideshowpic.JPG" width="347" height="223"
    Try changing it to this:
    <td height="338" style="text-align:center">
    <p class="style11"><a href="ss.html">CLICK TO VIEW SLIDESHOW!</a></p>
    <p><a href="ss.html"><img src="images/slideshowpic.JPG" width="347" height="223" border="0"/></a></p>
    Save.  Upload page to server along with ss.html page.  Hit refresh in your browser.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Linked image question

    I create a monthly newsletter using InDesign CS3 (5.0.4) on a Dell Inspiron 6000 with a 1.5 GHz Pentium M processor, 2 GB of RAM and Win XP/SP3.
    I collect information from various sources, some of which are Micorsoft Word documents with graphics, and I rarely have access to the separate graphic files.  I have MS Word 2002 SP3.
    I can Copy the graphics from Word into InDesign (when I right click on these images in Word, I do not have the Save Image As option).  However, when I do so, the image is not linked, it is embedded, whatever the size of the image (and despite the Help file statement regarding images under/over 48 kB).
    The problem I encounter is when I try to export (Cross Media Export/XHTML Dreamweaver) a specific newsletter article (Export/Selection), including those embedded graphics (I also create an web version of the newsletter), I receive a message that "...only linked images are exported."  I want to export the article including the graphics.
    After searching through the InDesign Help file, I found info that says to choose Window/Automation/Data Merge/Content Placement Options/Link Images to link and not embed images.  This I have done.
    After searching this forum, I found a posting that says Copy/Paste does not preserve links(from any application except another ID file).
    In the ID Help file is a statement that the Links panel can be used to change the status (linked or embedded) of a graphic.  However, when I open the Links panel after pasting an image into a frame, the only choices are Copy Links and Sort.  I concluded that the limited choices are a result of the lack of a separate graphics file.  Correct?
    I can Paste the image into InDesign, Export it as a JPG (to create a separate graphics file), delete the Pasted image from the ID file, and then Place the JPG file into the ID file.  That creates a linked image, which is included with the selected exported newsletter article.
    Is there a better (simpler) way to accomplish this task?

    There are a number of ways to get graphics out of Word/Powerpoint/Excel, but copy/paste into Indesign is the worst, mainly because you get only screen resolution.
    1) Place the Word file. You'll get embedded graphics again (most of them at least), but there's nothing to stop you from unembedding them (through the Links panel), and you'll get full resolution images, not screen previews.
    2) Print the Word file to PDF and then Place pages of the PDF.
    3) Save the Word file to a web page (as mentioned by Jay and Jeffrey in this thread).
    4) Open the Word file in OpenOffice, save in OO's native format, change the extension to .zip, and unzip the file (where you'll find your graphics in separate files).
    5) My personal favorite: Copy out of Word and paste into Illustrator or Photoshop. Michael mentioned Photoshop too, but it's important to use the right program depending on the content. If you have a bitmap (a photo, scan, or screen capture), paste it into Photoshop. If you have a vector graphic (a drawing consisting of lines and shapes, like a graph) or a combination of vector and bitmap, paste it into Illustrator. The reason this is my favorite is because it gives me a chance to fix the graphic. If nothing else, everything from Word comes in as RGB, but I also usually need to change the typeface and size the graphic appropriately.
    Ken Benson

  • JEditorPane - How to display XML Linked HTML File in JEditorPane ?

    Dear Friends,
    I have a HTML File consisting of stylesheet, xml linked (for data) and with headers, footers...
    When i called a ordinary html file using setpage property of JEditorpane..it's working no problem...but when i call the html file having xml linked or buttons...it's not properly displayed....
    If anybody hits this problem....pls...help me....

    If you only need to display it, consider your HttpServletRequest just as byte stream. :) Just read from ServletInputStream and write it back into ServletOutputStream of HttpServletResponse.
    If you want to process incoming XML, please give some details first, what exactly you want to do. :)

  • CS3 - Design View not showing externally linked images

    In CS3 Design View, externally linked images are not showing
    up... i am only getting the place holder.
    To prempt some questions:
    1/ Links are correct and complete - apart from the fact that
    they show up when previewing in the browser(s) - i have
    2/ There are no spaces in the url
    3/ In the 'View' menu, 'Display External Files' is checked
    I had this problem before and escargo suggested saving and
    rebooting. It worked then but strangely, today, that file is again
    showing some of the externally linked images but not all. And on a
    new file, created today, none of the externally linked images are
    showing up... :(
    I'm sure there's a simple solution to the problem... anyone
    have any idea what it could be?
    Thanks and cheers,

    Nope. Some show - some don't.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
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    "jhabrix" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:faom5n$9ku$[email protected]..
    > Bump....
    > Anyone have a solution to the above problem???

  • Outlook not seeing link images

    Hello All and Happy Friday (the 13th buwahaha)
    OK, issue
    Outlook 2010 and 2013 (Exchange Accounts)
    Users get emails html formatted.  Outlook displays the red x with the message "The linked image cannot be displayed.  The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. etc..."
    However, OWA displays it properly, so do the phones.
    This leads me to believe it is proxy related.  Now my problem comes in with the knowledge that we are using a Cisco IronPort as our proxy, we don't even configure the browsers for it...  Just catches it.
    I've tried every fix I can find and none have resolved the issue.
    Any ideas?

    I actually found a kb about this issue:
    Images in email message disply a "red x" instead of the image if the Cache value in the registry is incorrectly configured
    This problem occurs if there is incorrect registry data for the Cache
    value under the following registry key.
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
    Follow the steps in this section carefully. Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Before you modify it,
    back up the registry for restoration in
    case problems occur.
    To resolve this problem, use the following steps to manually edit the data for the Cache value in the registry.
    Exit Outlook if it is running.
    Start Registry Editor.
    Windows 8
    On the Desktop, press the Windows key + X and click
    Run . Type regedit in the Open box, and then press ENTER
    Windows 7 or Windows Vista
    Click Start , type regedit in the Start Search
    box, and then press ENTER.
    If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click
    Windows XP
    Click Start , click Run , type regedit
    , and then click OK.
    Locate and then select the following key in the registry.
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
    Update the Cache value to the default value according to your version of Windows.
    Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista
    Name: Cache
    Data: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
    Windows XP
    Name: Cache
    Data: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
    Close Registry Editor.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office
    programs. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected].

  • Translation from CS5 to Cloud doesn't  work correct, navi and linked images are broken.

    Translation from CS5 to Cloud doesn't  work correct, <navi> and linked images are broken.
    The data of CS5 was created at another PC. I installed Cloud version into two different PC. One has had the site data since dreamweaver CS5 and it works correct in Cloud version. Another PC got the site data from remote server and it doesn't work correct. <navi> and linked image are broken.

    Another PC got the site data from remote server and it doesn't work correct. <navi> and linked image are broken.
    This implies your site is not properly defined in DW.  Go to Site > Manage Sites.
    Or simply go to your other installation of DW and export the site definition file from Manage Sites.
    Save it to a flash stick or other removable drive.  Then import the STE file into your 2nd installation of  DW.
    Nancy O.

  • Exporting linked images with overlays

    I'm using InDesign CS5.5 on OS X Lion.
    I have linked images in my InDesign document that I want to export as JPG and maintain the original file naming scheme. That part is easy (export as HTML, look in the images folder; export as ePUB, look in the images folder of the archive; etc.). But what I'm struggling with is when there are overlays added in InDesign. Some examples of overlays: part labels (e.g., "a", "b", "c"), text labels, arrows, lines, etc. The only way I've found to export the overlays is to do this:
    -Group the placed image and overlay items together
    -Apply Object Export Options to the grouped item such that Custom Rasterization is checked
    -Export via one of the options (e.g., HTML, ePUB)
    I get one image per group, which is what I want. The problem is that the filename for that image is now a random number. What I really need is the filename for the original image to be used.
    I've also tried exporting to other formats, e.g., PDF (and using the extract all image options) but that doesn't preserve the overlays in the extracted images (which makes sense since the PDF sees the letters as text).
    I figure to do this I have to write a script. So before I embark on that quest, I was hoping to get opinions on whether a) such a script is possible and b) whether there is a better way. For specific workflow considerations, moving the adding of these overlays to the images outside of InDesign (e.g., via Photoshop) is not an option.
    I envision a script that does the following:
    -Set custom rasterization on every grouped object
    -Export all grouped objects and other linked images as JPG (with certain settings)
    -The exported images for the links would preserve the original filename (adding "_fmt" like InDD does now would be okay) and for the grouped items it would use the filename of the linked image that is part of the group (and fallback to a random number if there is no such image). In the case that the filename could not be specified, then embed the original filename of the linked image in the group
    Obviously, if a script could also do the grouping of objects (e.g., finding a linked image, checking to see if there is anything on top of it, grouping it all together), then that would be even better, but I'm not holding my breath. :-)

    This is where the Adobe DNG could shine.
    Worth the read ... this can save the changes that one
    DNG does NOT help in this case.
    There is a huge misunderstanding that this is part of what DNG can or should do.
    But if you think about it, what good are the adjustments being stored in DNG if you have to use a particular program to open it anyway?
    Think about Aperture's Edge Sharpen for a second. Lets say you store that value in a DNG. Fine, what other program is going to able to reproduce that result EXACTLY to how you were previewing it at 100% on your monitor?
    Lighroom is trying to do something along these lines by passing editing commands off to Bridge through DNG. But here you run into another problem - it constrains what editing any one program can do. If Lightroom is limited to only ever having editing commands that are the same as what Bridge offers, and no other program on earth supports them, then what have you really accomplished? Will unknown editing commands simply be dropped without warning?
    That's why I think simply exporting projects, which hold master images alongside sidecar files (very like XMP) that describe edits are about as good as you are going to get. If you want to truly preserve editing work and you care about quality, nothing beats a TIFF file where 100% of the pixels are exactly as you reviewed them during editing. I personally trust Aperture enough to back up master images along with edits, and am fine with that.

  • We are currently looking for a way to link images to a design file within programs like InDesign and Illustrator using an HTML link instead of a local file.  We are hosting our images in SharePoint and need the design file to retain it's links, no matter

    We are currently looking for a way to link images to a design file within programs like InDesign and Illustrator using an HTML link instead of a local file.  We are hosting our images in SharePoint and need the design file to retain it's links, no matter who on our network opens the design file.

    The Cloud forum is not about using individual programs
    The Cloud forum is about the Cloud as a delivery & install process
    If you will start at the Forums Index https://forums.adobe.com/welcome
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says All communities) to open the drop down list and scroll

  • InDesign. Is it possible to flattern linked images?

    Quick question..
    Is it possible to flatten or merge linked images in InDesign, rather than package or preflight which would double up on the size of images stored on our system.  Also to solve the problem if images were moved or deleted.

    My typical workflow would not be working from a server. I find that server lags can crash indesign, and that's particularly bad if you're in the middle of saving a file.
    What I find better here is to work on all files locally. When the job is finished it's packaged up to the server. Unfortunately the image data has to be included somewhere, whether as links or physically embedded in the file.
    You need to figure out if you need to keep hi-res images of the files. What you can back up on the server etc.
    Is it just the size that's an issue?

  • Linked images do not load in my website

    Hi all,
    I built my website in Photoshop and Flash Catalyst. My site takes forever to load and my linked images do not load when they should. Can someone please help me with getting the load time down and loading the liked images. I linked them because I though that would cut down on the load time,  but when I click the thumbnail the images doesn't appear right away it takes a while. What am I doing wrong? I really need to get my portfolio up. Also how small should my swf file be right now it's at 8.79MB. I am a designer and new to Flash Catalyst so any suggestions will help. Thanks!

    Here's a super post from FlashCats:
    Hope this helps.

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