XML Publisher Issue - Please help.

I am getting the following error when running the XML Report . The program is completing in warning message.
“Beginning post-processing of request 235281769 on node RMOHSDCGR02 at 19-OCT-2010 10:27:33.
Post-processing of request 235281769 failed at 19-OCT-2010 10:27:34 with the error message:
One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.”
I have checked the OPP file
SELECT fcpp.concurrent_request_id req_id, fcp.node_name, fcp.logfile_name
FROM fnd_conc_pp_actions fcpp, fnd_concurrent_processes fcp
WHERE fcpp.processor_id = fcp.concurrent_process_id
AND fcpp.action_type = 6
AND fcpp.concurrent_request_id = 235281769;
[10/9/10 2:18:18 PM] [main] Starting GSF service with concurrent process id = 76893.
[10/9/10 2:18:18 PM] [main] Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=5
[10/9/10 2:18:18 PM] [Thread-16] Service thread starting up.
[10/9/10 2:18:18 PM] [Thread-17] Service thread starting up.
[10/18/10 11:57:11 AM] [OPPServiceThread0] Post-processing request 235281598.
[10/18/10 11:57:11 AM] [76893:RT235281598] Executing post-processing actions for request 235281598.
[10/18/10 11:57:12 AM] [76893:RT235281598] Starting XML Publisher post-processing action.
[10/18/10 11:57:12 AM] [76893:RT235281598]
Template app: XXDC
Language: en
Territory: 00
Output type: PDF
[101810_115712335][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] ------- Preferences defined PreferenceStore -------
[101810_115712335][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] ------- Environment variables stored in EnvironmentStore -------
[101810_115712336][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_IDLE_THRESHOLD.LOW]:[-1]
[101810_115712336][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [SECURITY_GROUP_ID]:[0]
[101810_115712336][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [NLS_CHARACTERSET]:[UTF8]
[101810_115712336][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [RESP_APPL_ID]:[-1]
[101810_115712336][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_BUFFER_MIN]:[1]
[101810_115712336][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_BUFFER_MAX]:[2]
[101810_115712337][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS]:[.,]
[101810_115712337][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [APPS_JDBC_URL]:[jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(LOAD_BALANCE=YES)(FAILOVER=YES)(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=rmohsdcgr07.oracleoutsourcing.com)(PORT=10710))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=rmohsdcgr02.oracleoutsourcing.com)(PORT=10710)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=DDCGRI)))]
[101810_115712337][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [RESP_ID]:[-1]
[101810_115712337][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_MAX_JDBC_CONNECTIONS]:[500]
[101810_115712337][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_USABLE_CHECK]:[false]
[101810_115712337][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [USER_ID]:[-1]
[101810_115712337][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_PLSQL_RESET]:[false]
[101810_115712337][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_CONTEXT_CHECK]:[true]
[101810_115712338][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [NLS_DATE_FORMAT]:[DD-MON-RR]
[101810_115712338][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_BUFFER_DECAY_SIZE]:[5]
[101810_115712338][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [NLS_SORT]:[BINARY]
[101810_115712338][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [LOGIN_ID]:[-1]
[101810_115712338][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] ------- Properties stored in Java System Properties -------
[101810_115712338][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [APPLTMP]:[ddcgri/applcsf/tmp]
[101810_115712339][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.runtime.name]:[Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition]
[101810_115712339][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.boot.library.path]:[ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/i386]
[101810_115712339][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.version]:[1.5.0_06-b05]
[101810_115712339][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [OVERRIDE_DBC]:[true]
[101810_115712339][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [dbcfile]:[ddcgri/applmgr/11510/fnd/11.5.0/secure/DDCGRI_rmohsdcgr02/ddcgri.dbc]
[101810_115712339][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.vendor]:[Sun Microsystems Inc.]
[101810_115712339][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vendor.url]:[http://java.sun.com/]
[101810_115712339][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [path.separator]:[:]
[101810_115712339][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [APPLCSF]:[ddcgri/applcsf]
[101810_115712340][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.name]:[Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM]
[101810_115712340][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [file.encoding.pkg]:[sun.io]
[101810_115712340][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.country]:[US]
[101810_115712340][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.os.patch.level]:[unknown]
[101810_115712340][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.specification.name]:[Java Virtual Machine Specification]
[101810_115712340][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.dir]:[ddcgri/applcsf/log/DDCGRI_rmohsdcgr02]
[101810_115712340][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.runtime.version]:[1.5.0_06-b05]
[101810_115712340][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.awt.graphicsenv]:[sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment]
[101810_115712341][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.endorsed.dirs]:[ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/endorsed]
[101810_115712341][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [os.arch]:[i386]
[101810_115712341][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [JTFDBCFILE]:[ddcgri/applmgr/11510/fnd/11.5.0/secure/DDCGRI_rmohsdcgr02/ddcgri.dbc]
[101810_115712341][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.io.tmpdir]:[tmp]
[101810_115712341][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [line.separator]:[
[101810_115712341][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.specification.vendor]:[Sun Microsystems Inc.]
[101810_115712341][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [os.name]:[Linux]
[101810_115712341][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_BUFFER_MIN]:[1]
[101810_115712341][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [cpid]:[76893]
[101810_115712342][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.jnu.encoding]:[ANSI_X3.4-1968]
[101810_115712342][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.library.path]:[ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/i386/server:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/i386:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/../lib/i386:/ddcgri/product/iAS/lib:/ddcgri/product/806/network/jre11/lib/i686/native_threads:/ddcgri/product/806/network/jre11/lib/linux/native_threads:/ddcgri/applmgr/11510/cz/11.5.0/bin:/ddcgri/product/806/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/openwin/lib]
[101810_115712342][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.specification.name]:[Java Platform API Specification]
[101810_115712342][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.class.version]:[49.0]
[101810_115712342][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.management.compiler]:[HotSpot Server Compiler]
[101810_115712342][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [os.version]:[2.6.9-]
[101810_115712342][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [LONG_RUNNING_JVM]:[true]
[101810_115712342][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.home]:[ddcgri/product]
[101810_115712342][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.timezone]:[Europe/London]
[101810_115712343][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.awt.printerjob]:[sun.print.PSPrinterJob]
[101810_115712347][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [file.encoding]:[ANSI_X3.4-1968]
[101810_115712347][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.specification.version]:[1.5]
[101810_115712348][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.class.path]:[ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/rt.jar:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/lib/dt.jar:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/lib/tools.jar:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/java/appsborg2.zip:/ddcgri/product/806/forms60/java:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/java]
[101810_115712348][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.name]:[apddcgri]
[101810_115712348][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [DBCFILE]:[ddcgri/applmgr/11510/fnd/11.5.0/secure/DDCGRI_rmohsdcgr02/ddcgri.dbc]
[101810_115712348][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.specification.version]:[1.0]
[101810_115712348][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.home]:[ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre]
[101810_115712348][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.arch.data.model]:[32]
[101810_115712348][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.language]:[en]
[101810_115712348][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.specification.vendor]:[Sun Microsystems Inc.]
[101810_115712349][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.info]:[mixed mode]
[101810_115712349][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [logfile]:[ddcgri/applcsf/log/DDCGRI_rmohsdcgr02/FNDOPP76893.txt]
[101810_115712349][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.version]:[1.5.0_06]
[101810_115712349][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.ext.dirs]:[ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/ext]
[101810_115712349][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.boot.class.path]:[ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/rt.jar:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/i18n.jar:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/sunrsasign.jar:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/jsse.jar:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/jce.jar:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/ddcgri/applmgr/common/util/java/1.5/j2sdk1.5.0_06/jre/classes]
[101810_115712349][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vendor]:[Sun Microsystems Inc.]
[101810_115712349][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_BUFFER_MAX]:[2]
[101810_115712349][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [file.separator]:[]
[101810_115712349][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vendor.url.bug]:[http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi]
[101810_115712350][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.io.unicode.encoding]:[UnicodeLittle]
[101810_115712350][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.cpu.endian]:[little]
[101810_115712350][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [APPLOUT]:[out/DDCGRI_rmohsdcgr02]
[101810_115712350][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.cpu.isalist]:[]
[10/18/10 11:57:13 AM] [UNEXPECTED] [76893:RT235281598] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tdcg1i/applmgr/common/temp/xdoQBnr8m42XW101810_1157132190.fo (No such file or directory)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:179)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:131)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFileJDK118(TmpFile.java:146)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFile(TmpFile.java:113)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:987)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:212)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(FOProcessor.java:1657)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(FOProcessor.java:967)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:5888)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3438)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3527)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(XMLPublisherProcessor.java:247)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPRequestThread.run(OPPRequestThread.java:153)
[10/18/10 11:57:13 AM] [76893:RT235281598] Completed post-processing actions for request 235281598.
[10/18/10 12:09:20 PM] [OPPServiceThread1] Post-processing request 235281600.
[10/18/10 12:09:20 PM] [76893:RT235281600] Executing post-processing actions for request 235281600.
[10/18/10 12:09:20 PM] [76893:RT235281600] Starting XML Publisher post-processing action.
[10/18/10 12:09:20 PM] [76893:RT235281600]
Template app: XXDC
Language: en
Territory: 00
Output type: PDF
[10/18/10 12:09:20 PM] [UNEXPECTED] [76893:RT235281600] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tdcg1i/applmgr/common/temp/xdoTQ3qo0WVAG101810_1209202901.fo (No such file or directory)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:179)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:131)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFileJDK118(TmpFile.java:146)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFile(TmpFile.java:113)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:987)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:212)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(FOProcessor.java:1657)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(FOProcessor.java:967)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:5888)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3438)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3527)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(XMLPublisherProcessor.java:247)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPRequestThread.run(OPPRequestThread.java:153)
[10/18/10 12:09:20 PM] [76893:RT235281600] Completed post-processing actions for request 235281600.
[10/18/10 12:18:30 PM] [OPPServiceThread0] Post-processing request 235281602.
[10/18/10 12:18:30 PM] [76893:RT235281602] Executing post-processing actions for request 235281602.
[10/18/10 12:18:30 PM] [76893:RT235281602] Starting XML Publisher post-processing action.
[10/18/10 12:18:30 PM] [76893:RT235281602]
Template app: XXDC
Language: en
Territory: 00
Output type: PDF
[10/18/10 12:18:30 PM] [UNEXPECTED] [76893:RT235281602] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tdcg1i/applmgr/common/temp/xdomVNG5CUiJU101810_1218307062.fo (No such file or directory)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:179)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:131)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFileJDK118(TmpFile.java:146)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFile(TmpFile.java:113)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:987)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:212)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(FOProcessor.java:1657)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(FOProcessor.java:967)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:5888)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3438)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3527)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(XMLPublisherProcessor.java:247)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPRequestThread.run(OPPRequestThread.java:153)
[10/18/10 12:18:30 PM] [76893:RT235281602] Completed post-processing actions for request 235281602.
[10/18/10 1:45:05 PM] [OPPServiceThread1] Post-processing request 235281611.
[10/18/10 1:45:05 PM] [76893:RT235281611] Executing post-processing actions for request 235281611.
[10/18/10 1:45:05 PM] [76893:RT235281611] Starting XML Publisher post-processing action.
[10/18/10 1:45:05 PM] [76893:RT235281611]
Template app: XXDC
Language: en
Territory: 00
Output type: PDF
[10/18/10 1:45:05 PM] [UNEXPECTED] [76893:RT235281611] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tdcg1i/applmgr/common/temp/xdonSDr1Lclur101810_0145054643.fo (No such file or directory)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:179)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:131)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFileJDK118(TmpFile.java:146)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFile(TmpFile.java:113)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:987)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:212)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(FOProcessor.java:1657)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(FOProcessor.java:967)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:5888)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3438)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3527)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(XMLPublisherProcessor.java:247)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPRequestThread.run(OPPRequestThread.java:153)
[10/18/10 1:45:05 PM] [76893:RT235281611] Completed post-processing actions for request 235281611.
[10/18/10 2:19:06 PM] [OPPServiceThread0] Post-processing request 235281617.
[10/18/10 2:19:07 PM] [76893:RT235281617] Executing post-processing actions for request 235281617.
[10/18/10 2:19:07 PM] [76893:RT235281617] Starting XML Publisher post-processing action.
[10/18/10 2:19:07 PM] [76893:RT235281617]
Template app: XXDC
Language: en
Territory: 00
Output type: PDF
[10/18/10 2:19:07 PM] [UNEXPECTED] [76893:RT235281617] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tdcg1i/applmgr/common/temp/xdoyj5TzkRids101810_0219070714.fo (No such file or directory)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:179)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:131)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFileJDK118(TmpFile.java:146)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFile(TmpFile.java:113)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:987)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:212)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(FOProcessor.java:1657)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(FOProcessor.java:967)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:5888)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3438)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3527)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(XMLPublisherProcessor.java:247)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPRequestThread.run(OPPRequestThread.java:153)
[10/18/10 2:19:07 PM] [76893:RT235281617] Completed post-processing actions for request 235281617.
[10/19/10 5:56:25 AM] [OPPServiceThread0] Post-processing request 235281736.
[10/19/10 5:56:25 AM] [76893:RT235281736] Executing post-processing actions for request 235281736.
[10/19/10 5:56:25 AM] [76893:RT235281736] Starting XML Publisher post-processing action.
[10/19/10 5:56:25 AM] [76893:RT235281736]
Template app: XXDC
Language: en
Territory: 00
Output type: PDF
[10/19/10 5:56:25 AM] [UNEXPECTED] [76893:RT235281736] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tdcg1i/applmgr/common/temp/xdocZqznUyg1C101910_0556251555.fo (No such file or directory)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:179)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:131)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFileJDK118(TmpFile.java:146)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFile(TmpFile.java:113)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:987)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:212)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(FOProcessor.java:1657)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(FOProcessor.java:967)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:5888)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3438)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3527)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(XMLPublisherProcessor.java:247)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPRequestThread.run(OPPRequestThread.java:153)
[10/19/10 5:56:25 AM] [76893:RT235281736] Completed post-processing actions for request 235281736.
[10/19/10 6:07:04 AM] [OPPServiceThread1] Post-processing request 235281738.
[10/19/10 6:07:04 AM] [76893:RT235281738] Executing post-processing actions for request 235281738.
[10/19/10 6:07:04 AM] [76893:RT235281738] Starting XML Publisher post-processing action.
[10/19/10 6:07:04 AM] [76893:RT235281738]
Template app: XXDC
Language: en
Territory: 00
Output type: PDF
[10/19/10 6:07:04 AM] [UNEXPECTED] [76893:RT235281738] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tdcg1i/applmgr/common/temp/xdoZmwsSPwwBh101910_0607047996.fo (No such file or directory)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:179)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:131)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFileJDK118(TmpFile.java:146)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFile(TmpFile.java:113)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:987)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:212)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(FOProcessor.java:1657)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(FOProcessor.java:967)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:5888)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3438)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3527)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(XMLPublisherProcessor.java:247)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPRequestThread.run(OPPRequestThread.java:153)
[10/19/10 6:07:04 AM] [76893:RT235281738] Completed post-processing actions for request 235281738.
[10/19/10 6:25:28 AM] [OPPServiceThread1] Post-processing request 235281741.
[10/19/10 6:25:28 AM] [76893:RT235281741] Executing post-processing actions for request 235281741.
[10/19/10 6:25:28 AM] [76893:RT235281741] Starting XML Publisher post-processing action.
[10/19/10 6:25:28 AM] [76893:RT235281741]
Template app: XXDC
Language: en
Territory: 00
Output type: PDF
[10/19/10 6:25:28 AM] [UNEXPECTED] [76893:RT235281741] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tdcg1i/applmgr/common/temp/xdoe1cxbJpotK101910_0625284827.fo (No such file or directory)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:179)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:131)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFileJDK118(TmpFile.java:146)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFile(TmpFile.java:113)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:987)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:212)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(FOProcessor.java:1657)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(FOProcessor.java:967)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:5888)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3438)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3527)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(XMLPublisherProcessor.java:247)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPRequestThread.run(OPPRequestThread.java:153)
[10/19/10 6:25:28 AM] [76893:RT235281741] Completed post-processing actions for request 235281741.
[10/19/10 7:13:07 AM] [OPPServiceThread0] Post-processing request 235281746.
[10/19/10 7:13:07 AM] [76893:RT235281746] Executing post-processing actions for request 235281746.
[10/19/10 7:13:07 AM] [76893:RT235281746] Starting XML Publisher post-processing action.
[10/19/10 7:13:07 AM] [76893:RT235281746]
Template app: XXDC
Language: en
Territory: 00
Output type: PDF
[10/19/10 7:13:07 AM] [UNEXPECTED] [76893:RT235281746] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tdcg1i/applmgr/common/temp/xdopfFpKMviMC101910_0713079968.fo (No such file or directory)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:179)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:131)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFileJDK118(TmpFile.java:146)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFile(TmpFile.java:113)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:987)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:212)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(FOProcessor.java:1657)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(FOProcessor.java:967)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:5888)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3438)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3527)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(XMLPublisherProcessor.java:247)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPRequestThread.run(OPPRequestThread.java:153)
[10/19/10 7:13:08 AM] [76893:RT235281746] Completed post-processing actions for request 235281746.
[10/19/10 7:22:56 AM] [OPPServiceThread1] Post-processing request 235281748.
[10/19/10 7:22:56 AM] [76893:RT235281748] Executing post-processing actions for request 235281748.
[10/19/10 7:22:56 AM] [76893:RT235281748] Starting XML Publisher post-processing action.
[10/19/10 7:22:56 AM] [76893:RT235281748]
Template app: XXDC
Language: en
Territory: 00
Output type: PDF
[10/19/10 7:22:56 AM] [UNEXPECTED] [76893:RT235281748] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tdcg1i/applmgr/common/temp/xdoLVImdiAcDq101910_0722563869.fo (No such file or directory)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:179)
     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:131)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFileJDK118(TmpFile.java:146)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFile(TmpFile.java:113)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:987)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:212)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(FOProcessor.java:1657)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(FOProcessor.java:967)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:5888)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3438)
     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3527)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(XMLPublisherProcessor.java:247)
     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPRequestThread.run(OPPRequestThread.java:153)
[10/19/10 7:22:56 AM] [76893:RT235281748] Completed post-processing actions for request 235281748.
[10/19/10 8:00:28 AM] [OPPServiceThread0] Post-processing request 235281752.
[10/19/10 8:00:28 AM] [76893:RT235281752] Executing post-processing actions for request 235281752.
[10/19/10 8:00:28 AM] [76893:RT235281752] Starting XML Publisher post-processing action.
[10/19/10 8:00:28 AM] [76893:RT235281752]
Template app: XXDC
Language: en
Territory: 00
Output type: PDF
------ I could not paste the entire file. Please let me know if it is required.
[10/19/10 10:52:06 AM] [76893:RT235281774] Completed post-processing actions for request 235281774.
Please help to fix this issue .

What is the application release? Database version? OS?
Please see these docs.
XMl Publisher Reports Fail with java.io.FileNotFoundException on Temp Directory After Cloning [ID 1189764.1]
XML Publisher Requests Fail Due To java.io.FileNotFoundException - No such file or directory [ID 1072383.1]
When Running PDF Report, Getting Error File Is Not Accessable From Node/Machine Or java.io.FileNotFoundException [ID 398897.1]

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    This forum is noway related to XML Publisher. I had redirected you to the actual BI Publisher already once. You should post it there.

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    Shouldn't this be posted to the BI Publisher support forum??
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Ruckersville, VA

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    Hi DBAs,
    I am getting following error while uploading a big size (5 GB and up) .rtf file from XML Publisher Administration>template (from application).
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    ## Detail 0 ##
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
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    Can you help how can I change the heap size for XML Publisher in EBS with XML Publisher 5 version.

    Please see the documents referenced in these threads.
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    Not able to open the PDF/RTF outputs for Oracle XML Publisher reports
    Re: Not able to open the PDF/RTF outputs for Oracle XML Publisher reports

  • MBP running at a snail's pace, and a myriad of other interrelated issues, please help :'-(

    Hello, my MBP is running very slowly, MS Office for Mac constantly freezing, Safari constantly freezing, various little issues are arising with many different functions/programs when I try to use them; i.e., the enter key will just stop working in Excel or my Adobe Acrobat will shut itself down out of nowhere, Finder freezes and/or won't relaunch; these are just a few examples, but the overall theme is that I am experiencing problems in usability and functionality with my MBP across the board. There is no rhyme or reason to any of it, and all programs and apps seem to be affected. I first began noticing the problems upon installation of the Yosemite upgrade so initially thought that was the issue, but I have since found that malware items have added themselves to my Safari extensions. I found instructions to remove them entirely, but could not find them anywhere on my computer other than the Safari extensions when I followed the steps provided. I tried clicking "uninstall", but had no luck, which is not surprising since I am pretty sure the "uninstall" option listed with the extension is just part of the malware. I have "disabled" the extensions, but that didn't do anything. I'm sure that they have implanted themselves elsewhere and are lurking in the shadows of my operating system and wreaking havoc throughout my computer.
    The whole situation is making it extremely difficult to get anything done, and if I don't fix it soon it is going to be the major contributing factor to my complete mental collapse.
    I tried to find suggestions in other areas of the Apple Support Community, and found the EtreCheck tool in one of the discussion threads. I ran the report on my system, and it looks like my MPB is riddled with problems. I don't even know where to begin in order to correct them. I am not sure if the malware has just taken over and is behind all of these, or if I am dealing with several different sources of trouble.
    Any help with this would be much appreciated, the EtreCheck report is as follows:
    Problem description:
    MBP usability decreased significantly after installing Yosemite. Computer constantly freezing and completing any task in any program/using any function of MBP takes 5-10x as long as it used to.
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.8 (121)
    Report generated February 8, 2015 at 7:53:07 AM EST
    Download EtreCheck from http://etresoft.com/etrecheck
    Click the [Click for support] links for help with non-Apple products.
    Click the [Click for details] links for more information about that line.
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
        MacBook Pro (13-inch, Late 2011) (Technical Specifications)
        MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,1
        1 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2-core
        4 GB RAM Upgradeable
            BANK 0/DIMM0
                2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz ok
            BANK 1/DIMM0
                2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz ok
        Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
        Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n
        Battery Health: Normal - Cycle count 364
    Video Information: ℹ️
        Intel HD Graphics 3000 - VRAM: 384 MB
            Color LCD 1280 x 800
    System Software: ℹ️
        OS X 10.10.1 (14B25) - Time since boot: 4 days 17:53:1
    Disk Information: ℹ️
        ST9500325ASG disk0 : (500.11 GB)
            EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
            Macintosh HD (disk1) / : 498.88 GB (332.61 GB free)
                Encrypted AES-XTS Unlocked
                Core Storage: disk0s2 499.25 GB Online
        MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-8A8 
    USB Information: ℹ️
        Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
        Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
            Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
        Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
        Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Thunderbolt Information: ℹ️
        Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
        Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungACMControl (1.4.26 - SDK 10.6) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungACMData (1.4.26 - SDK 10.6) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungComposite (1.4.26 - SDK 10.6) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungMTP (1.4.26 - SDK 10.5) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungSerial (1.4.26 - SDK 10.6) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.sophos.kext.sav (9.2.50 - SDK 10.8) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.sophos.nke.swi (9.2.50 - SDK 10.8) [Click for support]
    Problem System Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [killed]    com.apple.CallHistoryPluginHelper.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.CallHistorySyncHelper.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.cmfsyncagent.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.coreservices.appleid.authentication.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.EscrowSecurityAlert.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.Maps.pushdaemon.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.rcd.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.recentsd.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.SafariNotificationAgent.plist
        9 processes killed due to memory pressure
    Problem System Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [killed]    com.apple.AssetCacheLocatorService.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.awdd.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.coresymbolicationd.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.ctkd.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.emond.aslmanager.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.GSSCred.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.ifdreader.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.installd.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.nehelper.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.periodic-monthly.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.periodic-weekly.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.sandboxd.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.softwareupdate_download_service.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.tccd.system.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.wdhelper.plist
        15 processes killed due to memory pressure
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [not loaded]    com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.canon.MFManager.plist [Click for support]
        [unknown]    com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.sophos.uiserver.plist [Click for support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist [Click for support]
        [unknown]    com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.sophos.common.servicemanager.plist [Click for support]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.divx.agent.postinstall.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.kodak.KODAK AiO Firmware Updater.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.kodak.KODAK AiO Software Updater.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.kodak.StatisticCollection.plist [Click for support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
        iTunesHelper    Application Hidden (/Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunesHelper.app)
        Dropbox    UNKNOWN  (missing value)
        bomgar-scc-20140103-113305    UNKNOWN  (missing value)
        KiesAgent    Application Hidden (/Applications/Kies.app/Contents/MacOS/KiesAgent.app)
        fuspredownloader    Application Hidden (/Users/[redacted]/Library/Application Support/.FUS/fuspredownloader.app)
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
        AmazonMP3DownloaderPlugin1017277: Version: AmazonMP3DownloaderPlugin 1.0.17 [Click for support]
        OVSHelper: Version: 1.1 [Click for support]
        Default Browser: Version: 600 - SDK 10.10
        AdobeExManDetect: Version: AdobeExManDetect - SDK 10.7 [Click for support]
        AdobeAAMDetect: Version: AdobeAAMDetect - SDK 10.7 [Click for support]
        AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 11.0.10 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        DivXBrowserPlugin: Version: 2.2 [Click for support]
        FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
        Silverlight: Version: 5.1.10411.0 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.4.7 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        AdobePDFViewer: Version: 11.0.10 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        CANONiMAGEGATEWAYDL: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
    User internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
        WebEx64: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.5 [Click for support]
        Google Earth Web Plug-in: Version: 7.1 [Click for support]
    Safari Extensions: ℹ️
        iMedia Converter Deluxe 
        DivX Plus Web Player HTML5 <video>
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
        DivX  [Click for support]
        Flash Player  [Click for support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
        Time Machine not configured!
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
            16%    WindowServer
            11%    SophosAutoUpdate
             8%    com.apple.WebKit.Plugin.64
             8%    Safari
             2%    SophosUIServer
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
        120 MB    Safari
        116 MB    SophosWebIntelligence
        43 MB    SophosScanD
        43 MB    InterCheck
        39 MB    WindowServer
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
        44 MB    Free RAM
        751 MB    Active RAM
        724 MB    Inactive RAM
        1.21 GB    Wired RAM
        60.34 GB    Page-ins
        819 MB    Page-outs

    The minimum requirement is 2GB, but most people think 4GB is the bare minimum.
    I primarily buy from Crucial, Other World Computing, or MemoryTen. As long as they have a "configurator" where you pick you exact Mac from a list and it lists all the compatible memory for that Mac, AND it has a lifetime warranty on the RAM, it should be ok.  Macs are very picky about the RAM because they use it to its full capacity. If there are any faults in the modules, it will crash.
    There are suggestions for sites in other parts of the world on the EveryMac website. Look down in the Section for RAM where you'll find links to their sponsors (OWC is the US-based one).
    In Apple's world, there is a difference between and "Upgrade" and an "Update." Updates should generally be installed as they patch vulnerabilities and fix bugs.
    Upgrades on the other hand are an entirely new Operating System (OS). A change in the OS can cause many problems with your installed software as it may not be compatible with the changes. It may rely on programming interfaces that have been removed. They should know that they will be removed as Apple publishes those facts many years prior to removing the features.
    An Upgrade takes you to a major, new version of software whereas and Update just makes changes to the same major version of the software.
    Yosemite was an Upgrade, not an Update.

  • Production issue; Please HELP !!! ...weired error while starting WLS8.1 server

    Hi All/Rob,
    Iam running WLS8.1+SP2 and i have 4 clusters each of these clusters contains 4
    managed servers.
    Now, iam getting a weired error when starting each of the instances ......this
    is the Exception that iam getting:
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:42:29 AM EST> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090082> <Security initializing
    using security realm myrealm.>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:42:30 AM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000328> <Starting
    WebLogic Managed Server "rsa_nova1t_s1" for domain "Mah-sub">
    Failed setting Group
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:42:39 AM EST> <Error> <Security> <BEA-090031> <Failed to Switch
    to Group rsaadmin.>
    Failed setting user
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:42:39 AM EST> <Error> <Security> <BEA-090033> <Failed to Switch
    to User rsaadmin.>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:42:39 AM EST> <Notice> <Cluster> <BEA-000138> <Listening for
    announcements from cluster RSA on>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:42:39 AM EST> <Notice> <Cluster> <BEA-000133> <Waiting to synchronize
    with other running members of RSA.>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:43:21 AM EST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101247> <admingui.war: Public
    ID references the old version of the Servlet DTD. You must change the public ID
    in web.xml file to "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN".>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:47:33 AM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000355> <Thread
    "ListenThread.Default" listening on port 8020, ip address>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:47:33 AM EST> <Notice> <Cluster> <BEA-000102> <Joining cluster
    RSA on>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:47:33 AM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000330> <Started
    WebLogic Managed Server "rsa_nova1t_s1" for domain "Mah-sub" running in Production
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:47:33 AM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server
    started in RUNNING mode>
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:02:23 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000110> <Multicast socket
    receive error: java.io.StreamCorruptedException
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readBlockHeader(ObjectInputStream.java:2350)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.refill(ObjectInputStream.java:2383)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.read(ObjectInputStream.java:2455)
    at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt(DataInputStream.java:392)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:2660)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:900)
    at weblogic.cluster.MulticastManager.execute(MulticastManager.java:379)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:197)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:170)
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:03:38 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000110> <Multicast socket
    receive error: java.io.StreamCorruptedException
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readBlockHeader(ObjectInputStream.java:2350)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.refill(ObjectInputStream.java:2383)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.read(ObjectInputStream.java:2455)
    at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt(DataInputStream.java:392)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:2660)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:900)
    at weblogic.cluster.MulticastManager.execute(MulticastManager.java:379)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:197)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:170)
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:09:11 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000139> <There are two clusters
    in the network that are possibly running different versions of WebLogic Server.
    These two clusters probably name the same RSA and they are using same address and port 8001.>
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:09:37 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000110> <Multicast socket
    receive error: java.io.StreamCorruptedException
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readBlockHeader(ObjectInputStream.java:2350)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.refill(ObjectInputStream.java:2383)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.read(ObjectInputStream.java:2455)
    at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt(DataInputStream.java:392)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:2660)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:900)
    at weblogic.cluster.MulticastManager.execute(MulticastManager.java:379)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:197)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:170)
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:09:59 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000139> <There are two clusters
    in the network that are possibly running different versions of WebLogic Server.
    These two clusters probably name the same RSA and they are using same address and port 8001.>
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:10:09 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000110> <Multicast socket
    receive error: java.io.StreamCorruptedException
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readBlockHeader(ObjectInputStream.java:2350)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.refill(ObjectInputStream.java:2383)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.read(ObjectInputStream.java:2455)
    at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt(DataInputStream.java:392)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:2660)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:900)
    at weblogic.cluster.MulticastManager.execute(MulticastManager.java:379)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:197)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:170)
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:12:43 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000139> <There are two clusters
    in the network that are possibly running different versions of WebLogic Server.
    These two clusters probably name the same RSA and they are using same address and port 8001.>
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:13:31 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000139> <There are two clusters
    in the network that are possibly running different versions of WebLogic Server.
    These two clusters probably name the same RSA and they are using same address and port 8001.>

    Each cluster uses UNIQUE IP address ......but here is the information that iam
    getting .....if that is in any way related to this problem ....i ran this command
    bash-2.03# java -cp /xx/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.jar utils.MulticastTest
    ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING *****
    Do NOT use the same multicast address as a running WLS cluster.
    Starting test. Hit any key to abort
    Using multicast address
    Will send messages under the name 1077733276 every 2 seconds
    Will print warning every 600 seconds if no messages are received
    I (1077733276) sent message num 1
    I (1077733276) sent message num 2
    Received message 2 from 1077733276
    I (1077733276) sent message num 3
    Received message 3 from 1077733276
    I (1077733276) sent message num 4
    Received message 4 from 1077733276
    I (1077733276) sent message num 5
    Received message 5 from 1077733276
    I (1077733276) sent message num 6
    Received message 6 from 1077733276
    I (1077733276) sent message num 7
    Received message 7 from 1077733276
    Rob Woollen <[email protected]> wrote:
    First thing to check is that each cluster has its own multicast address.
    It looks like the server is complaining that multiple clusters are using and port 8001
    -- Rob
    steve wrote:
    Hi All/Rob,
    Iam running WLS8.1+SP2 and i have 4 clusters each of these clusterscontains 4
    managed servers.
    Now, iam getting a weired error when starting each of the instances......this
    is the Exception that iam getting:
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:42:29 AM EST> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090082> <Securityinitializing
    using security realm myrealm.>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:42:30 AM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000328><Starting
    WebLogic Managed Server "rsa_nova1t_s1" for domain "Mah-sub">
    Failed setting Group
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:42:39 AM EST> <Error> <Security> <BEA-090031> <Failedto Switch
    to Group rsaadmin.>
    Failed setting user
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:42:39 AM EST> <Error> <Security> <BEA-090033> <Failedto Switch
    to User rsaadmin.>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:42:39 AM EST> <Notice> <Cluster> <BEA-000138> <Listeningfor
    announcements from cluster RSA on>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:42:39 AM EST> <Notice> <Cluster> <BEA-000133> <Waitingto synchronize
    with other running members of RSA.>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:43:21 AM EST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101247> <admingui.war:Public
    ID references the old version of the Servlet DTD. You must change thepublic ID
    in web.xml file to "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application2.3//EN".>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:47:33 AM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000355><Thread
    "ListenThread.Default" listening on port 8020, ip address>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:47:33 AM EST> <Notice> <Cluster> <BEA-000102> <Joiningcluster
    RSA on>
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:47:33 AM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000330><Started
    WebLogic Managed Server "rsa_nova1t_s1" for domain "Mah-sub" runningin Production
    <Feb 25, 2004 11:47:33 AM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360><Server
    started in RUNNING mode>
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:02:23 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000110> <Multicastsocket
    receive error: java.io.StreamCorruptedException
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readBlockHeader(ObjectInputStream.java:2350)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.refill(ObjectInputStream.java:2383)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.read(ObjectInputStream.java:2455)
    at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt(DataInputStream.java:392)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:2660)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:900)
    at weblogic.cluster.MulticastManager.execute(MulticastManager.java:379)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:197)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:170)
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:03:38 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000110> <Multicastsocket
    receive error: java.io.StreamCorruptedException
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readBlockHeader(ObjectInputStream.java:2350)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.refill(ObjectInputStream.java:2383)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.read(ObjectInputStream.java:2455)
    at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt(DataInputStream.java:392)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:2660)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:900)
    at weblogic.cluster.MulticastManager.execute(MulticastManager.java:379)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:197)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:170)
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:09:11 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000139> <Thereare two clusters
    in the network that are possibly running different versions of WebLogicServer.
    These two clusters probably name the same RSA and they are using sameaddress and port 8001.>
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:09:37 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000110> <Multicastsocket
    receive error: java.io.StreamCorruptedException
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readBlockHeader(ObjectInputStream.java:2350)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.refill(ObjectInputStream.java:2383)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.read(ObjectInputStream.java:2455)
    at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt(DataInputStream.java:392)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:2660)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:900)
    at weblogic.cluster.MulticastManager.execute(MulticastManager.java:379)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:197)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:170)
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:09:59 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000139> <Thereare two clusters
    in the network that are possibly running different versions of WebLogicServer.
    These two clusters probably name the same RSA and they are using sameaddress and port 8001.>
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:10:09 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000110> <Multicastsocket
    receive error: java.io.StreamCorruptedException
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readBlockHeader(ObjectInputStream.java:2350)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.refill(ObjectInputStream.java:2383)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.read(ObjectInputStream.java:2455)
    at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt(DataInputStream.java:392)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:2660)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:900)
    at weblogic.cluster.MulticastManager.execute(MulticastManager.java:379)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:197)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:170)
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:12:43 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000139> <Thereare two clusters
    in the network that are possibly running different versions of WebLogicServer.
    These two clusters probably name the same RSA and they are using sameaddress and port 8001.>
    <Feb 25, 2004 12:13:31 PM EST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000139> <Thereare two clusters
    in the network that are possibly running different versions of WebLogicServer.
    These two clusters probably name the same RSA and they are using sameaddress and port 8001.>

  • XML Publisher Issue, Unable to see Data-- Load XML Data Option.

    Hi ,
    Can any one help to solve this issue.
    Iam using XML Publisher tool to develop Oracle reports.
    while doing this iam unable to useXML Publisher.
    We have,
    XML Publisher 5.5 version,
    My problem is iam unable to see " *Microsoft word-->Data-->Load XML Data* " after installation of xml publisher succesfully.
    Every one in my team are working with the same versions.but in my machine iam unable to get this option.

    Hi Sairam,
    Check the checkbox Convert database Null values to default and Convert other Null values to default under Edit -> Report Options and then refresh the report.
    If this does not work you can contact SAP Support.
    - Nrupal

  • XML publisher issue

    xml publisher is failing with warnings and in OPP log file i found below error.
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: JVMXE006:OutOfMemoryError, stAllocArray for executeJava failed
    XML publisher version is 5.6.3
    Please advice i'm facing this is prod.

    Hi hussen,
    Please find the error in the OPP log file. Yes they face this issue today only.
    [UNEXPECTED] [534844:RT1541460] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: JVMXE006:OutOfMemoryError, stAllocArray for executeJava failed
         at java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream.<init>(ByteArrayOutputStream.java:75)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.duplicateStream(FOProcessor.java:1695)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.duplicateInput(FOProcessor.java:1679)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(FOProcessor.java:1585)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(FOProcessor.java:967)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:5888)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3438)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:3527)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(XMLPublisherProcessor.java:247)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPRequestThread.run(OPPRequestThread.java:157)
    Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBDataSetImpl._allocItemsAndBuffers(DBDataSetImpl.java(Compiled Code))
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBDataSetImpl._allocDataAndItems(DBDataSetImpl.java(Inlined Compiled Code))
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBDataSetImpl.setType(DBDataSetImpl.java(Compiled Code))
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBDataSetImpl.setType(DBDataSetImpl.java(Compiled Code))
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.registerOutParameterBytes(OracleCallableStatement.java(Compiled Code))
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.registerOutParameter(OracleCallableStatement.java(Inlined Compiled Code))
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.registerOutParameter(OracleCallableStatement.java(Compiled Code))
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsm.GenCartComm.getQueueMessage(GenCartComm.java:181)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMStateMonitor.waitForNextEvent(GSMStateMonitor.java:95)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController.mainLoop(GSMServiceController.java:236)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.BaseServiceController.run(BaseServiceController.java:71)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:570)

  • Sharepoint Server 2010-2 abnormal issues, please help

    Sharepoint Server 2010 Enterprise met 2 abnormal issue these 2 days,
    1. When Site Setttings>Navigation>Add Link>Browse, when Select an asset dialog, show blow error message
    Unable to display this Web Part. To troubleshoot the problem, open this Web page in a Microsoft Sharepoint compatable HTML editor such as Microsoft SharePoint Designer. If the problem persists, contact your Web server administrator.
    Correlation ID: (guid appears here)
    2. When Site Setttings>Navigation>Add Link>Audience, when Select Audience, cannot find any user.
    Server is normal and did not do any update, don't know why these 2 issue occured, please help.

    For the first issue, I can find the correlation ID in the ULS logs, but I cannot find the root cause and solution.
    07/19/2013 11:16:22.90  w3wp.exe (0x3A30)                        0x3370 SharePoint Foundation        
     Logging Correlation Data       xmnv Medium   Name=Request (POST:http://oqm:80/projects/_layouts/AssetPortalBrowser.aspx?List=56885fca%2D13a8%2D47f1%2D90fd%2D5fdce93c2f0f&MDWeb=15d0e0ff%2Db469%2D4236%2Da720%2D198a114cd996&AssetType=Link) 2ef7a5d9-a969-428e-96fe-907c1c787971
    07/19/2013 11:16:22.93  w3wp.exe (0x3A30)                        0x3370 SharePoint Foundation        
     Logging Correlation Data       xmnv Medium   Site=/ 2ef7a5d9-a969-428e-96fe-907c1c787971
    07/19/2013 11:16:24.07  w3wp.exe (0x3A30)                        0x3370 SharePoint Foundation        
     Web Parts                      89a1 High     Error while executing web part: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference
    not set to an instance of an object.     at System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Load(MethodInfo executeMethod, Byte[] queryData, Type[] earlyBoundTypes)     at Microsoft.Xslt.STransform.GetCompiledTransform()    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.BaseXsltListWebPart.LoadXslCompiledTransform(WSSXmlUrlResolver someXmlResolver)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.DataFormWebPart.GetXslCompiledTransform()     at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.DataFormWebPart.PrepareAndPerformTransform(Boolean
    bDeferExecuteTransform) 2ef7a5d9-a969-428e-96fe-907c1c787971
    07/19/2013 11:16:24.07  w3wp.exe (0x3A30)                        0x3370 SharePoint Foundation        
     Monitoring                     b4ly High     Leaving Monitored Scope (DataBinding DataFormWebPart ()). Execution Time=1062.06585321011 2ef7a5d9-a969-428e-96fe-907c1c787971
    07/19/2013 11:16:24.09  w3wp.exe (0x3A30)                        0x3370 SharePoint Foundation        
     Monitoring                     b4ly Medium   Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (POST:http://oqm:80/projects/_layouts/AssetPortalBrowser.aspx?List=56885fca%2D13a8%2D47f1%2D90fd%2D5fdce93c2f0f&MDWeb=15d0e0ff%2Db469%2D4236%2Da720%2D198a114cd996&AssetType=Link)).
    Execution Time=1185.79912823934 2ef7a5d9-a969-428e-96fe-907c1c787971

  • If then else in XML Publisher using parameter--Help need

    I am using xml data template in xml Publisher .we have three different layout in a rtf . we have three parameter P1, P2, P3 ,based on the parameter , the layout should display .
    if P1 is not null then
    display Layout1(one rtf contain 3 layout)
    if P2 is not null then
    display Layout2(one rtf contain 3 layout)
    EXP. If p1 is not null then the 1st layout in rtf should display and rest two layout should suppress.
    Similarly if p2 is not null then 2nd layout in rtf should display and rest two layout in rtf should suppress.
    Please guide me how to implement this in rtf layout.

    At the top of your template put the following:
    Assuming that if P1 is not null, P2 and P3 are both null...
    Put <?if:$P1!=’’?> or <?if:$P1!=’NULL’?> before the beginning of your layout1. You may have to try one and then the other, or use NULL without the quotes, depending on what is returned in your xml data.
    Put <?end if?> at the end of your layout1.
    Repeat the same steps for layouts 2 and 3. Remember to change the P1 to P2 or P3 as needed.

Maybe you are looking for