XML Publisher template, Conditional Header

As part of the report requirement, I am displaying the some header field information as barcoded on my report. The report is working fine and for report with more than 2 pages it is displaying the barcode information on second page as per intial design.
Asa new requirement they want header fields to be barcoded only on the first page and in all additional pages for a record in the report the fields should be displayed normally. Is it feasible?
Please provide your inputs on this.

hi send me your template and xml to my email. i will try at my side.
email id : [email protected]
yes it is possible.
Different First Page and Different Odd and Even Page Support
If your report requires a different header and footer on the first page of your report; or, if your report requires different headers and footers for odd and even pages, you can define this behavior using Microsoft Word's Page Setup dialog.
Select Page Setup from the File menu.
In the Page Setup dialog, select the Layout tab.
In the Headers and footers region of the dialog, select the appropriate check box:
Different odd and even
Different first page
Insert your headers and footers into your template as desired.
At runtime your generated report will exhibit the defined header and footer behavior.

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    It is also mentioned in (Note: 276691.1 - XML Publisher and Concurrent Manager Integration). Anyway, the OP has already provided the solution without referring to any document which should be easy for those who may encounter the same issue.

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    The XML Publisher 5.0 Template Builder for Word is available on Metalink as a Patch:
    Patch 4239263
    Product XML Publisher
    Release Applications 11i
    Platform or Language -------- Platforms --------Microsoft Windows (32-bit)
    If you don't have access to Metalink, you can download a trial version of the standalone release of XML Publisher 5.5 from Oracle eDelivery:
    Product Pack Oracle Application Server Products
    Platform: Any (e.g. Window 32 Bit)
    The part number is B23145-01: "Oracle® XML Publisher CD/Media Pack".
    The Template Builder for Word is part of the "XML Publisher Desktop".
    HR Madrid

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    2)          G Supp Seq
    3) List G Audit
    4) G Audit     
    5)     C Line No / C Transaction / C Document
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    you can try to design the RTF by Regrouping the XML data based on your requirement then you may get proper order.
    Please see the Regrouping XML concept in the user guide.
    Prasad Raju

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    Best Regards

    there is some seeded variable available please read xml publisher developer user guide

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    Thank you

    Hi V. Piraba,
    Here is how it works for me in Microsoft Word 2003. I'm not sure if it will work in Word 5.6.2.
    Creating Subtemplates
    1) Make sure you fill in the “Territory” field when creating Subtemplates. Otherwise there will be no way to import the Subtemplate into another Template. The Import command requires the Territory field to call it from other Templates. You will get a big Java error if you try to import a Subtemplate that does not have the Terriroty field populated.
    Importing Subtemplates
    1) Place the following syntax at the beginning of your XML Publisher template to import a subtemplate (in Oracle Applications)
    <?import:xdo://XDO.[Template Code Name].English.US?>
    Example: <?import:xdo://XDO.WC_SUBTEMPLATE_LOGOS.English.US?>
    2) Use the following commands to importing Subtemplates from local/network drives (outside of Oracle Applications):
    <?import:file:C:/Temp/WC Subtemplate - Logos.rtf?>
    <?import:file:L://Templates/WC Subtemplate - Logos.rtf?>
    <?import: file:///C:WorkChemical.xsl?>
    You can email me at [email protected] if you have further questions.
    Hope this helps!

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    The patch number given in your reply doesn't seems to exist. Here is the patch number I found in Metalink.
    Patch 4239263
    Product XML Publisher
    Release Applications 11i
    Platform or Language -------- Platforms --------Microsoft Windows (32-bit)
    Last Updated 14-MAR-2005
    Size 31M (32764293 bytes)
    Thanks, Anbu Kuppusamy

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    It's for use when you upgrade your version of XMLP. When you load an rtf template via XMLP Admin it stores your original file and also converts it to XSL-FO. When you upgrade XMLP then the functionality changes and the XSL-FO it generates changes.
    The re-generate process rebuilds the XSL-FO for all the templates loaded into the database.
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    Message was edited by:

    As I have said before, you have to create a new template definition and assign the seeded data definition to it. Then you need to do the Purchasing setup as defined in the other thread:
    Logo on a Standard Purchase Order Stylesheet
    PO Output for Communication will automatically use the defined template when the Purchasing setup is completed.
    Please also see the white paper mentioned in that thread.

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    Can any one help me on this???????????

    I am very new to BI Publisher. We are a peoplesoft shop with SQL server. we do not have Enterprise so just using Peoplesoft delivered stuff. I saw your post that mentions headers. I am designing an invoice that has a header, summary and coupon section on the first page and then the header and the lines on every page after. My header is complex and have a logo, and all header information. All of that information in a table (multiple lines). I do not know what to do to make
    1. header appear on all pages.
    2. summary only appear on first page.
    3. coupon appear on the first page at the bottom and the second page (back of coupon) be blank. the customer is going to teat that portion and send it back with a check. So that is why it has to be blank.
    4. My first page information on is so much that it took almost 1 and 1/4 page in the design but it prints on one page though. Where should I start my detail (lines) page 3rd page or 2nd?
    I would really appreciate if you reply to this message at your earliest since I am runnning out of time and this must be done at the end of the month. My cell is 678-907-7331.

  • XML Publisher Template Selection Dynamically

    Hi All,
    I am new in XML Publisher domain and currently working on a report and I am able to generate EXCEL and PDF output using following steps.
    1.     Create RDF Report
    2.     Register as Executable and Created Concurrent Program WITH XML Output
    3.     Create RTF Template for PDF format
    4.     Create RTF Template for EXCEL Format
    5.     Register Data Definition (Concurrent Program short name is same)
    6.     Register Template 1 (Default type PDF and uploaded PDF template file)
    7.     Register Template 2 (Default type PDF and uploaded EXCEL template file)
    8.     Running the Report using FND Request Submission form
    a.     In Options Default is coming as EXCEL (only one template)
    b.     Change template to PDF generates PDF output
    c.     If added both the template another concurrent Program submitted (XDO) to generate both the outputs.
    I have few questions
    *1.* When I am submitting concurrent program how this form/concurrent program identifies default TEMPLATE (Excel or PDF)?
    *2.* I have one parameter in RDF to determine which layout I have to use (Dynamically)
    I found one procedure FND_REQUEST.ADD_LAYOUT to change the template code dynamically but this is not working (I tried this code in Before and After Report Triggers but without any luck)
    I don’t want to submit another request (1 default present in OPTIONS tab and one from AFTER Report Trigger)
    Using ADD_LAYOUT followed by FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT (XDO one to submit another request)
    My interpretation of ADD_LAYOUT procedure is
    This procedure set the package global (session) variables which are used by FND_REQUEST to identify template code and run XDO concurrent program to generate the actual output. But, when I submit the changes it picks template details from OPTIONS tab so ideally when I used this procedure OPTION tab values should change as per my selection? How can I change OPTIONS TAB values? Is it possible?
    It will be a great help if someone can explain me how can I achieve this result.
    Thanks & Regards

    You have another option which you can consider for this scenario.
    Have a single RTF template and attach this to data definition.
    Let this RTF conditionally choose the layout based on the input parameter.
    PDF layout
    <?end if?>
    EXCEL layout
    <?end if?>

  • XMl Publisher Template - Unable to repeat the outer group

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    I was using for-each:OUTER_GROUP and i was able to print only the first line of the INNER_GROUP. or for-each:INNER_GROUP and i was able print the lines but unable to print the header items, wondering how can i print outergroup items. (I saw that like '/' used to print outer group columns), Can someone advise me on this.

    Use as many '../' as needed to traverse up the path from where you are.
    Without seeing your xml structure, it would be difficult to provide the exact path the elements that you are trying to get to.

  • Need help on XML Publisher Template features

    We have a requirement to develop an Invoice Register report to display the invoices for a period. Details of each Invoice and Amount needs to be displayed in a single line. At the bottom of each page we have to display running total of the Invoices displayed till that page. At the beginning of each page we have to display the total amount of Invoices displayed in the previous page.
    We had developed the report using Reports Builder and registered concurrent program with output type as PDF. We are working in Spanish environment (UTF-8 character set). The report is working properly and producing output as required. But Spanish characters appear as junk character on the report. From Metalink Notes 443778.1 and 338990.1, I understand that PDF output in UTF-8 character set is not supported. We need to use XML Publisher to generate the PDF output.
    We have developed .rtf template. It is generating PDF output and Spanish characters appearing properly. But we are not able to get the running total at the bottom of each page or total of previous page amounts at the beginning of each page. In the output from Reports Builder, we could use various page level options (like reset at page level, etc.) to achieve the requirement. But in the template generated using .rtf, I do not have such options.
    I am not sure if there are advanced features in .rtf template to achieve the requirement. Could anyone please advise me how I can achieve the requirement? It would be great if you could provide me some reference.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Nabendu.
    BI publisher does have the option of showing a running total in PDF format usign a RTF template. If you look up the advanced rtf samples provided with the BI publisher plugin there is one example to show running totals, with the previous page total at the top.
    you can find this located on your PC where the Word Plugin is installed. C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\samples\RTF templates
    replace C:\ with the drive leeter of the drive where your desktop plugin is installed
    Hope this Helps,

  • 'Move order pick slip report' Report not picking XML publisher Template.

    SUB: i have to create one XML report on .RDF(move order pick slip report).
    Submitting procedure move order pick slip report : i have created one Discrete Job and released that Job, then Component pick release for that particular job. then move order number will generates. then automatically fires the 'Move Order Pick Slip' Report.
    NOTE: what i meant to say is i am not submitting the report from SRS window. it will fires automatically when Component pick release.
    For this i have taken .xml and generated .rtf according to my layout and i have registered with XML publisher also.it is correct . But while running the report i am geting output as XML codes not in template(wht i have .rtf) format.
    if i have to see the output in template from. (i have taken in conc program output as XML also) still same problem.
    please help me if anybody having solutions.

    Hi Valli,
    1:The first thing i would suggest that please check the BI Publisher version you are using (on apps/and on template builder also).
    2: In any case if your report is not picking up the template and generating the xml output , i suggest you to attach one program "XML Report Publisher" in your SRS.
    Oncwe you run your report and its generate the xml output. you have to take the request id & from view ---> submit request--->XML Report Publisher. run this request again.
    it will ask for the request id , select the appropriate request id and it will generate the pdf output as per your requirement.
    But this is temporary solution , i strongly recommend you to check the updated version of BI Publisher and instaal it on your oracle apps instance. also use the updated version of bi publisher for Layout(Template Builder).

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